The SiegeWorks:

Where ideas are forged into reality...

[The Siege Workshop]
Fire flickers fitfully somewhere inside this hazy room. Hammers can be heard ringing on anvils, nearly drowning out the sounds of boards being sawn and hammered together. In the smoky gloom of the workshop, something is taking shape...
Select a topic....
  • Digital Colouring Project:
    I've gotten a lot of black-and-white pencil artwork commissioned in the last few years, and I've been interested in seeing if I could colour it. This is my first attempt at it, working on a character portrait that David Nakayama did for me back in November 2005. ( It's Finished! MWahahahahaha!!! (^_^) )
  • Figure Drawing:
    Pictures of work from a Figure Drawing class I took at Sheridan college one year ago and finally got around to posting. (^.^)
  • Other Fanfiction Works:
    I finally got some of my City of Heroes fanfiction organized! Here it is in PDF-format files. Hope you enjoy it!
  • Colour Theory Project:
    Work from a colour Theory class I completed at Sheridan College last year. This picture was my final project for class.
  • 3-D Images:
    3-D images I've created with Real3D, a 3D modelling and rendering package.

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SkyKnight, The KnightWorks, and The Bubblegum Zone are ©1995-2008 Bert Van Vliet. Please feel free to email all comments to Bert Van Vliet. Page last updated on December 28th, 2007 [KnightWorks Logo]