********************************************************************** * The Penultimate Ranma Fanfic Index * * by Rakhal Stormwarden * * Version 1.103 date: 19th September 2005 * * * * Total Entries: 3280, total pages 221915, total complete 2025 * * * * Until work eases I'm going to go to a 4 weekly update schedule. * * Apologies, but I just can't manage the time necessary to do 2 * * weekly updates at present. * * * * Please send errors/comments to ranma@rakhal.com * * Donations: Use PayPal,send to ranma@rakhal.com * ********************************************************************** This file is an index of all the Ranma Fanfiction available in the R.A.A.C archives, including everything in the /Ranma directory there and all crossovers that I could spot in the other directories. This version covers all fics in the archives by 5th Feb 1999, many fics that were archived between 5th Feb 1999 and 5th May 2000, some later fics and some that are not in the archive. In particular if a long fic was started by that time, the index entry for it will cover all parts of that fic that were available (on the R.A.A.C, the FFML or on a webpage if I could find it) at the time that I indexed it. Since I read the fics alphabetically, this means that fics earlier in the alphabet are likely to have more parts released now than are covered in the Index. A second pass of the Index is in progress and will bring the coverage up to include all fics in the archives by 5th May 2000, including the newer parts of long fics. This is now 57.6% complete, All winners of the TASS awards are now indexed. These people have contributed reviews to the index: Corwin, Ginrai, Siaru. Thanks! Do you find the index useful? Is it worth something to you? Running this index costs $395/year and a LOT of my time. If you can afford it, and you feel that this index is worth it, then send a small donation via Paypal (www.paypal.com) to ranma@rakhal.com Format of an index entry (example entry) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Title: Mustard Girl (2) File: mb.ranma.mustard-girl (3) RAAC File: Marmalade-Boy/mboy.ranma.mustard-girl (4) Author: Urac 'Ratbat' Sigma (ratbat@rocketmail.com) (5) Webpage:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/1778 (6) Note: Stored in the Marmalade Boy directory in the R.A.A.C Archives (7) Crossover: Marmalade Boy (8) Created: 30-06-2000 (9) Crossover with Marmalade Boy. Rumi and Jin announce to a stunned Miki that they are getting divorced. Apparently they met this couple and they've decided to swap partners! The couple is Genma and Nodoka Saotome and all 6 of them move into a house together... (10) Sidestory: Mustard Girl Sidestory: Urusei Matsuura (11) Incomplete 38pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: The title of the fic. For multipart fics the number of parts that I could find at the time of the creation of the index will be listed in brackets after the title. The entry will only refer to the fic up to this point (mainly the page count).'*lemon*' after the title indicates a fic with explicit sexual activity in it. 2: File: Indicates the filename at the RAAC fanfic archives. (at ftp://ftp.cs.ubc.ca/pub/archive/anime-fan-works/ ) If this is not listed, it is the same at the TASS filename, and is stored in the Ranma directory. There may also be a FFML File: entry, which lists the filename in the FFML archives (at ftp.fanfic.com/pub/archive), or a Local File: entry (at www.rakhal.com/hosted/) 3: The Author or authors of the fic. With the email address in brackets following. Note that email addresses have a habit of going out of date, so the information may not be 100% accurate. In particular if there is no webpage listed for the fic, it means that I could not track down the fic on the web anywhere other than the Ranma archives In this case it's much more likely that the email address will be outdated since I probably just listed the address given in the fic. 4: The home Webpage of the fic (or as close as I could find!). I try to find the authors own page in preference for this entry, failing that any page that archives the story. Any fic in this Index that is not in the R.A.A.C or TASS archives will have an entry in this section. 5: Any other notes about the fic. If it is archived in the R.A.A.C archives, but not in the Ranma section, the section it is archived in will be noted here. In this example the fic is stored in the Marmalade Boy directory. 6: Crossovers. Lists series that this fics crosses over with. 7: When this index entry was created. NOT when the story was written. Modified here gives the date the index entry was last modified. 8: A short synopsis/teaser of the fic. I try not to give too much about the story away here, but I do try to give you enough to give you a good idea of what the story is about. 9: Listed here are the titles of direct sequels, direct prequels and sidestories to this story. Only direct sequels and prequels are listed (the stories that are just before and just after this story in sequence), to find the story 2 on in sequence (for instance) go to the entry for the sequel fic, and it will be listed as a direct sequel there. 10:The current status of the fic, and its length. Length is indicated in pages. One page is 2000 characters as far as I'm concerned (this is roughly the number of characters on a standard paperback book page) I've listed it as pages rather than as K, because I find it easier to visualise the length of a story that way. Other things that can be listed with a fic: Rakhal Likes: This indicates whether I liked a fic or not. Only fics read in the last 12 updates may have this on, older fics will be rated at a future update. 1 means I liked it, 2 means I liked it quite a lot. Awards: Lists the awards a fic has gained Flags: Lists categories that a fic may be in. The categories are: Comedy Makes you laugh. Dark Death, loss of hope, ruin e.t.c. Spamfic Short story, usually telling a joke. Alterverse Story set in a Ranmaverse that diverged from the canon before the start of the manga. Divergence Story which diverges from the canon story during the manga events. Continuation Story set after the end of the manga Drama A 'serious' story. Fusion A crossover story where one or more characters from one of the series' is replaced by a character from one of the others. Lemon Adult story. Don't read if illegal in your area. Songfic Lyrics to a song Teaser An introduction to a story, not really a story itself. Mystery A story that poses a puzzle for the reader to solve. WAFF Warm and Fuzzy Feeling. A Feel-good fic. Script The story is written as if it were a script for a play Character Study A detailed study of a character Metafiction Fanfiction about fanfiction Surreal Weird, mindboggling Spelling/Grammar. This indicates whether the story is free enough of these errors that they don't affect reading the story (Good), it has enough so that they are noticeable, but not enough to make it hard to read the story (Fair) or has enough errors in that reading the story is seriously impaired. Note that there is matchup data listed for a few fics. This may be a spoiler for the fics in question. There are bound to be many errors in a list this size. There are 3280 fics listed here. If anyone spots an error, especially incorrect email addresses or webpages, PLEASE let me know. Send email to ranma@rakhal.com. Also let me know if you find a homepage for a fic that is listed as not having one, I'd love to have more listed! If you are an author and you think I've written a bad synopsis for your fic (or anything else is wrong), please let me know and I'll fix things as soon as possible. Thanks to all the Ranma fic authors who have written the stories that have kept me entertained for the past 5 years as I've compiled this index. May you continue to write for many years to come. --Rakhal Stormwarden. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: 100 Percent Woman File: ranma.100-percent-woman Author: Mark Doherty (mdoherty@uq.net.au) Webpage: http://www.thetop.net/mdoherty/ranma/ranma.html Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Ukyo Flags: Drama/Comedy, Alterverse A retelling of the early part of the Ranma story and before. Here Ukyou's first meeting with Ranma (after the engagement) was during the period that he went to school with Ryoga, before the last training trip. When they meet again after Ranma's return from China, things are different... Incomplete 54pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: 11:11 (or Chronophobia) File: ranma.11_11-or-chronophobia Author: Ukyou Kuonji (ukyoukwnji@aol.com) Webpage: http://hometown.aol.com/ukyoukwnji/index.htm Flags: Dark, Spamfic Ranma has a little problem with a certain time of day. 11:11 to be precise, and it all started when Nabiki oh-so-helpfully pointed out that, on a digital clock, that time sort of looked like claw-marks... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: 15 Minutes of Fame File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara Flags: Spamfic Created: 22-02-2001 A man in a black trenchcoat wants to do something to the Pop group Hanson. And he knows just the man... Complete 1pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: 16 year itch *lemon* File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: T. Hentai Webpage: http://stfan.free.fr/ (archive site) Flags: Lemon, Quality Good Created: 27-06-2003 Kodachi lusts after her Ranma, and sometimes she needs to do something about it... Complete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: 2001, Odyssey 1/2 File: ranma.2001.odyssey-one-half Author: Jamie Wilde Webpage: http://www.gci-net.com/users/w/wildeman/ Crossover: 2001 A Space Odyssey Rakhal Likes: 1 NCA Astronaut Ranma Saotome is on the Discovery making a voyage to Jupiter. Along with him is Ryouga Hibiki, and in hibernaculums are Akane, Nabiki and Kasumi Tendo. And there's the computer, HAL, running the ship... Sequel: 2010 Second Odyssey Complete 52pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: 2010 Second Odyssey File: ranma.2010.second-odyssey Author: Jamie Wilde Webpage: http://www.gci-net.com/users/w/wildeman/ Crossover: 2001 A Space Odyssey Rakhal Likes: 1 9 years ago, the Discovery was left in Jupiter orbit, and the crew feared lost. Now China is sending a craft to recover the ship, claiming that it is now a derelict. The NCA does get some of it's staff on the ship though, Dr Tofu Ono, Ranko Saotome, Tatewaki Kuno, Dr Tsubasa Kurenai and Dr Ukyo Kuonji. For the Chinese we have Herb (commander), Shampoo Mousse, Pink, Link, and Dr Gai'do. Will this be a model of international cooperation, or will problems arrive? And what are the chances for the crew of the Discovery, stranded there for 9 years? Prequel: 2001, Odyssey 1/2 Complete 138pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: 2025.A New Beginning File: ranma.2025.a-new-beginning Author: Petes-kun A techno 2025 world, in the same vein as R2096. Sables as police officers, Miss Hinako in control of them, Priss singing on stage. Lots of new characters. Incomplete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: 3 1/2 's Company File: ranma.three-one-halfs-company Author: Gregg Sharp (kestral@mindspring.com) Webpage: http://www.asynjor.com/fanfic/sharp.html A couple of geeks can't make up their minds whether to watch 3's Company or Ranma 1/2. Toltiir makes up their minds for them.Ukyo and Shampoo share an apartment when Shampoo brings Ranma home from a curse support group meeting. He's ideal, He can be a girl when Tatewaki, the landlord comes round, and a boy (and Shampoos boyfriend) when Mousse comes around... Incomplete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: 8620 Yen *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.8620-yen Author: Juuichiketajin <11@onna.com> Webpage: http://www.geocities.co.jp/AnimeComic/9973 Flags: Spamfic Created: 09-03-2001 Ranma is getting desperate, and Akane isn't helping. After running through a few ideas, he realises that Nabiki is his only option. But he's a few yen short.. Prequel: The End of Akane's Rope *lemon* Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: 8 Days a week File: ranma.8-days-a-week Author: Nigel M. with help from RPM (No email) Rakhal Likes: 1 This is sort of a prequel to 'The More things Change' set 1 year before. It all starts with Nabiki playing practical jokes on Ranma. Then Akane makes some 'egg foo yung'. When Shampoo adds a few extra spices to it on the sly something VERY unexpected happens. More madcap events follow. In the slapstick style See Also: The More Things Change Complete 149pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===============================> A <================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Bad Idea was "Kidnap" File: ranma.a-bad-idea-was-kidnap Author: Rylan Hilman Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/rhilman/index.htm Flags: Surreal, Alterverse, Quality Fair Created: 08-03-2002 One day in the Ucchans, Ukyo has Ranma on the grill when the roof flies off, Ranma is deconsciousnessed and he is stolen away. He must be rescued, in a severely surreal way. Warning, unusual grammar, spelling and plot. Complete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Bengal Tale File: ranma.a-bengal-tale Author: Michael Fetter (jehtek@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/jehtek/ Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Dark, Drama,Alterverse,Quality Good Created: 12-06-2001 Akane and Soun fight at Jusenkyo, while Ranma and Genma do likewise. When Akane is knocked off a pole by Soun, Ranma is there to save her from falling. Which would be OK if Akane hadn't malletted Ranma into a pool for being a pervert! And even that wouldn't have been so bad if she hadn't send the already cursed Ranma into another pool later on, and then followed her in. Now Akane turns into a tiger, and Ranma has lost his male form altogether. He now is a girl normally, and a tiger when splashed with cold water. Not good when you are terrified of cats. Is Ranma's mind going to survive this? Sequel: A Bengal Tale 2: Ranma's Pride Complete 163pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Bengal Tale 2: Ranma's Pride (2 parts) File: ranma.a-bengal-tale-2.ranmas-pride Author: Michael Fetter (jehtek@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/jehtek/ Awards: TASS Mini Series;2001 May 3rd,2001 Oct 3rd Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Dark, Drama,Alterverse,Quality Good Updated: 19-10-2001 Created: 12-06-2001 Time has passed and Ranma is the leader of a pack of tigers in the wilds near Jusenkyo. He and Akane have built an almost idyllic life for them, even if Ranma's mind has not yet recovered from the Nekoken. Maybe that will change though? But whatever happens, the arrival of Nodoka promises to dramatically alter the life that Akane and Ranma have together. Prequel: A Bengal Tale Incomplete 31pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Better Future File: eva.ranma.amg.a-better-future Author: James Lee (jlee100441@aol.com) Webpage: http://jlee.anifics.com/index.htm Note: Stored in the Evangelion directory in the R.A.A.C Archives Crossover: Neon Genesis Evangelion, Oh My Goddess Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Dark, Alterverse Asuka is the only survivor of 3rd Impact, and she will soon go to join everyone she has known. But then Skuld appears to offer her a chance to make things all right with a wish. She wishes for the chance to prevent the 2nd and 3rd Impacts and winds up back in Nerima in 1997. Where to start? After Doc Tofu fixes her up, she winds up going to Furinkan high... Incomplete 27pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Better Life (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: DarkPhoenix/ranma.A-Better-Life Author: Jonathan Ford Webpage: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/60506/ Note: Fics can also be found at: http://florestica.com/dphoneix/index.htm Crossover: Sword of Truth Flags: Drama,Alterverse,Quality Fair Created: 20-04-2001 Genma is worried. He's got nothing left to teach Ranma, but he's not ready to head home yet. Have to go to China and find more to teach his son. Shortly after they arrive though, they run across a small temple that's under attack by armed men. Taking care of the problem is not too hard though using the Umisenken, but the dramatic use of chi attracts the attention of an old man called Li. He has a scroll that only the destined one can open. And when Ranma does open it, it tells him how to wield his innate magical powers, of a prophecy and a task he must train for to fulfill. Incomplete 30pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Better World than This File: ranma.a-better-world-than-this Author: Richard D. Lawson (sterman@uswest.net) Webpage: http://www.sterman.org/ Awards: TASS One Shots; 1998 Mar 1st Matchup: Nabiki+Tatewaki Flags: Comedy,WAFF, Alterverse Something Ranma said has set Nabiki to wondering. She's been a bit lonely and on the off-chance that maybe it could work here as well, she calls Tatewaki and sets up a picnic with him. While on the picnic they come to an understanding. Sequel: The Risk *lemon* Complete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: About Pride File: ranma.about.pride Author: S. JAMES (Condor1556@aol.com) Happosai glomps Ranma-chan again, and she punts him off into the distance. But this time he seems really angry. Then Ranma keeps getting into fights with people and losing, even to Gosunkugi! What's going on? Complete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Boy went up a Hill File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Ronny Hedin (thark@mangakai.org) Webpage: http://i99ronhe.island.liu.se/fanfic/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Otherwise known as Ranma and Akane's Excellent Adventure. Ranma and Akane search the world for a cure to Ranma's curse. Most of the rest of the cast search the world looking for Ranma and Akane.. Prequel: A Trail of Blood Incomplete 63pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Broken Casket (5 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kwokinator (kwokinator@animefanfics.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/ranma_saotome666/ Crossover: Sailor Moon Matchup: Mousse+Shampoo, Akane+Ryouga Flags: Dark, Divergence Updated: 06-12-2000 Created: 12-10-2000 Ryoga has betrayed Ranma and left him on a desert island, bound in chains. For 12 years he's been here, but after time, eventually he breaks the chains, and a bit later, he's even rescued. A bit too much time has passed however, and Ranma's sanity is not what it used to be. Nor is his respect for human life as he embarks on a bloody trail of vengeance and terror. Prequel: A Casket of Nannichuan Incomplete 31pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Brush with Death File: ranma.a-brush-with-death Author: Martin Bennett Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Continuation Akane eats some of her own cooking and is hospitalized. The race is on to save her.. Complete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Absolute Power Overcome File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Prospero Hibiki Webpage: http://prospero.anifics.com Flags: Dark, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 18-04-2003 Ranma's life has been a series of tests, preparing him for the task he might do. He thought that task was the defeat of Saffron, but the tests have continued. If killing a demi-god was just a test, what on earth is the real task? Incomplete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Abyss File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1613189 Author: Ufomanne Webpage: http://www.unspokensilence.net Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 26-11-2003 Ranma stands in his room. It is his room, and not his room as he wanders a house viewed through a dark lens, the inhabitants consumed by their own fears... Complete 21pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Academy Days (prologue, 2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Saki/ranma.academy-days Author: Saki Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama,Alterverse,Quality Good Updated: 03-10-2003 Created: 21-07-2002 Ranma is off to America to study. Nodoka feels that he's led the shiftless wandering life enough, and it's time for him to settle down. But how is a college in America going to react to an aquatransexual martial artist with a cat problem? Incomplete 52pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Call to Action File: sm.ranma.a-call-to-action Author: Mike 'Kino Makoto' Koos (makoto@cal.net) Webpage: http://www.fanfic.net/~makoto/ Crossover: Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 1 Nabiki's got a secret. Seems that for a few years she's has a side job, that of Sailor Terra! Things have been quiet on the Senshi front recently and, what with Ranma arriving, Nabiki has got a bit out of touch. But now things seem to be happening again... Incomplete 111pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Calming Influence File: ranma.a-calming-influence Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 03-05-2002 Whenever arguments break out, Kasumi is always there with a cup of tea and her calming influence to bring order again. How does she manage to do it? Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Casket of Nannichuan File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFML File: FFML-4/2000-12/16340 Author: James Barnhill Flags: Dark, Alterverse Created: 07-12-2000 Ryoga's memoirs and the tale of a secret that he's been hiding for 12 years. He's always hated Ranma. But one day after another argument between them, Ranma splashes Ryoga, and he doesn't change! Of course Ranma wants to know how, and Ryoga tells him of an island where he found some Nannichuan. He'll even show Ranma. But is he really so altruistic? Sequel: A Broken Casket Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Acceptance File: ranma.accpetance Author: Darren Demaine (horde@worldgate.ca) Webpage: http://www.telusplanet.net/~talan/fanfic.html Note: Filename is not a typo. Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama,Continuation Akane is critically ill in hospital. How will Ranma cope... Complete 33pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Acceptance [Master Magi] File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Master Magi Webpage: http://members.tripod.com/master_magi2000/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, Drama, Script, Quality Fair Created: 13-02-2002 Akane is worried. Ranma has been in the bathroom a long time. When she and Nodoka go up there, something is definitely wrong, Ranma is in girl form and throwing up in the bathtub. Apparently this happens every month and Ranma can't even change back while it's going on. Ranma has more problems as well, seems he can't get excited by girls OR boys. Nodoka thinks it's time Ranma came more to terms with his girl side, so for the next month, she's going to be her daughter... Complete 69pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Certain Distance File: ranma.xover.a-certain-distance Author: Robert Kelk (robkelk@ottawa.com) Webpage: http://robkelk.ottawa-anime.org/ Note: backup site at: http://www.ravensgarage.com/ Crossover: Oh My Goddess, Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane,Ukyo+Orig Flags: Drama, Continuation Created: 30-03-2001 Something dark cold and malevolent is entering the solar system, and two set of beings observe it. And one set is worried, setting a plan in motion. Furinkan High is having trouble finding the money to repair the school. The only solution is to get rid of the trouble makers. And so Ranma, Akane and Ukyo are transferred to Juuban High. Along with Skuld, they join the class where most of the Senshi study. All according to plan. Well, except for Skuld, who's causing Pluto some problems... Sidestory: A Certain Uncle or Two Complete 50pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Certain Uncle or Two File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Robert Kelk (robkelk@ottawa.com) Webpage: http://robkelk.ottawa-anime.org/ Note: This is a rendition of a shared idea by Tomas Megarson. Crossover: Oh My Goddess, Sailor Moon Flags: Comedy Created: 30-03-2001 Skuld returns Hotaru's silence glaive, but apparently she has to give Hotaru a wish. It's very important not to wish without thinking about it. Main Story: A Certain Distance Complete 1pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Change of Mind File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Liso/ranma.A-Change-of-Mind Author: Lucas Ricardo Liso Created: 16-02-2001 A strange boy falls from the sky into the Tendo Dojo. He's badly injured and the people that injured him have followed. About 15 ninjas. Ranma takes care of them and the boy is taken inside so that he may be tended. A lone ninja reappears and Ranma and Akane chase him. Meanwhile, the boy is dying and upon hearing that Ranma and Akane have taken off after the ninja, he gets very worried, asking Kasumi to help. Of course she will and the boy moves his mind into her body! He is Takeru Hattori and he knows a body swapping spell that those ninjas will stop at nothing to learn. The ninjas captured him before but he got away by stealing the body of one of his guards. Can he get his original body back from the ninjas? Complete 24pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Change of Scene (96 parts) File: ranma.a-change-of-scene Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Awards: TASS Mini Series;1999 Apr 3rd, 1999 May 2nd, 1999 Jun 2nd, 1999 Sep 1st, 1999 Annual 8th,2000 Jan 3rd, 2000 Oct 2nd, TASS Continuing Series;2001 Jun 3rd,2001 Annual 8th Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Shampoo+Orig, Nabiki+Tatewaki Flags: Drama, Continuation,Quality Good Updated: 23-08-2002 A story continuation from after the failed wedding. Both Akane and Ranma are very unsure of the others feelings and suspect that they had just agreed to marry out of duty. So they both independently decide to go to college to get away from it. Pity that they've both chosen the same college! Time for a talk. And you never know, maybe a change of scene will do them both good? Incomplete 453pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Child of Light, Born of Darkness (Prologue, 4 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: DarkPhoenix/ranma-sm.A-Child-of-Light-Born-of-Darkness Author: Jonathan Ford Webpage: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/60506/ Note: Fics can also be found at: http://florestica.com/dphoneix/index.htm Crossover: Sailor Moon Flags: Drama,Alterverse,Quality Good Created: 27-04-2001 Rini, or Black Lady as everyone calls her now has just discovered that she's pregnant! But how can she raise a child, and how can she allow Wiseman to use it as he surely will. She flees into the past to have her child, returning to the point she left and leaving little Endymion in the past. Where he was found by a desperate Genma, who had just failed to steal Ranma back after selling him. Well, this baby looks just like Ranma. And all goes as normal until Ranma finds a strange dark crystal in Genma's old backpack one day... Incomplete 50pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Child's Prayer File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Tabyk Webpage: http://www.tabyk.net Awards: TASS One Shots; 2001 Jul 2nd (tie),2001 Annual 4th Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Dark, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 21-01-2001 Nodoka has been summoned by the police to identify a small boy in the hospital. He's still alive, but he seems to be in some sort of psychotic state. It's Ranma, and he's just been through the Neko-ken training. He may be alive, but he's been hurt, physically and mentally. No child should have to suffer so... Sequel: Diary of a Mature Child Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Chinese Ghost Story File: ranma.chinese-ghost-story Author: Kahlil Noriega (becknkal@addax.bc.ca) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9371/ Ranma wanders China living the life of a travelling scholar. One rainy day she (as Ranko) is in an inn, when some of the patrons take too much of an interest in her. A serving boy gives his life for her and she flees into the woods. Chased by the men. Ryouga as a monk, Akane as a ghost, Ukyou as well.. Incomplete 123pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Christmas Gift File: ranma.a-christmas-gift Author: Orla (ladyorla@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~jaelle/Jaelle_Orla.htm Matchup: Ryoga+Ukyo Ryoga stands there disconsolate as Akane ignores him at the Tendo Christmas Party, Ukyo also watches sadly as she sees Ranma and Akane together. Neither can give their presents to the ones they intended, but maybe they can cheer each other up a bit... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Closed Circle File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Tabyk Webpage: http://www.tabyk.net Crossover: Ghost in the Shell Flags: Dark, Alterverse,Quality Good Created: 15-11-2001 Ranma has been challenged. By a giant cyborg called Chandler. The fight is fierce, and Ranma may only have a miniscule amount of ki now, but, as always, Ranma Saotome doesn't lose. Prequel: Memories of Home Sequel: Fragile Control Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Cold Wind Blows File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Aondehafka Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/aondehafka/index.htm Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Shampoo Flags: Drama, Adventure, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 15-11-2001 Akane is having strange dreams of climbing a cold mountain, and meeting a strange figure there. They always seem to come on nights after Ranma has really annoyed her. A misunderstanding regarding a kiss from Shampoo, and Ranma's usual foot in mouth technique proves the final straw, and Akane embraces the cold, learning from it a new and deadly technique, but paying a terrible price... Complete 77pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Colossal Waste File: ranma.a-colossal-waste Author: Ukyou Kuonji (ukyoukwnji@aol.com) Webpage: http://hometown.aol.com/ukyoukwnji/index.htm Flags: Spamfic, Continuation Ranma finally tells his mom the truth. Seems she was serious about that seppuku business.... Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Comedy of Blunders (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Growly-chan Webpage: http://ranmaverse.topcities.com/fanfics/growlyfics.html Matchup: Mousse+Tatewaki Flags: Comedy, Quality Good Created: 30-09-2001 Mousse hasn't got his glasses on again, but that doesn't stop him glomping Shampoo. At least what he thinks is Shampoo, even if she does feel rather like a man now. Must be Ranma's fault. It's Kuno that's been glomped and he's not amused. Even when Mousse asks him to marry him. Well, he is after all the much greater fighter. Flippantly he says that if Mousse beats him he will marry him... Incomplete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Across Honour File: Not stored in the Ranma archives Author: Bjorn Christianson Webpage: http://www.its.caltech.edu/~bjorn/fanfic/index.html Crossover: Excel Saga Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Comedy,Quality Good Created: 12-07-2002 Il-Palazzo has identified a possible obstacle to achieving the goals of ACROSS. Excel will end this threat! No-one must defy Lord Il-Palazzo! She will challenge this Ranma to honourable and single combat, lose, go off to train in far off and long-lost lands, eat really good Korean, come back even stronger and.... Complete 68pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Actions Speak Louder File: ranma.actions-speak-louder Author: TnekG (tnekg@aol.com) Flags: Continuation, Drama Business as usual. Muggings by Shampoo and Ukyou. Plans are made to take P-Chan to the vets to make him 'less aggressive'... Incomplete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Culinary Catastrophe File: ranma.a-cullinary-catastrophe Author: Martin Bennett Rakhal Likes: 1 Akane is determined that Ranma is going to eat the lunch she has made for him. After all, this one is good! It put up quite a fight before she got it in the lunch box... Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Day and a Night: Desperate Youth File: ranma.a-day-and-night.desperate-youth Author: Kyle Emmerson (prozium@telus.net) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/tydi-oh-ki Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 20-01-2003 Ranma is recovering in hospital from his run in with Mazuhara and the Paved Future when Ryouga is brought into hospital, badly injured. At the same time Ranma sees a news report saying that Ryouga is responsible for an explosion that killed a couple and is presumed to have kidnapped their daughter. Ryouga is placed in his room to recover but the police will take him as soon as he can be moved. There's more to this than meets the eye, and Ranma takes Ryoga from the hospital before the police can take him away. Just as well, as an explosion destroys the hospital room Ranma was in soon afterwards, killing three people. Now they're both wanted! It seems that Mizuhara wasn't the end of their problems... Prequel: A Day and Night in Tokyo Sequel: A Day and a Night: War of Flowers Complete 95pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Day and a Night: War of Flowers (prologue, 1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kyle Emmerson (prozium@telus.net) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/tydi-oh-ki Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 04-03-2004 Fame can be a nuisance. People just won't leave Ranma alone! Not even the CIA it seems when they turn up at the Dojo. Apparently they've know about Jusenkyo for years and now it has been conquered by the Musk. What's more apparently Herb has a spell that will allow him to absorb the true form of any Jusenkyo cursee, leaving them as just the curse. It's time to stop him, and his army. At least there are other cursees that will help. One person that will not come along, at least if Ranma has his way, is Akane... Prequel: A Day and a Night: Desperate Youth Incomplete 30pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Day and Night in Tokyo File: ranma.a-day-and-night-in-tokyo Author: Kyle Emmerson (prozium@telus.net) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/tydi-oh-ki Awards: TASS One Shots; 1999 Jul 2nd Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Ranma has gone, leaving a letter stating that he's ok, that he left because he wanted to, and that no-one should follow him. Akane is devastated, but after a while determines to follow him, with Ukyo. Even Nabiki is going to help. A chance encounter by Hiroshi and Daisuke gives them a lead and the chase is on... Sequel: A Day and a Night: Desperate Youth Complete 62pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Day in the Past File: ranma.a-day-in-the-past Author: Megane 6.7 (megane67@rogers.com) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/mst/ Flags: Drama, Character Study Akane reflects on her life before Ranma came.. Complete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Day in Ukyou's Heart File: ranma.a-day-in-ukyous-heart Author: Ironau (ironau@hotmail.com) Flags: Drama, Character Study A day in Ukyo's life as she watches Ranma and wonders how she can make him see her love for him. And how she can stop him falling further and further in love with Akane, despite all she does... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Day one pig would cry File: ranma.a-day-one-pig-would-cry Author: The Eternal Lost Lurker (lurkerdrome@megami.net) Flags: Comedy, Alterverse Soun thinks enough is enough with this P-Chan nonsense.... Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Addicted to Love (8 parts, 2 lemon interludes) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Christopher Olsen (gamers@prodigy.net) Webpage: http://todain.net/ecchihalf/christopherolsen/index.php?storyname=Addiction&filter=b Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane+Kasumi+Nabiki+Shampoo+Ukyo Flags: Lemon, Drama, Continuation Updated: 04-09-2000 Created: 01-09-2000 Continuation of the Bet entry, Addicted. Happosai and Mousse are fed up and hatch a plot to get their revenges. It involves drugged spaghetti, a party at the Tendo Dojo, and the record 'Addicted to Love'. The end result is a wild orgy in the dojo that none of them remember when they wake up! Of course a video was taken of the events by Mousse. That's not the only thing though, those herbs in the spaghetti do more than just induce lust... Reading order: 1-4, 4.5 (lemon), 5, 5.5 (lemon), 6-8 Original Version: The Bet: Addicted Incomplete 141pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Deadly Choice (prologue, 8 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Nidoking Webpage: http://nidoking.anifics.com/ Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 21-11-2003 Created: 02-05-2003 Ranma has been captured. Fastened to a wall a voice tells him that it's time for him to decide. Akane, Ukyo, Shampoo and Kodachi are also held prisoner and he must choose one in the next 5 minutes. Whichever one he chooses, the other three will die, if he chooses none, all four and himself will die. How did this situation happen? Well, it all started with Ryoga stealing Akane's panties... Incomplete 164pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Dearth in the Family File: ranma.a-dearth-in-the-family Author: B Jones (shunsuke@direct.ca) Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Kasumi+Tofu Flags: Drama, Alterverse What did Soun's wife die from. In this story Kasumi has the same disease. It can be cured, if someone will make the right sacrifice for her... Complete 20pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A December Gathering File: ranma.a-decmeber-gathering Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Awards: TASS One Shots;2002 Jan 1st Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, WAFF, Quality Good Created: 22-03-2002 The Tendo's are going to have a Christmas party! Akane is very excited and rushes to tell Ranma. Unfortunately Ranma isn't so keen on this party. Things are going really well between him and Akane and he doesn't want the local crazies making a mess of it... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Definite Change File: ranma.a-definite-change Author: Jason L. Langlois Webpage: http://free.prohosting.com/~jaimakun/ SI fic. The author is 'possessed' by the spirit of Ranma on a walk. And maybe by a bit more as well. Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Descent into Madness (4 parts, epilogue) File: ranma.a-descent-into-madness Author: Jessica Hodge (Bookie5409@aol.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/bookie5409/index.html Updated: 14-12-2000 It's a bad day for Ranma. Malletted into the pond by Akane (for insulting her cooking), ambushed by Shampoo and then by Kodachi, by the time Kuno turns up, he's had enough and Kuno goes flying. Kuno is not best pleased and finally, by invoking family honour, he persuades his father to reveal a family secret of madness that may be used against Ranma. Enter Kitiana... Complete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Devoted Son (6 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Silver Chocobo , Beige Chocobo Webpage: http://chocoroost.anifics.com/ Crossover: Ruruoni Kenshin Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 07-02-2002 Nodoka is out looking for her son one day. He has been involved with the Ishin Shishi, and has changed his name, as many did. He has red hair, with a cross-shaped scar on his cheek, and is now known as the Hitokiri Battousai. She must go to the Kamiya Dojo. When she gets there Kenshin is a little surprised to be embraced by this strange woman. Better let her stay though, it's not safe for her to be on the streets. Nodoka had a run-in with the police earlier, and had her sword confiscated for violating the ban. By one officer Saotome... Incomplete 86pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Different beginning (1 part) File: ranma.a-different-beginning Author: Thomas DBG Awards: TASS Continuing Series;2001 Nov 1st Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Poor Created: 23-12-2001 A letter arrives for Soun one day. It's Genma, saying that he's coming back from China and bringing Ranma with him. Be there in a week or so. Nabiki spots that something is odd and correctly deduces that there is an arranged marriage in the offing. Not surprisingly none of the Tendo sisters are keen on this and plot a way out of it. However what arrives is not Genma and Ranma, but a rather sad looking redheaded girl in the company of two policemen... Incomplete 21pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Different brand of Mousse (3 parts) File: ranma.a-different-brand-of-mousse Author: Mark Ferrer Mousse is defeated again fighting Shampoo. An older person offers to teach him new techniques that will make him invincible Incomplete 39pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Different Kind of Truth File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Digisim/ranma.a-different-kind-of-truth FFNET Id: 1427858 Author: DigiSim Flags: Dark, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 18-07-2003 Akane is dead, but she's left a letter for Ranma. Upon reading it Ranma realises how little he knew her... Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Different Path File: ranma.a-different-path Author: Andrea Colene (hueloovoo@aol.com) Flags: Drama, Alterverse Ranma falls into the Nyannichuan, and has a hard time keeping a big smile off her face as she chases Genma around the countryside. Inside she's always felt female... Incomplete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Different Take File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jim Bader (Shadowmane@ridgenet.net) Webpage: http://home.hostultra.com/~AngCobraFics/jimbader.html Matchup: Genma+Original, Soun+Original Flags: Alterverse Soun and Genma are in China training with Happosai when they are waylaid by Comb and Silk. Normally, although Genma prevails over Comb, Comb effectively defeats herself, but due to a little divine accident courtesy of a fleck of foam from Bacchus's cup falling in the Well of Mimir, Genma (and Soun) defeat their opponents more decisively this time. Now Genma and Comb live in the Amazon village with their 3 children, Ranma, Shampoo and Shanma. Meanwhile Soun and Silk are about to visit with their daughters... Incomplete 33pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Different Viewpoint (39 parts, 2 epilogues) File: ranma.from-a-different-viewpoint (parts 1-4) ranma.revelations-and-revisions (parts 5-9) ranma.confrontations-and-expectations (parts 10-12) Not Stored in the Ranma Archives (parts 13-39,epilogue 1-2) Author: Christopher Olsen (gamers@prodigy.net) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/1449/ Crossover: Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Kasumi+Orig Johnathan Dwire comes to Nerima to teach English. One day he notices a dark haired girl beating up about 40 students before work. Happens every day. She looks like she would know where Johnathan can practice his martial arts. Starts before the Manga, continues long after. Long complex story, involving many curses, Sailor Senshi, and loads of cats of various sorts. Sidestory: A different viewpoint: Sidestory Sequel: A Scary Difference (crossover) Sequel: A Different Viewpoint: American Vacation Complete 649pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Different Viewpoint: American Vacation (17 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Christopher Olsen (gamers@prodigy.net) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/1449/ Crossover: Sailor Moon, Kung Fu Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Kasumi+Orig Updated: 29-08-2000 Ranma, Akane, Johnathan and Kasumi head off to America to meet Johnathan's parents (and also to have a fun holiday). Sprinklers are a new hazard So are annoying people who take your wife off to the animal shelter for annoying the ducks. Usagi gets into trouble at home. Prequel: A Different Viewpoint Sequel: A Different Viewpoint: Curses and Demons Complete 313pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Different Viewpoint: Curses and Demons (12 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Christopher Olsen (gamers@prodigy.net) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/1449/ Crossover: Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Kasumi+Orig Updated: 04-09-2000 Created: 30-08-2000 Ranma, Akane, Johnathan and Kasumi are finally back home from their vacation, and it's time for Ranma and Akane to get married! But, as expected, things don't quite go as smoothly as could be hoped, when Kuno manages to splash both Ranma and Kasumi with some water from the Spring of Drowned Twins. Uh oh!, now there is a male and female Ranma, and a human and cat Kasumi. How is this mess going to be sorted out, and who is behind all of this? Prequel: A Different Viewpoint: American Vacation Incomplete 248pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Different Viewpoint: Sidestory File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Christopher Olsen (gamers@prodigy.net) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/1449/ Crossover: Sailor Moon The tale of Johnathan's first meeting with the Sailor Senshi and how they found out about each others secrets. Main Story: A Different Viewpoint. Complete 30pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Adjustments File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: D3jake/ranma.adjustments Author: D3jake Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 16-07-2004 Rod is going to have to stay with his cousins. Money is short and this will help out. His cousins are the Tendos in Nerima, so this is going to be quite a change for him. And how is he going to hide his little problem... that business about turning into a girl when splashed with cold water... Complete 26pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Duet of Pigtails (9 parts) File: Duet-of-Pigtails/ranma.mkr.duet-of-pigtails.[0-8] (9 files) Author: Libby Thomas (libby@bluebellknoll.com) Webpage: http://www.mitsukai.com Crossover: Magic Knight Rayearth Awards: TASS Mini Series;1998 Aug 2nd (her prelude), 1998 Annual 7th, 1999 Dec 3rd, 2000 Mar 3rd Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Ranma+Hikaru Shidou (MKR) Flags: Drama, Continuation Updated: 06-02-2001 2 years after Akane's death, Ranma meets a redheaded woman, who looks almost exactly like his girl side, in the Tokyo tower. The woman is Shidou Hikaru, the Fire Knight and Pillar of Cephiro, who had returned to Earth after Umi's betrayal of her with Lantis. The two are drawn to each other, and eventually marry. But trouble is brewing in Cephiro, and a few years later, war comes again. Reading order: The Age of the Black Blade, The Elegant World, Music Box Dancer, Fatherhood, parts 0-8 Sidestory: A Duet of Pigtails: The Age of the Black Blade A Duet of Pigtails: The Elegant World A Duet of Pigtails: Music Box Dancer A Duet of Pigtails sidestory: Fatherhood Incomplete 565pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Duet of Pigtails: Music Box Dancer File: Duet-of-Pigtails/ranma.mkr.duet-of-pigtails.music-box-dancer Author: Libby Thomas (libby@bluebellknoll.com) Crossover: Magic Knight Rayearth Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Ranma+Hikaru Shidou (MKR), Nabiki+Tatewaki Flags: Drama, Continuation Created: 04-02-2001 It's Nabiki's birthday, and Ranma has got her a special present. A little music box pendant. He's also taking her out for lunch as well. Unfortunately Nabiki mousetraps him into coming along for a Christmas trip with her, Tatewaki and Hikaru. Ranma has never got along with Tatewaki and this doesn't bode well. The trip does hold excitements, but not what Ranma was anticipating. Main Story: A Duet of Pigtails Complete 35pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Duet of Pigtails sidestory: Fatherhood File: Duet-of-Pigtails/ranma.mkr.duet-of-pigtails.fatherhood Author: Video Game Addicted Person Crossover: Magic Knight Rayearth Matchup: Ranma+Hikaru Shidou (MKR) Flags: Drama, Continuation Just after the birth of Hikaru's 2 children, a mistake from Ranma's past comes back to haunt him. Will it destroy the Saotome family? Main Story: A Duet of Pigtails Complete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Duet of Pigtails: The Age of the Black Blade (2 parts) File: Duet-of-Pigtails/ranma.mkr.duet-of-pigtails.age-of-the-black-blade Author: Video Game Addicted Person Rob Barba (rob@mitsukai.com) Webpage: http://www.mitsukai.com Crossover: Magic Knight Rayearth Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Hikaru Shidou (MKR) Flags: Drama, Continuation Created: 04-02-2001 Just after Akane's death, Ranma seems to have died too. He just sits in the Dojo, unmoving, not to eat, to drink or anything. But a woman is coming, called Fuitamu Keiei. A master of the sword, she holds a grudge against Hikaru, who defeated her in a contest years ago, and holds a flame for Ranma, to whom she had been promised in a deal between Genma and her father. Looks like another challenge has arrived at the Tendo Dojo, and for Hikaru. Main Story: A Duet of Pigtails. Complete 84pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Duet of Pigtails: The Elegant World (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Rob Barba (rob@mitsukai.com) Webpage: http://www.mitsukai.com Crossover: Magic Knight Rayearth Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Ranma+Hikaru Shidou (MKR) Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 20-01-2003 Finally Ranma screws up the courage to ask Hikaru out for a date, starting the slow process of courtship and also starting to put the past behind them for both of them. However both of them have things and people in their past that will not let go. Can their fledgling relationship survive all those that would challenge it? Main Story: A Duet of Pigtails Incomplete 177pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Adulthood of a Modern Dynasty (prologue, 17 parts,sidestory) File: Childhood-of-a-Modern-Dynasty/ranma.amd.* Author: Jim Lazar (jimlazar@animeprime.com) Webpage: http://www.animeprime.com/ff/index.shtml Awards: TASS Continuing Series; 2000 Jul 2nd (prologue), 2000 Aug 2nd (part 2),2000 Sep 3rd (part 3), 2000 Dec 1st (part 5),2001 Jan 3rd,2001 Mar 3rd,2001 Apr 2nd, 2001 Nov 2nd Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Ranma+Ukyo, Kasumi+Tofu, Nabiki+Mousse, Shampoo+Orig Flags: Drama,Continuation,Quality Good Updated: 20-01-2003 Created: 11-01-2001 Childhood is over, and now it's time for Jim Davidson to chronicle the next stage in the history of the Tendos, the Saotomes and their friends. 5 years on Ranma reads an article about what happened in Florida while the world gets to celebrate VB day, the anniversary of the triumph over the Buyierfei. In 2058, Jim starts his chronicle just as the first film based on his books comes out.. Reading order: Prologue, parts 1-7, Too Close to Call, parts 8-14 Prequel: Childhood of a Modern Dynasty Incomplete 796pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Adventures of Bokkenman File: ranma.adventures-of-bokkenman Author: Kuno Christoffel (deva@mail.wizard.net) Flags: Comedy, Alterverse Kuno is Bokkenman!, the caped crusader, and Kodachi is the Black Robin, his faithful sidekick.. Oh dear.. Complete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A face you can't forget (prologue) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Emi -chan Webpage: http://fubarfics.fubarinc.com/ Flags: Drama, Quality Good Created: 24-01-2003 Ranma has a run-in with Shampoo on the way to school one day. Predictably Akane leaves him, but so also does Shampoo. Ranma distractedly starts towards school again and bumps into a girl! She's beautiful... but she's also vaguely familiar... Incomplete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Faint Hope File: ranma.sw.a-faint-hope Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org), Mike Loader (mike@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~mike/transp.html Crossover: Star Wars Awards: TASS One Shots; 1998 May 1st, 1998 Annual 1st Rakhal Likes: 1 Starwars crossover. Princess Leia looks for a droid on which to record her message to Obi-Wan. Finding a nice R2 unit, she calls it to her, but changes her mind after it steals her undergarments! Later, a short red-haired girl uses that droid to record HER message. Speed Demon Kasumi the moisture farmer, Dark Lord Ono, Akane Soro and Nodoka Kenobi, who's after Obi-Wan for the alimony. Complete 103pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Fate worse than... File: ranma.a-fate-worse-than Author: Susan Doenime Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~mike/transp.html Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Spamfic, Continuation Ranma and Akane STILL wont admit they love each other, and Kasumi is looking at the recipe for Peppered Panda steak again. It's enough to drive Soun and Genma berserk. Then they hatch a cunning plan... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Fathers Wish File: ranma.xover.a-fathers-wish Author: Fire (dzillman@ozemail.com.au) Webpage: http://www.fire.duncanz.com/ Crossover: Many Flags: Spamfic, Alterverse Genma realises the implications of what has happened at Jusenkyo and commits seppuku to atone. But he's not content to leave it like that, he makes a dying wish that Ranma become the most powerful warrior possible! So starts a long string of adventures, and when he finally arrives at the Tendo Dojo, he is indeed quite powerful... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Feather in the Wind (13 parts) File: ranma.a-feather-in-the-wind Author: Ben Bradley "Atarukun" Webpage: http://www.okami-san.net/ Awards: TASS Mini Series;1999 Jul 3rd,2001 Dec 3rd Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane,Ryoga+Orig Updated: 08-02-2002 Akane's cooking again. And this time she's doing well! Ranma stopped breathing for a while after he tried it! Whups. Well, a few days later a fair comes to town. Good thing to take people's minds of things and to have a good time. Ranma and Akane go. While there, they check out an attraction that will let them see a real live Angel! But the 'Angel' is miserable as a captive, and when Ranma and Akane frees her, she is very grateful. The owner is less grateful though, and has a gun... The 'Angel' is Feather, a girl with wings, and someone about to form a large part of the lives of the Nerima gang. Incomplete 324pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Fine Day File: ranma.a-fine-day Author: Bjorn Christianson Webpage: http://www.its.caltech.edu/~bjorn/fanfic/index.html Awards: TASS One Shots;2001 Apr 2nd,2001 Annual 8th Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Comedy,Quality Good Created: 04-05-2001 A new day dawns. And Ranma is having a good day for a change. Everything is going just fine. Nothing can go wrong today! Complete 19pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Fistful of Tendous (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kevin D. Hammel (khammel@pacbell.net) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~khammel/ Note: This fic is a crossover between the two fics 'Children of Fire' and 'Honor and Love' Crossover: Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 26-11-2000 Feldspar is determined to prove herself to her older sister and get her rank back. She's got a book that will let her open a dimensional gateway to somewhere other than Tokyo. And it does! Pity it sucks her, Tourmaline and Moonstone through on a one-way trip. When they arrive at their destination, there seem to be some Sailor Senshi there as well! Seems that Europa, Charon and Titan have been sucked through too, from the Honor and Love world. Can they all get along and not kill each other? Can they find out where the heck they are and get home! Incomplete 30pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Fresh Start File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Cricket Webpage: http://briandrozd.anifics.com/chouko.htm Created: 05-01-2002 Kodachi hates her life, everything she does, and everyone in it, including herself. But one day Akane says Hi to her. Maybe it's time for her life to take a turn for the better? Complete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Friend who cares File: ranma.a-friend-who-cares Author: Brandu' Flags: Spamfic, Continuation A girl talks to her pet about life and Ranma by a pond. Complete. 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: After All This Time File: ranma.after-all-this-time Author: Will Baird (No email) Awards: TASS Awards; 1995 Annual 14th (tie) Akane and Ranma are still fighting. But Akane would like to find out what Ranma really feels about her and plans to get him alone to talk about it. Of course nothing quite goes to plan. Especially when Akane collapses. And then Nodoka turns up, and later Happosai gets really mad with Ranma. Incomplete. 84pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: After Black File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Joseph Palmer (jpalmer@josephpalmer.com) Webpage: http://www.josephpalmer.com Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: WAFF, Continuation Sequel to the events in Black. A short talk with Soun. Prequel: Black Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Aftermath File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kevin D. Hammel (khammel@pacbell.net) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~khammel/ Flags: Drama, Continuation Created: 30-11-2000 Ranko has her new teammate now, but what of the others that were left behind? Nodoka in particular? Prequel: Ascension Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Aftermath: A Story of Blended Cliches File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1769554 Author: Trimatter Webpage: http://home.austin.rr.com/trimatter/ Note: Spelling/Grammar is Fair initially, but improves later. The interlude story 'Recruiting' is at: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2607360/1/ Crossover: Sailor Moon, Tenchi Muyo, Oh My Goddess, Tenshi na Konamaiki, The A Team Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Ranma+Tenchi Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Updated: 17-11-2005 Created: 15-09-2005 After a six year absence Nabiki spots Ranma at a cafe. A lot has changed after Genma threw Ranma out. Ranma was locked then, but now she has accepted being a girl and is happy that way. She's even married! And that's only the start of the incredible things that have happened to her, as an increasingly amazed family finds out when she visits. How on earth did this all happen... Incomplete 896pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Afternoon of an Ukyou File: ranma.afternoon-of-an-ukyou Author: Gregg Sharp (kestral@mindspring.com) Flags: Dark, Alterverse Ukyou came with Ranma as children, but later Ryouga kills Ranma near Jusenkyou. And there's this very odd spring there... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: After the Flesh File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: D B Sommer (sommert@connecttime.net) Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/dbsommer/index.htm Crossover: Nuku Nuku Flags: Fusion, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 15-10-2001 It's Shampoos birthday. Cologne seems to have forgotten though. Never mind, it's time to celebrate it with Ranma. Unfortunately he seems to have left on a training trip with Akane. Maybe a visit with Ukyo to plan would be good. Unfortunately she's gone to Kyoto. Even Mousse doesn't want to spend time with her, he's going out with Akari! No-one has remembered her birthday at all... Complete 23pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: After You (5 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: nakigoe-chan Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/ayongedarling Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Mystery, Romance, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 12-08-2002 Ranma loves Akane, he loves her enough to give her up as she found out too late in the aftermath of another fight. Eight years later, Akane is a struggling actress wondering where her next meal is coming from when Nabiki turns up with an opportunity for her. It's a part in a play called 'After You', which feels like it's all about Ranma and Akane, even if it isn't. She gets the part as well, and the person that gives her the good news is Hikaru Gosunkugi. Later than night she runs into Hiroshi. Just like old times. But things turn dark rapidly as Hiroshi is killed. Nabiki knows someone who can help in situations like this, and help is badly needed as things go from bad to worse... Incomplete 81pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Again we meet File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Durandall Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/brandall/index.htm Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Ukyo Flags: Drama, Continuation Created: 30-01-2001 8 years on, Ukyo is walking the streets on a snowy night when she meets someone from the past, someone she really hoped she'd never meet again. It's Ranma, and he's also got a story to tell. Seems that things really didn't go that well between him and Akane... Complete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Age Don't Matter (7 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Nikholas F. Toledo Zu (Switch) Webpage: http://nftzu.anifics.com/fanfics.html Flags: Alterverse,Drama,Quality Good Created: 25-07-2002 Ranma arrives at the Tendo Dojo 3 years earlier than normal. Concealing his girl form is a little easier at that age, and the Tendo sisters are a little different as well. Kasumi for instance is into Rhythmic Gymnastics and is very good, as she demonstrates on the hapless Ranma, Akane latches on to Genma-Panda and appropriates him as her favourite cuddly toy, and Nabiki tries to work out what Ranma is. What does Ranma think of all this? Incomplete 35pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A General Time Paradox (19 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Nidoking Webpage: http://nidoking.anifics.com/ Crossover: Sailor Moon, Slayers, Tenchi Muyo, Blue Seed, Pokemon Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 22-01-2004 Created: 10-08-2001 Beryl needs a plan. Her generals are dead, and Tuxedo Mask is on the the other side again. But her 5th General, Chronite can help. He has the power to cross dimensions and bring in powerful warriors to help. Ranma is one such warrior, he and Akane are abducted, and Akane is sealed in a crystal. Unless Ranma does what Beryl wants, which is to kill the Sailor Senshi, the crystal holding Akane will be shattered, killing her. But Ranma is not alone, Lina Inverse is fighting alongside him, as well as Ryoko, not to mention later arrivals... Incomplete 456pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Gent from Nerima File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jim Bader (Shadowmane@ridgenet.net) Webpage: http://home.hostultra.com/~AngCobraFics/jimbader.html Ranma talks into a dictaphone held by Nabiki. He's been persuaded to give his version of the events of one crazier than usual day, even if he is convinced that Nabiki is going to blackmail him. It all started when Ryoga 'reminded' him that Akane's birthday was coming up... Complete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Gentle Touch File: ranma.a-gentle-touch Author: Kiwi Noriega (becknkal@addax.bc.ca) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9371/ Ukyo is feeling lonely one day when she finds a small black pig huddling outside her door. She brings Ryoga in and they talk about their problems. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Gift for Mom File: ranma.a-gift-for-mom Author: Adrian D. Moten (raemowse@aol.com) Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/admoten/index.htm Awards: TASS One Shots;2000 Dec 1st,2000 Annual 9th Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Continuation, Character Study Created: 25-01-2001 Ranma has a problem. Christmas is coming and he wants to buy a present for his mother. But what. Akane thinks maybe chocolates, but he doesn't want to get her fat. Kasumi thinks flowers, but the florist is shut for two weeks, even Nabiki has an idea, and a loan to make it possible... Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Girls Dreams (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kit'ari Webpage: http://jeruind.i8.com Flags: Drama, Quality Good Created: 27-06-2003 It's Akane's first day at Furinkan High. A big change for her, and when she arrives, an even bigger shock awaits her! A boy actually notices her, giving her a rose, and reciting poetry. She's popular at last... Incomplete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Glimpse into the Shadow: Enter the Lost Boy File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: The KingKiller (lynch@surfshop.net.ph) Webpage: http://go.to/LeeKing Created: 20-07-2000 A bird sings in the forest, but not for long as a wild child called Ranma leaps at it and kills it. His mind gone feral, he lives as an animal. Until one day, a lost boy meets up with him. Prev in Series: Interview with the Wild Stallion Next in Series: A Glimpse into the Shadow: He Shall Come From the Shadows Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Glimpse into the Shadow: He Shall Come From the Shadows File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: The KingKiller (lynch@surfshop.net.ph) Webpage: http://go.to/LeeKing Created: 20-07-2000 Ranma is coming. Soun gets his daughters together for the happy event. Ranma is coming indeed. In a fast sports car, coming to get what he thinks is a rightful entitlement. Prev in Series: A Glimpse into the Shadow: Enter the Lost Boy Next in Series: A Glimpse into the Shadow: Payment Complete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Glimpse into the Shadow: Payment File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kelvin Lee (lynch@surfshop.net.ph) Webpage: http://go.to/LeeKing Created: 20-07-2000 There's a new nightclub. Unfortunately it's in the wrong territory, and Ranma is going to pay the owner a visit to make sure that he pays his dues to his boss... Prev in Series: A Glimpse into the Shadow: He Shall Come From the Shadows Sidestory: Part of Your World Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Glorious Day File: ranma.a-glorious-day Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Spamfic, Alterverse Akane sells her soul to the Devil Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Goddess and a half File: ranma.amg.a-goddess-and-a-half Author: Quek Kwang-Ee Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/3583 Crossover: Oh My Goddess Ranma becomes a goddess due to Skulds brother mucking around. He's the Goddess of the Physical Arts. He promises to keep Miss Hinako in adult form. Chaotic. Incomplete 19pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Goddess' Dilemma (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Mike 'Kino Makoto' Koos(makoto@cal.net) Webpage: http://www.fanfic.net/~makoto/ Note: Stored in the AMG directory in the R.A.A.C Archives. Crossover: Oh My Goddess Awards: TASS Mini Series; 1998 Nov 2nd Rakhal Likes: 2 Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 06-07-2004 The demon assigned to Ranma has returned from holiday and is surprised by the turn of events. There's an opportunity here though. Meanwhile Ranma is not too pleased with Akane and the goddesses at present. Alone in his room, Ranma is ripe for Nemi to snatch... Incomplete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Good Day (2 parts, 1 sidestory) File: Not Stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Bryan T Neef (bneef@ice.net) (part 1-2) David Stanley (arashihawk@worldnet.att.net) (sidestory) Andrew Norris (setsuna@setsuna.anifics.com) (part 2) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Pagoda/3719/fiction.htm Note: Part 2 is a pre-reader version, stored at http://setsuna.anifics.com/myfanfic.htm Crossover: Tenchi Muyo Updated: 01-08-2000 One year after Ranma left (in One Bad Day). she returns, still in girl form with a few new friends, Tenchi, Ryoko, Aeka and the others. It's time to wrap things up. Reading order: Sidestory(Akane's Scar), Parts 1-2 Prequel: One Bad Day Incomplete 44pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ah!! Ranma-sama File: ranma.amg.ranma-sama Author: Richard Beaubien (beaubird@anime.sobhrach.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~beaubird/ Crossover: Oh My Goddess Kuno dials out for Ramen one day and gets Belldandy. He wishes for the love of the pig-tailed girl... Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Haunting Past (prologue, 2 parts) File: ranma.a-haunting-past Author: Ryan G (rgpinoy201@aol.com) Ranma has a dream. Where he, in girl form, talks to a strange man and asks to be set free. The next day he keeps thinking about this. Until, that is, a strange ninja attacks. This guy is good. Very good indeed and if it were not for Ryoga's help, Ranma would have been beaten. What is going on? Incomplete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Healers Art (5 parts) File: ranma.a-healers-art Author: Deep Quote Webpage: http://www.deepquote.f2s.com Awards: TASS Continuing Series;2000 Dec 3rd,2001 Apr 1st Flags: Drama,Continuation Updated: 19-05-2001 Created: 23-01-2001 A man is dying from a heart attack, the power and the emergency backup have failed, things look grim. But Ranma steps in, and using his chi in an unusual way, shocks the man, restarting his heart. Not the first time he's done that sort of thing either, he's a good E.R. physician. But how did Ranma end up here? Incomplete 31pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ah! My Pigtailed Goddess *lemon* File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Sunflower Webpage: http://stfan.free.fr/ (archive site) Flags: Lemon, Quality Good Created: 27-06-2003 Ranma's attempt to get Akane a negligee as a present backfired badly as an irate Akane attacks him. Depressed, Ranma wanders the wet streets of Nerima until by chance the small girl meets Kuno... Complete 14pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ah! My Ranma One Half (4 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 2574629 Author: Ozzallos Webpage: http://www.dreamops.com/Fiction/omr.htm Crossover: Oh My Goddess, Tenchi Muyo Rakhal Likes: 2 Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 17-11-2005 The fight between Ranma and Saffron was so intense it caused major problems in Yggdrasil, the mighty computer that controls all Creation. After everything has died down, Skuld and Urd, who are there trying to fix things discover that a couple of files are corrupted. Seems a god and a mortal were fighting and one died. Their two files are corrupted, but the one for Ranma can be salvaged. Since Ranma was the survivor, obviously Ranma must have been the god, so start from there... Incomplete 189pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ah! My System Bug File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1101960 Author: Gekingengar3 Crossover: Oh My Goddess Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 02-05-2003 Genma prepares to teach Ranma the Neko-ken. The pit is ready, the cats are there, Ranma is wrapped in fish sausages and in he jumps. Meanwhile up in Asgard, Skuld is bughunting. She's nearly got her bug when another bug appears. This one is a special bug. An incredibly powerful Type 5 bug, only the second in all creation. It soon vanishes, travelling to Ranma, where it takes pity on the tormented child. Using the power of chaos it heals Ranma, but that also changes him, making him a being of chaos too. And so starts a friendship between boy and bug. What is Kami-sama's interest in all this? Incomplete 34pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Horse is a Horse, Unless... File: ranma.a-horse-is-a-horse-unless Author: Coutuva (coutuva@vecdev.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Bay/9295 Set in the Ranma Nibunnoichi Universe. 10 years on, Ranma and Akane go riding. But Ranma's horse is more than a little odd... Prequel: Almost a Miracle: Of Curses and Dragons Complete 23pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Human Saiyajin (5 parts) File: ranma.dbz.a-human-saiyajin Author: Michael Fetter (jehtek@hotmail.com), Kaz Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/jehtek/ Crossover: Dragon Ball Z Awards: TASS Crossover Mini Series;2001 Apr 2nd, 2001 May 1st,2001 Oct 1st 2001 Annual 2nd,2002 Mar 3rd Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Vegeta Flags: Dark, Drama,Continuation,Quality Good Updated: 05-01-2002 Created: 30-05-2001 Cell has come to Nerima. and none can stand before him. In one desperate battle after another, Ranma and the other Neriman martial artists struggle to halt the monster, but one by one they fall, their energies drained. At the last, Ranma fights Cell alone, and then she falls too. But before she dies, unexpected help arrives. What will Ranma do now that all she cares about is dead? Only vengeance remains. Or does it? Sidestory: Width of a Circle Incomplete 141pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Human Super-Saiyajin File: ranma.dbz.a-human-super-saiyajin Author: Orlando Pedrajas (pedrajas@fuse.net) Crossover: Dragon Ball Z Ranma fights with Genma, Ryouga wanders around, and in the DBZ world Goku and co are fighting a bit. Ranma climbs a tower. Incomplete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Aijin *lemon* File: ranma.aijin Author: Caroline Ann Seawright (kunoichi@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~kunoichi/kunoichi/fanfics.html Matchup: Ryoga+Akari Flags: Lemon, Continuation A man and a woman come together on their wedding night. As they do, the man remembers his path to that day... Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Aijou & Aitou (18 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1674522 Author: JohnnyG Webpage: http://www.computersensa.com Rakhal Likes: 2 Flags: Divergence, Drama, Quality Good Updated: 13-07-2004 Created: 22-04-2004 Akane remembers the past and wishes things could have been different, starting at the time she found out about P-Chan. It really started a bit before that when the arguments over P-Chan escalated to a new level, building the tension between them. When a stumble by Kasumi results in Akane getting drenched in hot water while carrying P-Chan, the sparks really fly as Akane lays into everyone, changing things dramatically. Incomplete 262pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Air Ranma (5 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Tabyk Webpage: http://www.tabyk.net Crossover: Air Master Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Alterverse,Quality Good Updated: 04-03-2004 Created: 17-10-2003 Ranma came to Nerima on his own after problems in China. He moved in with Nodoka and is now about to go to school. It's going to be hard though. He just knows that everyone there is going to think he is a freak. There aren't many 2m 14cm boys around after all. And then there's the curse... Incomplete 29pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A.K.A. Akane-chan File: kor.ranma.aka-akane-chan RAAC File: KOR/kor.ranma.gz Author: Anime Apocrypha Productions [Jeff] (No Email) Note: Stored in the KOR directory in the R.A.A.C Archives Crossover: Kimagure Orange Road The Akane from the KOR Universe falls out of her chair and cracks her head. The Akane from the Ranma 1/2 Universe gets hit with a trash-can (containing Onna-Ranma). The two Akanes swap places... Incomplete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Akane File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 797220 Author: BlizzardAngel Flags: Drama, WAFF, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 13-04-2003 Ranma and Akane have had a really bad fight and when Akane tries a wedding dress on for a friend, Ranma jumps to the wrong conclusion. How are they going to patch things up this time? Incomplete 73pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Akane 1/2 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Michaud/ranma.Akane-1-2 Author: Eathan Michaud Webpage: http://ryuumi.tripod.com Flags: Divergence, Drama, Quality Good Created: 08-02-2002 Keidanko needs some help. He's picking up a computer and can't manage it by himself. A quick trip to the specially reinforced Nerima branch of Circuit City, and they have it. A few days later Ranma is using the computer when he stumbles on a strange file. It's a fanfic! Wouldn't it be a cool idea if they all got together to write a little story... Incomplete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Akane can cook File: ranma.akane-can-cook Author: Jack Staik (jstaik1043@earthlink.net) Webpage: http://home.earthlink.net/~jstaik1043/otaku.htm Flags: Spamfic, Continuation Ukyo finds Ranma at lunch, and she's got his favourite. Extra-large okonomiyaki with triple everything. But Ranma isn't interested. Akane has made him lunch today, and she's got a great new cookbook! Yum! Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Akane Chronicles: Legend of the Green Dragon (5 parts, epilogue) File: Akane-Chronicles/ranma.ac.legend-of-the-green-dragon.* (parts 1-4,ep) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (parts 5) Author: Jenna Lee (jlee011@sprintmail.com) Webpage: http://linlee.net/ Awards: TASS Continuing Series;2000 Oct 3rd (part 4) Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Continuation Ranma, Ryoga, Mousse, Shampoo and Ukyo are on a trip in China attempting to find Akane, who was kidnapped following an argument with Ranma. They find her, but she doesn't remember them. She's an Amazon as well now, from the Green Dragon tribe. Not just that, she's the Green Dragon herself, with great powers and a prophecy that she must fulfill. Can Ranma win her back? Sequel: Akane Chronicles: The Eternal 'Loved' Boy Complete 79pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Akane Chronicles: Obedience (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jenna Lee (jlee011@sprintmail.com) Webpage: http://linlee.net/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Continuation Updated: 08-12-2000 Akane's getting better, she can actually make Ranma sweat a bit in practice now. But she'd still like to humble him a bit. Happosai would REALLY like to humble Ranma after he gives away all his underwear collection. This necklace should do the trick. It will make Ranma obedient to him. Unfortunately Ranma and Akane overhear that bit, and Ranma thinks that by wearing the necklace he can order Happosai around! Unfortunately the pendant works the other way around, and now Ranma is obedient to Akane... Prequel: Akane Chronicles: The Eternal 'Loved' Boy Complete 25pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Akane Chronicles: The Eternal 'Loved' Boy (4 parts) File: Akane-Chronicles/ranma.ac.eternal-loved-boy.* Author: Jenna Lee (jlee011@sprintmail.com) Webpage: http://linlee.net/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Continuation Akane is back to normal, well, nearly anyway. Ukyo is tired though, she was up most of the night, and she's got a busy day today as well. She's got a few more problems as well now as Sumatra, another chef, attacks her for some offence she has committed in the past. Fortunately Ryoga steps in when she falls under his bombs, but she's not in a good condition to run her restaurant later. Ryoga, Ranma and Akane step into the breach. That is until Ranma starts commenting about Akane's cooking and a fight breaks out. Later the three wind up at the Nekohanten where they have some Ramen. Unfortunately Ryoga's ramen was drugged, and it seems that it's had the effect of making Akane and Shampoo fall in love with him! What to do? Prequel: Akane Chronicles: Legend of the Green Dragon Sequel: Akane Chronicles: Obedience Complete 58pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Akane Gets Drained File: ranma.akane-gets-drained Author: Mike Rhea (michaelrhea@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://rei.animenetwork.com/ranchan/ Matchup: Ranma+Ukyo Flags: Alterverse Ranma is late for school. Akane didn't wake him up. He meets Ukyo on the way and they arrive together, making Akane jealous. A remark by Ukyo sets Akane off, but Miss Hinako stops her in her tracks... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Akane no Abazureonna (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1300154 Author: Joe Fenton (jlfenton65@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/jlfenton65/index.html Flags: Comedy,Alterverse,Quality Good Created: 29-05-2003 Ranma is coming and Soun needs to tell his daughters! Kasumi and Nabiki are no problem, but then there's Akane... This Akane is a little different. She's more than a little violent, and she loves beating people up, as a hapless Ranma discovers to his cost... Incomplete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Akane no Ranma (10 parts, 1 lemon sidestory) File: ranma.akane-no-ranma (parts 1-10) Lemon/ranma.lemon.akane-no-ranma.side-story (sidestory) Author: Nibun Yuri (nibunyuri@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://members.xoom.com/nibunyuri Flags: Dark, Continuation A field trip, to the seaside and a picnic leads Akane and Ranma to finally admit their love to each other; at least enough for them to share a passionate kiss. But it's a kiss that was witnessed, and when Shampoo hears of it, she vows that Akane's worst nightmare will come true. And courtesy of a powder, it does when Akane and Ranma share another kiss. In that kiss, Akane unwittingly poisoned Ranma, who dies minutes later. Can Akane cope with the knowledge that Ranma is dead and that she, at least in her mind, was partly responsible for it? Reading order: 1-5, sidestory, 6-10 Incomplete 67pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Akane Phobia File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jose Argao Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/ex_fuk Matchup: Ranma+Ukyo Flags: Drama, Quality Good Created: 06-02-2002 All that malletting has taken it's toll. Ranma drags himself to Tofu's after the latest incident, and when he gets home again, a sense of dread feeling. Dreams of hammers flying at him plague him, and when he finally sees Akane the next morning it's too much. He runs in fear. Ranma has developed full-blown Akane-phobia... Complete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Akane por siempre File: ranma.akane-por-siempre Author: Ricardo Martinez Garza (No email) Awards: TASS Awards; 1995 Annual 7th (tie) Akane is dying slowly, and nothing anyone can do seems to help her. When she finally dies, Ranma is overcome with grief. Until Akane appears at her window while he's in her room. He lets her in and they kiss, and she bites his neck and drains his blood. Akane has become a vampire. How did this happen, and can she be cured? Complete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Akane Remembered File: ranma.akane-remembered Author: Andrew Eoff (eoff@itsnet.com) Flags: Dark, Continuation Just after Ranma and Akane finally get together, Akane dies. Ranma can't cope with this, and over the next month changes, before finally vanishing on a quest to somehow bring Akane back. Complete 24pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Akane's Breakfast File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Master Jahaj Webpage: http://masterjahaj.hypermart.net Flags: WAFF,Quality Good Created: 11-05-2001 Ranma wakes up one day knowing that something is wrong. And after a while he finds out what it is! Akane is cooking. Got to find some way to escape the terrible fate that approaches... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Akane's Delirium File: ranma.amg.akanes-delerium Author: Stuart George (entropy@break.com.au) Crossover: Oh My Goddess Akane looks for divine help to be more feminine, Mara thinks that Akane would be great to break up Keiichi and Belldandy and Ranma gets kicked out by Kasumi. Incomplete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Akane's Haircut File: ranma.akanes-haircut Author: Dot Warner (dot_warner17@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://dotwarner.topcities.com/ Flags: Drama, Quality Good Created: 01-11-2001 Kasumi trims Akane's hair after the accidental haircut. Akane remembers and thinks Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Akane takes to water File: ranma.akane-takes-to-water Author: Martin Bennett Principle Kuno is going to shave Ranma's head unless Akane can win the swimming competition! Time for some training... Complete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Akane the Psychotic Maniac File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Flags: Spamfic Created: 20-12-2000 Ranma is watching the Three Stooges, when Akane comes in with his dinner. Predictably, the mallet is out soon afterwards and Ranma is pounded into the floor. He doesn't seem to be bouncing back quite as fast though, the inconsiderate jerk. That deserves a malleting... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Akane The Suicidal (25 chapters) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 916018 Author: WFROSE Reviewer: siaru Reviewer Likes: 0 Flags: Comedy, Divergence, Quality Fair Updated: 03-10-2003 Created: 18-10-2002 Shortly after the arrival of the familiar girl-and-panda duo at Tendo-ke, things get strange. Suddenly Ranma finds himself agreeing to a Martial-Arts challenge which consists of being engaged to Akane and keeping her alive despite her best efforts. Complete 164pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Akane the Vampire Slayer (4 parts, 1 oav) File: ranma.xover.akane-the-vampire-slayer (parts 1-4) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (oav) Author: Dave Menard (catthouse@lweb.net) Webpage: http://members.rogers.com/spghome/index.html Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Awards: TASS One Shots;1999 Oct 2nd,TASS Continuing Series;1999 Nov 2nd (part 2) Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Dark, Continuation, Quality Good In every generation there's one. And after the attack on the Tendo Dojo by the forces of darkness, led by a demon-possessed Mousse, and the tragic death of Kasumi, Akane is chosen to be a slayer in Nerima. But first she needs training, so Akane and Ranma go to Sunnydale where they meet up with Buffy and all the crew there. Can Akane and Buffy withstand Mousse and Shampoo who will surely follow them? Incomplete 167pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Akane Vicious File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Tymes/ranma.akane-vicious Author: Adrian Tymes Flags: Dark, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 01-11-2002 Akane has a few problems in her life. Nothing that can't be dealt with though, and as long as she is careful there won't be any problems... Complete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Akane Wanna Cracker? File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Sinom Bre(sinom_bre@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://home.houston.rr.com/onnaranma/index.html Flags: Comedy,Spamfic,Quality Good Created: 12-12-2000 A redhead and a parrot make their way back home. Seems that Akane was a bit impetuous about looking for a cure for Ranma and has paid the price. Wonder how everyone is going to adjust to this! Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Akane [Kirinin] File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 940966 Author: Kirinin Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/nj4/ceaejbs/storiesmain.html Rakhal Likes: 2 Flags: Dark, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 09-05-2003 Life has changed for Akane. There's a huge hole in her memory where the last six months have been excised. Something important must be missing there, someone who had a great impact on everyone. Nabiki has been changed as well and everyone treats her differently from before. Who was this missing person, and what happened to her. Did she do it? Was she part of it? Certainly many think so. Can she find out how and why her life was changed? Complete 73pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Kiss to the Victor (6 parts) File: ranma.a-kiss-to-the-victor Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) David "Fido" Lindquist (fido@rma.edu) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Awards: TASS Mini Series;2000 Mar 2nd Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama. Alterverse Updated: 23-08-2002 Kasumi wishes that Akane and Ranma would just stop fighting. And maybe something in heaven noticed. The school play is coming up, Romeo and Juliet, and Akane is to play Juliet. But who should play Romeo? Surely not that jerk Ranma! But then why does she keep thinking of him as Romeo? And Ranma, he wants the part not just because it might get him to China, but also because it's important to Akane. Important enough so that he should take it seriously... Incomplete 121pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Legacy of Ice, A Future of Fire (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: DarkPhoenix/ranma.A-Legacy-of-Ice-A-Future-of-Fire Author: Jonathan Ford Webpage: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/60506/ Note: Fics can also be found at: http://florestica.com/dphoneix/index.htm Flags: Drama,Divergence,Quality Good Created: 20-04-2001 A black hole generated by Ryoga's chi-blast sucks Ranma and Akane in, leaving them in an unfamiliar snowy wilderness. How can they find their way out, avoid the predators in this strange land, and keep warm? Incomplete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Lesson in Love File: Not Stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Marisa Price (anime@anime-online.com) Webpage: http://www.anime-online.com/fanfic Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 8th (tie) Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Ryoga+Ukyo Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Ranma and Akane slowly get together, and relationships evolve between all the other characters. Incomplete 227pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Letter to Akane File: ranma.a-letter-to-akane Author: Karmin St Jean (karmin.stjean@the-spa.com) Flags: Dark Ryoga leaves Akane a letter after his death... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Life once Lived File: ranma.spawn.a-life-once-lived Author: Kyle Emmerson (prozium@telus.net) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/tydi-oh-ki Crossover: Spawn Flags: Dark, Drama, Continuation Ranma is back. Standing on the rooftop of Furinkan high with no idea how he got there. Wearing a suit with strange chains hanging off it as well. Apparently he died 5 years ago, but now he's back, as a Hellspawn. What has happened in his absence, what happened to him, and who did it. Sequel: Stand tall and Shake the Heavens Complete 193pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Little Sense File: ranma.a-little-sense Author: Gregg Sharp (kestral@mindspring.com) Webpage: http://www.asynjor.com/fanfic/sharp.html Akane whacks Ranma in the head with a frying pan, sending him flying into a rock. He suffers a bad head wound, but he's tough, there's no need to send him to the hospital. When Ranma wakes up, he's hearing peoples thoughts! When he looks into someones eyes, he immediately relives that persons entire life, and if he wants to, he can make them relive his. The first person that happens to is Kasumi... Complete 37pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: All alone in the night File: ranma.all-alone-in-the-night Author: Andrew Huang (alhuang@hcs.harvard.edu) Webpage: http://www.hcs.harvard.edu/~alhuang/anime/fanfic/myfics/ Ranma is alone on the roof of the dojo. He reflects on his life.. Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: All Good Things File: ranma.all-good-things Author: Megane 6.7 (megane67@rogers.com) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/mst/ Ranma and Akane are getting married! A short story about a wedding day Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: All Mixed Up File: ranma.all-mixed-up Author: The DragonBard Based on The Bet. Purple rain falls on Nerima, scrambling peoples personalities. Kuno as a priest, Nabiki giving money away... Complete 65pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: All Mixed Up AG (13 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Dancing Imp Webpage: http://fubarfics.fubarinc.com/ Crossover: Dragon Ball Z Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Updated: 24-01-2003 Created: 17-09-2001 Gohan is lost. Maybe this nice bandanna-clad boy can help him find his way back to Satan City. In Nerima the Tendos learn that someone is coming to marry one of them, but Soun doesn't even know his name. As it happens Gohan arrives at that very moment, and of course everyone assumes this is the boy that is to marry one of the sisters. It's just the sort of thing that his father might have arranged as well, so it must be true... Incomplete 165pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: All Mixed Up VR (13 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: James Thomas Webpage: http://fubarfics.fubarinc.com/ Crossover: Dragon Ball Z Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Updated: 24-01-2003 Created: 17-09-2001 Ranma and Genma are on the way back from China at the end of their training voyage. Just a few towns to hit on their way home. One of them is called Satan City now, strange name. There's a bank robbery going on, and a girl about to wade in to stop it. Well, Ranma can't allow that, even if the girl does claim to be the 2nd strongest martial artist in the world, and leaps in to stop the robbery himself. The girl is Videl Satan, and after seeing Ranma's skills for himself, she wants to learn how to do some of those tricks herself... Incomplete 167pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: All My Outers *lemon* (prologue, 1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: PsyckoSama (syp104@psu.edu) Webpage: http://www.fanfic.net/~psyckosama/ Crossover: Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Continuation, Drama, Lemon, Quality Good Created: 20-01-2003 Ranma wakes up one morning in a strange bed... surrounded by sleeping girls! Looks like he's done more than just lie with them as well. What's even more worrying is the marriage rings. What on earth is going on here and how is Ranma going to deal with having four very amorous outer senshi as his wives... Incomplete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: All Our Yesterdays File: ranma.all-our-yesterdays Author: Eric Warner (evwarner@anet.bna.boeing.com) Cologne is dying, old age is finally catching her up. She tries a new potion, but Mousse accidentally gives her an incorrect ingredient for it. Happosai has pissed off a demon goddess too... Complete 41pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: All Our Yesterdays, My One Tomorrow File: ranma.all-our-yesterdays-my-one-tomorrow Author: J.S Levine (patchmonkey@patchmonkey.net) Webpage: http://www.patchmonkey.net Ranma is immortal. And he has watched everything that he has known and loved grow old and die. Immortality is not all it's cracked up to be... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: All Over File: ranma.all-over Author: Lawrence Chu (lawrence@sandwich.net) Webpage: http://pomi.sandwich.net/fanfics Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Continuation The second wedding went much better and Ranma and Akane are getting along well together. Akane's cooking is even improving! But one day, when she's out shopping for groceries, Ukyo pays a visit. To apologise for her part in the failed wedding, and for something more... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: All Over Again (5 1/2 parts) File: ranma.all-over-again (parts 1-5) Not stored in the Ranma Archive (part 6a) Author: Andrew Searls (searlsa@jps.net ) Webpage: http://home.surewest.net/searls/Andy/fanfic.html Awards: TASS Continuing Series; 1999 Mar 3rd (part 3), 1999 May 3rd (part 4) Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Ranma comes to the Tendo Dojo with Genma and things go as normal, until Genma throws Ranma into the pool. Akane blows up at him for injuring the Koi, and Ranma leaves. Ukyo finds her and helps the now very depressed Ranma find himself again as they both find work with a friendly Okonomiyaki chef. A little later Akane has regrets and looks for Ranma. Ongoing series. Incomplete 230pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: All part of the job (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Prospero Hibiki Webpage: http://prospero.anifics.com Crossover: Tenchi Muyo Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 19-05-2003 Kiyone seems unhappy. Apparently it's her birthday and someone reminded her. She wasn't always paired with Mihoshi, that's only in the past 2 years. Her previous partner, the partner she'd been with for years and the partner that with her had made the most feared team in the Galaxy Police, went missing 2 years ago... Incomplete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: All Purpose Jusenkyo Girl Nuku Nuku (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Corwin , Ginrai Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/ginrai/index.htm Note: Also available at: http://corwin.anifics.com/ Crossover: Nuku Nuku Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Nuku Nuku Flags: Comedy, Alterverse, Quality Good Updated: 02-11-2001 Created: 12-10-2000 At Jusenkyo, Genma challenges Ranma to a duel. Ranma's pet, Nuku, a large pink cat tries desperately to warn Ranma of her bad feelings about the place. To no avail though. But as Ranma is falling, Nuku knocks Ranma out of the way, falling into the pool herself. Say hello to Nuku Nuku, the new girl in town, and very much attached to Ranma. And a few amazons, but that's something else... Incomplete 64pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: All Relative (5 parts) File: ranma.sm.all-relative Author: John-Martin Lotz Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/jmlotz/index.htm Crossover: Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Alterverse Created: 26-01-2001 Genma killed himself in China after Ranma and he got cursed, and now Ranma is off to live with his cousin, one Haruka Ten'ou. Of course turning up as a girl at the Cherry Hill shrine surprised a few people, but he soon settled in. How will Ranma fit into the lives of the Senshi and the goings on around them? What about Soun, who's friend Genma just seemed to disappear, and who STILL hopes that he will turn up with his son. And what will the Senshi think of this strange boy? Incomplete 23pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: All that I was File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Durandall Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/brandall/index.htm Matchup: Ranma+Ukyo Flags: Character Study, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 30-06-2003 After the failed wedding, Ukyo was very polite and firm about her rights, and as a result Ranma married Ukyo. But what will he do now that he's a married man... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: All the Small Things (9 parts) File: ranma.sm.all-the-small-things Author: Slacker Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/anime/Slacker Note: Also stored at : http://tannim.anifics.com Crossover: Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Updated: 19-04-2003 Created: 04-09-2001 Sailor Pluto has something to tell the other senshi at a meeting. Apparently she lied about Galaxia being the last threat. In Nerima, Ranma has come to a decision. He's going to run away (with Nabiki's help). He's been having disturbing blackouts, during which he would do things like get the 2nd highest score in Japan in an exam, or knock Ryoga out with one hit. Time to get away for a bit. Meanwhile Setsuna is telling the senshi about the planet Nemesis and its strange senshi... Incomplete 235pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: All Things Chaotic (3 parts) File: ranma.sm.all-things-chaotic Author: Sining (shihlin@pacific.net.sg), H-Packrat(gulrey@webquest.com) Webpage: http://welcome.to/Sining/ Crossover: Sailor Moon A young Ranma is trapped under the rubble when an earthquake hits. Genma and Nodoka are killed, and Happosai rescues him, taking him under his wing. 11 years later though, when Ranma gets cursed, Happosai takes another interest, and Ranma sends him into orbit. On his own, he heads to Juuban to visit his Aunt, Tsukino Ikuko, and his cousin Usagi... Incomplete 43pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: All Too Much File: ranma.all-too-much Author: Jason Ashton (jason.ashton@vuw.ac.nz) Flags: Drama, Continuation, Script The fighting between Ranma and Akane has all got to be a bit too much One day after Ranma is unusually bad, Akane gets on the school PA system and announces that the engagement is off to the world (and just what a slimeball she thinks Ranma is... Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: All we know of Heaven (2 1/2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Prospero Hibiki Webpage: http://prospero.anifics.com Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 18-05-2003 Ranma wanders the Universe looking for a way to die. Something within him will not allow him to suicide and forces him to do his very best not to be killed any other way. After 800 years he's got very very good at that. He arrives on a space station looking for a fighting tournament, or anything that might kill him. A brawl at immigration looks promising. Maybe they'll shoot him... Incomplete 40pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: All Wrapped Up File: ranma.all-wrapped-up Author: Anne Packrat (annepackrat@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/8094 Ranma and Akane are married, all the other cast members are getting paired up too. There's just a couple left.... Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Almost a miracle File: ranma.almost-a-miracle Author: Coutuva (coutuva@vecdev.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Bay/9295 Note: Pagecount includes sequels Set in the Ranma Nibunnoichi (lemon) universe, some 10 years on. Ranma has had enough of being cursed, and Ranma, Akane and Miyabi head off to Jusenkyou to do something about it. Things don't turn out as expected. Sequel: Almost a Miracle: Of Curses and Dragons Complete 96pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Almost a Miracle: Of Curses and Dragons File: ranma.almost-a-miracle.curses-and-dragons Author: Coutuva (coutuva@vecdev.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Bay/9295 Ranma is recovering and decides it's time to find out more about the spirit that occupies the Nyannichuan (and give him his curse). Tofu has a method of projecting the Ki back in time... Prequel: Almost a Miracle Sequel: A Horse is a Horse, Unless... Complete 21pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Almost, But Not Quite (4 parts) File: ranma.almost-but-not-quite Author: Jack Staik (jstaik1043@earthlink.net) Webpage: http://home.earthlink.net/~jstaik1043/otaku.htm Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Comedy+Alterverse Genma and Soun decide that the marriage between Ranma and Akane must not take place, lest the Musabetsu Kakuto Ryu fail. Ranma had been wearing dresses for ages, but only since Jusenkyo have they fit her properly. Akane cooks for the family and is the voice of reason and harmony. Nabiki is a temple maiden and Kasumi has missed her last 3 Narcotics Anonymous meetings, worrying her parole officer... Incomplete 23pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Almost Cinderella File: ranma.almost-cinderella Author: Shazorn Awards: TASS One Shots;2000 Dec 3rd Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Ranko, Ranma+Akane Flags: Dark, Alterverse Created: 26-01-2001 In the small village of Tenmura lives Ranko, the daughter to the town drunk. No one much likes her family, they live in squalor and her father drinks all their money. All changes one day when her father dies and Ranko is sent to live with the Tendo's in Nerima. She fits right in, and when Ranma turns up she is one of the eligible daughters... Complete 24pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Along came a spider (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Christopher Horton Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/dbsommer/index.htm Note: This story is a Sailor Moon story Crossover: Sailor Moon Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 16-06-2002 Ami Mizuno is the brightest at her school, although that has some problems of its own. In particular she gets bullied a lot, especially by Makoto and Haruka. One day in particular is bad, sending Ami running home in tears. Her friend Michiru has something for her though. A personal tour of Kaioh-tech Industries, a leading biotech company. The tour is going well, until a mutated spider bites her... Main Story: Avenging Incomplete 20pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A look in the mirror File: ranma.a-look-in-the-mirror Author: Kevin Eav (ukyou@maison-otaku.net) Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation Ranma's subconscious tells him a few home truths. Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Alternate Future (14 parts) File: eva.ranma.alternate-future RAAC File: Evangelion/eva.ranma.alternate-future.gz Author: James Lee (jlee100441@aol.com) Webpage: http://jlee.anifics.com/index.htm Note: Stored in the Evangelion directory in the R.A.A.C Archives Crossover: Neon Genesis Evangelion, Oh My Goddess Matchup: Ranma+Asuka Flags: Drama, Continuation Updated: 07-02-2003 After the Tendos discover Ranma's burakumin ancestry they kick him out in disgust. Urd however has an interest. She's been trying to get Akane and Ranma together for ages and she's extremely annoyed at what's happened. Since Ranma's life has been destroyed, she takes away his memories and takes him to Tokyo 3 in the year 2015. She also makes him 14. Unfortunately she forgets to remove the curse! Gendo, having had a vision, takes Ranma on as the 4th child... Incomplete 191pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Alternate History (7 parts) File: ranma.alternate-history Author: Hitomi Ichinohei (No Email) Webpage: http://hitomi.anifics.com/ Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 14th (tie) A retelling of Ranma 1/2 with a few differences. Akane and Ranma come to a rapid understanding and hatch a plan to get the engagement called off. As part of the plan, and as a result of losing a bet, Ranma goes to school as a girl..... Incomplete 125pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Alternate Landings File: ranma.alternate-landings Author: Shadow Dancer Alternate universe story. Ranma fell in the hotspring of drowned girl Seems his personality got affected a lot as well, he also ACTS a lot more like a (timid) girl. Incomplete 23pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Alternate Past File: ranma.alternate-past Author: VTHokies (tapham@vt.edu) A redhead turns up at Furinkan High and is prevented from entering by Kuno Tatewaki. He grandly orders the peasant to leave, which insult causes the girl to go berserk, nearly killing Kuno before Akane manages to stop the fight. Later on a new boy turns up in class. Called Saotome Ranma, he too is sad and angry, and a very dangerous person to be around Could he be the same person as the boy who apparently is coming to the Tendo Dojo, and if he is, how can Nabiki and Akane get rod of the dangerous psycho before he hurts someone! Incomplete 21pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Alternate Reality File: ranma.alternative-reality Author: Zenki Webpage: http://pantheon.yale.edu/~mhc8/anime/ Ranma is part of the Kendo team at St Lawrence High. Ryoga is captain They have a match against Furinkan, and Ranma is late.. Note: There is a lot more of this fic now on the website, the 12pp count only applies to what is there in the R.A.A.C. Archives. It will be updated in Pass 2 Incomplete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Alternate Reality 2: Antithesis File: ranma.alternative-reality.2 Author: Zenki Webpage: http://pantheon.yale.edu/~mhc8/anime/ Ranma has an accident a few years back that killed Genma and left him permanently with a weak constitution. With Martial Arts barred to him he turns to Finance... Incomplete 104pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Alternative Solution File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: D B Sommer (sommert@connecttime.net) Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/dbsommer/index.htm Crossover: Neon Genesis Evangelion Flags: Continuation, Quality Good Created: 16-10-2001 Gendo has a special visitor coming, One that's got him very nervous, and whatever this visitor is going to do, it's something to do with EVA 00. He says he has an alternative solution to the problem that NERV was founded for... Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Lust Virus Lemon 05 Ranma 1/2 *lemon* File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Shadow (terisan_iii@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://www.terisan.com/ Note: 5th in a series of Lust Virus stories. Flags: Comedy, Lemon, Quality Good Created: 08-10-2002 Dr Lustidick and Ms. Jugglesworth have come to the Ranma universe to unleash havoc with their Lust virus. They're going to infect a schoolgirl that the Doctor saw, one Akane Tendo. They're successful too, and now Akane is seriously horny. Ranma is in trouble. Not just him either, that virus isn't going to just stay in Akane... Complete 24pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Always Fighting for you File: ranma.always-fighting-for-you Author: Neal Richardson A short continuation of 'Ranma and Juliet'. Ranma and Akane are walking home after the performance. Something is bothering Ranma though, and when Akane says that she wished that they could kiss without the tape, immediately following that by saying that it was just a joke, Ranma knows what it is. Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Magical Solution File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Douglas MacDougall Webpage: http://www.dougmacd.net/fics/index.html Created: 04-08-2000 Does Ranma know what love is? Well, sure he does! he HAS been in True Love twice after all. Admittedly he'd rather not remember those episodes, but maybe magic can work for him after all. This trinket for instance, he knows exactly what it will do if used the right of wrong way. Maybe with it he can solve a few of his problems? Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Man amongst Men File: ranma.a-man-among-men.2000 Author: Jack Staik (jstaik1043@earthlink.net) Webpage: http://home.earthlink.net/~jstaik1043/otaku.htm Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Comedy, Continuation Ryoga returns to the Tendo Dojo intent on challenging Ranma to show him who's the REAL 'man amongst men' here. But he just missed Ranma's wedding to Akane! But how could this have happened? What happened to all the other fiancees? Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Man among Women File: ranma.a-man-among-women Author: Vince Seifert (seifertv@csus.edu) Webpage: http://www.csus.edu/indiv/s/seifertv/toth/ Awards: TASS One Shots;2000 Feb 1st,2000 Annual 8th Matchup: Ranma+Kasumi+Ukyo+Shampoo+Akane Flags: Drama, Continuation Ranma returns from his travels and is welcomed by his wife, Kasumi, and his two sons. He spends a lot of time travelling these days meeting his commitments. At night, Kasumi comes to him, but the next morning, he talks to Akane, and, as before, arranges to meet her... Complete 26pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Man I'll Never Be File: ranma.a-man-ill-never-be Author: Nicholas Leifker(nightelf@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~nightelf/fanfic/index.html Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 15th (tie) Flags: Drama, Character Study Ranma reflects on his life and Akane after the Musk expedition Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Mans Man File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFML File: FFML-4/1999-07/17746 Author: Matthew Lewis (maybeso@ican.net) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/9345/index.html Flags: Comedy, Alterverse Created: 22-07-2000 Genma takes Ranma away on that trip, having signed that contract with Nodoka. Hmm, a Mans man eh? Odd request. Well, the 6 year old Ranma thinks girls are icky. That's a start. 10 years later, and Genma has succeeded quite well... Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Mans Woman (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1017703 Author: Once Around Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 23-06-2003 Ranma is coming to a very different Tendo family. Here Mrs Tendo is still alive and as a result the Tendo daughters are rather different. All are interested in the martial arts, but pushed by her parents and propelled by her own drive, Akane has excelled in the martial arts. When Ranma arrives, the girl she fights in the dojo is every bit her match. How will Ranma cope with an Akane who is his match in the arts and vastly his superior in just about every other walk of life? How will Akane deal with a Ranma who does not overshadow her in the arts? Incomplete 32pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Amaranthine File: ranma.amaranthine Author: Kiwi Noriega (becknkal@addax.bc.ca) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9371/ Flags: Dark, Alterverse Akane is dying after the fight with Saffron.. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Matter of choice (9 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1728312 Author: Koala Kitty Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 23-04-2004 Ranma creeps into Akane's room one night to talk to her. He can't articulate himself very well, but they are starting to come to some sort of understanding when Kasumi interrupts them. The next day Akane finds out about P-Chan and then she overhears Soun and Genma saying that the marriage was all up to Ranma. Well, that's just not right. It's not up to Ranma, it's up to her! She's going to do something that's her choice. Like eloping with Ranma... Complete 103pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Matter of Face File: ranma.a-matter-of-face Author: Scott K. Jamison (majks@cyberx.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/5990/ Flags: Dark, Continuation Kuno finally realises that Ranma and the Pigtailed Girl are the same person. This calls for drastic action... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Amazon Way (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jim Bader (Shadowmane@ridgenet.net) Webpage: http://home.hostultra.com/~AngCobraFics/jimbader.html Matchup: Ranma+Ukyo, Ranma+Shampoo, Shampoo+Ukyo Flags: Drama, Continuation It's Shampoo's 18th birthday and time to go back to the village and admit her failure. Ukyo too has failed and Ranma is set to marry Akane in just a few days. Is there some way that things could be changed, if not on this timeline, but in another? Well, the Nanban mirror may just help. Shampoo and Ukyo agree to help each other in their quest... Incomplete 45pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Memorable Past File: ranma.a-memorable-past Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong Nabiki is nearly broke one day. She is sitting in the park grumbling when she sees a cute little girl who has lost her wallet.. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: American Chronicles File: ranma.american-chronicles Author: Ryo-ohki A couple of strange Americans arrive in Nerima. They're martial arts experts too, and have even made a trip to Jusenkyou. Complete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: American Strangers File: ranma.american-strangers Author: Sarah J. Gates (sjgates@uunet.uu.net) A couple of strangers take a boat from Japan to America, then teleport back to Nerima... Incomplete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: American TV Series File: ranma.american-tv-series Author: Jim Lazar (jimlazar@animeprime.com) Webpage: http://www.animeprime.com/ff/index.shtml The events of the Ranma TV series adapted for production as an America Primetime sitcom show (live-action), Set in San Francisco... Complete 55pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Am I Being Out of Character (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 567796 (part 1), 780028 (part 2), 801580 (part 3) Author: Dark Master Flags: Spamfic,Quality Fair Created: 20-09-2002 A series of short looks at Ranma characters indulging in Out of Character behaviour Incomplete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Midnight Thought: Akane File: ranma.a-midnight-thought Author: Kimagure Angel (k_angel@pacbell.net) In the middle of the night, Akane thinks about Ranma, wondering how it was that it took so long for them to get where they are... Sequel: A Midnight Thought: Ranma Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Midnight Thought: Ranma File: ranma.a-midnight-thought Author: Kimagure Angel (k_angel@pacbell.net) In the middle of the night Ranma thinks about Akane. About how much he loves her, and about how stupid he was not to have said that a long time ago... Prequel: A Midnight Thought: Akane Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Amok File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: steele/ranma.amok Author: Pete Steele Flags: Dark, Quality Good Created: 25-07-2002 Ranma reaches his breaking point, gets a gun, and in a paroxysm of violence mows down Genma and the Tendos. He reflects on his life and what will happen to him... Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Most Powerful Halloween File: ranma.a-most-powerful-halloween Author: Mike Noakes (noakes_m@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Subway/9701/ Crossover: Mighty Morphing Power Rangers Ranma/MMPR crossover. Ranma and Akane go to a Halloween party (with Ranma dressed up as Sailor Moon :-)). Zedd decides to attack Nerima with loads of odd monsters and the pumpkin of ultimate evil Incomplete 111pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Mothers Love File: teknoman.ranma.a-mothers-love RAAC File: Teknoman/teknoman.ranma.a-mothers-love Author: Christian Clark Note: Stored in the Teknoman directory in the R.A.A.C archives. Crossover: Teknoman Every year, sometimes more than once, Nodoka turns up at the Tendo Dojo with a crystal for Ranma, if he could just prove himself worthy of it. Maybe this time? Prequel: Hammers Wrath Complete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Mothers Love [Gaijin] (4 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Togashi Gaijin Webpage: http://gaijinsrealm.com/index.shtml Note: Email relating to this fic should be sent to mlove@sfcmd.com Crossover: Forgotten Realms Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 21-09-2003 Created: 17-09-2003 The failed wedding is passed and Nodoka has a problem. It looks like Genma has pretty much ruined Ranma and this jeopardises his future. It's time for some changes. Drastic changes. Nodoka is much more than she seems. To start of with, it's time to move back home and teach Ranma a few things... Incomplete 68pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Mothers Secret Revealed File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Master Magi Webpage: http://members.tripod.com/master_magi2000/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 05-03-2002 Ranma is out walking after the events of the failed wedding when he realises that he's near the Tendo family graves. Why not have a chat with Mrs Tendo. But when he gets there, there's more than a grave to to. There's a strange woman there called Hishizuka. She's a good person to talk to though, and she can help Ranma a lot with his life. Maybe he can help her too. Complete 53pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Mothers Secret Revealed *lemon* File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Master Magi Webpage: http://members.tripod.com/master_magi2000/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair,Lemon Created: 13-03-2002 Ranma is out walking after the events of the failed wedding when he realises that he's near the Tendo family graves. Why not have a chat with Mrs Tendo. But when he gets there, there's more than a grave to to. There's a strange woman there called Hishizuka. She's a good person to talk to though, and she can help Ranma a lot with his life. Maybe he can help her too. Incomplete 38pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Mothers Tale (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1709977 Author: Alex Tomas Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 04-03-2004 Nodoka is on the way to the Tendo Dojo where she's about to meet Ranma and Genma for the first time in 10 years. On the way she sees an impressive young man walking along a fence top. Unfortunately the boy falls from the fence into the canal, where he turns into a girl! At least Nodoka can help the boy-turned-girl out of the canal. A chance encounter, if strange, but more important is her first meeting with Ranma. What will he be like... Incomplete 117pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: An act of.. File: ranma.an-act-of... Author: Saotome-Sama Nabiki challenges Akane to thank Ranma next time he does something nice for her... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: An Aestivalis for a Saotome (2 parts) File: ranma.xover.an-aestivalis-for-a-saotome Author: Tomas Megarson (NighthawkTM@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://nighthawk.anifics.com/ Crossover: Martian Successor Nadesico Awards: TASS Crossover Mini Series;2002 Jul 3rd Reviewer: Corwin Reviewer Likes: 0 Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Fair Created: 29-09-2002 Gluttony makes Genma sell his son to the army, where the boy is trained to pilot aircrafts. When a year later Ranma is kidnapped by his father from the base he was at, he is a changed person. Experiencing the Neko-ken strengthens his resolve to leave his father and strike out on his own. A couple of years later, Nergal's agents make him a deal he can't refuse -- to come aboard the Nadesico as an Aestivalis pilot. Incomplete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: An Akane to forget File: ranma.an-akane-to-forget Author: Dave Harper (dharper@golden.net) Shampoo is looking for a magic potion to get Ranma for her. After looking for a while, she finds the erasing formula. Made right it will erase someone completely from existance. If everything is done right that is..... Complete 102pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: An Alan Smithee Fanfiction File: ranma.an-alan-smithee-fic Author: Emperor Stephen Schlueter (emperorschlueter@hotmail.com) Flags: Comedy How bad can a fic be. In the film world, Alan Smithee is synonymous with terrible films, so what sort of fic would 'he' write? Sequel: Another Alan Smithee Fanfiction Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: An American Loudmouth in Nerima File: Not Stored in the Ranma Archives Author: J. Austin Wilde K.B.C.S (wildeman@gci-net.com) Webpage: http://www.gci-net.com/users/w/wildeman/ Hiro Ohata is walking along a road in the pouring rain, feeling miserable when he almost gets run down by a truck. The driver is an American called Jack Burton who's hiding in Japan. Prequel: Chasing The Wind Incomplete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ancestry (2 parts) File: ranma.ancestry Author: Jacen (jacen@dreamscape.com) Webpage: http://www.dreamscape.com/johncn There's something odd about the Saotome line. It seems that in each generation, there's only ever one child. So Ranma had better be careful not to play around if he wants a legitimate heir. That's not all though, it seems that his line is descended from Tengu! And he's the culmination of a breeding program started by his Tengu Ancestor. He's not the only one though, Ryoga is descended from an Oni Lord, an enemy of his ancestor. Better get to learning the skills from this book he's been given, so he'll be ready to save the world when it needs it... Incomplete 24pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Anchor File: ranma.anchor Author: Robert Sneddon Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama,Quality Good Created: 08-03-2002 Kasumi has always been the centre of the Tendo Household. Apparently completely inoffensive she wields a great power as the anchor of the Tendo family. And now it's time to do something about Ranma and Akane. Complete 19pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ancient History File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara Created: 22-02-2001 Ling and her mother are on the run from the soldiers of the Emperor. They've been running for days and choose to make their last stand at a valley of pools... Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: And It Was Full of Stars (6 parts) File: ranma.and-it-was-full-of-stars Author: Gendou Knepper Webpage: http://www.gendou.net Awards: TASS Mini Series;2001 Aug 2nd Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 24-07-2001 A failed attack on Ranma followed by Shampoo riding over Mousse's duck-body results in fatal injuries for Mousse. As he's dying he wishes that he could see clearly. Well, sometimes wishes come true, and Mousse wakes again in his room, able to see clearly. And not just physically, but mentally as well. It's amazing how blind everyone else seems to one who can see. Mousse has some interesting new combat skills as well... Incomplete 45pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: And lo, the mighty have fallen (prologue, 1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Durandall , Corwin Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/brandall/index.htm Flags: Dark, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 07-07-2003 Akira Kuonji has been accosted in a dark alley. He wins the fight, but is fatally wounded in the process. Now it's time for Ukyo to pick up his legacy... Incomplete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: And Not to Yield File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Edward Simons Webpage: http://www.concentric.net/~Easimons/index.htm Flags: Divergence, Drama, Quality Good Created: 09-04-2002 Ranma is weak. The vital bit of the moxibustion chart that was needed to cure him was lost when Ukyo leapt into the tornado after him and Akane. Now he can't be cured. Ukyo was concussed during the tornado as well, and Doc Tofu asks Ranma to keep her awake through the night to make sure that she's going to be OK. A conversation between Akane and Nabiki overheard by Ranma doesn't do him any good either. But at least Ukyo is there for him. If only he were able to protect her. Incomplete 20pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: An Emotional Day (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Douglas MacDougall Webpage: http://www.dougmacd.net/fics/index.html Flags: Drama, Comedy, Alterverse, Script Created: 04-08-2000 A very disturbing dream about Kuno mating with a willing pigtailed girl (courtesy of some drugs) ends thankfully. But when Ranma sits up, she notices something very different about herself... Incomplete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: An ending to all our days File: ranma.an-ending-to-all-our-days Author: Joshua Trujillo (gargoyle@glasscity.net) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/mythos_9 Ranma is sent to retrieve P-chan. He finally finds him and they shelter in a nearby cave. Ranma breaks a statue in there, which was imprisoning a demon. The demon gives Ryouga a wish.... Sidestory: Cat and Mousse Sequel: With Wings to Carry Them Complete 72pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: An end to the woe File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Durandall Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/brandall/index.htm Flags: Comedy, Quality Good Created: 29-06-2003 Someone is writing parodies of Durandall's work and giving Brian the credit. Which is irritating, but what is more worrying is the annoyed anime characters that have come to see Brian as a result... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A New 17 (4 chapters) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1378385 Author: grookill Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 30-07-2004 Due to a complex series of events, Ranma ends up saving Nabiki as she falls from the balcony at the Tendo house, while Akane fends for herself. That's the final straw. Akane breaks the engagement and knocks him hard into Nabiki, hurting her. Nabiki can see the writing on the wall between Ranma and Akane and decides to take up the engagement herself. For real... Incomplete 32pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A New Awakening (35 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Dani Yanega , Jerry Webpage: http://www.mindspring.com/%7Eyanega/index.htm Matchup: Nodoka+Orig Flags: Drama,Continuation,Quality Fair Updated: 22-08-2001 Created: 10-04-2001 Ranma wakes up one day as a girl. Fair enough, Nabiki must have been taking pictures again, although it's strange that the futon and the floor are dry. Sparring with Genma is futile too, she's so much better than him now that it's a waste of time. Another shock occurs later when it seems Ranma can't change back to a boy! What's going on, and later on a strange gooey mass starts growing on her back. There's a strange fate in store for Ranma and her mother. A fate in the land of the fairies. Incomplete 441pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A New Beginning (15 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Lerris Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/lerris_smith Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 22-06-2004 Ranma is losing the fight with Saffron when the spirit of the girl who drowned in the spring, one Cara Inverse talks to him. She can give him the power to save Saffron, but to do so, the two will have to merge. Of course, in the circumstances, Ranma agrees, and with that new power, Saffron is defeated. Unfortunately, he, and Akane are trapped in the spring when the mountain collapses on them! Even worse, the chaotic magic of the spring is killing them. To buy them time, Ranma links his life to Akanes, so they can share strength, but that will still not be enough. In desperation he calls out to someone that could save them, the Sailor Senshi. They answer, but how are they going to save the two... Incomplete 263pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A New Budo (prologue, 5 parts) File: ranma.rk.a-new-budo Author: Saotome83 Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Saotome83/ Crossover: Ruruoni Kenshin Awards: TASS Crossover Mini Series;2001 Nov 1st Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Fair Created: 28-12-2001 The attempted wedding of Ranma and Akane in 1868 was a failure, and it's obvious to Nodoka that the problem is all the fiancees that Ranma has acquired. They've started attacking Akane as well. It's time for Akane to train in something other that unarmed combat to protect herself, and Nodoka thinks she knows the perfect place. The style is called the Kamiya Kasshim Ryu, taught by Kamiya Kaoru. Ranma will of course go along to accompany her... Incomplete 30pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A New Curse, A New Akane, One Typically Skewed Romance (4 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Mordain Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/elizabeth_q1029/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 19-03-2004 Cologne has decided that Ranma must be brought to heel. Along with Shampoo she contrives to give Akane a Nannichuan curse, and not just that, using a pressure-point she even makes him think she's a boy! However driving Akane and Ranma apart is NOT something that happens in the wake of this. Far from it... Incomplete 20pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A New Direction Taken (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1551218 Author: Michael "TheZorch" Haney Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/zorchhaney/ Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Fair Created: 14-10-2003 Kasumi is off on a holiday to Hawaii and Ranma is going along to protect her! Unfortunately on the flight a storm blew up and after it was all over, Kasumi and Ranma were stranded on an island together for 6 months. Good thing that Ranma is good at survival skills. However things happened on that island. Things that may have serious repercussions back in Nerima... Incomplete 26pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A New Generation takes the reigns of Chaos File: ranma.new-generation Author: Mark J. Raming Jr.(DrkElfMark@Aol.com) The story of the children of the Ranma characters. Shampoos son heads out into the world to learn new things, with a strict warning to stay away from Nerima. Ryoga's son is missing, Ranma and Akane's youngest daughter goes out looking for him, their elder 2 children go out looking for her! Incomplete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A New Life (prologue, 3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Ryan Erik Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/ryanerik99/index.htm Rakhal Likes: 2 Flags: Drama,Continuation, Quality Good Created: 16-01-2002 A highway patrol officer in California investigates an explosion, and finds a possible victim at the bottom of a cliff. A red-haired girl, who is alive, but critically injured. 17 years later, she finally wakes up. Ranma's old life is dead now, and now she has a new identity as Kimiko Nishiyama. But who was it that did this for her, who is it that has taken the trouble to make a new life for her. And can she survive the loss of the old life she used to have? Prequel: Vengeance Complete 120pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A New Life and New Job (prologue) File: ranma.amg.a-new-life-and-new-job Author: Yun Yun Crossover: Oh My Goddess Flags: Drama, Quality Good Created: 29-08-2003 Belldandy has been summoned to see Kami-sama. He's got a job for her, to do with a new goddess... Incomplete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A New Life to Live (4 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: DarkPhoenix/ranma-nox.A-New-Life-to-Live Author: Jonathan Ford Webpage: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/60506/ Note: Fics can also be found at: http://florestica.com/dphoneix/index.htm Crossover: Nox Matchup: Ranma+Nabiki Flags: Drama,Alterverse,Quality Good Created: 27-04-2001 Ranma sees an accident where a car has been shunted into a girl, injuring her. While rescuing her, he fails to notice a tanker flipping over and is engulfed by the resulting fireball. But a friendly pair of gods rescue them sending them to the world of Nox, a world where magic is common. Ranma and the girl, Nabiki are taken in by the mage Horvath and grow up strong in the ways of magic. Later on they become adventurers, searching out lost treasures... Incomplete 53pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A New Life [Thrythlind] (6 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 782063 Author: Thrythlind Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/thrythlind/title.htm Crossover: Oh My Goddess Awards: TASS Crossover Mini Series;2002 May 2nd,2002 Jun 2nd Flags: Continuation ,Drama, Quality Good Updated: 28-06-2002 Created: 17-05-2002 Nabiki is browsing a magical store. An unusual place for her, but she feels that she needs to get Ranma something to make some amends for her part in destroying Ranma's hope for a cure. The owner has something that might just help. It's supposed to cure the curse for a woman, but what will it do to a man? Ranma is about to find out... Incomplete 37pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A New Quest (6 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Rodney Dean Webpage: http://home.uleth.ca/~pickcd00/ryukfics.htm Note: Prologue is also the Epilogue for 'Dark Obsessions' Crossover: Tenchi Muyo, Riding Bean, Project A-Ko Created: 28-10-2000 Ukyo's father is alive and Ukyo, Ryoga, Kanaeda, Ranko, Nabiki and Ryuu are going to find him. Apparently he abandoned Ukyo and Kanaeda so that their shame would not touch him. Just before they can sail, Tenchi and Kiyone stow away, in order to escape Ryoko, Aeka and Mihoshi. This is going to be an unusual trip, strange weather and events cause them to take a wild trip around the multiverse... Prequel: Dark Obsessions Incomplete 47pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A New Senshi File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Slacker Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/anime/Slacker Crossover: Sailor Moon Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 03-09-2001 Setsuna offers a young man the cure to his curse. Just using this little pen and saying what comes to mind will do it... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A New Technique File: ranma.a-new-technique Author: Bjorn Christianson Webpage: http://www.its.caltech.edu/~bjorn/fanfic/index.html Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Spamfic,Quality Good Nabiki finds Ranma standing over Akane's dead body. He's just killed her! Seems that he's trying to learn whatever technique Akane used to come back from the dead at Jusendo... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: An Exciting Life (4 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Mike Noakes (noakes_m@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Subway/9701/ Note: The tale of the Canon Ranma who has been switched into the 'normal' universe is told in 'A Normal Life' Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama,Alterverse Created: 08-03-2001 In a world where Ranma never went to Jusenkyo, spent time training in the Amazon village and none of the zany things that happen in the canon Ranmaverse happened, Ranma is bored. Sure, he's a great martial artist, but why did he bother, there's no use for it. Nothing interesting ever happens. Well, that is until he meets up with an old man in a shop and tells him his troubles. Well, you should be careful what you wish for. As soon as Ranma leaves the shop a horde of people descend on him! He's been switched with the Ranma from the standard Ranma-verse, and now he will indeed live an exciting life... See Also: A Normal Life Incomplete 44pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Angel Trainee - The Return (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Cloud Dreamer Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/cloud_dreamer2000/ Crossover: Lensman, Tenchi Muyo Flags: Drama, Divergence,Quality Good Created: 04-03-2004 Ranma has returned! 17 days have passed, but far more for Ranma, who is now nearly 35 years old subjectively. However mentally and emotionally she's still 16 and needs a mother. Fortunately Kasumi is here to take that place and she will protect and help Ranma. She has plenty of enemies though... Prequel: Angel Trainee - The Trip Incomplete 33pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Angel Trainee - The Trip (6 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Cloud Dreamer Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/cloud_dreamer2000/ Crossover: Tenchi Muyo Flags: Drama, Divergence,Quality Good Updated: 04-03-2004 Created: 03-06-2001 Akane is in love with Ryoga, and Ranma doesn't know what to do. Sitting by the koi pond he thinks to himself, until he is interrupted by Malcolm, an ebony battle angel. He's here to offer Ranma a chance. Ranma is to become a trainee angel to help in the fight against evil. He will get gifts and training to help him in the fight, but there is a price to be paid. Different for everyone, in Ranma's case, it's his manhood... Sequel: Angel Trainee - The Return Incomplete 53pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Anger File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kyokukou Webpage: http://www.ephektz.com/alloyfanfiction Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 19-04-2002 Why doesn't Ranma ever get angry. After a particularly hard day for him Nabiki asks him just that question. And after a bit of persuading, Ranma tells her... Complete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: An Important Decision File: Not Stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Ginrai [alternate email: ukyou@anifics.com] Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/ginrai/index.htm Crossover: Chicken Boo Flags: Spamfic,Quality Good Created: 20-02-2002 Ranma has a letter from Akane. She has a very important decision to make and has asked him to meet her by the Dojo. But not just him it seems, Genma,Ryoga, Soun, Kuno and Shinnosuke have been summoned as well. What is going on? Should Ranma be worried. Soon Akane arrives, but she seems to be slightly... different... Even Shinnosuke notices. Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: An Offer You Can't Refuse File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFML File: FFML-R/2001-03/03-28-01-22-22 Author: Paul Durant <031537@comcast.net> Flags: Spamfic,Quality Good Created: 20-04-2001 Do you want a whole new look? Then Nabiki has the right product for you, straight from Jusenkyo itself... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: An Omake to Remember File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jim Bader (Shadowmane@ridgenet.net) Webpage: http://home.hostultra.com/~AngCobraFics/jimbader.html SI fic. Lord Chakar Shadowmane is the Grey Lord, the Lord High Executioner of Policy for the Starlord High Council. There's a Galactic Tyrant by the name of Freiza who's making a nuisance of himself, blowing up the earth for instance. No problem, easy enough to execute him and re-create the earth. Now, Chakar's daughter, Corinella is more of a problem. She's outstayed her welcome at her last school, and a new school needs to be found for her. Somewhere like Furinkan maybe? Incomplete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: An Orchid Beside the Red Heaven Way File: ranma.an-orchid-beside-the-red-sky-way Author: Michael Barnard Awards: TASS One Shots;2001 Oct 2nd,2001 Annual 10th (tie) Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Nabiki+Ukyo Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Fair Created: 27-11-2001 A boy and a man turn up at Jusenkyo. The boy jumps into the Nannichuan, which of course has no effect, the man becomes a panda. Later a boy, a girl and man arrive, and the boy also falls in... Some time later, back in Japan, a new girl turns up at Furinkan high. Called Ran Shikon, she's really cute and quickly becomes a close friend of Akane's. There may be something a little odd about her, but she's really needed a friend, and a sparring partner. After all, Ranma, her sister Nabiki's fiance, is no use, all he does is dodge her! But with Ran, Akane can really learn, and she wastes no time... Complete 106pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Normal Life File: ranma.a-normal-life Author: Mike Noakes (noakes_m@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Subway/9701/ Ranma meets an old man and tells him he wishes he had a more normal life. Bingo! Wish granted. No curses, no fiances, now lets see if things will go better with Akane without that annoying arranged marriage hovering over us.. See Also: An Exciting Life Incomplete 30pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Another Alan Smithee Fanfiction File: ranma.another-alan-smithee-fic Author: Emperor Stephen Schlueter (emperorschlueter@hotmail.com) The last Alan Smithee fanfiction got too good reviews, so here's another helping from the same place. Death abounds. Prequel: An Alan Smithee Fanfiction Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Another Angel File: ranma.another-angel Author: Scott K. Jamison (majks@cyberx.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/5990/ Ukyou's Guardian angel talks about her life and the problems she's had Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Another Bad Crossover Idea File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Crossover: Mystery Flags: Spamfic Created: 20-12-2000 The Tendos are at Jusenkyo where the guide is warning them of a grave danger. Seems that some gaijin tourists were at Jusenkyo a while back and did some ill-advised experimentation with the pools... Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Another Chance File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFML File: FFML-4/2000-03/8223 Author: Bryan Croft (bryandc@yahoo.com) After the failed wedding, Ranma and Akane are still not getting along well. Akane is particular is very annoyed and the insults are getting Ranma down. After he hears her telling her friends and Nabiki that she wished he'd go and die, he gives up. But an accident on the street causes tragedy and another chance as the kami send Ranma back to the past... Incomplete 23pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Another fight, another makeup File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1036457 Author: Alia-chan (PharieQueen@aol.com ) Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, WAFF, Quality Good Created: 01-11-2002 Ranma and Akane are fighting. But the best part of fighting is making up... Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Another Fine Mess (prologue, 4 parts) File: ranma.xover.another-fine-mess Author: Shade (rowan_phoenix@333.org) Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/shade/index.htm Note: Also available at: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/6751/ Crossover: Many Reviewer: Corwin Reviewer Likes: 0 Flags: Comedy, Divergence,Quality Good Created: 29-09-2002 A being not of this world was about to die, when it sensed someone nearby. Following up on its self-preservation instincts, Shadow merges with Ranma, who was just wishing idly that his life would be easier.... Incomplete 42pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Another Letter File: ranma.another-letter Author: David Johnston Kuno writes a letter to Nabiki on the occasion of his father's death (and his sister's commitment.) Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Another Mornings Story File: ranma.another-mornings-story Author: Saotome-sama (macross@erols.com) Another glomp attack by Shampoo is just too much for Akane. Her food is sent flying, and to add insult to injury, she ends up wearing Shampoo's Ramen as well. Enough is enough, she doesn't want to hear anything more from Ranma unless it's the truth. Even if it's just what is his favourite colour... Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Another Solution File: ranma.another-solution Author: Jack Staik (jstaik1043@earthlink.net) Webpage: http://home.earthlink.net/~jstaik1043/otaku.htm Matchup: Genma+Soun Flags: Spamfic,Alterverse The Saotome and Tendo households are joined by a bond of marriage. But four people, or rather three girls and a panda, look on in horror... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Another Sunrise File: ranma.another-sunrise Author: Kiwi Noriega Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9371/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: WAFF,Continuation Ranma joins Akane on the roof, and together they watch the sun rise.. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Another Time, Same Place (7 parts) File: ranma.another-time-same-place (parts 1-4) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (parts 5-7) Author: Donny Cheng Webpage: http://members.shaw.ca/chengdo Matchup: Akane+Ryoga, Mousse+Shampoo, Nabiki+Tatewaki, Soun+Hinako, Kasumi+Tofu, Konatsu+Ukyo Flags: Drama, Continuation Ranma gets hold of a magic brooch which will grant 1 wish every 100 years. He makes a wish that everyone on a list (most cast members) will be happy. Unfortunately the brooch is cursed, and what it does is take Ranma away, until such a time as all the people on that list are happy at the same time. That takes 20 years... Sidestory: Another Time Same Place: Life Goes On Incomplete 86pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Another Time, Same Place: Life Goes On File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Donny Cheng Webpage: http://members.shaw.ca/chengdo Flags: Drama,Continuation Ranma has accidentally wished himself out of existance by using a cursed wishing brooch. How does everyone cope with his sudden absence. Especially Akane... Main Story: Another Time Same Place Complete(ish) 20pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Not So Simple Wish (21 chapters) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1210454 Author: Ebiris Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/ebiris/index.htm Rakhal Likes: 2 Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Updated: 11-07-2003 Created: 19-02-2003 Ranma has found a magical item that will give him a wish! Actually he's buying it from a shop. Finally he will be free of the curse! Pity he managed to annoy the shopkeeper by demolishing his shop in a fight. Naturally as a result the wish is not quite what Ranma hoped for. Sure, after the wish happens, Ranma is no longer cursed. However this is an alterverse and the Ranma that made the wish is now a full time girl called Ranko Xiawang. There's a way that she can get back to her own world, and even get back to being 100% male as well. All she has to do is get the Ranma of this world to fall in love with her... Incomplete 149pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: An Uncertain End File: ranma.an-uncertain-end Author: Lord Archive (archive@mich.com) Webpage: http://www.digibros.net/~lordarchive/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: WAFF, Drama, Continuation The tension between Akane and Ranma has been growing and growing, until finally something snapped. Time to deal with the consequences. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: An Unsung Melody File: ranma.an-unsung-melody Author: Kiwi Noriega Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9371/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: WAFF, Drama, Continuation Akane's 18th birthday. Ranma joins Akane outside by the koi pool... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Any Other Way File: ranma.any-other-way Author: Shunsuke (shunsuke@direct.ca) Webpage: http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/university/5/index.htm Flags: Character Study, Drama, Continuation Kodachi reflects on her life and wishes she could find someone to love her for herself... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Any Other Way 1998 File: ranma.any-other-way.1998 Author: Kiwi Noriega Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9371/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: WAFF, Drama, Continuation Ranma struggles to ask Akane out for a date. He's practicing on a doll Akane overhears... Prequel: Whispers Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Anything Can Happen Martial Arts File: ranma.anything-can-happen Author: Mark Visser (mrpvisse@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca) Flags: Script Nodoka is coming to visit the Tendo's again. Time for Ranko and Mr. Panda to make an appearance. Ranma is getting a little down about this. Nabiki has an idea... Incomplete 33pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Anything Goes News File: ranma.anything-goes-news Author: Steven "Sos" Rychetnik (tammy@alaska.net) A report from the Anything goes News team. Tendo Akane and Saotome Ranma as anchors, reports from Tendo Soun, Hibiki Ryoga and Tendo Nabiki. Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Anything Goes School of Fanfiction (1 1/2 parts) File: ranma.anything-goes-school-of-fanfiction Author: Dave Mayo "The Azure Monkey" Awards: TASS Continuing Series;2000 Dec 2nd Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama,Continuation Created: 23-01-2001 It's the wedding day for Ranma and Akane, and it looks like both of them are having second thoughts, at least if the chaos in Akane's room is anything to go by! But a chance encounter in the furo changes all that, so surely nothing else can go wrong? Well, this IS Ranma and Akane we are talking about, and a wedding of theirs is never likely to be a smooth running affair. Incomplete 19pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Pandas Dream File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: haxchan Note: Available at the FFML Mini Archive: http://miniarchive.dyndns.org:8080/cgi-bin/MiniArchive?Page=Retrieve+Story&StoryID=115827 Part 2: http://miniarchive.dyndns.org:8080/cgi-bin/MiniArchive?Page=Retrieve+Story&StoryID=115846 Part 3: http://miniarchive.dyndns.org:8080/cgi-bin/MiniArchive?Page=Retrieve+Story&StoryID=115871 Part 4: http://miniarchive.dyndns.org:8080/cgi-bin/MiniArchive?Page=Retrieve+Story&StoryID=115891 Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 06-11-2002 A strange girl and a panda arrive at the Tendo Dojo one day. This is Ranma, who has come here as her father requested. Apparently Genma was lost in China. This Ranma seems not entirely connected with the world. Very thin, she does not eat much and talks very little too. In particular she is very reticent about her past life. What has happened to this strange girl? Whatever it is, she intrigues Akane... Complete 50pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Past Revealed (7 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Angela Nebedum Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/angel_skye2001/ Crossover: Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Action, Drama, Continuation, Quality Fair Created: 08-12-2001 Ranma has had enough finally. He breaks all his engagements and leaves the Tendo Dojo to get away from it all. Years ago, his uncle Ken Tsukino made him the offer that when Genma is no longer his legal guardian, and if he has nowhere left to go, that he'd be welcome to stay with them until he can find a place to stay. Fortunately Uncle Ken still remembers this promise. But is Ranma jumping from the frying pan into the fire, moving from Nerima to Juuban... Incomplete 113pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Peaceful Life File: ranma.a-peaceful-life Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Matchup: Ranma+Kasumi, Akane+Ryoga Flags: WAFF, Drama, Continuation Ranma was engaged to Kasumi when he first met the Tendos (after a cooking test). He also has been injured, so he can no longer practice the martial arts. His life is much more peaceful.. Complete 20pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Perfect Breakfast File: ranma.a-perfect-breakfast Author: Keisuke Hoashi (No email) Akane cooks breakfast for Ranma on the 6th month anniversary of him and Genma arriving. Ranma is waked from his sleep by an incredible smell... Complete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Perfect Life File: ranma.a-perfect-life Author: Adrian D. Moten (raemowse@aol.com) Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/admoten/index.htm Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Ranma+Shampoo, Kasumi+Tofu, Ryoga+Akari Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Ukyo is on her way to visit Ranma and Akane, with her daughter Kiko, who's father left before she was born. But what has happened back in Nerima. Shampoo answers the door, much changed from what she was before, and Kasumi is paraplegic. Not to mention that Akane doesn't seem to be there at all... Complete 21pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Perfect Life [Ceraminati] File: ranma.a-perfect-life.2000 Author: Miguel Ceraminati (mgaset@intramed.net.ar) Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: WAFF, Drama, Continuation Ranma paces in a hospital waiting room. It's been 45 minutes since he brought Akane in, and the doctors say that she's going to be safe now, but Ranma isn't so sure... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Pig among Men File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara Flags: Drama, Continuation Created: 22-02-2001 Ryoga's secret has been discovered. And now he has to explain himself to the women he loves, and maybe try to win her forgiveness. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Piggy Error File: ranma.a-piggy-error Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Comedy, Quality Good Created: 17-05-2002 Ryoga hates his curse, as Akari knows very well. Eventually she decides to help, going to Jusenkyo for some Nannichuan. Unfortunately she falls in the Heitonnichuan. Now she matches Ryoga! Unfortunately there is an unexpected consequence when she gets back home... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Pond of koi File: ranma.a-pond-of-koi Author: Martin Bennett Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: WAFF, Drama, Continuation A fishes eye view of the events at the Tendo Dojo, and one very special event in particular. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Appearances File: ranma.appearances Author: Richard D. Lawson (sterman@uswest.net) Webpage: http://www.sterman.org/ Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 15th (tie) Flags: Dark, Mystery, Continuation Everyone around Ranma is dying. Cologne, Shampoo, Ukyo, Kodachi, Ryoga e.t.c. Who or what could be doing this! Remember, appearances can be deceiving. Dark and twisted. Complete 20pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: April Fools Day Fic File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Yoiko (No Email) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/mighty_yoiko/ Crossover: Mystery Flags: Spamfic Created: 09-03-2001 Norville and Osbert are hiking in China when they come across a valley filled with springs. Great! Time for a swim.... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Promise Redeemed File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1213270 Author: PSpinler Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Nabiki Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 07-02-2003 Ranma has returned from Jusendo, but Akane died there. He was too late to save her. The only thing he can offer to atone to the Tendos is his life. Nabiki is not going to allow Ranma to follow her sister though. Ranma can far better atone by learning how to save lives rather than taking them. And so starts a new phase in both Ranma and Nabiki's lives... Complete 81pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A promise Time cannot undo File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kyle Emmerson (prozium@telus.net), Knight Writer (Jedediah@tri-countynet.net) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/tydi-oh-ki Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 20-01-2003 Cologne is desperate. She has failed in her quest to get Ranma for the tribe and it is imperative that she succeed given the incredible power that she has sensed that Ranma has. The power to affect time itself, if only locally. One final attempt must be made, this one using a powerful spell to attempt to re-write history... Incomplete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Apron Strings File: ranma.apron-strings Author: Mike Noakes (noakes_m@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Subway/9701/ Flags: Dark, Drama, Alterverse Ranma's mother is dying. A hard time for Ranma, and all around him, especially when Ranma agrees to Nodoka's wish that he get married before she dies. Complete 47pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Quiet Dawn File: ranma.a-quiet-dawn Author: Al Brucker Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: WAFF Ranma wakes up early and goes outside. He sees Akane sitting on a rock by the pond, and has a short chat with her... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Ranma Christmas Carol File: ranma.a-ranma-christmas-carol Author: Donny Cheng Webpage: http://members.shaw.ca/chengdo Awards: TASS One Shots; 1998 Dec 3rd Nabiki has become Scrooge, (with Kuno as Marley). It's Christmas, and a few ghosts are going to visit her to try to teach her the error of her ways. Complete 27pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A real jerk File: ranma.a-real-jerk Author: Dot Warner (dot_warner17@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://dotwarner.topcities.com/ Flags: Dark, Alterverse Ranma discusses exactly why he's not made up his mind up about all these fiancees Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A real Man *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.a-real-man Author: Doughboy (dough1001@aol.com) Matchup: Ranma+Many Flags: Drama, Lemon, Alterverse After a Kodachi spiked the punch at a party, Ranma takes Akane home. When they arrive, Akane starts stripping off and trying to seduce Ranma. Little does she know that Ranma is *very* experienced. Complete 20pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Are you Hot? (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1244314 Author: RisingSun13 Crossover: Are you Hot? Flags: Comedy, Quality Good Created: 15-10-2003 The cast of Ranma 1/2 appear on the game show 'Are you Hot?' where the panelists evaluate them. Incomplete 14pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Arrangements File: ranma.arrangements Author: John Evans (johne@mit.edu) Nabiki accepts a commission from Ranma to get rid of Kodachi permanently Nabiki challenges Kodachi to a fight in 2 days. Now to get a champion to do her fighting for her. Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Artificial Life Forms (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: F22wannabe Webpage: http://www.flamingwreckage.com/ Crossover: Neon Genesis Evangelion Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 05-04-2002 Genma, Ranma and Ranko have come to Tokyo, although no-one seems to be around. An angel is attacking. They're on their way to the Tendo Dojo, but the attack forces them to take shelter, where they are intercepted and taken to see Commander Ikari. He's interested in the Saotomes, Ranko, and Ranma. Especially Ranma, since Ranko is supposed to be an only child... Incomplete 31pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Artificial Pond Canines File: ranma.artificial-pond-canines Author: Jang Choe (Yinyang@altered.com) Ranma and Akane are on the way to school one day. Ranma gets splashed by that old lady, and this time he's going to give her a piece of his mind. Unfortunately, that old lady is related to the Yakuza... Complete 26pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Art of the Arrow File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Hung Nguyen (animeaddiction@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://aamark4.tripod.com/mark4/ Note: The fic is located at the "Maybe Now, Maybe Later, Maybe Never" section of the site. Reviewer: Corwin Reviewer Likes: 0 Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 27-09-2002 By robbing a group of archers after they took him in and fed him, Genma incurs their wrath. Unable to escape them due to their vastly superior skills in the Art, he trades the life of his unborn son for his. Six years later, one of archers comes for Ranma, rescuing him from the pit of cats his father had thrown him into. And a decade later, a new transfer student, the Heir to the School of Dragon Archery Combat, is about to attend Furinkan High.... Incomplete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Rude Awakening File: ranma.a-rude-awakening Author: Shunsuke (shunsuke@direct.ca) Webpage: http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/university/5/index.htm Flags: Dark, Alterverse All of Ranma's life has been a delusion. He's actually a frail mental patient in a psychiatric hospital. One who recently left out of a 4th floor window in the mistaken belief he was a martial artist. Tofu talks to Nodoka about his fantasies. Complete 14pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Saiyan Tail (26 parts) File: ranma.db.a-saiyan-tail FFNET Id: 69270 Author: Ryoga P Hibiki (carrotglace@mindspring.com) Crossover: Dragon Ball Z Awards: TASS Crossover Mini Series;2001 Mar 2nd,2001 Annual 7th Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Alterverse,Quality Good Created: 16-04-2001 Ranma turns up at the Tendo Dojo. However he has a tail! And his father is one Goku Saotome. They can fly too. Looks like there are some REAL fighters in Nerima. And more will come shortly. How are the Tendos going to cope with having their very own resident Saiyans... Incomplete 244pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Scary Difference File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Christopher Olsen (gamers@prodigy.net) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/1449/ Crossover: Sailor Moon Frost is looking for a way to get rid of Kasumi so she can have Shampoo to herself. She's going to send the Kasumi of her (A Scary Thought) world to another dimension. In this case that of A Different Viewpoint. Unfortunately things go a little wrong, and ADV's Kasumi comes through to the AST world at the same time. Also Frost gets stuck in limbo... Prequel: A Different Viewpoint. Sequel: A Different Viewpoint: American Vacation. Complete 129pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Scary Thought (22 parts) File: Altered-Destiny/ranma.a-scary-thought (parts 1-7) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (parts 8-22) Author: Wade Tritschler (tritscwa@telus.net) Webpage: http://derekloffin.anifics.com/ Crossover: Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Alterverse, Quality Good When Soun and Genma decided to join their houses, Ranma was engaged to Akane (at age 6 or so). Soun took Ranma to raise alongside Akane, and Genma took Kasumi. On that training trip. She's now cursed, and a good martial artist. On their return, the engagement is switched to Ranma-Kasumi (since it was obvious that Akane would never marry him). A long story starts. Ukyo as a wolf... Incomplete 750pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ascending Changes (1 part, 1 sidestory) File: Ascending-Changes/* Author: Ridgewolfe Awards: TASS Mini Series;1998 Mar 2nd (part 3- tie) Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Ranma has become permanently cursed as a girl now, by falling into Nyannichuan twice. Akane deliberately jumped into Nannichuan twice to become permanently cursed as a man, so that she can still be with Ranma (see Final Solution). This is the continuing story of what happens afterwards See Also: Final Solution Incomplete 124pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ascension File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kevin D. Hammel (khammel@pacbell.net) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~khammel/ Flags: Drama, Continuation Created: 30-11-2000 Ranma is dead. Killed while on his honeymoon with Akane in the Second Impact. But death is not the end, it seems that he, or rather she has been chosen to serve Kamisama as a goddess... Prequel: It's a Wonderful EVA (following story) Sequel: Aftermath Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ascension [WFRose] (prologue, 15 chapters, 3 interludes) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 642907 Author: WFRose Crossover: Many Flags: Divergence, Drama, Quality Good Updated: 03-10-2003 Created: 16-05-2002 Akane died during the battle with Saffron as he encases the doll-Akane in his egg as he dies. But Akane was much more than just Akane, and Ranma was driven mad with grief on her loss, eventually jumping off a cliff. More than 3 years later he returns, killing his own family as part of a quest. What has happened to him? What does he quest for, and what will he do with it? And is that really Akane with him? Complete 117pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Shattered World File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Durandall Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/brandall/index.htm Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama,Continuation, Quality Good Created: 29-06-2003 Ranma and Akane are to be married, but some investigators Kuno has hired has found some information that will cause major problems. Quickly thousands of leaflets are printed... Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ashes File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Edward Simons Webpage: http://www.concentric.net/~Easimons/index.htm Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Character Study, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 29-10-2001 Ranma married Akane for love. Love of tradition and duty and he has brought up his family in those ideals. They have everything they could want. Nothing could be wrong. Or could it? Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ashes: A Cinderella Story (16 parts) File: ranma.amg.ashes-a-cinderella-story Author: James and the Bluejay Webpage: http://www.wanderway.com/cinder/ashes.htm Crossover: Oh My Goddess Awards: TASS Crossover Mini Series;2001 May 3rd (tie),2001 Annual 9th Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Quality Good Updated: 07-03-2003 Created: 29-06-2001 Urd's got a problem. Marller is causing trouble and she's stuck in the Goddess Relief Office. Ah well, as long as the wishes keep going, there won't be a problem, time to find a temp. A monk in the wrong place would be it, except a quick wish shifts the burden onto one Ryoga. Now anyone wishing for things around him just might have their wish come true. Like Hiroshi's wish to have a better voice and more talent than the greatest rock star alive. Which wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't subsequently named Primrose as the best. Now he changes into a very cute and very talented girl. For a couple of hours... Incomplete 260pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ashes of the Phoenix File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Andy (AzraelNCSU@aol.com) Webpage: http://himura_saotome.tripod.com/mainpage.html Flags: Dark, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 06-06-2001 Akane is home, but where is Ranma? Surely nothing can have happened to him? But it has... In Jusendo, Ranma fought Saffron to save Akane, and lost. Now Akane is alone, and has to face life without Ranma, as do the others that knew him. Incomplete 26pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ashura's Fingers File: ranma.ashuras-fingers Author: Ryoga P Hibiki (carrotglace@mindspring.com) Awards: TASS One Shots;2001 Jan 3rd,2001 Annual 10th Flags: Comedy,Continuation Created: 03-03-2001 A chance mention of a fearsome martial arts technique called Ashura's fingers sparks a lot of interest. It's supposed to be incredibly powerful and can only be done by girls. And according to Genma, Ranma failed to learn it. However, judging by the way Ranma is acting, no one believes that. Everyone wants to either be taught it, or be taught how to defend against it, but Ranma isn't talking... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Simple Question File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 448490 Author: Zorknot Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 24-11-2002 Plum admires her father and is fascinated by the tales of the springs that he can tell. But does he really know everything about the springs? Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Simple Test File: ranma.xover.a-simple-test Author: Roehl Sybing (zero@infinitedeferral.com) Webpage: http://www.infinitedeferral.com/ Crossover: Unknown The Federal Realities commissions is charged with maintaining peace and stability across the countless alternate dimensions. New recruits, like Matt Silvers have to first of all, undergo a little test before becoming full members. In Matt's case, he's got to retrieve a beacon from a certain household in Nerima, Tokyo... Complete 14pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Slice of Life (and a pineapple) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara Flags: Character Study Created: 22-02-2001 A brief look into the mind and thoughts of the Principal of Furinkan High... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Sons Duty File: ranma.a-sons-duty Author: Hitomi Ichinohei Webpage: http://hitomi.anifics.com/ Awards: TASS Awards; 1995 Annual 9th (tie) Ukyou's father is going to visit. He wants to marry Ukyou off (to a girl) Ukyou isn't too keen on this. Ranma's mom is also visiting, so Ranma is Ranko for the time being. Akane hatches a plan and sets Ranko up with Ukyo for a date. Nodoka gets involved and starts prettying Ranko up... *HUGE* authors notes, probably larger than the story. Incomplete 83pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Stained Glass Mind File: ranma.a-stained-glass-mind Author: Anand Rao Webpage: http://www.gsm.uci.edu/~arao02/ Awards: TASS Awards; 1997 Annual 10th (tie) Rakhal Likes: 2 Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Ranma's mind was badly injured during the Nekoken training. It fractured into 10 distinct personalities. Quite a crowd in there. Fortunately Genma's Sister (who has psionic powers) can help out. Complete 128pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: As the crow flies File: ranma.crow.as-the-crow-flies Author: Martin Bennett Crossover: The Crow Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 15th (tie) A real estate developer wants the Tendo Dojo, but Soun is not willing to sell The developer resorts to violent means to get what he wants. A story of life and death. Darkish Complete 51pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Stitch in Time File: ranma.a-stitch-in-time Author: Michael Fetter Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/jehtek/ Awards: TASS One Shots;2001 March 1st,2001 Annual 2nd Rakhal Likes: 2 Flags: Drama,Divergence,Quality Good Created: 20-04-2001 Something strange happened when Ranma fell into the pool. His consciousness was flung back across the years to wind up in the in mind of a young woman called Kumiko, a girl who was dating Soun Tendo at the time. Now whenever Ranma becomes a girl, he returns to Kumiko and shares her life with her, looking through her eyes... Complete 52pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Asuka 1/2 (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: James Lee (jlee100441@aol.com) Webpage: http://jlee.anifics.com/index.htm Crossover: Neon Genesis Evangelion Created: 20-08-2002 Asuka is the only survivor of 3rd Impact, and she will soon go to join everyone she has known. But then Skuld appears to offer her a chance to make things all right with a wish. She awakens in a class in 1997 being asked a question by what appears to be an 8 year old teacher! She's now in the body of a red-headed pigtailed girl. Unfortunately for some reason whenever she gets splashed with hot water she seems to black out... Incomplete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Tale of Eternal Souls (12 parts) File: ranma.a-tale-of-eternal-souls Author: Huang Fai (arknight99@aol.com) Webpage: http://members.xoom.com/Arknight77 Crossover: Xenogears Elly has died and Fei grieves. And vows that he will find her again wherever she is reborn. In Nerima, a storm rages while Nodoka is in labour, mysteriously clearing when the baby is born. And years later, Ranma has strange dreams, where he is inside the head of a man named Fei and talks to a woman called Elly and others. What are gears, and what is Xenogears... Incomplete 123pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Tale of Ten Yen *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.a-tale-of-ten-yen Author: Sinom Bre(sinom_bre@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://home.houston.rr.com/onnaranma/index.html Awards: TASS One Shots;2000 Jan 2nd,2000 Annual 4th Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Comedy, Lemon, Continuation Created: 28-06-2000 Ranma has something Nabiki wants. 10 yen to be precise. But not just any old ten yen, a special one. How is it special? Well, Nabiki doesn't know but she's crazy to find out! How far will she go to find out, and how far will Ranma go in this game? Sequel: Burlesque Complete 33pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Tale of Two Nabikis (4 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jim Bader (Shadowmane@ridgenet.net) Webpage: http://home.hostultra.com/~AngCobraFics/jimbader.html Note: This is a crossover between A Very Scary Thought and A Scary Thought An accident with the Nanban mirror, it's unexpected immersion in the Koi pond and some upset koi winds up switching the Nabiki from the Nabiki 1/2 universe with that of the canon universe! What will everyone make of it, and how will they get back. Especially when a vampire runs off with the mirror and Kasumi in the Nabiki 1/2 universe! Main Story: A Scary Thought A Very Scary Thought Complete 173pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Tale of Two Wallets (111 parts and 3 sidestories) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jim Bader (Shadowmane@ridgenet.net) Webpage: http://home.hostultra.com/~AngCobraFics/jimbader.html After rescueing Ranma from the koi pond after a particularly vicious hit by Akane, Nabiki reflects on her life and wonders if she did the right thing by rejecting Ranma. A mysterious woman gives her a chance to change her fate and in the new world, Nabiki became Ranma's iinazuke. An Altered Destiny. The chronicles of the strange things that happen to Ranma and Nabiki in this new world. Amazons galore. And Hibikis as well. Reading order: 1-49,ss1,50-61,ss2,62-109,ss3,110-111 Prequel: Sins of the Fathers Incomplete 3044pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Thirst for Vengeance File: ranma.a-thirst-for-vengeance Author: Brian Navy (geosword@fastlane.net) Ranma and Akane are finally getting somewhere. One day while out walking, some mafia gunmen turn up and have a shootout with a rival gang. Akane is hit accidentally and is critically injured. The entire Ranma cast vow vengeance... Incomplete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Time for Giving File: ranma.a-time-for-giving Author: Webdragon Webpage: http://members.tripod.com/~WebDragon/index.html It's Christmas Eve. A time of dread for Ranma. He just knows that all the fiancees are going to turn up to give him things, and he's going to get malletted a lot today. Not to mention attacked by Ryoga, Kuno and Mousse... Complete 24pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Time for Tendou File: ranma.a-time-for-tendou Author: Christian Clark 2 Miss Hinako spots Soun jogging one day, and takes quite a fancy to him. She's a bit shy though... Incomplete 24pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Time for Wild Horses (18 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jose Argao Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/ex_fuk Crossover: Sailor Moon, Oh My Goddess Flags: Drama,Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 02-04-2004 Created: 29-05-2002 Ranma has the worst luck with things. It's almost like a kami is out to get him. He's not wrong either, there IS one meddling with his life. It's Urd, who regards Ranma as her own personal project. Kami-sama has even made Ranma off-limits to anyone else, so Belldandy and Skuld can't help the hapless martial artist. A chance comment by Skuld gives her a great idea for who to get Ranma hitched to as well. This worries Skuld quite a bit, the last chance comment she made got Ranma cursed, and she still feels guilty about that... Incomplete 376pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Time of Loneliness File: ranma.mi.a-time-of-lonliness ranma.mi.hello-loneliness (duplicate) Author: The Eternal Lost Lurker (lurkerdrome@megami.net) Crossover: Maison Ikokku Soun and Genma think it's time that Ranma learned a bit of responsibility and maturity. Also it would be good to put a bit of space between Ranma and Akane for a while. Accordingly Ranma moves out to Maison Ikokku. Incomplete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Trail of Blood File: ranma.a-trail-of-blood Author: Ronny Hedin (thark@mangakai.org) Webpage: http://i99ronhe.island.liu.se/fanfic/ Genma is killed in a traffic accident. This tells of the reactions of the cast to this event Sequel: A Boy went up a Hill Complete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A trip to self (28 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 2318096 Author: Trugeta (No Email) Crossover: Tenchi Muyo Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Kasumi Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Fair Updated: 15-09-2005 Created: 02-06-2005 Life has been getting worse for Ranma since the failed wedding. With Kasumi's help, he's managed to improve his speech and control somewhat his foot-in-mouth disease. His improved behaviour hasn't impressed Akane though, who seems to be getting angrier than ever. At least things are going better with Ryoga. How long can Ranma stand this? How long can Kasumi go on trying to help her younger sister win Ranma when she doesn't believe that she deserves him? Incomplete 708pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Truely Woeful Life File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: D B Sommer (sommert@connecttime.net) Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/dbsommer/index.htm Flags: Drama, Quality Good Created: 20-10-2001 Kodachi stands on the edge of a bridge looking at the icy waters below. No-one will miss her. However, Rellram, a tentacle rape demon (who hasn't earned any tentacles yet) is here to show Kodachi exactly what would have happened if she hadn't existed... Complete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: At the Dinner table (1 1/2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Prospero Hibiki Webpage: http://prospero.anifics.com Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 19-05-2003 A normal dinner time at the Tendo Dojo. Well, normal that is except for Ranma leaping up and declaring himself the Purple Pickled Pepper Eater of Furinkan High. Then the ceiling starts sagging. Nabiki has noticed too. Obviously they've been drugged, but by who and why? Incomplete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: At What Cost File: ranma.at-what-cost Author: Steven Scougall(s_scougall@mailandnews.com) Webpage: http://www.crosswinds.net/~sscougall/ Akane destroys Hikaru's favourite hammer and camera while chasing Ranma Hikaru vows revenge on Ranma and then gets struck by lightning... Complete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Twisted Fate (3 parts) File: ranma.dbz.a-twisted-fate Author: Adrian D. Moten (raemowse@aol.com) Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/admoten/index.htm Matchup: Ranma+Kasumi Flags: Drama, Alterverse Ranma arrives at the Tendo Dojo with a somewhat nervous Genma. It's raining, but he's male. 6 foot tall with thick hair and what looks like a brownish sash. This Ranma fell into the pool of Drowned Alien. Saiyajin to be precise, and he likes it. But in Saiyajin form he's a whole lot more confident and a bit more brutal as well. As Akane finds out. Kasumi however interests him, and he her... Incomplete 42pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Autumn and Spring File: ranma.autumn-and-spring Author: Angus MacSpon (macspon@ihug.co.nz) Webpage: http://shell.ihug.co.nz/~macspon/ Awards: TASS One Shots; 1998 Jan 1st, 1998 Annual 5th Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Ukyo Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good It's nearly 70 years on, and Akane has just died. Ranma sits at her grave when someone comes up to him and offers to take him away somewhere for a bit. There's a mystery surrounding Shampoo and Cologne... Sequel: Second Spring Complete 92pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Vampire in Nerima File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 21-12-2000 Cologne has had a terrible message from the Village Seer. At midnight on Halloween, the Cat Cafe is to be visited by a vampire! And Halloween is today. Cologne has a plan though... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Avatar 1/2 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1933954 Author: SleepingBear Matchup: Nabiki+SI char Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 11-08-2004 After a Ranma marathon, the Author finds himself sent to the Ranmaverse, where he can live a new life with his favourite characters. Starting with a new 16 year old body, a new name, Daisetsu, and knowledge of Japanese, he must find out why he's there and find his place in this world. At least he knows what's going to happen when Ranma arrives... Sequel: Sequel: The Other Half Complete 293pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Avenging (Prologue, 11 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: D B Sommer (sommert@connecttime.net) Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/dbsommer/index.htm Crossover: The Avengers Superhero Team Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Comedy, Alterverse, Quality Good Updated: 04-10-2002 Created: 14-10-2001 Ranma was a wimp until at the age of 5 he drank the Super Soldier serum. Now, he's Captain Japan, and his sidekick Bucky. Kodachi was turned to guns and pineapples at an early age, and later after a bad accident, takes to wearing a suit of powered armour in order to stay alive. Ukyo was never any good at spatulas, but with bows she was unbeatable. Mousse, blinded by chemicals, finds out he has a new sonar-like sense. Akane finds a stick that turns her into Thor, Goddess of Thunder. And Ryoga finds himself at ground zero, in pig form, when the Gamma bomb is being tested. Now he's a giant green pig, and a giant green man. Together they will form the Avengers, but not if the supervillains have anything to say about it! Sidestory: Along came a spider Incomplete 493pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Very... VERY thin Line between... (5 chapters) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 665677 Author: WFROSE Reviewer: siaru Reviewer Likes: 0 Flags: Comedy, Mystery, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 18-10-2002 Everyone knows that the women in Ranma's life are at least borderline psychotic, particularly in their expression of affection towards him. Now all of them seem to have crossed that line at once, and Ranma is in a race against death to find out why. Complete 23pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Very Cruel Cut File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Crossover: Sailor Moon Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 20-01-2003 Everyone is rushing to Furinkan School Gynamsium in order to see some of the best athletes in the world. Including the senshi who are in it for the beefcake. Unfortunately this is all a trick by the principal, who has another dastardly scheme to clip the locks of all the attendees... Incomplete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Very Scary Thought (aka Nabiki 1/2) (33 parts and 3 sidestories) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jim Bader (Shadowmane@ridgenet.net) Webpage: http://home.hostultra.com/~AngCobraFics/jimbader.html Matchup: Ranma+Nabiki Flags: Alterverse When Genma took Ranma to start that training trip, he quickly found out that providing for a child was hard work. Maybe his friend Soun would take him in and let Genma have a few years off. Unfortunately he wound up taking Nabiki with him instead! 10 years later, Nabiki has returned with a few surprises. Such as turning into a boy. But no matter, the engagement between Ranma and Akane isn't working out, so it's switched to Nabiki. Maybe that will work better? The continuing tales of the Tendo Posse, as Amazons, bikers, Sea Pirates, and many others join them on their adventures. An Altered Destiny. Reading order: 1-4,ss1,5-14,ss2,15-26,ss3,27-33 Sidestory: Lair of the Tiger (alternate) Incomplete 1863pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Very Short Trip File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 2584986 Author: Ozzallos Webpage: http://www.dreamops.com/Fiction/omr.htm Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 17-11-2005 Ranma holds the Nanban Mirror. He's had enough, but the step he's going to take is a big one. To wish to go somewhere he can be happy and find someone to love him for what he is. Can he do it? Can he leave this life? And if he does, where will he go? Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Very Unusual Day File: ranma.a-very-unusual-day Author: Emily Siazon (mmefleiss@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Keep/3956/Ranma.html Shampoo's trying to feed Ranma passion spice again. Things, as usual don't go to plan. First Ryoga eats the drugged ramen, then Akane gets a drugged cookie... Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Village, Ten Years Later File: ranma.a-village-ten-years-later Author: Jack Staik (jstaik1043@earthlink.net) Webpage: http://home.earthlink.net/~jstaik1043/otaku.htm Matchup: Ranma+Orig Flags: Drama, Continuation Ukyo visits a small village, searching for a good source of top quality ingredients for her okonomiyaki when she accidentally runs into Ranma! 10 years ago, he vanished and no-one knew where he went. He's been living here ever since as the village constable, married to a local girl with 6 children and a 7th on the way. Lots to catch up on... Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Awakening File: ranma.awakening Author: Ken Arromdee (arromdee@rahul.net) Webpage: http://www.rahul.net/arromdee/fanfic.html Matchup: Ranma+Orig Flags: Drama, Alterverse Ranma is having nightmares. Always the same one. If only he could remember all of it... Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Awakenings and Journeys File: ranma.awakenings-and-journeys.prologue Author: J. D. Farber Flags: Dark, Alterverse Nabiki gets assaulted one day, raped and shot. A mysterious doctor finds her, and takes her to the hospital, where she lies catatonic. There's something odd about this guy... Incomplete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Waking Dream File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Growly-chan Webpage: http://ranmaverse.topcities.com/fanfics/growlyfics.html Flags: Dark, Quality Good Created: 30-09-2001 Hiroshi is dead, and the one who loved him is left with their thoughts and wishing that this were all a dream... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Warring Conscience (15 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 778015 Author: WFRose Crossover: Tekken Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Updated: 03-10-2003 Created: 15-05-2002 A little boy is thrown to his death into a pool at Jusenkyo. Years later Ranma is cursed there, into a terrifying demon that promises to lay waste to the Amazon tribe. Until they manage to pour hot water on the demons head, causing something rather amazing to occur.. Incomplete 91pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Wasted Wish File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Tailkinker [Timothy Groves] Webpage: http://tailkinker.contrabandent.com/ Rakhal Likes: 2 Flags: Continuation, Drama, WAFF, Quality Good Created: 07-03-2003 Ranma has a wish. From a goddess even, Skuld to be precise. What to do with it. As often happens the decision is made hastily to wish to know more about his mother and grandmother. Maybe he should have asked to cure the curse? Never mind, maybe this wish wasn't so wasted after all. For 3 days Ranma has been sent back in time to when his mother was young... Complete 31pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Away to the Mountains File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1643575 Author: JohnnyG Webpage: http://www.computersensa.com Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, WAFF, Quality Good Created: 22-04-2004 Ranma and Akane are on a training trip in the mountains. It's raining and cold and Ranma is sick. Akane is worried about her, and even more so when she collapses... Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Wedding Day Bliss or (Ranmas strange day) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 652203 Author: Bio-Nic Flags: WAFF, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 13-06-2003 Ranma wanders into the kitchen with his sake. He's recently married and his little red-headed niece is trying to sneak up on him. Someone else may want to join in too... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Wish come true (4 parts) File: ranma.amg.wish-come-true Author: Brian (brian_kun@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Shrine/6648/ Crossover: Oh My Goddess Flags: Drama, Alterverse Akane gets a wish from Urd. Not wanting to take it right now, Urd gives her a ring. When she's ready, she can make a wish, and the ring will go back to Urd. Unfortunately she gets a bit irritated at Ranma at lunch and wishes she'd never met him... Incomplete 86pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Awkward Consequences File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: PsyckoSama (syp104@psu.edu) Webpage: http://www.fanfic.net/~psyckosama/ Crossover: Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 06-08-2002 Hotaru has a problem. A mistake she made at a party has come back to haunt her. She and Ranma both drank too much and now she's pregnant. She must find Ranma. Can Ranma cope with this? What of the Senshi and Hotaru's family. And what of Ranma's fiancees and other chaos that surrounds him? Incomplete 124pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: A Year Later File: ranma.a-year-later Author: Paul Sampson Webpage: http://members.tripod.com/~PaulSamp/ Flags: Dark, Continuation Ranma wanders the graveyard, looking at the graves of all the people he once knew... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Azusa can't think File: ranma.azusa-cant-think Author: VHD Flags: Comedy, Alterverse Azusa discovers something cute on the Home Shopping Network. Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===============================> B <================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Baby Boom File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 982694 Author: Sailor Frogspawn Flags: Dark, Comedy, Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 25-07-2003 Something horrible has happened to Ranma. The curse is not so innocent as it first seems... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Backfired *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.backfired Author: Jan Story Webpage: http://www.storyanime.com Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Lemon,WAFF, Quality Good Created: 27-06-2001 Ranma is on the run from Kodachi, who has drugged him with a powerful aphrodisiac. He's desperate, but not with Kodachi! Akane is running from Kuno after eating some Ramen that Shampoo had got to. Under a bridge they meet... Complete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Back to Nerima File: ranma.xover.back-to-nerima Author: Ryoga P Hibiki (carrotglace@mindspring.com) Crossover: Back to the Future Awards: TASS One Shots;2001 Jul 2nd (tie) Flags: Drama, Continuation,Quality Good Created: 19-08-2001 Ranma is in detention again. Time off from the fiancees if nothing else. One of the science teachers is supervising it tonight, and he's got a proposition for Ranma. If he'll take some video footage for him then he'll get some extra credit. Well the footage in question is of the doctor testing out his new time machine! And of course things start to go seriously wrong when those Libyans turn up... Complete 29pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Back to the Ice File: ranma.back-to-the-ice Author: Jeff Yoshizawa (netgamer@ucla.edu) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Palace/9496 There's an Ice hockey tournament coming up, and the prize is an all expenses paid trip to China for the 10 members of the winning team and the coach. Ranma and friends put together a team... Complete 55pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Bad Days, Helping Hands (3 parts) File: ranma.bad-days-helping-hands Author: James Hunt (jrhunt77@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Atlantis/3613/ Ranma is stuck in a world of darkness where everything he knows has been warped. What with Nabiki, the Lord of Darkness, Ukyo, the vampire and Akane, the demon killer, it's a far cry from the normal world. He should never have trusted that little Goddess from the Goddess Relief Helpline. She's called Nikki and she's obviously still got a bit to learn. After all, all Ranma wished for was not to have to take the English exam that was coming up. Sure, moving him to a different dimension worked, but wasn't it a bit drastic? Incomplete 34pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Bad Spell File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Stormy/ranma.bad-spell Author: Stormy (stormwalker628@usa.net) Flags: Spamfic Created: 20-04-2001 Ranma, Akane and Shampoo find themselves mysteriously on a snow covered mesa surrounded by junk. What happened! and what have those elves got to do with it? Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Barney meets Asusa File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Crossover: Barney Created: 20-12-2000 Azusa is a guest star on the Barney show... Complete 1pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Bastard Child File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kyokukou Webpage: http://www.ephektz.com/alloyfanfiction Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 16-08-2001 Happosai has always been a problem, but after he glomps Kasumi one night, everyone is resolved that he must be dealt with once and for all. Ranma even wants to borrow Nodoka's katana. But Nodoka has some surprising information for them. Apparently Happosai is both Soun and Genma's father! Nabiki isn't going to believe that until it's proven by genetic testing. It can't be true, it mustn't be true! Wonder why Nodoka is worried about the idea of genetic testing? Complete 20pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Bastet's Blessing File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: S'taumkinar Silverbreeze Webpage: http://cyberlife.gq.nu Matchup: Ranma+Kasumi Flags: Teaser,Quality Fair Created: 07-05-2001 Ranma fights his enemies, while Kasumi watches. All goes well until Akane gets him with her mallet. Ranma collapses and isn't breathing! Everyone is shocked except Kasumi who pleads for him to return. That plea is answered, by Bastet... Incomplete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Batman. The Dark Knight (5 parts) File: ranma.batman.the-dark-knight Author: Fiona Lim (flim@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.fortunecity.com/rivendell/darkness/268/ Crossover: Batman Brian and Alexandra Wayne have a son, Bruce. Brian also has a disinherited brother called Genma. On the elder Wayne's death, Genma takes custody of Bruce (and calls him Ranma).. Complete 79pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Batter and Curses (prologue,8 chapters) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1795217 Author: Ace A Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Continuation, Drama, Dark, Quality Good Updated: 21-06-2005 Created: 20-04-2004 When Genma tried to leave Ukyo behind after taking the yattai Ukyo's dad stopped him in his tracks. Seems that the Kuonji's have relatives all over Japan and China and if Genma dumps Ukyo there could be problems.. Looks like Ukyo is going along on that 10 year trip. Wonder how this will change things... Incomplete 149pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Battle of the Churches File: ranma.battle-of-the-churches Author: Phil Chan Webpage: http://bluemidnight.anifics.com/hostedwritings.html#Serafita Matchup: Ranma+Ranko Flags: Metafiction, Quality Fair Created: 20-01-2001 In a grim future of Ranma fandom, a small brave band of people move through the blasted landscape. They are devoted to their pig-tailed redheaded leader and stand against the hordes of Knights and Defenders that are their enemies. And now tragedy has struck. The True Knights have taken that which is most valuable to them and they must somehow recover him. Incomplete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Battle Royale File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Nanashi/ranma.battle-royale Author: Nanashi (chadjill@ms3.hinet.net) Flags: Teaser, Quality Good Created: 07-07-2001 The school has a new Delinquency Advisor... Complete 1pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Battletech Ranmatech one half File: ranma.battletech.ranmatech-one-half Author: ChaosXtreme Crossover: Battletech Ranma/Battletech crossover. Ranma in space with big mechs. Incomplete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Battousai and the Ruby Tiger File: ranma.rk.battousai-and-the-ruby-tiger Author: Michael Fetter (jehtek@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/jehtek/ Awards: TASS Crossover Mini Series;2001 Oct 3rd Matchup: Ranma+Ryoga Flags: Drama,Alterverse,Quality Good Created: 19-10-2001 5 years on Ryoga walks the streets of Nerima, looking for the Tendo Dojo. He's looking for Ranma. 5 years ago, they were fighting together near Jusenkyo, caught in a 3 way war between the Jusendo tribes. Beset by the Joketsuzoku they retreat into Jusenkyo itself, where Ranma ends up fighting a small redheaded Amazon. Defeating her, he throws her into a pool, only to be thrown into it himself accidentally by Ryoga, where he is just in time to see her die. And something happens. Now, Ranma looks just like the little Amazon, Rhu Bei, and is taken for her by the rest of the Amazons. And in order to keep Ryoga safe, she claims that he is hers... Incomplete 28pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Beautiful Liar File: ranma.beautiful-liar Author: Jonathan Burke (joburke3@vt.edu) Flags: Dark, Alterverse Alternate universe where the Tendo's (and Genma) are all depraved and evil. Ranma gets used as a sexual plaything and toy. Akane is referred to by Kuno as the 'Whore of Babylon', and you don't want to know about Kasumi. Incomplete 40pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Beavis and Butthead One Half File: ranma.beavis-and-butthead-one-half Author: James Eades (jeeades@ix.netcom.com) Beavis and Butthead follow Ryoga back to Nerima (via Jusenkyo). How the Tendo family and others cope with their brand of humour, and how they cope with their curses. Happy has a problem too. Complete 52pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Be careful what you wish for File: ranma.careful-wish Author: Richard Beaubien (beaubird@anime.sobhrach.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~beaubird/ Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Script, Quality Poor Ranma gets a brooch which will grant 2 wishes. He wishes he was never cursed to turn into a girl. Sure enough, he isn't. Genma didn't take him on that trip 10 years ago. Nor did he teach him martial arts. Other things have changed as well. Well, there's always that other wish. Expanded in Careful Destiny Incomplete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Bedlam Fire File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Allyn Yonge (ayonge@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/ayongedarling Flags: Drama, Dark, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 11-10-2002 An alien creature has come from the stars. It's food, pain and terror. But it is imprisoned and weak and it must work through puppets to gain power to escape it's prison. A necromancer long ago served it and indirectly saving a child served it too. Now it has found another servant. One Tendo Akane, to whom great power will be granted. But can she resist the will and terrible purpose of the one that gives this power... Incomplete 90pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Bedtime Stories *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.bedtime-stories Author: Katsuragi Misato Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Lemon, Quality Poor After a little accident, Akane needs to change and she punts Ranma out of the room. Ryoga spots her and promptly collapses from a massive nosebleed Akane rushes out to help him, and one thing leads to another... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Bedtime Story File: ranma.bedtime-story Author: Shazorn Flags: Quality Good Cologne tells Shampoo a bedtime story. The history of the founding of the Amazon tribe. Shampoo learns a lesson from the tale... Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Behind Blue Eyes (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: J. Bell Webpage: http://www.animeinfo.org/featured/ranma/ranmafiction.html (archive) Created: 19-06-2000 Ranma is having a hard day. Akane is annoyed about a kiss that Ukyo stole yesterday and gets her revenge by siccing Kuno on him. The Kendo club have vowed revenge on him, after Ranma catches one of them out in baseball, and get it by turning him into a girl in the showers, A strange girl tells him that he has a weird fortune and that he is a girl(!), and to top it all, a comment in a biology lecture reveals that Genma isn't his father! Nabiki seems to want to help, but can he trust her? What does that fortune teller girl mean by telling him that there are 3 women that he will love? And who or what is that shadow that's creeping around the place? Incomplete 73pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Being a good loser File: ranma.being-a-good-loser Author: Ross McKenzie Akane has never liked that Ranma will never fight her seriously. Soun takes his daughters off training to learn a few new techniques.... Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Being a Man File: ranma.being-a-man Author: Rhonda Schell Flags: Dark, Quality Good Akane is dead by foul means. Ranma toys with a tanto on the roof... Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Berserker File: ranma.berserker Author: Jang Choe (Yinyang@altered.com) A first person story. You are a new student at Furinkan. You run across Akane, eat some of her food, and fall victim to that strange compulsion that she has... Complete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Best Ending File: ranma.best-ending Author: Adrian Wong <7ahw@qlink.queensu.ca> Shampoo and Cologne are off back to China, having given up on Ranma. Suddenly they find out about the Anything goes Martial Arts tournament Shampoo enters. and Cologne trains her, so she can beat Ranma. Complete 20pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Best Man File: ranma.best-man Author: Miko (belldandy@angelic.com) Webpage: http://www.maisonbellchan.net It's Ranma's Wedding, and his best man hasn't showed up (Ryoga), Who can he get to substitute. He doesn't have that many friends.. Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Best Match File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFML File: FFML-R/2001-04/04-15-01-11-15 Author: Ginrai [alternate email: ukyou@anifics.com] Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/ginrai/index.htm Matchup: Ranma+Bess Flags: Spamfic,Quality Good Created: 20-04-2001 Three girls are chained upstairs in the Tendo household while a joyous occasion occurs downstairs. Ranma is getting married! But this is not an event at all welcomed by the girls. Things really didn't turn out the way they wanted... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Best of Iinazuke File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jim Bader (Shadowmane@ridgenet.net) Webpage: http://home.hostultra.com/~AngCobraFics/jimbader.html Matchup: Ranma+Ukyo Flags: Alterverse, Quality Good A late Bet Entry, in this one there is a small change when Genma ran off with the Kuonji's Yatai. He got the wrong child in the confusion! Now Ukyo is off living the wandering life with Genma, while Ranma is learning the Okonomiyaki trade with Akira Incomplete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Best Served Cold File: ranma.best-served-cold Author: Robert Knighton (knighton@scctel.com) Awards: TASS One Shots;1999 Jul 3rd Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Mousse+Shampoo A force of terror has attacked the Amazon Village. The Warriors try to stop the invader, but he is unstoppable and all fall before him. Cologne makes her stand to at least buy some time for the children to get away. She can't win, but maybe she can stop Ranma for a while... Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Better Late than Never File: ranma.better-late-than-never Author: Paul Gallegos (ranma@dkcomm.net) Webpage: http://www.dkcomm.net/~ranma/ Ranma gets whacked on the head a few times, and suddenly starts fainting left right and center. Wonder what's triggering it.. Complete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Between a rock and a Hard Place File: ranma.between-a-rock-and-a-hard-place Author: Zen (ayanami@mindspring.com) Webpage: http://www.mindspring.com/~databank/fanfics.html Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 14th (tie) Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Ranma is feeling a bit depressed one day, and gets into an argument with a delivery truck. He loses, and all 3 of his fiancees must face the possibility of losing him. Ranma must face himself as well. Complete 84pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Between the lines File: ranma.between-the-lines Author: Saotome-sama Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: WAFF, Quality Good Akane sneaks a peek at the Nekoken training manual to see if she can get any insights into Ranma... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Between Us File: ranma.between-us Author: Soby Jones (ssoborof@blue.weeg.uiowa.edu) Nodoka visits her dying friend Kimiko in hospital and they talk of what is happening and what has happened... Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Beyond Boundaries File: ranma.beyond-boundries Author: Mad Hamlet Webpage: http://anime.prestonfam.org/madhamlet/ Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Dark, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 07-02-2001 In a hospital, a short haired girl lies motionless. She's really just the shell of a girl after the accident that cost Akane Ranma, just 2 weeks after she married him. How can she go on? Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Beyond Forms (6 parts) File: ranma.beyond-forms (parts 1-4) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (parts 5-6) Author: Kiwi Noriega Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9371/ When Genma took Ranma off on that 10 year training trip, he took Akane as well. Now Ranma changes into a girl, and Akane changes into a man (and both are very good at Martial Arts) Incomplete 60pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Beyond that way File: ranma.beyond-that-way Author: Kevin D. Hammel Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~khammel/ Matchup: Soun+Nodoka Flags: Alterverse, Quality Good Nodoka returns to Japan with the new female Ranma. They go to the Tendo's and explain what has happened. Ukyou turns up as well... Prequel: But that way lies Complete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Bimbo File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 20-12-2000 Someone is calling Shampoo a bimbo! What to do... Complete 1pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Binding Changes (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1587702 Author: Poly Webpage: http://www.megorga.com/ Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 09-11-2003 Kuno has managed to locate a magical artifact! Two necklaces to be precise that apparently have the power to change the wearers lives forever! Surely this can free his two loves. During the next day he manages to get the necklaces on Ranma and Akane, but apart from not being able to be removed they don't seem to do anything other than be annoying! Well, that is until Ranma gets splashed. He changes into a girl, but at the same time Akane changes into a man... Incomplete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Biography File: ranma.biography Author: Soby Jones (ssoborof@blue.weeg.uiowa.edu) An Episode of 'Biography' (a show that chronicles the events of someones life), focussing on one Ranma Saotome, hermaphrodite from Manchester. He spent his life as a circus freak before an interesting journey to Japan... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Birthday Fic File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Yoiko (No Email) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/mighty_yoiko/ Flags: Spamfic Created: 09-03-2001 One of the minor, but ever present Ranma characters has a birthday, and a secret identity. Complete 1pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Birthday licks File: ranma.birthday-licks Author: Kesshi Mashin (fxffects@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/kmashin/index.htm Flags: Lemon, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 13-12-2002 It's Ranma's birthday and he'd got a card from his mom! Life is good. Well until a certain Amazon starts molesting him. That's not the end of the crazy things that happen either. Birthdays are fun... Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Birthdays-Itoshii File: ranma.birthdays-itoshii Author: Michael Won Soun writes a letter to his dead wife on her birthday describing what's been going on. Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Birthdays-Nabiki File: ranma.birthdays-nabiki Author: Michael Won Nabiki stops at a coffee house in America and reads her mail. She reflects on her life and those of those around her. Set ~20 years on. Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Birthdays-Ranma File: ranma.birthdays-ranma Author: Michael Won A quiet week alone at a resort for Akane and Ranma comes to an end with Ranma's birthday. The fighting and rivalry has softened, and now is a time to let true feelings come out. Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Birthdays-Ryouga File: ranma.birthdays-ryouga Author: Michael Won Ryouga is rarely at home on his birthday, and even when he is, his parents are rarely there as well. One birthday he's walking on a bridge, thinking of a past birthday he spent with Ranma. Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Birthdays-Ukyou File: ranma.birthdays-ukyou Author: Michael Won On the day of Ranma's Wedding Ukyou turns up for a final talk.. Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Birthright (2 parts) File: ranma.birthright (parts 1-2) ranma.birthright.1 (part 1) (duplicate) ranma.birthright.2 (part 2) (duplicate) Author: Arthur Hansen Webpage: http://www.kindred.net/arthur/art.html Created: 02-08-2000 Ranma comes to the Tendo Dojo and spars with Akane. But this Akane is a *LOT* better than the canon one, and beats her fairly easily. She beats him on a rematch in boy form as well, if not so easily. How will this change the relationship between those two. Can Ranma adjust to being second-best? Incomplete 57pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Ranma (21 parts) File: Sailor-Ranma/* (21 files) Author: Stephen Tsai (bssr@ml.usagi.org) Webpage: http://www.dhc.net/~stsai/bssr/ Crossover: Sailor Moon Awards: TASS Awards; 1994 Annual 12th (Ep 2), TASS Continuing Series; 1998 May 1st (part 19) Rakhal Likes: 1 Ranma (a Ranma who never has been cursed) is walking along the street one day when he sees some children picking on a small black pig. The pig has a moon symbol on it's forehead. Later on a youma attacks and P-Chan tells Ranma to pour this water over his head to become Sailor Moon! Pity he didn't mention the 'Bishoujo' part... Incomplete 310pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Bits of China (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 2575351 Author: Ozzallos Webpage: http://www.dreamops.com/Fiction/omr.htm Flags: Divergence, Drama, Quality Good Created: 17-11-2005 Ranma is cold, hungry and recently cursed. In female form at present, she's hunting for food, having not eaten a decent meal for days. So, when she stumbles upon the Joketsuzoku village and sees the table full of food there awaiting the winner of the championships, it's almost too much for her to resist. Resist she does though, although she is subsequently found by the Amazons and challenged as to why she is trespassing. No way out of this, but a duel to establish her status. A hard battle later, barely lost due to her malnourished condition, she's established a place for herself as an equal, and for the first time in ages, she's found a home, and friends... Incomplete 53pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Bitter File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 558710 Author: Firewind Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Blossom/6501 Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Dark,Continuation, Quality Good Created: 06-10-2003 Nabiki wants to see Ryoga one day. She's quite insistent about it and asks Ranma to go fetch him. Seems she's found out about the P-Chan thing and she's quite upset about it. Nabiki's fury starts something though that seems unstoppable. What will happen to Ranma, Ryoga and everyone else before this drama is finally played out... Complete 68pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Bittersweet Memories (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 2111971 Author: LostBoy1 Crossover: Real Bout High School Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Fair Created: 02-06-2005 Nodoka had twins, a girl and a boy. The boy, Ranma, was taken on the 10 year training trip, while the girl, Ranko, was left behind. Time passed, and eventually Ranko found a boyfriend. Now though, Ranma is returning. What will her brother be like now? What adventures has he had? Incomplete 24pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Bittersweet Sweetness File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: the RanMaFan Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/8599/RanFanFic.html Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 07-12-2001 Akane's made some Starched Chicken, and she's determined that Ranma is going to try it! And try it he does, eventually. The starch is so strong that he can't get his mouth open again! Well, not until he uses his Ultra Starch Breaker Technique and a lot of saliva to convert it all into sugar. Now he can't get the sweet taste out of his mouth. Well, a passing girl called Amai may have the answer, in a blue pill to remove sugar. It works too! Pity it also makes Amai fall in love with him. By the traditions of their clan they must be married now... Complete 66pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Black File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives RAAC File: Ranma/Colors/ranma.black Author: Joseph Palmer (jpalmer@josephpalmer.com) Webpage: http://www.josephpalmer.com Awards: TASS Awards; 1997 Annual 6th (tie) Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: WAFF, Quality Good Tokyo suffers a major blackout. How do people cope during it, and what is happening to Ranma and Akane. Prequel: Orange Sequel: After Black Complete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Black and White (3 parts) File: ranma.black-and-white Author: Jennifer Stewarts (kitsy@home.com) Webpage: http://www.sofaspud.org/couch/Ranma/ (archive) A strange girl is coming from China. She's 7 or so, the people that found her say that she has amnesia, and she's apparently Genma's daughter! Nodoka is less than amused, and Genma is puzzled. But Miko, as the new girl is to be called, has a surprise of her own... Incomplete 24pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Black Days File: ranma.black-days Author: Jason L. Langlois Webpage: http://free.prohosting.com/~jaimakun/ Kodachi is tormented by her memories after an attack against Akane goes horribly wrong... Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Black Lemonade File: ranma.black-lemonade Author: Nicholas Leifker(nightelf@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~nightelf/fanfic/index.html Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 15th (tie) Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Comedy, Continuation, Quality Good Ryouga gets a wedding invitation to Ranma and Akane's wedding. He goes mental, rapes both Akane and Ranma-chan and levels the dojo... Complete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Blackmail File: ranma.blackmail Author: Paul Gallegos (ranma@dkcomm.net) Webpage: http://www.dkcomm.net/~ranma/ Awards: TASS One Shots;1998 Dec 1st, 1999 Annual 4th Flags: Drama, Quality Good Nabiki drops her book of incriminating information one day at school. Someone from her past she has forgotten picks it up... Complete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Black Moon - Eclipse of the Sun (2 parts) File: Sailor-Ranko/ranma.sm.sailor-ranko.black-moon-eclipse-of-the-sun Author: Arthur Hansen Webpage: http://www.kindred.net/arthur/art.html Crossover: Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 01-11-2000 It's time for the Senshi to take a quick trip back to Jadeites realm, just to make sure nothing untoward is going on there. When they are done, Ranma and Akane stay behind for half an hour to visit a place special to them. But when it's time to go home, something goes wrong. The recall device doesn't work, and when they finally do get back, their world seems to have been changed in bewildering ways. A new evil has reared it's head. Can the senshi be saved and the evil countered? Prequel: Twice in a Millenium Incomplete 100pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Black Operations File: ranma.black-operations Author: Arthur Harvey Edwards [the First Lord of the Dark Forces] Shampoo and Cologne contract a hit squad to take out Akane. Incomplete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Black Rose File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Flags: Songfic, Quality Good Created: 03-05-2002 A look into the mind of Kodachi. Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Black Rose, Blue Thunder (18 parts) File: Altered-Destiny/ranma.black-rose-blue-thunder.* (18 files) Author: Dreiser (Dreiser1@ix.netcom.com) Webpage: http://www.dreiser.net Matchup: Ranma+Kodachi, Akane+Mousse, Tatewaki+Shampoo, Nabiki+Ryoga, Kasumi+Orig Flags: Alterverse, Comedy, Quality Good An Altered Destiny. Two girls and a flying pig arrive at the Tendo Dojo The two girls are Ranma (in his cursed form of a female elf), and Kodachi, with whom, Ranma is very much in love. The pig is Genma of course, and when he switches back to normal. the matter of the arranged marriage is broached. Can Ranma stay true to Kodachi. Ranma here is a charming rogue, as is Kodachi. Ryoga is his brother, Tatewaki is a part time chicken! (well, at least it looks a bit like one), and Akane is the sweetest, nicest girl in all Nerima (and a hell of a sports star). Chocoholics rejoice... Incomplete 414pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Black Roses File: ranma.black-roses Author: Shazorn Kodachi and her other self plot a methodical campaign to achieve that which she desires more than anything. Dark Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Blades of Shadow File: ranma.blades-of-shadow Author: Eshin (eshin@friko5.onet.pl) Crossover: Guyver A dark cloaked character walks through Nerima. A rainshower causes a slight change. And a short time later a group of punks try to rob the mysterious lady. Soon all are dead. This is Ryoga. A Ryoga who fell into the spring of drowned female assassin and now shares his body with Eshin, a rather ruthless assassin from 1000 years ago. Eshin devoted her life to the fight against Chronos Corporation. but that was 1000 years ago, they are surely gone now... Incomplete 26pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Bless'ed Are We (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1139663 Author: SoftRogue Crossover: Sailor Moon, Slayers Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 01-12-2003 Ranma is having dreams. Dreams that are so disturbing that he's gone to see Doc Tofu on the eave of his holiday. Dreams of a sword and a woman that means a lot to him. Is he losing his mind? Are these dreams of a previous life? And what connection does this have to the new enemy that the Senshi must face? Incomplete 44pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Blessed Event File: ranma.blessed-event Author: Trisha L. Sebastian (tls@thekeep.org) Matchup: Ranma+Tatewaki Flags: Dark A horrible mistake leads to 9 months of misery and hatred for Ranma and his partner... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Blind Love File: ranma.blind-love Author: Brian Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Shrine/6648/ Mousse challenges Ranma again. On failure he returns to the Nekohanten only to have Shampoo make fun of him. Rooting through the trash he finds a fishing rod and idly casts with it, hitting Nodoka by accident. He thinks nothing of it.. Incomplete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Blind Obedience File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Dancing Imp Webpage: http://fubarfics.fubarinc.com/ Crossover: Inu Yasha Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 22-02-2002 Ranma and Akane are still fighting, and Ranma doesn't know what to do about it. Akane might though, she found a nice lady by an old well that might just be able to help her... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Bliss File: ranma.bliss Author: Mike Loader (mike@thekeep.org), Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara/bliss/bliss.html Awards: TASS Mini Series;1999 Apr 2nd, 1999 Annual 10th Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Ranma+Tatewaki, Ranma+Akane, Ryoga+Akari, Tatewaki+Orig Flags: Drama, Quality Good A girl wakes up on a beach on a deserted island. She's weak, has been exposed for days and has lost her memory. A boy is also there, also unconscious, at the top of the beach. He also has lost his memory. As far as the two of the can work out there's no-one else alive here. The girl vaguely remembers the name Akane, the boy Ukyo. So starts their life on the island, fighting for survival against natural and not so natural enemies, and even against their own minds as terrifying fragmentary memories assault them. Complete 267pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Blissful Nights File: ranma.blissful-nights Author: Orange Crayon Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: WAFF, Quality Fair Ranma and Akane share a tent on a training trip. Akane talks in her sleep. Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Blocked Memories File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Mazena/ranma.blocked-memories Author: Mazena Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 23-01-2004 Ranma heads off for a bath, but first he needs to check if Akane is still in there. She is indeed. Naked and leaning over Ryoga! When Ranma tries to leave, Akane throws her mallet at him, knocking him out. Unfortunately when Ranma wakes up he's forgotten everything since Jusenkyo... Complete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Blonde 1/2 (6 parts) File: ranma.blonde-one-half Author: Ace Sanchez (aceywacey@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/acey/ Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Comedy, Alterverse, Quality Good We all know Ranma-chan is very cute. What would happen if she were stunningly beautiful instead (and blond). So beautiful Genma, Soun and even Akane have disturbing thoughts about her girl side... Incomplete 112pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Blood calls out for Blood (10 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Miriani Webpage: http://miriohki.setsuna.us Crossover: Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Divergence,Drama, Dark, Quality Good Updated: 25-06-2004 Created: 05-11-2002 Monsters have come to Nerima and although in the end the Senshi defeat the monster the price is terrible. Sailor Mercury and Mars are gone. Ranma was fighting as well, and he too pays a high price with the loss of Ryoga. This isn't the end of the terror and it becomes increasingly apparent to the desperate Ranma that he just doesn't have the power himself to protect those he holds dear. The Senshi have an offer for the pigtailed girl though. They need to replace their fallen comrades and Ranma would be a great addition. But can Ranma accept the changes he must endure? Incomplete 79pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Blood Feud File: ranma.blood-feud Author: Orlando Pedrajas (pedrajas@fuse.net) Ranma Saotome, the Grand Master and Chief of the Saotome Clan watches training when he hears of the Hibiki clan's attack on the city of Nerima Seems that Ryoga is going for another round. But this time, after decades of war, Ranma is going to end it... Incomplete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Bloodfist File: ranma.bloodfist Author: Allyn Yonge (ayonge@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/ayongedarling After an attack on the Tendo house that resulted in the loss of Akane's mother, Akane vows revenge. With the aid of a book she found in the attic, she learns a megapowerful technique called the Sakkiken (bloodfist). Later, Nabiki pisses off the Yakuza who try to extract revenge, forcing Akane to reveal her powers and protect her family Complete 98pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Blood in the Pool File: ranma.blood-in-the-pool Author: Gregg Sharp (kestral@mindspring.com) Webpage: http://www.asynjor.com/fanfic/sharp.html Matchup: Ranma+Shampoo Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good When Ranma arrived at the Amazon village he was in a bad way. Upon landing in the Nyannichuan, he was bleeding, and polluted the waters. This offended the Spirits of Jusenkyo and they had their vengeance on him, leaving his mind wrecked and his personality trapped deep within. Shampoo tends him and helps him recover slowly. Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Blood Relations File: ranma.blood-relations Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara Awards: TASS One Shots; 1998 Sep 1st There's more to Kuno and Kodachi than meets the eye. Seems their mother used them as experimental animals, and then brainwashed them. Oh, and there's the older (insane) brother as well... Complete 38pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Blood Stained Soul (prologue, 1 part) File: ranma.blood-stained-soul Author: Kyle Emmerson (prozium@telus.net) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/tydi-oh-ki Created: 04-07-2000 Ukyo stands in an apartment on the 45th floor of a Hong Kong hotel in 2046, preparing to end her life. And she does so, a huge explosion sending her out of the window and smashing her against a wall of a building. She's dead, but she doesn't remain so long. Nor does she remain an old woman. What caused all of this? Incomplete 22pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Blue File: ranma.blue Author: Scott Schimmel (schimmel@voicenet.com) Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Character Study, Quality Good Ranma and co are having a holiday at the seaside. Ranma sits at the top of a cliff, and Ukyo comes up to talk to him... Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Blue Green Eyes (12 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1409952 Author: Rippen Drakuzz Webpage: http://drakuzz.anifics.com Note: Fics can also be found at: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/122195/ Crossover: Final Fantasy 7 Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Updated: 17-11-2005 Created: 03-06-2003 Genma has arrived from China with his son Ranma. He's a most impressive looking young man, but he seems totally withdrawn, more like a robot, not talking at all and always looking at the ground. Most of the family just write him off, but Kasumi takes to the quiet yound man. He may never talk, but she enjoys having him around. Until one day Kasumi and Ranma are intercepted by a bunch of thugs, and Ranma's mind finally breaks free... Incomplete 168pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Blue Kiss File: ranma.blue-kiss Author: Nikholas F. Toledo Zu (Rainman) Webpage: http://www.mydestiny.net/~nftzu/MainPage.htm Crossover: Sandman Matchup: Ranma+Shampoo+Ukyo+Akane Flags: Drama,Continuation Created: 22-03-2001 A young girl called Hitomi is strangely attracted to a tall dark-haired man sitting on a park bench. It's Ranma. But how did his old life end? What happened in his rematch with the devil, and in the days leading up to it, that lead him to this point. Prequel: Winner Complete 50pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Blue Pattern File: eva.ranma.blue-pattern RAAC File: Evangelion/eva.ranma.blue-pattern Author: Shane Soboroff Note: This fic reviewed by Corwin Crossover: Neon Genesis Evangelion Reviewer: Corwin Reviewer Likes: 0 Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 02-09-2002 Major Miaka Saotome's hand is forced, when she finds out she got more than she bargained for when she joined NERV. Forced to act prematurely,she escapes into the vastness of space, leaving her young charges behind. In the meanwhile, a gigantic starship approaches the alien homeworld of the Zy-Lor empire -- humankind's greatest enemy -- in an attempt to trigger Instrumentality there. Incomplete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Blue Thunder Rising File: ranma.blue-thunder-rising Author: Rod M (rpm39788@bayou.uh.edu) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~rpm/fanfic/fics.htm Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 13th (tie) Kuno's early years. How did he get his obsession with Kendo, How did he meet Akane, and how exactly did those massive battles with Akane start... Complete 26pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Blue Tides (prologue) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kyle Emmerson (prozium@telus.net) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/tydi-oh-ki Flags: Character Study, Continuation Created: 20-01-2003 Ranma is starting at Furinkan and is running to school along the fencetops when he's knocked off by a guy on a surfboard! This is Tatewaki 'Tach' Kuno, the son of the new principal, freshly back from Hawaii. His sister Kodachi is starting too, also steeped in the culture of Hawaii. Should make school life more interesting... Incomplete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Blurred Edges *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.blurred-edges Author: Ridgewolfe (ridgewolf1@aol.com) Matchup: Ranma+Kodachi Flags: Lemon, Quality Good Ranma turns up at Kodachi's room for a talk. One thing leads to another. Complete 19pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Bobma File: ranma.bobma Author: Ash666 (ash666@juno.com) Robert Nicholson (from Tacoma) wakes up in Ranma's body. What on earth is going on. And how do the others react... Incomplete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Bonk on the Head File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Miko (belldandy@angelic.com) Webpage: http://www.maisonbellchan.net Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Continuation, Comedy, Drama, Quality Good Created: 13-06-2003 Ranma is sparring Akane and just for once he decides to humour Akane's request that he fight her seriously. He'll connect with just one punch, but not hard. Unfortunately fights are not predictable and Akane moves into the path of the punch, being thrown hard into the pond where she hits her head. When she wakes up she thinks she's Ranma! And at Doc Tofu's suggestion, Ranma is made to take the part of Akane in order not to distress the real Akane too much. Now how well can these two fill each others boots... Complete 85pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Boot it Up File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kyle Emmerson (prozium@telus.net) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/tydi-oh-ki Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 04-07-2000 Nabiki takes it upon herself to teach Ranma something about computers. Hard work, give Ranma's complete computer illiteracy. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Born for Trouble (6 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: DarkPhoenix/ranma-sm.Born-for-Trouble Author: Jonathan Ford Webpage: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/60506/ Note: Fics can also be found at: http://florestica.com/dphoneix/index.htm Crossover: Sailor Moon Matchup: Ranma+Orig Flags: Drama,Continuation,Quality Fair Created: 20-04-2001 Ranma is having trouble with Kuno again. It seems he's got a light sabre from somewhere! The ensuing battle attracts the attention of Makoto, who's attending Furinkan High now. A battle with a murderous Ryoga immediately follows, resulting in the severe wounding of a bystander girl. And even Mousse seems to have got hold of magical weapons. Where are they coming from. Well Cologne seems to know and getting away from a Nerima filled with fiancees that are more interested in killing him than loving him is not a bad idea. Incomplete 65pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Borrowed Time File: ranma.borrowed-time Author: Nicholas Leifker (nightelf@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~nightelf/fanfic/index.html It's 2 years after her arrival in Nerima and Shampoo has run out of time to catch Ranma. Now she must face the consequences. Complete 59pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Bottle of Djinn File: ranma.bottle-of-djinn Author: Gregg Sharp (kestral@mindspring.com) Webpage: http://www.asynjor.com/fanfic/sharp.html Another path for Ryoga, and this time, instead of a koi rod, he finds a djinni bottle. The spirit will grant the holder 3 wishes, 1 immediately, 1 after 5 minutes and 1 after an hour. Ryoga first wishes to always be able to find Akane's bedroom. So far so good, but things start going a bit wrong when he accidentally wishes Akane in love with Ukyo! Things just get steadily worse as the bottle passes around, wishes flying everywhere... Complete 26pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Boundless Night File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kyokukou Webpage: http://www.ephektz.com/alloyfanfiction Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Surreal, Quality Good Created: 17-08-2001 Ranma's thoughts one night outside. His thought processes are not that of a normal person... Main Story: Shadow Ranma Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Breaking Free File: ranma.breaking-free Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Ranma has suffered an accident and is in a coma in hospital. Akane is with him, and talks to him, telling him the story of their lives since the failed wedding, and their efforts to break free of those who would control them. Sidestory: Soothing Noriko Breaking Free: Ukyo's Story Breaking Free: Shampoo's Story Complete 90pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Breaking Free: Shampoo's Story File: ranma.breaking-free.shampoos-story Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Shampoo+Orig Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 03-05-2002 After Shampoo lost to Akane her world came to an end. With no chance of winning Ranma any more, she, Mousse and Cologne returned to the village, where she was ostracised for failing to honour the marriage laws. Life moves on though, and maybe there is life after Ranma. Main Story: Breaking Free Complete 14pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Breaking Free: Ukyo's Story File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good After Ukyo said goodbye to Ranma and Akane, she has a hard time getting on with life. How could Ranma be happy with Akane. Maybe by now, he'd realise his mistake? So when she got a letter from a friend telling her the latest goings on in Nerima, she's very interested to hear that Ranma has apparently left Akane! Ukyo must go and find out what's happened. Maybe she does have a chance after all? Main Story: Breaking Free Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Breathing his Breath File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1799486 Author: Circular Infinity Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 02-04-2004 Akane lies with Ranma listening to his breathing and thinking about the road that has lead her here. Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Breed File: ranma.breed Author: BoyOtaku The Ranma story told if everyone were hillbillies from Virginia... Incomplete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Bridal Training File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Tabyk Webpage: http://www.tabyk.net Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 24-01-2003 Kasumi is sick ,and so is Ranma. Which is definitely unusual and Nabiki wants to know what is going on. When she gets home, she finds an exhausted Kasumi sitting on a high pile of pillows... Prequel: Speaking of Horses Sequel: Stud Service *lemon* Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Bride of Ranma File: ranma.bride-of-ranma Author: Tonbo (tonbo@sempai.org) Webpage: http://www.sempai.org/~tonbo/fanfiction/ Crossover: Revolutionary Girl Utena Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Ranma beats someone at a new school and acquires yet ANOTHER fiancee! This one is more than a little odd. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Brmlocod Visitors File: ranma.brmlocod.visitors Author: Ridgewolfe (ridgewolf1@aol.com) Ryoga gets lost fetching some noodles for Kasumi. He finds himself in the Carpathian mountains, and spends the night at Anthrax Keep, home of a spooky Countess and her driver. Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Broadening Horizons *lemon* File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: D B Sommer (sommert@connecttime.net) Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/dbsommer/index.htm Flags: Alterverse, Lemon, Quality Good Created: 16-06-2002 Yuriko Kuonji is going on a trip to the beach! It's all the idea of Silver Saotome, which makes Yuriko suspect her, but there will be others going as well, so it should be safe. Little does she know... Main Story: Reality Squared *lemon* Prequel: The Problems with Getting Off *lemon* Complete 83pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Broken Curse File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Durandall Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/brandall/index.htm Matchup: Ryoga+P-Chan Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 23-03-2001 Someone writes in a diary about the boy she met, his curse and how she lost him. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Brother of Mine File: ranma.brother-of-mine Author: Talen (talen_@optusnet.comb.au) Webpage: http://www.crosswinds.net/~kuroma/ Ranma and Genma arrive at the Tendo Dojo, along with a seagull, and later on a small boy. The seagull is Ranma's brother Kuroma, and the small boy is a Ryoga that fell into the spring of young boy. What changes will this make? Well before long, a Nabiki who accidentally got some hot water on the seagull is convinced (by the appearance of a naked Kuroma) that Kuroma is a pervert. Of course, after the furo, Akane is convinced that Ranma is as well. Things are going just fine... Incomplete 32pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Brutal Reality *lemon* (9 parts, 6 sidestories) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara Note: The first part of this story is part 2.75 of The Shortfic Speech Saga Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Nabiki+Tatewaki Created: 17-02-2001 Kodachi has a nasty plan, and when she puts it into action, Nabiki pays a heavy price as she is brutalised at Tatewaki's hands. Tatewaki and Kodachi are both committed, but that's not the end of the affair. Nabiki must live with the results of that night for the rest of her life, and so must Tatewaki. Can they build a new life on the ashes of the old? Reading order: Parts 1-2, Acorns and Oak Trees, Sticks and Stones, Part 3, The Morning After, The Newest Student of Indiscriminate Grappling, Parts 4-9,A Song on the Breeze-A Cry in my Heart, Untitled See Also: The Shortfic Speech Saga *lemon* Sequel: Brutal Revenge Complete 153pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Brutal Revenge (5 parts, epilogue, sidestory) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Nabiki+Tatewaki Created: 18-02-2001 Kodachi is finally free again! After 5 years, and there's much to do in Nerima. That's not the only thing happening. Someone else has turned up at the Kuno Residence. With a little tree growing on his head. How exactly is all of this going to affect Nabiki, Tatewaki and Takuma? Reading order: Parts 1-5, Safety and Security, Epilogue Prequel: Brutal Reality *lemon* Sequel: Death of a Housewife Complete 49pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Brutal Truth File: ranma.brutal-truth Author: Mad Hamlet Webpage: http://anime.prestonfam.org/madhamlet/ Awards: TASS One Shots;2001 Jan 2nd Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Quality Good Created: 07-02-2001 In America an english teacher and one his students slowly develop a friendship. The girl used to live in Japan, but for some reason she doesn't want to talk about her past. Although whatever it was, was painful and has left her closed to romantic relationships. And at the end of March every year she goes through a bad patch, drinking heavily, reminded of a painful event that occurred then. Until one year she finally decides to talk... Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Burakumin Blues File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: D B Sommer (sommert@connecttime.net) Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/dbsommer/index.htm Flags: Comedy, Quality Good Created: 21-10-2001 Sasuke has come up trumps for Tatewaki. He's found out that Ranma does indeed have burakumin blood in his ancestry. Now at last he has the means of prying Akane and the Pig Tailed girl from the evil sorcerers clutches. Time to spread the knowledge... Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Burlesque File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Sinom Bre(sinom_bre@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://home.houston.rr.com/onnaranma/index.html Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Comedy, Quality Good Created: 06-12-2000 Ranma has got something to show Akane. And when she comes downstairs, she shows Akane quite a lot! A sexy burlesque show that makes Akane's eyes bug out (and many other peoples as well). Wonder what this is about. Prequel: A Tale of Ten Yen *lemon* Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Burning Eyes File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Valor Phoenix Webpage: http://valor_phoenix.tripod.com/ Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 30-03-2003 Nodoka is getting Akane ready for the wedding when Soun and Genma fly out of Ranma's room, followed by an irate Ranma! There's something very odd about him, he has golden glowing eyes. Nodoka knows only too well what this means. She had thought that Ranma had plenty of mistresses, but on discovering that he's never slept with a girl, her worst fears are realised... Complete 23pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Burning Sky (8 chapters) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 409297 Author: WFROSE Crossover: Burning Rangers Reviewer: siaru Reviewer Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Nabiki Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 18-10-2002 A fire at Furinkan claimed the lives of the three girls closest to Ranma's heart. Now, as a Burning Ranger, Ranma takes his battles with fire personally, worrying his wife and friends, but sometimes that's what it takes to win. Complete 77pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Burst of Confidence File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Durandall Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/brandall/index.htm Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Divergence, Drama, Quality Good Created: 18-09-2001 When Shampoo asks Cologne to teach her something like the Moko Takabisha, she gets quite a shock! It turns out that that sort of chi attack can only be fueled by negative emotions. Whatever Ranma is using to fuel the Moko Takabisha, it's not confidence, and the repeated use of the attack will only reinforce that negative emotion, possibly destroying Ranma in the end. Can the girls find out what it is that Ranma is using? Can they save him from himself before it's too late? Incomplete 31pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Butaga File: ranma.butaga Author: Jason L. Langlois Webpage: http://free.prohosting.com/~jaimakun/ Vampire story. Something has been taking the pigs on Akari's farm. What could it be... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: But How Does She REALLY Feel File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara Created: 22-02-2001 Akane declares her love for Kuno and gives him a passionate kiss. Much to the dismay of Ranma, Soun.. and Nabiki. Who is forced to listen to then in Akane's room later... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Butter Cup File: ranma.butter-cup Author: Florencio B. de la Merced Jr. Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/3641/index.html Ranma and Akane bake a birthday cake together. They have a fight in the kitchen, and share a special moment. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: But that way Lies File: ranma.but-that-way-lies Author: Scott K. Jamison (majks@cyberx.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/5990/ Flags: Dark, Alterverse, Quality Good Nodoka visits Jusenkyo to find out what's happened to Genma and Ranma. The pools are a little different in this story as well. A little harsher.. Sequel: Beyond that way (unofficial) Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Bweeeeeeeee File: ranma.bweeeeee Author: Catnip ( catnip_kun@hotmail.com ) Webpage: http://rampages.onramp.net/~ddd/VirtualAnime/pages/ktb.htm Flags: Comedy, Quality Good P-chan has nightmares while sleeping in Akane's arms. Does Akane know? Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: By the Pool of the Drowned Sensei File: ranma.by-the-pool-of-the-drowned-sensei Author: John-Martin Lotz Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/jmlotz/index.htm Created: 26-01-2001 A strange girl turns up at the Tendo Dojo one day. Nothing unusual in that, she's probably a fiancee or something. But then she pours some water on her head, and what she turns into shocks and disturbs Ranma greatly... Incomplete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===============================> C <================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cabbit Days File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 2610496 Author: Ozzallos Webpage: http://www.dreamops.com/Fiction/omr.htm Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Comedy, Quality Good Created: 17-11-2005 During the battle at Jusenkyo Ranma landed in a different spring. A very small spring, but with a terrible curse. Anyone who falls in there takes the form of a cabbit! What will Nerima make of an extremely cute furry creature that is sometimes a boy and sometimes a furry girl... Incomplete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Calling Nurse Ranma! (10 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1589262 Author: Carnath Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/bay/6703/ (fic not on page) Note: The first 2 parts are by Penguine. Flags: WAFF, Continuation,Quality Good Updated: 19-02-2004 Created: 20-11-2003 Akane comes into school one day feeling very sick, and eventually the dizziness calls her to fall asleep at her seat. Ranma finds her and takes her to Tofu for help. Turns out she has the flu and is going to need to rest up for a week. Time for Ranma to show his caring side as he does his best to help Akane, and causing both of them to think about their relationship... Incomplete 57pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Call of the Wild File: ranma.call-of-the-wild Author: Louis Y Wang (ywangsrn@netcom.com) Awards: TASS Awards; 1995 Annual 15th (tie) A stranger turns up in the Nekohanten one day. Later it turns out he can summon fire attacks and do a few other things. Then Happosai goes and summons something that takes a fancy to Akane. FF3 crossover. Complete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Camping *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.camping Author: Kurt Krause (ranmasolo1@aol.com) Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Lemon, Alterverse, Quality Poor Ranma and Akane are on a training trip together, camping. They're sharing a tent, and one night, Akane wakes up. Unable to sleep, she unzips Ranma's sleeping bag, and decides to have a little fun with him... Complete 25pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Candidate Ranma File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Piemur/ranma-candidate-for-goddess.candidate-ranma FFNET Id: 1637412 Author: Piemur1 Crossover: Candidate for Goddess Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 05-02-2004 Scouts from the GOA enter the Sol system and discover Earth. A second Zion! They scout for those that can be candidates to help then protect their worlds. Eventually they find one with EX reactions, one Ranma Saotome... Incomplete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Can It Get Any Worse File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: DarkPhoenix/ranma-xover.Can-It-Get-Any-Worse DarkPhoenix/ranma-xover-lemon.Can-It-Get-Any-Worse-6 (lemon ver. of chapter 6) FFNET Id: 375518 Author: Jonathan Ford , Cory D Rose [for the lemon ver of part 6] Crossover: Sailor Moon, Pokemon Matchup: Ranma+Ami Mizuno Flags: Drama,Dark,Lemon,Alterverse,Quality Good Created: 07-09-2001 Ranma is being attacked by the Sailor Senshi. Something to do with the evil aura he's putting out. Well he does hang out with demons a fair bit, they're not that bad when you get to know them. Setsuna however has a deal for him. She'll give Ranma a great disguise and mask the evil energy that he naturally emits (which makes him a target for devil hunters) if he'll give the Senshi some magical training. Sounds good. Of course Ranma is less pleased when he discovers one of the side effects of the masking spell. At least she's cute! But Setsuna is going to pay... Sequel: The World At War Complete 231pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Can't Let Go (7 parts) File: ranma.cant-let-go (parts 1-5) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (parts 6-7) Author: Cass Chia (chiaty@singnet.com.sg), GSL (chiaty@singnet.com.sg) Webpage: http://web.singnet.com.sg/~chiaty/fanfics.htm Matchup: Mousse+Shampoo, Ranma+Ukyo, Akane+Ryoga Flags: Dark, Alterverse, Quality Fair Ranma is being spoonfed by Ukyo as she reminisces of over the last year, when everything went wrong for Ranma (and most of the rest of the cast except Ryouga) Very very dark! Complete 317pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Can't Win File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Bryan T Neef (bneef@ice.net) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Pagoda/3719/fiction.htm Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 30-11-2000 When Nodoka visits one day, Ranko makes an appearance. But things change when Nodoka offers Ranko the chance to go on a training trip with her. Ranma accepts in a heartbeat, a chance to finally get to know his mother properly. And a magic ring helps her stay in girl form as well. But when they return 3 months later, things have changed. In Ranko particularly. What has she become? Sequel: Tapestry Complete 39pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Can't You See That I Love You? (10 chapters) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 913952 Author: WFROSE Reviewer: siaru Reviewer Likes: 0 Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Updated: 03-10-2003 Created: 18-10-2002 In the years since their mother's death, Nabiki and Kasumi have gotten close... really close. Enough so that, when Ranma and Genma show up at Tendo-ke and Kasumi accepts the engagement to Ranma, Nabiki considers it encroachment on something of hers. Complete 70pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Captain Tsubasa 1/2 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Liso/ranma-tsubasa.Captain-Tsubasa-1-2 Author: Lucas Ricardo Liso Note: This story has no Ranma characters in it, just the curses. Flags: Drama,Alterverse Created: 06-04-2001 Tsubasa, Kenjo, Taro and Genzo are youth footballing stars and they are on a trip to China. Jusenkyo to be precise, and a little accident while posing for a photograph results in them all falling in the Nyannichuan! This could cause a problem for their upcoming soccer match. Better hope it doesn't rain. Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cardcaptor, Master of all cards File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1731510 Author: GraceOmega Crossover: Cardcaptor Sakura Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 21-06-2004 Created: 19-02-2004 Ranma is walking home from school one day when he gets ambushed by assorted fiancees! Time to run, and run he does, until the pursuers are lost. In an alley later he finds a book. Not just any book either, this has a magical guardian called Kerberos. It's also got a card inside, which is a problem. There should be a lot more than one... Ranma has a job to do... Incomplete 57pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cardcaptor Ranma! File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Arun/ranma-ccs.cardcaptor-ranma Author: Arun Webpage: http://samrtaleck.anifics.com Crossover: Cardcaptor Sakura Flags: Spamfic,Quality Good Updated: 10-11-2002 After the events in Nerima and the failed wedding, Ranma's life got even weirder when Genma stole some Clow books and Ranma made the mistake of opening one... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Career Choices File: ranma.wrgirl.career-choices Author: Robert Sneddon Crossover: Weather Report Girl Flags: Comedy,Quality Good Created: 08-08-2003 Ranma's not interested in career advice, he's got his career planned out. A career in television no less... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Careful Destiny (6 parts) File: Careful-Destiny/* Author: Lorien(accountant@nabiki.com) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/sstalker/cdarchive.htm Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 6th (part 1) Rakhal Likes: 2 Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Updated: 20-01-2003 A friendly junk salesman gives Ranma the chance to end his aquatransexuality with the aid of a brooch which, once every 50 years, will grant 2 wishes. Well, that's easy, Ranma wishes that he'd never been cursed with a girl's body. It works too! He's not cursed. He never went on that 10 year training trip, and now he seems to be an otaku or something! He's got a sister as well, and Akane is engaged to Kuno. Eep! Sidestory: Careless Destiny *lemon* Incomplete 667pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Careless Destiny *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.careless-destiny Author: David Eddy (dje@progress.com) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/DEddy/ Awards: TASS One Shots; 1998 Jan 2nd (tie), 1998 Annual 6th Matchup: Ranma+Ranko Flags: Lemon, Alterverse, Quality Good Ranma carries Ranko home after the repair party at the Tendo Dojo. Ranko is getting quite excited by Ranma's body and sets herself the task of loosening him up a bit. She succeeds admirably. Main Story: Careful Destiny Complete 43pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Caretaker of the Rose File: ranma.caretaker-of-the-rose Author: Chris Lee (crissik@tstonramp.com) A gaijin master of the Janitorial martial arts (SI char) turns up to train with the Tendos. Apparently he's also there to talk reason into Ranma and Akane. Shampoo turns up with a magical ring. And there's Kodachi... Incomplete 92pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cash Cow *lemon* File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Stephen Note: This story is available at: http://stfan.free.fr/ Flags: Lemon, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 19-03-2004 The principal has introduced another new rule at school! Because someone fainted, he's now made it a rule that no-one shall leave school without eating their lunch! And he's got robots to help enforce that. There's a money making opportunity for Nabiki here. She'll eat unwanted food in exchange for money... Complete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cas of Blues (13 parts) File: ranma.cas-of-blues Author: Thom Keehn (zinyadel@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://ravenhale.anifics.com/ Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 14-11-2002 Ryoga is wandering again when he runs into a strange man with a rather girlish manner about him. Not surprising since this IS a girl, one that has been Nannichuan cursed. This is Cas Keating, travelling China as a birthday present from her father. She's very smart, so much so that she can do things thought impossible,such as a bit of magic. Cas isn't expected back home soon, so why not travel with Ryoga. If nothing else she can certainly help him defeat Ranma once and for all. There are many adventures to come though, before they even get as far as Nerima... Incomplete 272pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cast a Second Line into the Sea File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Sinom Bre(sinom_bre@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://home.houston.rr.com/onnaranma/index.html Awards: TASS One Shots;2000 Oct 1st,2000 Annual 6th Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Ryoga Flags: Continuation, WAFF, Quality Good Created: 29-06-2000 On a spring day Ryouga is wandering when he meets up accidentally with Ranma. An older Ranma now, the years have passed, and they've not been kind to him. Akane passed away 7 years ago, and there's been a hole in his life ever since. At least he has his four daughters around him. That curse is acting up as well, and Ranma today seems to be quite a lot different from his old self... Complete 40pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cast no Shadow File: ranma.cast-no-shadow Author: Sean Gaffney Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~sean/index.html Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 13th (tie) Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, WAFF, Quality Good Ranma sits on the roof thinking about his curse and how much he hates it. He hears a song which really depresses him... Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cat and Mousse (An Ending to All Our Days sidestory) File: ranma.an-ending-to-all-our-days.side-story.1 Author: Joshua Trujillo (gargoyle@glasscity.net) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/mythos_9 What were Shampoo and Mousse doing in the house during the fight with that demon? Cologne wanted to keep Shampoo safe and made Mousse challenge Shampoo for the right to marry her. If he loses however, he must die... Main Story: An Ending to All Our Days Complete 22pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Catch if catch can File: ranma.catch-if-catch-can Author: Ryan Anderson (ryan@nailedfrom.com) Webpage: http://ucsu.colorado.edu/~andersor/fanfic/fanfic.html Flags: Continuation, WAFF, Quality Fair Ranma is bored one day and heads over to the Nekohanten to see what's up. One thing leads to another and before you know it Ranma and Shampoo are having a high speed chase across the rooftops. Complete 14pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cat Fist Fervor File: ranma.cat-fist-fervor Author: AniManiacW (animaniacw@aol.com) Ranma didn't finish his cat fist training. Seems like there's a bit more to it than we thought. Now fiancees send him into a partial berserk mode where he picks up traits from whichever fiancee encountered him.. Incomplete 35pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cat Fists Shadow File: ranma.catfists-shadow Author: P Savola Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/psavola/ Created: 20-11-2000 Ukyo has been on her own for 12 years when a strange man enters her shop. He reminds her of someone. But who? Apparently he's been looking for a childhood friend of his for 12 years. The friend that this man is looking for looks rather like Ukyo, but is male. NOW Ukyo knows who this is! And promptly lays him out with her spatula. Maybe a bit too hard though, time to call an ambulance. He's not down for long though, and he leaves, now that he knows that he's not wanted here. Time to do some more work for Mr Tendo, an art treasure to steal... Incomplete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Catharsis File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Linsan/ranma.catharsis Author: Linda Shen Webpage: http://ling.anifics.com Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama,Continuation,Quality Good Created: 01-06-2001 Michi Haragushi works for the Japanese Governments Special Operations department, and is about to meet her new partner. Someone who is one of Japan's most notorious detectives, one Ranma Saotome. He's 33 years old and living on his own, while Akane is married to Ryoga. A long time ago, something happened to drive all the fiancees away from him, and he had to leave to get away from the painful memories. He went to Kyoto, but now he is back and about to fall into something he can't control... Incomplete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Catling Rivalry File: ranma.nuku.catling-rivalry Author: Kotatsu Neko (orgg@ix.netcom.com) Crossover: Nuku Nuku Nuku Nuku travels with Akiko to meet Kuno Sr on a business matter. Akiko is checking out Tatewaki for a possible husband for Nuku Nuku as well. However things don't go quite to plan and they wind up staying at the Tendo Dojo for a couple of days. Of course just about everyone sees Nuku as another potential fiancee. Complete 66pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cat's Eyes (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 2024728 Author: Lord Archive (archive@mich.com), Ladine Kluth (l.kluth1@verizon.net> Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 02-06-2005 Akane and Soun are on a training trip. They're going into the Nekozawa where they may run across a dangerous half-human beast! Sure enough the beast turns up. Seems to be a boy that thinks he's a cat! And Akane is in heat... Incomplete 20pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cats Have No Tears File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Allyn Yonge (ayonge@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/ayongedarling Flags: Dark, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 13-08-2002 Akane awakes slowly to discover that she has been changed into a cat! Cu-lon and Mu-tsu have worked some magic to transfer Shampoos curse to her, locking her as a cat and curing Shampoo. It's not stable for the next 18 days, so she must be kept captive until then. Can Akane escape and regain her humanity? The Amazons are dangerous and cunning foes, and Ranma and the Tendos don't even know that anything is wrong with Akane. As far as they are concerned, she's in Hawaii... Complete 83pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cat's Prey File: ranma.cats-prey Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Awards: TASS One Shots; 1998 May 2nd Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Dark, Alterverse, Quality Good Ranma is stuck in the Nekoken. What's wrong with him. What did Nabiki mean when she said that she could make Ranma show his true feelings for Akane? Complete 27pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cat's Prey Spamfic File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Yoiko (No Email) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/mighty_yoiko/ Flags: Spamfic Created: 09-03-2001 An alternative look at the fic 'Cats Prey'. What if Nabiki weren't who she seemed... See Also: Cats Prey Complete 1pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cat's Tale (5 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1392203 Author: Neal Harris (nealharris@otakumail.com) Webpage: http://tatooine.fortunecity.com/carpenter/393/html/fficme.html Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 23-06-2003 When Ranma finally learnt the Neko-ken, he broke, decimated the cats and ran. Genma never did find him, but an old lady did. She took him in and taught him much about the martial arts and other things. Ten years later she dies and Ranma Shinkara heads off to Japan to see if he can find his parents. Meanwhile, in Japan, 10 years of Genma living with the Tendos have reduced them to poverty and have wreaked major changes on the daughters as they struggle to cope... Incomplete 96pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Catty Heritage (1 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1532951 Author: Poly Webpage: http://www.megorga.com/ Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 26-09-2003 When Ranma was trained in the Neko-ken, there was one somewhat unusual cat in the pit with him. A cat demon actually, and since the Neko-ken is a cat-demon power Ranma actually managed to learn some of that power. Nothing would have come of that though, if not for Jusenkyo. There, in the Nyannichuan, the powers of the Neko-ken and Jusenkyo fought, sending Ranma's mind into hiding before they merged... Incomplete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Caught in the Sun (13 parts, 2 specials) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives RAAC File: Miscellaneous/Caught-in-the-Sun/* Author: Roehl Sybing Webpage: http://www.infinitedeferral.com/ Note: Only part 1 of this story is a Ranma story. Crossover: Many Created: 21-03-2003 It's the world cup, and Germany is playing Saudi Arabia. The Germans aren't doing so well, seems like Akane fed them some of her cooking! This is the start of the Worldcup season. Each match features a different series's characters. Complete 100pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cefcas Revenge File: ranma.final-fantasy.cefcas-revenge Author: Moonlore Emrys Wayfarer (moonlore@visi.net) Crossover: FF6/3 Ranma heads of to Jusenkyo, along with the rest of the gang, to get a cure. Unfortunately in a cat fight with Shampoo, Akane goes flying.. into the pool of drowned Esper. Something very strange happens, and all of a sudden everyone is somewhere else.. Incomplete 20pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cell 1/2 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Stevens/ranma-dbz.Cell-1-2 Author: Vince Stevens Note: Fic is also here: http://fubarfics.fubarinc.com/ And also here: http://www.crosswinds.net/~gwgodofdeath Crossover: Dragon Ball Z Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Updated: 24-01-2003 Created: 01-10-2001 Goku is sick, and in his fevered state he gets visions of a new warrior, a new super Saiyan, but how could one have eluded them all this time. In another world Ranma fights Genma blindfolded. If he wins he will get to make up his own mind about the fiancee problem... Incomplete 21pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Centaur (5 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Vince Seifert (seifertv@csus.edu) Webpage: http://www.csus.edu/indiv/s/seifertv/toth/ Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 25-09-2001 Ranma and Akane are married, and the honeymoon is over. It's time to get back to school and normal life. Ukyo and Shampoo may not be problems anymore, but Kodachi has not yet given up on her Ranma-sama and with Ranma and Akane studying at St Hebereke's now, it's harder to get away from her. Can Ranma and Akane make a success of married life in spite of Kodachi and the general weirdness that seems to follow them? Prequel: The Taming of the Horse Incomplete 246pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Centipede File: ranma.centipede Author: McKinley Morganfield (jeffreyd@epimp.com) Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Alterverse, Surreal, Quality Poor Ranma and Akane are raking sandgardens. Or are they. Very confusing, and probably deeply meaningful. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Challenge of the Heart File: ranma.vgai.challenge-of-the-heart Author: Ronny Hedin (thark@mangakai.org) Webpage: http://i99ronhe.island.liu.se/fanfic/ Crossover: Video Girl AI Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Soun and Genma have broken the engagement between Ranma and Akane, and when Ranma drops into the Ucchans for an okonomiyaki, Akane decides that he never liked her after all. She goes on a date with Ryoga, and when Ranma finds out about that it sends him into depression. While wandering he finds a strange video shop, and the owner lets him borrow a video for free... Complete 19pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Change for the worse File: ranma.change-for-the-worse Author: Shunsuke (shunsuke@direct.ca) Webpage: http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/university/5/index.htm Nabiki blackmails Ranma into going to a party with her (as Ranma-chan) Seems that the frat students there get a bit frisky, and when Nabiki is set upon by one of them, Ranma comes to her aid.. Incomplete 28pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Change in Plans File: ranma.change-in-plans Author: Jonathan Coole It's the end of term at school, the final term for Ranma and Akane Finals time, lots of pressure, and even Kuno turns up to cause more problems Incomplete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Changes File: ranma.changes Author: Caroline Ann Seawright (kunoichi@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~kunoichi/kunoichi/fanfics.html Ranma asks Akane to take a detour to the lake on the way to school. He's got something to say to her... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Changes of the Heart File: ranma.changes-of-the-heart Author: Kyle Emmerson (prozium@telus.net) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/tydi-oh-ki Awards: TASS One Shots;1999 Sep 3rd (tie) Flags: Character Study, Continuation Akane is in labor. And she's got to wake Ranma up! Easier said than done. Now to collect Kodachi, and get off to the hospital in her car. On the way Akane remembers the road to this point and the changes that she's been through. Prev in Series: Changes of the Rose Next in Series: Changes of the Yen Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Changes of the Rose File: ranma.changes-of-the-rose Author: Kyle Emmerson (prozium@telus.net) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/tydi-oh-ki Flags: Character Study, Continuation The Black Rose has died, and Kodachi Kuno is back. But what caused that? It started when Kodachi latched onto Ranma, but the process didn't finish until much later, and maybe The Black Rose will always be there. Kodachi's story. Prev in Series: Changes of the Sword Next in Series: Changes of the Heart Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Changes of the Sword File: ranma.changes-of-the-sword Author: Kyle Emmerson (prozium@telus.net) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/tydi-oh-ki Flags: Character Study, Continuation How did Kuno get to be the way he his. At an important moment for him, he reflects on his life, what turned him from a normal boy into the Blue Thunder, and what lead to this moment. Next in Series: Changes of the Rose Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Changes of the Yen File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kyle Emmerson (prozium@telus.net) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/tydi-oh-ki Flags: Character Study, Continuation Created: 20-01-2003 Nabiki has a meeting with a representative from the Royal Bank of Canada. Nothing that unusual... except that he's a dead ringer for Tatewaki Kuno! except for the skin colour that is. Could this signify something? Prev in Series: Changes of the Heart Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Changes [Master Magi] File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Master Magi Webpage: http://members.tripod.com/master_magi2000/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, Drama, Script, Quality Fair Created: 18-02-2002 Akane finds Nodoka outside one evening drinking sake by the koi pond. She doesn't drink often, but she's just heard the full story of Ranma's life since he fell into the Nyannichuan. Every time Ranma tried to cure the curse, the plan would inevitably fail, maybe he is fated to have it. Ranma must become more of a girl to accept the curse... Complete 42pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Chaos1 File: ranma.chaos1 Author: Nikholas F. Toledo Zu Webpage: http://www.mydestiny.net/~nftzu/MainPage.htm Ranma-chan and Akane are at school one day when a strange wind flies past bouncing around and maybe doing something more. Ranma-chan and Akane give chase... Complete(ish) 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Chaos Accelerando (6 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Dancing Imp Webpage: http://fubarfics.fubarinc.com/ Crossover: Sailor Moon Matchup: Ranma+Ukyo, Kasumi+Konatsu Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 25-07-2003 Created: 01-02-2003 The Dark Kingdom has fallen, and peace has returned to Juuban. The Senshi and Mamoru are training with Ranma and Ukyo in order to face future threats. One of those threats seems to have arrived, when a couple of strange youma, one with feline features, and the other with wolven features. These are odd youma though, they want Sailor V's autograph! Unfortunately they are blasted by a strange man. He must be evil, and it's up to the Senshi to stop him! Pity the guy has other ideas... Prequel: Chaos Crescendo Incomplete 108pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Chaos Crescendo (prologue, 11 parts, omake) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Dancing Imp Webpage: http://fubarfics.fubarinc.com/ Crossover: Sailor Moon, Gold Digger Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Ukyo, Kasumi+Konatsu Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Updated: 04-10-2002 Created: 22-02-2002 Makoto doesn't have much to remember her parents by. They were lost at sea and one of the few things she has left of them is a curiously heavy umbrella. She still has dreams of them though. The Dark Kingdom are attacking as well. Who were her parents, and what really happened to them? Sidestory: Chaos Crescendo: Ad Libitum Sequel: Chaos Accelerando Complete 183pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Chaos Crescendo: Ad Libitum File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Dancing Imp Webpage: http://fubarfics.fubarinc.com/ Crossover: Sailor Moon, Gold Digger Matchup: Ranma+Ukyo, Kasumi+Konatsu Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 24-01-2003 Ranma and Ukyo return to Nerima from Jade. Unfortunately it seems like the Dimension Door spell may have gone slightly astray. It IS Nerima, but things are slightly different here. Worryingly so... Main Story: Chaos Crescendo Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Chaos Moon (11 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1866573 Author: The Eternal Dragon Crossover: Sailor Moon Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 24-06-2004 Usagi is on the way to the station when rain forces her to take shelter under a bridge. She's not alone there though. There's a red-headed girl there too, crying, and apparently about to cut her wrists! Well Usagi isn't going to stand for that, and resolves to do her best to help this girl. She isn't just any girl either, as both Usagi and Ranma find out... Incomplete 37pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Chaos Quest (prologue, 13 chapters) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Chikiko/ranma-everquest.chaos-quest Author: Chikiko Webpage: http://www.thekirealms.com/ Note: There is a sidestory to this, Chaos Quest Legends, available on the webpage. Crossover: Everquest Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama,Divergence,Quality Good Updated: 24-06-2004 Created: 02-02-2004 A letter has been sent to those cursed by Jusenkyo asking then to come to the Tendo Dojo if they're interested in curing it. When the time comes, it turns out that a powerful wizard called Siland sent it. She's stranded here and needs magical energy to get home. That's hard to come by here, but there's more magic in a Jusenkyo curse than just about anything. A nice side effect is that the curse will be weakened as well. Unfortunately things go a little wrong and everyone is scattered across the new world. Ranma suffers a change in his curse, turning into a young child, who's elven in girl form and losing his memory... Incomplete 264pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Chaotic Future File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1375060 Author: Cloud Dreamer Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/cloud_dreamer2000/ Crossover: Oh My Goddess, Sailor Moon Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 13-06-2003 Skuld has been keeping an eye on her sister to make sure that Keiichi didn't get too far. They're at a Hercules and Xena fair right now, run by Cologne and Nabiki, and with Ranma and the Tendo Sisters working as waitresses. Of course when Ranma spots Skulds mallet she starts muttering about tomboys. Skuld is NOT impressed and a few insults later and Ranma's curse is locked! A few more and Ranma is nearly dead from a mallet strike. Belldandy manages to revive her, but Skuld most pay. Kami-sama makes her into a boy, and to get that unlocked, Ranma must name his first born child... Complete 167pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Charlatans (2 parts) File: ranma.x-files-charlatans (part 1) ranma.x-files.charlatans (part 1) (duplicate) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (part 2) Author: Isaac Marchionna (bobafett@scruznet.com) Webpage: http://www.ab-tm.com/titleist/ Crossover: The X Files Mulder and Scully are in Japan, and as far as the FBI is concerned they are AWOL! Another agent is tracking them down to bring them back to DC to face the music. There can't be too many redheads in Tokyo, can there? Well, due to a run-in with Akane, he runs across an unconscious Ranma-chan being carried by Kuno. A-ha, there are our rogue agents! Ranma and Kuno go to DC and must impersonate Mulder and Scully, while Mulder and Scully hide out in Nerima to do some unfettered investigation... Incomplete 48pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Chasing The Wind (10 parts, 1 lemon sidestory) File: Ranma-Goes-To-War/ranma.rgtw.chasing-the-wind.* (11 files) Author: J. Austin Wilde K.B.C.S (wildeman@gci-net.com) Webpage: http://www.gci-net.com/users/w/wildeman/ Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 10th (part 7- tie), 1996 Annual 13th (part 1- tie) Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good A scientist comes to Nerima and offers Soun 1000 yen a day to have a little recorder placed in his back garden for a bit. Fair enough. Until one day, Ranma and Akane meet in the back garden and share a kiss in the middle of a strange geomagnetic event. This affects them, and only these scientists may be able to help. The journey starts with a trip to England and takes us all over the world. Evil Russians abound. Prequel: Once more into the Breach Sidestory: Happiness Comes From Without Sidestory: Ranma Goes To War: Remember Sequel: An American Loudmouth In Nerima Complete 643pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cheap Access to Space File: ranma.cheap-access-to-space Author: Yoo C. Chung (wacko@power1.snu.ac.kr) Flags: Spamfic, Quality Fair There's a new method of launching material into Earth orbit. Much cheaper than all those rockets, all it needs is a picture and a tape recorder... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cheaper by the Dozen File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1077049 Author: Pilgrim (stickney@scican.net) Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 25-07-2003 20 years on and Ryoga has returned to the Tendo Dojo. He's not welcome there after the P-chan affair, but this time he has important news. Ranma vanished 20 years ago and now he's been found... Complete 19pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Checkmate File: ranma.checkmate Author: Saotome-Sama Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, WAFF, Quality Fair Ranma and Akane are off on a training trip. When night comes, Ranma says that Akane is his best friend and wants to tell her that he's in love with this woman... Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Chiesai File: ranma.chiesai Author: Shannon M. Richmeyer(windlily@aol.com) Webpage: http://www.hcs.harvard.edu/~alhuang/anime/fanfic/farch.html (archive only) Awards: TASS Awards; 1995 Annual 7th (tie) Rakhal Likes: 1 Kasumi, Nabiki and Akane are all having recurring dreams. Kasumi about Dr Tofu talking to an ancient Tendo Ancestor, Nabiki about Kuno offering her vast wealth and Akane about a Ranma who isn't Ranma. And there's that ancient vow that all of the Tendo line must swear, that a Tendo male can never have more than 2 daughters... Complete 228pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Child Care (5 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 755942 Author: Jingoro Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 19-09-2003 Created: 20-01-2003 Ranma and Genma run across an abandoned baby when they arrive back in Japan from their trip. They can't just leave it, and Ranma in particular seems a natural to care for little Sakura. With her, his personality is changed radically, calming him down and bringing out the best in him. What will the Tendo sisters make of this Ranma when they arrive there? And what will they make of little Sakura? Incomplete 58pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Childcare Test File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Devil Dan (MartinD@inMail.sk) Webpage: http://devildan.szm.sk/fan.html Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Poor Created: 17-02-2003 Family Study at school has brought an interesting challenge for Ranma. Everyone has been paired up and they've all been given computer controlled baby simulators to take care of! They act just like a real baby and you can't turn them off. How is Ranma going to cope with this. He may be paired with Nabiki, but she wants nothing to do with it... Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Childhood Mysteries File: ranma.childhood-mysteries Author: Thomas Scroggs Webpage: http://www4.ncsu.edu/~trscrogg/index.html A mysterious stranger drops a young (5-6) girl off with Ranma, handing him a large folder, and informing him that she is Ranma's daughter. Mysteries abound! Incomplete 45pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Childhood of a Modern Dynasty (32 parts, 1 sidestory, epilogue) File: Childhood-of-a-Modern-Dynasty/ranma.cmd.* (34 files) Childhood-of-a-Modern-Dynasty/ranma.cmd.interview-with-the-matriarch Author: Jim Lazar (jimlazar@animeprime.com) Webpage: http://www.animeprime.com/ff/index.shtml Awards: TASS Continuing Series;1998 Aug 2nd (part 3), 1998 Sep 3rd (part 5), 1998 Oct 3rd (part 7- tie), 1998 Nov 1st (part 8),1998 Annual 6th (part 8), 1998 Dec 1st (part 9), 1999 Feb 1st (Part 10), 1999 Feb 2nd (part 11), 1999 Mar 1st (part 13), 1999 Apr 2nd (part 14), 1999 May 1st (part 15), 1999 Jun 2nd (part 17), 1999 Jun 3rd (part 16), 1999 Jul 2nd (part 18), 1999 Sep 3rd (part 21), 2000 Jan 3rd (part 26), 2000 Feb 3rd (part 28), 2000 Mar 3rd (part 30), 2000 Apr 2nd (part 31) Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Akane+Ranko, Akane+Orig, Ukyo+Ranko, Tofu+Kasumi, Shampoo+Orig, Nabiki+Mousse Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good James Davidson is a historian and he's writing the history of one of the most famous families in the world, the Tendo Family. He's written one book, Birth of a Modern Dynasty, covering the first year that Akane and Ranma knew each other (and which was published as a 38 volume manga series) now he's back to write 'Childhood of a Modern Dynasty' carrying on the story through the times when Akane and Ranma finally got together, through the strange things that happened to Ranma, and on into the first stages of a conflict with a demonic menace. In the meantime, James is living a story of his own with Hanaki Tendo, while interviewing the matriarch of the family, the 76 year old Akane Tendo. Reading order: 1-10, Interview With the Matriach, 11-32, epilogue Sequel: Adulthood of a Modern Dynasty Complete 1413pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Child of Love, Children of Hate File: sm.ranma.child-of-love-children-of-hate RAAC File: Sailor-Moon/sm.ranma.child-of-love-children-of-hate Author: Jay Kominek (jay.kominek@colorado.edu) Webpage: http://ucsub.colorado.edu/~kominek/fanfiction/ Note: Stored in the Sailor-Moon directory in the R.A.A.C Archives Crossover: Sailor Moon Minako Aino has been badly hurt and is in hospital. Her parents, Ransou and Ayane don't know what's happened to her and are very worried. When Usagi and her friends come to the house, Ransou wants answers! Of course with him glowing like that, it looks rather like he's been possessed by a youma Time for the Senshi! Nothing is quite as it seems, and Ransou and Ayane are certainly not what they seem... Incomplete 73pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Child of Nature File: ranma.child-of-nature Author: McKinley Morganfield (jeffreyd@epimp.com) Akane wakes up before Ranma one day and gives him a little kiss on the nose to wake him up. A confused Ranma wakes up and they have an odd conversation. Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Child of the Goddess File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 547359 Author: Gekingengar3 Crossover: Tenchi Muyo Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 21-02-2003 Ranma fights against Saffron, and he's losing. Just as he's about to finally be killed, he manages to unlock something from deep inside himself. It takes the form of a hawk, and it says that it is part of him. There's also a cat there and once they've all merged into one Ranma can finally start unlocking his heritage. Apparently he's the reincarnated child of Tsunami!. This accession of power comes too late for Akane though. Ranma gains his vengeance on Saffron, however that is not the end of it. He must learn to use these new powers. He has powerful foes to face still, one of whom has an agenda of vengeance of their own... Incomplete 228pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Children (9 chapters, 1 sidestory) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 548004 Author: R-chan Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 17-09-2002 Ranma and Akane have had their children and they are growing up now. Akama is a tomboy into the martial arts, while Ranma jr is much more academically inclined. He's also inherited Ranma's curse and had had to deal with it since birth. Accordingly, Ranma is as much female as male, which causes him much confusion as to his identity. It's liable to cause more problems as well as he finds his first girlfriend, the beautiful Taiiku... Incomplete 110pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Children of a Lesser God File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Growly-chan Webpage: http://ranmaverse.topcities.com/fanfics/growlyfics.html Flags: Character Study, Quality Good Created: 30-09-2001 Sasuke has been serving the Kuno clan for a long time. Here are his memories and views of Tatewaki and Kodachi... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Children of Fire (16 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: John Biles (rhea@maison-otaku.net) Webpage: http://www.maison-otaku.net/~rhea/SMR/ Crossover: Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 2 Updated: 13-12-2002 Created: 25-11-2000 A strange girl rushes past Rei into the shrine one day, clutching a pen and being pursued by a cat. It's Ranma, and her pet Panda, and they both have curses. Well, the Sacred flame can cure curses, so Grandpa 'cures' Genma and gives him to the zoo, while the flame cures Ranma of his fear of cats, but not his curse. Seems that Ranma has been engaged to someone but he doesn't know who. But for now he'll stay at the temple, since his father has gone missing. Meanwhile Kasumi, is out to challenge him. She's spent her life, since the disaster that took the rest of her family, training to become the best martial artist in the world, and she's heard a lot of bad things about the Saotomes. Usagi of the Amazons is hot on the trail of the boy that beat her, and Ukyo is after him as well. And in the Negaverse, Diamond and his two daughters are hard at work for Queen Beryl... Incomplete 925pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: China Girl (9 parts) File: ranma.china-girl Author: Saotome Ranchan Webpage: http://www.allaboutranma.com/fanfics/ Awards: TASS Continuing Series;2001 May 3rd,2001 Jun 2nd,2001 Aug 1st,2001 Oct 3rd 2001 Annual 10th,2002 Feb 2nd,2002 Mar 1st,2002 Jun 1st Rakhal Likes: 2 Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Updated: 06-09-2002 Created: 27-06-2001 Ranma and Genma has fallen in the pools at Jusenkyo. But whereas being a panda sort of suits Genma, and he seems reasonably happy about it, being cursed to turn into a girl is very hard on Ranma, who's sense of self-worth was based on his masculinity. Without help, he may not last long, but the guide knows who may be able to help the young martial artist. There are some women around who follow the fighting arts, and the occupants of the Amazon village are just the people to help Ranma... Incomplete 107pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Chinese Samurai (amg.ranma.chinese-samurai) File: ranma.amg.chinese-samurai RAAC File: Ah-My-Goddess/amg.ranma.chinese-samurai Author: JACK JI (jji@animalhouse.com) Note: Stored in the Ah-My-Goddess directory in the RAAC Archives Crossover: Oh My Goddess Hanny, Mike and Jack go to Japan to go to school there for a while. They attend Furinkan High... Incomplete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Chocolate Oranges File: ranma.chocolate-oranges Author: Rylan Hilman Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/rhilman/index.htm Flags: Surreal, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 12-07-2002 It's an odd sort of day for Nabiki. Akane left this morning, by going into the back yard and climbing the wall, Soun has been in the bath for more than 12 hours and one of the carp is trying to get up the courage to leap. Genma has a new elk form as well... Complete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Choices (5 1/2 parts) File: ranma.choices FFNET Id: 254594 Author: Mike Noakes (noakes_m@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Subway/9701/ Awards: TASS Mini Series;2001 Jul 2nd,2001 Annual 8th Rakhal Likes: 2 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 15-09-2005 Ranma and Akane go to a party. Once there they split up, and Ranma has some trouble with a jerk who splashes him with water and insults his manhood. He's promised Akane that he wouldn't fight, but eventually it becomes impossible to ignore the insults. Just as Akane turns up as well. Things get worse and worse, and soon Ranma's world changes forever. Incomplete 407pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Chosen Path File: ranma.chosen-path Author: Anand Rao Webpage: http://www.gsm.uci.edu/~arao02/ Ryouga turns up at Ucchan's after Kasumi and Ranma's wedding. They talk and Ryouga remembers when he first found out about Ranma and Kasumi's engagement on arriving at the Dojo a week after it started. Prequel: Love and Marriage Complete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Chouko's Day File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Brian Drozd (Brian_Drozd@msn.com) Webpage: http://briandrozd.anifics.com/chouko.htm Set a year later than Chouko's Take, Ranma and co go to the icerink for some skating. While there Mikado tries to steal a kiss from Akane. Time to teach this jerk a lesson. Chouko has a plan... Prequel: Chouko's Tale Sequel: Chouko's Mark Complete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Chouko's Lore File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Brian Drozd (Brian_Drozd@msn.com) Webpage: http://briandrozd.anifics.com/chouko.htm Autumn Year 3. Rouge is back, and she's got hold of the medallion that increases her powers 10 fold. Time for Jinshichi, Ranma and the others to rope a few goddesses (and a little demon) into helping out a bit... Prequel: Chouko's Mark Complete 32pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Chouko's Mark File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Brian Drozd (Brian_Drozd@msn.com) Webpage: http://briandrozd.anifics.com/chouko.htm Spring year 3. Taro and Rouge turn up and have a ding dong battle with Ranma and Co in and around the Ucchans. Which collapses, trapping Ryouga, Ukyo and Akari.. Prequel: Chouko's Day Sequel: Chouko's Lore Complete 14pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Chouko's Tale File: ranma.choukos-tale Author: Brian Drozd (Brian_Drozd@msn.com) Webpage: http://briandrozd.anifics.com/chouko.htm Chouko Asa is a thief, and a part time ghost. She relates her story of how the residents of Nerima met Jinshichi and some of his acquaintances. Jinshichi is a mage, and is connected to the Amazons. He also becomes Ranma's best friend And he has some connection with Nabiki... Sequel: Chouko's Day Complete 124pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Chris 1/2 File: ranma.chris-1-2 Author: Chris Davies (masefield_k@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/cricharddavies/index.html SI fic. Chris joined up with the Saotomes just before they got to Jusenkyo and during the fight got splashed with water from the Nyannichuan when Ranma got knocked in. Chris arrives with the others at the Dojo, and the story is a retelling of the start of the manga, with Chris along as the voice of reason... Incomplete 33pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Christmas Gifts File: ranma.christmas-gifts Author: David A. Tatum Webpage: http://davecon.anifics.com/ Akane is at home, and Ranma has gone away for Christmas to visit his grandparents. On christmas day someone delivers a pear tree. Complete with partridge. 2 Turtle doves the next day... Who is this mysterious suitor? Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Chrysalides (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1292817 Author: Sinom Bre(sinom_bre@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://home.houston.rr.com/onnaranma/index.html Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 16-05-2003 Created: 04-04-2003 Ranma has noticed something about the curse. A strange feeling, like a sort of flash through his body occurs when he changes. Maybe this is something he can do something with? He's also noticing some other things as well, especially in girl form. When she's a girl, Ranma gets quite hot and bothered by cute guys and girls, but when a boy, he's not interested at all. Nabiki instantly realises that there is something wrong with this. Time to visit someone who might know what's going on? Incomplete 48pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cinders (8 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archive Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Updated: 02-08-2001 Created: 16-12-2000 It's the occasion of the wedding at the end of Volume 38, and Akane has just told Ranma about the Nannichuan water. But then, as Ranma rushes out to find it and Akane follows to watch, Ukyo and Shampoo turn up throwing exploding food at them. In the confusion, Ranma and Akane are hit, and due to a horrible misfortune, Akane's dress catches fire. Ranma grabs Akane and the blazing pair dive into the pond. But both are burned, Akane particularly badly, and they're going to be hospitalised for some time. How is this going to affect them, and those around them? Are they strong enough to get through this crisis? Incomplete 120pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Circles File: ranma.circles Author: John Carl Deegan (moleman@mediaone.net) Tetsuo Obara and family move to Furinkan from central Tokyo. He knows aikido (to nearly 1st dan level), and is thinking of setting up a class On the start of term (at Furinkan High) he gets to meet the Ranma gang... Incomplete 22pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Circumstance and Consequence File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: PsyckoSama (syp104@psu.edu) Webpage: http://www.fanfic.net/~psyckosama/ Crossover: Sailor Moon Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 06-08-2002 It's Ranma's birthday, and no-one has remembered it except himself. Does anyone care? Time to get a drink. That's easier said than done, since he's underage for drinking. A beautiful greenhaired woman called Setsuna comes to his rescue though. She's got problems of her own... Incomplete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Claire de Lune File: ranma.claire-de-lune Author: Ukyou Kuonji (ukyoukwnji@aol.com) Webpage: http://hometown.aol.com/ukyoukwnji/index.htm Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Konatsu+Ukyo, Mousse+Shampoo Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Yuka plays her piano at 6 AM. Debussy's Claire de Lune. The music wafts out over Nerima and into the ears of the residents there, who quietly reflect on their life.. Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Clarity File: ranma.clarity Author: Allison Barrett (bonobo@holly.colostate.edu) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/2571/ranma.htm Short pieces on how each of the major characters moves on after the failed wedding. Cologne, Ukyou, Ranma+Akane, Shampoo and the other Tendo sisters Complete 35pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Clarity of Vision File: ranma.clarity-of-vision Author: Rhonda Schell Mousse thinks about his life. About how everyone has someone, except him Will Shampoo ever come to him? Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Clarity Spice File: ranma.clarity-spice Author: S. Mark Gunther (Iceboy3@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://moussex.anifics.com Awards: TASS One Shots;1999 Nov 3rd Ranma is feeling very stressed out. All the chaos that normally forms part of his life has got to him particularly today for some reason and he's taking out his frustration on some training dummies. Akane comes to the door of the dojo just as Ranma is exclaiming his frustration at not being able to tell Akane that he loves her... Complete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Clarity Spice [Master Magi] *lemon* File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Master Magi Webpage: http://members.tripod.com/master_magi2000/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 28-02-2002 Ranma packs his bags and is ready to leave shortly after the failed wedding. He's realised that he's nothing but trouble for Akane,and she deserves much better than him. All this is due to some spice that Kasumi spiked Ranma's food with gave him clarity of sight for 48 hours. Akane's not at all happy about Ranma's abrupt departure, even if Nabiki is looking forwards to playing with her sister again... Complete 93pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Clawmates (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Stormen Webpage: http://www.flamingwreckage.com/ Crossover: X-Men Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Updated: 03-09-2004 Created: 05-04-2002 Ranma staggers into Tofu's surgery one night, carrying a battered and unconscious Akane. Both are badly injured, both will take weeks to recover, except they don't! Both are healed by next morning, and a little experimentation confirms it. They're mutants. Bad enough in a world that fears and reviles mutants, but shortly afterwards they are kidnapped by the Weapon X corporation, and re-made in a way that Wolverine of the X-Men is only to familiar with. They're rescued, but with most of their memories gone, there's no going back. They'll have to try to make a new life with Xavier and the X-Men... Incomplete 65pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Clerks File: ranma.clerks Author: Andrew Askew (awa51669@jetson.uh.edu) Happosai dumps his classes on Ranma, Akane is away and apparently engaged to another student, and all sorts of other odd things happen. Mousse tries to straighten things out. Complete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Clockwork (2 parts) File: ranma.clockwork Author: Tom Mathews [Disruptor] Webpage: http://home1.gte.net/mathews1/index.htm Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 03-10-2003 Akane is having problems calming down at school when Ranma and Genma turn up at the Dojo. Genma turns into a panda, but what does Ranma turn into? A quick splash reveals Ranma's secret, he turns into a windup female doll! Turning into a girl would have been bad enough, but this? Incomplete 40pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Close Encounters of the Hentai Kind File: ranma.close-encounters-of-the-hentai-kind Author: Martin Bennett Happosai has gone berserk. Panty raids everywhere! Why the sudden frenzy of activity? It's really time to do something about the little hentai. Could be quite a challenge though. Complete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Closer File: ranma.closer Author: Kahlil Noriega Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9371/ Ranma watches Akane doing her morning katas. Akane notices Ranma watching her but tries not to let on that she has. It gets rather hard when Ranma comes towards her, and impossible when he asks her to spar. What is going on? Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Closing the Chapter File: ranma.closing-the-chapter Author: TimeRunner Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Towers/7482 Ryouga gets an invitation to Ranma and Akane's wedding. After much soul searching he goes. He meets Ukyo there who seems to have the same problems that he does. Together they talk... Complete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Closure File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Master Magi Webpage: http://members.tripod.com/master_magi2000/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, Drama, Script, Quality Poor Created: 13-02-2002 A month has passed since the failed wedding and it's time for Ranma to go to China to finally get his curse cured. Akane comes along to keep him company. 3 months pass, and finally the two return. However things didn't go quite according to plan. They found the Nannichuan OK but it was Akane who got cursed, not Ranma cured. However both seem to have grown up a lot on the trip, so maybe things will work out after all... Complete 88pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Clothes make the ... (13 parts) File: ranma.clothes-make-the Author: Nicholas Leifker (nightelf@thekeep.org), Hitomi Ichinohei (No email), Katrina Lee Halbred (No email) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~nightelf/fanfic/index.html Awards: TASS Continuing Series; 1998 Jan 1st (chapter 6), 1998 Mar 2nd (chapter 7) Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Nabiki+Ukyo Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 20-01-2003 Ranma has always had problems with his sexual identity. One day, when everyone but Kasumi is out of the house, he goes to his room, changes, and puts on some female clothes. Kasumi enters at just the wrong moment, but understands, and so starts an adventure into a new life for Ranma. Sidestory: Clothes make the ... Sidestory: Revelations Complete 207pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Clothes make the ... Sidestory: Revelations File: ranma.clothes-make-the.sidestory.revelations Author: Nicholas Leifker (nightelf@thekeep.org), Hitomi Ichinohei (No email), Katrina Lee Halbred (No email) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~nightelf/fanfic/index.html Flags: Drama, Character Study, Quality Good Ranma stops and looks at herself in a locker room. Has this gone too far. What has he/she become? Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Clouds of Silver File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: the RanMaFan Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/8599/RanFanFic.html Flags: Continuation, Comedy, Quality Good Created: 07-12-2001 Happosai is stealing yet more underwear. Where does he store that stuff! Turns out that he's storing them in a dusty part of the Tendo Attic, as they find out when they catch up with him. Time for some spring cleaning. However, quite by accident they find a scroll, detailing the way to the hidden Tendo Treasure! If they can find that, they'll be set for life! With Kuno's aid (a boat), they are on their way. They're not the only people after that treasure though... Complete 82pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Coff-EZ File: ranma.coff-ez Author: Anand Rao Tales from a coffee shop, where all the anime characters hang out between series and fictions. The Animes are just recording their real lives, but they act in the fan-fictions... Complete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Colder Curse File: ranma.colder-curse Author: Deckerfive Ranma-chan is running through the forest, having lost her memory. She stumbles, falls and is knocked out. Ryouga finds her... Complete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cold Hatred File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: JLeonard Note: This fic is available at MediaMiner: http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_st.php/94971 Matchup: Ranma+Ryoga Flags: Continuation, Lemon, Dark, Quality Fair Created: 15-09-2005 Just as Ranma was getting married to Akane, it comes out that he is burakumin! Immediately everyone rejects him, he and Genma are thrown out, Ryoga takes his place as Akane's fiancee and he finds himself sometime later at the Nekohanten. There is nothing left but revenge, and the rejection of all that he was before... Complete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cold Realities (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Prospero Hibiki Webpage: http://prospero.anifics.com Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 19-05-2003 Ranma is in trouble. Looks like they're going to hang him and there doesn't seem to be any way out! How did he get into this mess? It all started that day that he was being chased by the heir to the School of Martial Arts Vegetarianism, and later on, a phone call... Incomplete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cologne for Teens (5 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 678007 Author: Felix Webster Awards: TASS Continuing Series;2002 Jul 1st Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Cologne Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Updated: 26-07-2002 Created: 04-04-2002 Ranma has found a way to get out of the marriage with Shampoo. He's agreed (with Nabiki's help) to make Cologne young again using the mushrooms. It works too, Cologne is now 13 again. Ranma may be free of Shampoo, but is he of Cologne? It doesn't help when Happosai force-feeds Ranma, Akane and Nodoka more of these mushrooms, and it'll be a year before any more are available too! Incomplete 56pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cologne's Final Confrontation File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Bryan T Neef (bneef@ice.net) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Pagoda/3719/fiction.htm Note: Fic is on the 'Ideas' page. Direct link: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Pagoda/3719/cologne.txt Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Dark, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 30-11-2000 Akane is blind and Ranma is locked as a girl. All as the result of Shampoo and Cologne. Three months ago they attacked, spiking Ranma and Akane's food. And they are still out there. But when Shampoo again attempts to grab Ranma one day, Ranma snaps, and a mistake by Cologne finally gives her a chance to end it once and for all. Sequel: Lunch at the Nekohanten Complete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cologne's Magic Mushrooms File: ranma.colognes-magic-mushrooms Author: Martin Bennett Cologne sends for some mind control mushrooms from the Amazon village. Hopefully these will get muko-dono to toe the line. Mousse has other ideas. He'd rather see Ranma pulverised... Complete 29pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Comes the Cold Dragon (17 1/2 parts) File: Comes-the-Cold-Dragon/* Author: Don Granberry Webpage: http://www.iamnota.net/fanfics/ Awards: TASS Continuing Series;2001 Feb 1st,2001 Annual 2nd Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Updated: 22-01-2004 It's the aftermath of the failed wedding. Ranma is hurt badly and is in Tofu's clinic recovering, but it will take a while. Akane is a bit stressed out and taking it out on the morning brigade at school. Tofu is worried about Ranma though, apparently he's exhibiting the signs of combat fatigue. The thought of a martial artist of his calibre going berserk is frightening, but how to remove the stress from his life so that he can recover. In addition, Ranma has manifested a new ki-ability, that of being able to suck all the heat out of an area around him. He doesn't even realise he's doing it! Of course, having another voice in your mind isn't going to help any. Something's got to give... Incomplete 1269pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Coming of the Duck (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Yorimi Webpage: http://www22.brinkster.com/yorimi/ Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 07-11-2003 On a rainy night, Ranma is searching for the missing P-chan, when Mousse suddenly attacks! He doesn't just attack, this time be beats her, and when Ranma wakes up, she discovers another nasty surprise. The curse is locked... But how? and why? Incomplete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Communications Breakdown File: ranma.communications-breakdown Author: AlberCrombie (cesnyd01@starbase.spd.louisville.edu) Awards: TASS Awards; 1995 Annual 15th (tie) Ranma and Akane are having their usual fights, when something odd happens. They decide to go off and talk about it behind some boulders (this is at a beach). After a while, they slowly kiss..just as a wave crashes over them, converting Ranma into Ranma-chan. And Kuno pops up just then and sees Akane and Ranma-chan kissing. Oh dear Incomplete 24pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Compass Points File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Durandall Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/brandall/index.htm Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Nabiki+Tofu, Ranma+Akane, Herb+Shampoo, Ryuu+Ukyo Flags: Dark, Continuation Updated: 11-01-2001 Created: 13-02-2001 Nabiki and Tofu accompany Ranma to the most dangerous battle of his life. Against someone he thought he'd never have to fight like this with. Someone who was seduced down a dark path, and now has to be stopped. This is but the start though, the world is changing and magic is returning. And Reading order: Heart and Soul, Earth and Sky, Twilight, Progeny and Spirit, Wave's End -- Starlit Tears, Silent Onus, Unseen Tears of Heaven, Now Only Right Thine Heart, Body and Mind, Flesh and Blood, Song of the Void Complete 119pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Complete Control *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.complete-control Author: Sean Gaffney (gaffney@iconn.net) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~sean/index.html Awards: TASS Mini Series; 1998 Feb 3rd (part 1), 1998 Nov 3rd Ranma comes from China to meet the Tendos. But this Ranma is a little different. He fell into a forbidden pool that not only turned him into a girl but gave him mental powers. Shortly after arriving, he's dispatched Soun and Genma on a training trip, raped all 3 girls and has them under his mental control. Then he gets twinges of conscience... Incomplete 224pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Compromising Situations File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Vince Seifert (seifertv@csus.edu) Webpage: http://www.csus.edu/indiv/s/seifertv/toth/ Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Kasumi+Shampoo Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 12-11-2002 School is over and everyone has graduated. Now is time for College and Akane has done well on her exams. It will mean moving away though and she's secretly hoping that Ranma has been studying in secret so that he can go away with her. Unfortunately it seems that he didn't even take the exams! This is just the start though as a series of misunderstandings convince Ranma that Akane no longer loves him just at the same time that Soun, Genma and Nodoka lose patience and switch the engagement to Kasumi. Many things change now... not least the fact that now Ranma really MUST do something about the other fiancees. Kasumi cannot protect herself like Akane can... Complete 104pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Computer Chips File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 452931 Author: Tannim Murphy Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 29-11-2002 Akane is borrowing Nabiki's computer. She doesn't know how to use one, but how hard can it be,,, Incomplete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Confession File: ranma.confession Author: Scott K. Jamison (majks@cyberx.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/5990/ Flags: Spamfic, Alterverse, Quality Good Kasumi goes to confession to confess about the sinful thoughts she has from time to time. She does need an outlet for all that stress. Complete 1pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Confidence File: ranma.confidence Author: Chris Schumacher (kensu@madison.tdsnet.com) Gosunkugi's diary of his attempts to win Akane and get rid of the evil Ranma Incomplete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Conflict Among Destiny File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Michaud/ranma.Conflict-Among-Destiny Author: Eathan Michaud Webpage: http://ryuumi.tripod.com Flags: Divergence, Drama, Script, Quality Good Updated: 16-11-2001 Created: 16-09-2001 A visitor is coming to the Tendo Dojo. It's the Tendo's cousin Keidanko, who is a good martial artist in his own right. He also dotes on Akane and hates Ranma for the way he treats her. He's going to make Ranma's life hell, and to that end he's going to recruit Ryoga, Mousse and Happosai to help him... See Also: The Frozen Void Complete 46pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Consequences File: ranma.consequence Author: SSAuthor (ssauthor@hotmail.com) Flags: Darkm Alterverse, Quality Fair Ranma and Ryouga start fighting in New York. The local law-enforcement community takes a dim view, and things get rapidly out of hand. Dark Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Consequences [Sociopath] File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 433530 Author: Depraved Sociopath Flags: Dark, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 03-10-2001 Akane has died in America and with her death everything just falls apart slowly and painfully. Especially for Ranma... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Constructing Misanthrope File: Not stored in the Ranma archives FFNET Id: 1980271 Author: N.Reynolds Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Dark, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 06-09-2004 A red-haired female martial artist has a theory about Ranma. She reckons he was happy generally. At least until he got to the Tendos. Then things started to go bad, and she had to watch... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Contagion File: ranma.contagion Author: Nicholas Leifker(nightelf@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~nightelf/fanfic/index.html Ranma, Ryouga and Genma get the flu. It seems the curse has changed the flu a bit. Those Jusenkyo curses are spreading..... Complete 22pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Control File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 224016 Author: Thrythlind Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/thrythlind/title.htm Flags: Drama, Quality Good Created: 25-01-2002 Kodachi's training at the hands of her brother is harsh. Only perfection is tolerated, mistakes are punished brutally. After one such punishment breaks her leg, Dr Tofu is called in. Can the shy girl he knows be saved? Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Converging Fates (10 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kyle Emmerson (prozium@telus.net) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/tydi-oh-ki Crossover: Neon Genesis Evangelion, Slayers, FF6/3, FF7, Xenogears Updated: 20-01-2003 Created: 03-07-2000 A new device called the Quantum Transport is being tested. It's supposed to be able to teleport people, and the first victim is a convicted killer. But something goes wrong and people from all over the multiverse are ripped from their worlds, all at crisis moments, to be deposited in this one. Ranma and Akane are along, as are Lina, Gourry and Zelgadis. So are Shinji, Asuka, Terra, Sabin, Cloud and many others. And a very nasty alien. How to get home?.. Incomplete 170pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Converging Series (7 parts) File: Converging-Series/* (7 files) Author: Ross McKenzie (rmckenzi@euclid.ucsd.edu), Kevin Eav (ukyou@maison-otaku.net), Alan Harnum (harnums@thekeep.org), Mike Loader(mike@thekeep.org), Rod M (rpm39788@bayou.uh.edu), Erin Mills (No email) ,Caroline Seawright (kunoichi@thekeep.org), David Tai (djtai@dkcomm.net), Nicola Wright (No email), Chris Willmore (willmore@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~rpm/converging_series A magic locket that has the ability to move people through dimensions gets loose. havoc time! Crossover of quite a few fanfic worlds, the major ones being Ranma 2096, The More things Change and Ranma Nibunnoichi. This continues after the events of Descents and Inversions as Ryo Saotome attempts to return home. Things never work out right... Prequel: Descents and Inversions (ish) Incomplete 526pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cooling off File: ranma.cooling-off Author: Emily Siazon (mmefleiss@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Keep/3956/Ranma.html Ranma has a bet with Akane that she'll send him into orbit before he changes into a girl. It's a hot day as well.. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cool Mornings File: ranma.cool-mornings Author: Stiffanie Flores(stiffanie@mailcity.com) Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/sd/Ranmafanfic/index.html Awards: TASS One Shots;2002 Feb 1st (tie) Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, WAFF, Quality Good Created: 03-04-2002 Akane and Ranma are married and she brings him breakfast in bed one morning. Of course she has a reason for this, and after breakfast, something for him as well... Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cops! Nerima style File: ranma.cops.nerima-style Author: Deunan (deunan@aol.com) Webpage: http://members.aol.com/deunan/index.htm Crossover: Cops! Cops! R1/2 crossover. Policemen cruising the streets of Nerima investigating a beating at the Nekohanten and catching Kodachi with illegal substances. A riot at Furinkan high as well. Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cornerstone (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1345226 Author: D'Fused Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Updated: 19-02-2004 Created: 16-05-2003 A strange boy comes to the Tendo Dojo. Soun is expecting him, Genma sent a postcard saying he was sending his son. It's Ryoga Saotome and he's here to marry one of the Tendos. He's also got a voice in his head, called Theta. Turns out that Ranma also has a voice in his head and the two voices are training the two boys up, prior to having a challenge match... Incomplete 50pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Corporate Takeover File: ranma.corporate-takeover Author: Nanashi (chadjill@ms3.hinet.net) Crossover: The X Files, Tenchi Muyo Confusing crossover Tenchi/Xfiles/R 1/2. Fox and Mulder investigate strange happenings in Nerima. Kasumi is great at estimating where Ranma will land and Happosai is causing trouble again. Incomplete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Couch Trips (7 books, 1 sidestory, 6 chapters) File: ranma.couch-trips FFNET Id: 804058 Author: Henry Burns Awards: TASS Mini Series;2001 Dec 2nd Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane+Ukyo,Ryoga+Akari, Kasumi+Tofu, Nabiki+Mousse, Ryuu+Shampoo, Kodachi+Orig, Nodoka+Orig, Konatsu+Orig Flags: Drama, WAFF, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 17-11-2005 Created: 02-02-2002 Ranma's just been on a trip via Air Akane again, and the landing was painful. Well, he landed near Doc Tofu's, so maybe the doctor can fix him up. However when he gets there, there's a stranger there. This is Dr Epstein, a behavioral psychologist who's visiting to help Tofu with his Kasumi problem. However, Tofu isn't the only one with problems, and when Dr Epstein finds out about Ranma's curse and life, he's very interested in helping. Maybe things don't have to always be as they have been? Complete 887pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Countdown File: ranma.countdown Author: Tom Wrensch (twrensch@geocities.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/5201/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: WAFF, Continuation, Quality Good Akane waits the last 45 minutes until her marriage with Ryoga is formally dissolved. Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Couples Therapy (16 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1362511 Author: QuakerJoe Flags: Continuation, Comedy, Quality Good Updated: 22-04-2004 Created: 13-06-2003 Shampoo has brought some cookies around for Ranma. Surely laced with some sort of love potion! Suspicious as always Akane eats one. Since the potion should not affect anyone except Ranma that shouldn't be a problem. Unfortunately it seems it has a side effect, if taken by an ill-tempered Japanese female with blue hair. It makes her inner desires come to the surface. First she blurts out that she loves him... Incomplete 182pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cousin Kuno File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Posner/ranma.cousin-kuno Author: Matt Posner Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Comedy, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 08-08-2003 Tatewaki must have his two loves and now he has some help! His cousin, Keiichi has arrived, and he is a master of the poetic arts. Keiichi will help Tatewaki in his quest, setting him on the path to earn Akane's love while he woos the Pigtailed girl himself. Of course Ranma isn't really keen on the idea of being wooed by a boy, especially since she's stuck as a girl for a bit thanks to that time of the month. Makes her really grumpy too... Complete 80pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cousins File: ranma.cousins Author: The DragonBard Nodoka turns out to be Cologne's granddaughter (and as such, she, and Ranma are Amazons. Since Shampoo and Ranma are cousins, obviously they cannot get married. The Streetfighter crew turn up as well. Incomplete 24pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Crazy Horse (3 parts) File: Altered-Destiny/ranma.crazy-horse Author: Steven Attewell Webpage: http://emeric.maury.free.fr/viking/ Updated: 26-10-2000 Ranma and Genma are swimming to China when disaster strikes. A strap breaks and Genmas backpack falls into the sea. Unfortunately it contained all the money that Genma has made over the years with his assorted scams. How to survive now? In Hong Kong, a couple of thugs buys Ranma from Genma and sells him to a whorehouse. Which he promptly breaks out of once he understands what they want him to do! So begins a hard life on the streets, scrambling to survive, until the day he tried to pick the pocket of the Profitable Choy, leader of the 14K triad... Incomplete 23pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Credendo Vides File: ranma.credendo-vides Author: Andrew Eoff (eoff@itsnet.com) Ranma's friends and enemies seem to be disappearing. Can Ranma figure out why before it's too late? The power of belief can do amazing things, and there are a lot of Ranma otakus out there. Complete 52pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Crimson Thorns File: ranma.crimson-thorns Author: Rhonda Schell There's a stranger in town called Romalov. He's definitely got something for Kodachi, apparently he's a vampire and has been after Kodachi (in various incarnations) for centuries. Oh, he looks rather like Ranma as well. Complete 36pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Crippled: Body and Souls, Counterpoint File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Arthur Hansen Webpage: http://www.kindred.net/arthur/art.html Note: Somewhat modified from the events in the original Crippled storyline Created: 28-07-2000 Shampoo attacks Akane, to make her tell where the female Ranma is, but suddenly a blur leaps into the space between them. Shampoo reacts instinctively and Ranma is skewered by a sword. Although Ranma survives, his life is forever changed. But at least those close to him still care, even if he can't now be with Akane. Incomplete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cross Dreams *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.cross-dreams Author: Amberion(thood2@yahoo.com) Created: 09-08-2000 Ranma is having dreams. Dreams where he falls into a pool, Kuno helps her out and then he seduces her! Eep. Wonder why that happened. Incomplete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Crossed Destinies File: ranma.eva.crossed-destinies Author: Nabiki Saotome Crossover: Neon Genesis Evangelion Awards: TASS One Shots;2000 Mar 3rd Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Nabiki Created: 06-02-2001 Ranma is going to college. Defying expectations he's actually managed to pass the exams. Ranma also has a new job with Doc Tofu, the head of a new company called SEELE and Kasumi. A very strange job that involves an odd aura that he can project. A chance encounter with a drunk Nabiki one evening leads to something new for Nabiki as she slowly discovers a Ranma that's quite a bit different from the one she thought she knew. 'Remake' of Neon Genesis Evangelion with Ranma characters. Complete 25pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Crossed Destinies: Alt Ver File: ranma.eva.crossed-destinies.alt Author: Nabiki Saotome Crossover: Neon Genesis Evangelion Matchup: Gendo+Yui Created: 06-02-2001 Ikari Genma is bringing his daughter to meet the sons of his friend Rokubungi Soun. He's going to find a husband for his daughter this time! There's Kozo, 58, Gendo, 42 (but he's gay) and Shinji 14. An unusual collection, but Yui has never been interested in the ordinary, and since she fell in that pool, she's not ordinary herself. A 'remake' of Ranma with EVA characters. Complete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Crossing Moon (prologue, 1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Robert Haynie (Kenjiko2@knology.net) Webpage: http://www.knology.net/~kenjiko2/ Crossover: Sailor Moon Flags: Drama,Comedy,Alterverse,Quality Good Created: 23-11-2002 When Ranma fell into the spring at Jusenkyo, he was changed into a girl. Which actually feels oddly right to her. What's more, the curse is permanent,and even does things like making her blond hair grow very long. Apparently all of this is because her spirit was always meant to be female. A rather special female actually. Well, first of all, she needs a better hairdo, better clothes, and a more kawaii name... Incomplete 40pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Crossing the Line (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFML File: FFML-4/2001-01/17529 (old version) Author: Ginrai [alternate email: ukyou@anifics.com] Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/ginrai/index.htm Flags: Dark, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 23-10-2002 Created: 23-01-2001 Nodoka wants to get this fiancee business sorted out, and she realises that in the end the final choice is Ranma's. Better check out the ancestry of all the fiancees to be sure. The Tendos and Kunos are fine and Shampoo will likely become a mistress, but she can't find out anything about the Kuonjis. Maybe Nabiki can help. Well, she can, but what she finds out is more than a little disturbing... Incomplete 22pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Crossing the Line [Firewind] (11 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1544143 Author: Firewind Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Blossom/6501 Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Quality Good Created: 05-10-2003 A fight on top of the Tendo Dojo goes badly wrong when a change intervention by Happosai results in Ranma sending Ryoga headfirst into the rocks around the koi pond. When Ryoga finally wakes up he's got amnesia and doesn't remember anyone! How is everyone, and especially a guilty Ranma, going to cope with this and what will be the result of the distortions of the truth that are given to Ryoga... Incomplete 151pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cruelty of Truth File: ranma.cruelty-of-truth Author: Florencio B. de la Merced Jr. (fmerced@pworld.net.ph) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/3641/index.html Cologne shows up at Ranma and Akane's wedding with some special sake for the happy couple to drink. Kasumi has a bit as well. Turns out this sake makes it impossible for Akane (and Kasumi) to have children... Complete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cube of Chaos File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Aondehafka Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/aondehafka/index.htm Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane+Ukyo+Shampoo, Mousse+Kodachi Flags: Comedy, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 18-11-2001 That store that sold Tatewaki the phoenix egg has more strange stuff in its inventory. One of which is the Cube of Chaos, a device that can reward whoever can open it with their hearts desire. Of course, no-one has managed to solve the puzzle of opening it in centuries... that is until Shampoo opens it in 5 seconds! Well, Nerima is weird enough, now it's going to get a whole lot weirder! It's not called the Cube of Chaos for nothing... Complete 36pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cuisine Retribution File: ranma.iron-chef.cuisine-retribution Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Crossover: Iron Chef Awards: TASS One Shots;2001 Dec 1st Flags: Comedy, Quality Good Created: 06-02-2002 Akane is in cooking class learning how to make sushi. This time she will succeed! She's concentrating so hard though that she fails to notice the arrival of Takeshi Kaga,the Chairman of Iron Chef. That is, until he orders her to come with him. Looks like Akane is going to be on Iron Chef. But this Iron Chef is a little different... Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cure for a Broken Heart File: ranma.cure-for-a-broken-heart Author: Sharon Tripp (teale@tiac.net) Ranma defeats Shampoo at the village, but Cologne recognises the curse immediately and is on hand with a kettle of water to switch Ranma back, thus canceling the Kiss of Death, and engaging Shampoo then and there... Incomplete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cures File: ranma.cures Author: Andrew Eoff (eoff@itsnet.com) Flags: Dark, Divergence, Quality Good Ranma is cured! Unfortunately while he was cursed, his cells were using fantastic amounts of energy, and when he was cured, they aged, quickly.. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Curry File: ranma.curry Author: Gregg Sharp (kestral@mindspring.com) Webpage: http://www.asynjor.com/fanfic/sharp.html Flags: Dark, Alterverse, Quality Fair Nabiki sells Ranma to Kodachi. who performs horrific experiments on him. Ranma snaps and starts taking matters into his own hands. Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cursed File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Richard D. Lawson (sterman@uswest.net) Webpage: http://www.sterman.org/ Flags: Dark, Alterverse, Quality Good Ranma wakes up to another day. Kasumi prepares breakfast in a pleasing way and Ranma appreciates it. He doesn't appreciate the amount of time Ryoga has been spending as a big around Akane though, he never seems to see him human these days! Things get a little worse when he accidentally writes the answers to a test in school about ancient Chinese history, all in Chinese! Bad enough that Hinako doesn't understand it and demands that he re-write it in Japanese, but he doesn't understand it himself! Wait, now he does, but what about his Japanese? What's happening to him? Sequel: Pools of Horror (by Gary Kleppe) Complete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Curse of Darkness (10 parts, character guide, theme) File: Curse-Of-Darkness/* (12 files) Author: Blade Webpage: http://www.crosswinds.net/~ayiekie/fanfic.htm Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 14th (part 5- tie), 1996 Annual 15th (parts 1 2-4- tie) Genma's been making promises again. Seems that he's promised Ranma to a group of travelling thespians (with dark plans) on his 17th birthday in order to pay for 10 days of food. And now they've come to collect. With the aid of some magical powder that should make Ranma obedient. Pity it was the wrong powder. Now Ranma's female form has its own evil personality. Mousse is engaged to Akane as well, courtesy of a little used Amazon law. Much fighting. Incomplete 258pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Curse of Furinkan (The Curse of Furinkan in the War Chronicles) File: ranma.curse-of-furinkan Author: Paul Gallegos (ranma@dkcomm.net) Webpage: http://www.dkcomm.net/~ranma/ Akane gets a bit carried away with her mallet one day, and Ranma ends up in intensive care in the hospital. In her mind she must overcome many obstacles Complete 29pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Curse of Jusenkyo (5 parts) File: ranma.curse-of-jusenkyo Author: Kyo Kusanagi Webpage: http://www.iinet.net.au/~kyo/fanfics.htm A business man falls into a Jusenkyo pool while on a tourist trip. Unfortunately the pool he fell in contained the spirit of a very powerful demon, who is now being brought back to life. To become fully aware again though, the demon requires all the essence of the pools. And there are some cursed individuals out there who have some of that essence, due to the curse. Cologne acts up again too.. Incomplete 247pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Curse of Silence File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: C.Jones (guilty@furinkan.net) Webpage: http://www.furinkan.net Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 07-02-2001 Ranma arrives at the Tendo Dojo. But when Akane gestures at the Dojo, Ranma wonders why she doesn't just ask him if he wants to spar. Turns out that Akane is mute, due to an accident. Well, this is going to make communication difficult, but that very difficulty has an advantage. Here, Ranma and Akane actually have time to think, before they talk. Continuation: Curse of Silence [Mad Hamlet] When You're A Stranger Complete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Curse of Silence [Mad Hamlet] (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Mad Hamlet Webpage: http://www.furinkan.net/fanfic/curse.html Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 07-02-2001 A continuation of the original Curse of Silence, picking up immediately after the end. Genma disapproves of Ranma's choice, and the next day when Akane spots them sparring, it becomes obvious that they are really fighting, not holding back at all! Going to school is an experience as well. It seems prejudice is everywhere... Prequel: Curse of Silence Incomplete 52pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Curse of the Ghost Dance (13 parts) File: ranma.curse-of-the-ghost-dance (parts 1-10) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (parts 11-13) Author: Code Name D (dougkulp@feist.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Aurora/8484/ The Tendo Dojo needs financial backing, And backers keep getting frightened away by Happosais antics (he doesn't think any are worthy). One day, a couple of Texans turn up with some money to invest and 8 plane tickets to the US.. When they arrive they find the locals to be just as odd as they are! Indian shamans, e.t.c.. Incomplete 298pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Curse or Blessing (prologue, 1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Marc-Antoine Côté-Marcil Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/scifi_11/fanfics.html Flags: Divergence, Drama, Quality Poor Created: 08-07-2003 Ranma falls into a slightly different pool, but that difference doesn't appear to be noticeable. Ranma still turns into a girl. Until one night when the stars and moon are aligned, and Ranma's true form becomes evident. His reaction to that form causes changes too... Incomplete 40pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cut Wood, Carry Water (3 parts) File: ranma.cut-wood-carry-water (parts 1-2) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (part 3) Author: Bob Barnes (rbarnes@moscow.com) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/DEddy/fanfic/bob_barnes/index.html Awards: TASS Mini Series; 1998 Apr 2nd (part 1), 1998 Annual 5th,1999 May 1st Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Ranma and Akane are tired of the act they must keep on playing in front of everyone. They have a plan which might end all of this. First Ranma must disappear... Prequel: The Masks We Must Wear Incomplete 123pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cybercentury 2000 File: ranma.cybercentury-2000 Author: Ethan Ong Ranma in the 21st century as humanity fights against the evil Zeo androids. Large Mecha Incomplete 19pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===============================> D <================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Daigakusei no Ranma/Daigakusei no Ukyo (30 parts DnR, 12 parts DnU, 6 sidestories) File: Daigakusei-no-Ranma/ranma.dnr.* (DnR+sidestories, 36 files) Daigakusei-no-Ranma/ranma.dnu.* (DnU, 12 files) Author: David J Tai (djtai@dkcomm.net), Paul Gallegos(ranma@dkcomm.net), John Biles (rhea@maison-otaku.net), Jeffrey Paul Hosmer(jhosmer@ix.netcom.com) Webpage: http://www.dkcomm.net Awards: TASS Awards;1994 Annual 1st (DnR #6), 1994 Annual 5th (DnR #3), 1994 Annual 14th (DnR #9- tie), 1995 Annual 3rd (DnR #11- tie), 1995 Annual 14th (DnR #10- tie), 1996 Annual 2nd (DnR #21), 1996 Annual 4th (DnR #20), 1996 Annual 8th (DnU #2- tie), 1996 Annual 10th (DnR #19- tie), 1996 Annual 13th (DnU #1- tie), 1997 Annual 1st,1997 Annual 4th (The Round Robin), TASS Continuing Series;1998 Mar 3rd (DnU #5), 1998 Apr 1st (DnR #25), 1998 Jul 1st (DnR #26), 1998 Sep 1st (DnU #7), 1998 Annual 2nd (DnR #25- tie), 1998 Annual 2nd (DnU #7- tie), 1998 Annual 5th (DnR #26), 1999 Apr 1st (DnR #27), 1999 Jun 1st (DnU #8), 1999 Sep 1st (DnU #9), 1999 Oct 1st, 1999 Nov 1st (DnU #11), 1999 Annual 1st (DnR #27), 1999 Annual 2nd (DnU #11), 1999 Annual 4th (DnU #9),1999 Annual 8th (DnU #8), 1999 Annual 9th (DnU #10), 2000 Feb 1st (DNR #28),2000 Mar 2nd (DNR #29), 2000 Apr 1st (DNU #12),2000 Annual 3rd (DNR #28), 2000 Annual 5th (tie- DNR #29),2000 Annual 7th (DNU #12), 2001 Jul 2nd,2001 Aug 2nd,2001 Annual 5th Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Ryoga+Akari Flags: Drama, Continuation, Script, Quality Good Updated: 20-01-2003 Akane has been at Mizunoikan University for a year, but Ranma has stayed at home, running the Dojo. Attendance is falling though, it seems that to be successful, a sensei must be college educated. It's time for Ranma to go to University. But not before a shotgun wedding to Akane! So, how will those two cope with married life, how will Ranma cope with college, and how will everyone there cope with the Nerima gang? Mind you, there are enough odd people there, including the hentai Choji, Ranma and Akane's neighbour in their apartment complex, Yuriko, Kasumi's mad scientist of a room mate, Lardizabal, master of Drunk Fu, Sato and his spiritual journeys and many others. The Daigakusei no Ukyo series splits off after a while following Ukyo's adventures and motherhood of a sort.. Incomplete 1314pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Daily Report (prologue, 2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: SgtRanma Webpage: http://sgtranma.anifics.com/ Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 23-08-2002 Created: 06-05-2002 Ranma has been a patrolman with the LAPD for 2 years when he gets assigned a new partner. A rookie, which is unusual, since Ranma doesn't really have enough seniority to be partnered with one. However this girl is unusual, one of the few graduates to come anywhere close to Ranma's scores. She's called Ichino Yanagida and she's heard of Ranma. She's about to find out what life as an LA cop is really like... Main Story: Officer Saotome Incomplete 49pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dare mo File: ranma.dare-mo Author: David Johnston (rgorman@telusplanet.net) Flags: Alterverse, Character Study, Quality Good Ranma and Genma go to a bar to track down the girl that walked out on them a year ago. She's fighting in this bar... Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dark Blossoms File: ranma.dark-blossoms Author: Rhonda Schell Flags: Alterverse, Dark Kodachi thinks on Ranma's ultimate betrayal of her, and comes to a drastic decision. Prequel: Dark Indiscretions Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dark Contemplations File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Violet Eyes Webpage: http://dendarin.anifics.com/index.html Flags: Dark, Quality Good Created: 06-06-2002 His love has abandoned him, refused him countless times, and finally the pain can be taken no more... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dark Crucible File: ranma.dark-crucible Author: Demonsword (demonsword@vasia.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Towers/2098/fanfic.htm Crossover: Kimagure Orange Road,El Hazard,Ultima Massive Crossover KOR, El-Hazard, Ultima and a private game world. Demons are attacking earth. Ranma and Co must stop them, but they have help. People from all sorts of other universes spot what's going on and rush in to help. Kyosuke and friends get involved as well, and Kyosuke's powers are definitely acting up... Incomplete 223pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Darkened Images (6 parts) File: ranma.darkened-images (parts 1-2) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (parts 3-6) Author: David Farr (djfarr@ihug.co.nz) Webpage: http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~djfarr/ Ranma and Genma arrive at the Tendo Dojo, meeting up with Nodoka when they get there. But what awaits the is not what they expected. The garden and house falling into decay and a wailing Soun inside. Seems that someone called Moromao forced Soun to try to recover an idol that Happosai stole. He gave him 3 months, but when Soun returned after the 3 months were up, he found that his daughters had been taken! It's up to Ranma and Nodoka to rescue them. They have another profession that is more hidden... Incomplete 74pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Darkest Hours (8 parts) File: ranma.darkest-hours Author: Matrix (matrix75@worldnet.att.net) Shampoo approaches Ranma to talk with him. Akane does not take this well, going on ahead and when Ranma gets home, an argument results in him being thrown out. Hikaru has found a cure for the curses, so he, Shampoo and Ranma head off to find it. Akane goes off to fetch her errant fiancee after a while as well. But the guardian of the cure has his own agenda. Warning: Bad formatting and grammar makes this story hard to read. Sequel: Reunion Complete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dark Family (2 parts) File: Dark-Family/ranma.dark-family.1 (part 1) Dark-Family/ranma.dark-family.2 (part 2) Author: Nicholas Stone (bnstone@ix.netcom.com) Webpage: http://sites.netscape.net/nickolaswrite/homepage A society of top industrialists decide that something has to be done about the leaders of Japan, and hire one Marcus Renon to do their work With the aid of some root that turns it's victims into zombies, he sets about his business, enslaving the Nerima gang as he goes.. Sequel: Dark Family: Unwanted Reunions Complete 240pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dark Family Unwanted Reunions (8 parts) File: Dark-Family/ranma.dark-family.3* (8 files) Author: Nicholas Stone (bnstone@ix.netcom.com) Webpage: http://sites.netscape.net/nickolaswrite/homepage Marcus wants revenge, and he's rounding up a posse of unsavoury characters with assorted grudges against the various members of the Nerima Gang to help him. He's also still got that initial mission to do sometime as well Hard times in store for Ranma and Co Prequel: Dark Family Complete 581pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dark Half File: ranma.dark-half Author: Karl Rim (krim@cbnewst.att.com) Awards: TASS Awards; 1994 Annual 7th Vampires are taking over Nerima. They are planning on setting up a power nexus which will enable them to take over Japan. Straight away people start disappearing.. Loads of Star Wars bits.. Complete 248pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dark Indiscretions File: ranma.dark-indiscretions Author: Rhonda Schell Flags: Alterverse, Dark, Character Study Kodachi ponders on how her and Tatewaki's life has turned out since her mother died and father went mad. Fairly dark. Sequel: Dark Blossoms Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dark King Ascending (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 973114 Author: Softrogue Crossover: Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 23-02-2003 Setsuna has always been there in Ranma's life, watching over him, but mostly helpless to intervene. Still, she was able to have some effect, helping to instill values into him and helping him out of the Neko-Ken. One year after the failed wedding, things are slowly getting worse for Ranma when all of a sudden a strange figure in a short skirt and with a large staff appears. It's Setsuna! And she needs his help, her friends are having trouble in a fight... Incomplete 52pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dark Nerima (2 parts) File: ranma.dark-nerima Author: Jimmy Vargas (SJPQ52D@prodigy.com) Crossover: Wheel of Time Updated: 19-06-2000 Shin Machiko moves to Nerima. He's a powerful mage that's trying to gather a few people together before the Gathering. After flattening Ryoga and making a few other enemies, he's got a few problems as well At least Ranma, Akane and Ukyo are on his side..... Incomplete 76pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Darkness Ahead (7 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: DarkPhoenix/ranma-d-trilogy.Darkness-Ahead Author: Jonathan Ford Webpage: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/60506/ Note: Fics can also be found at: http://florestica.com/dphoneix/index.htm Crossover: Running with the Demon Matchup: Ranma+Nabiki Flags: Drama,Continuation,Quality Fair Created: 22-04-2001 Since the fight with Saffron, Ranma seems to have been developing new powers. He seems to be able to manipulate fire now, or something rather like it, and this new force seems a lot stronger than his Chi. Where does this come from, and what are these dreams about? Nabiki is wondering what is going on too, Ranma is actually standing up to her, and making her re-evaluate her actions with regard to him. And she is having dreams too... Incomplete 72pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Darkness and Light File: ranma.darkness-and-light Author: Adrian Wong (7ahw@qlink.queensu.ca) Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Ukyo Flags: Dark, Alterverse, Quality Good What WAS Ranma's life with Genma like really. We know about the Nekoken training, and the multiple fiancees and Jusenkyo, but what else did Genma do to Ranma during those 10 years. Ukyou makes a wish that she can know Ranma, and can understand his life. Complete 118pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Darkness before the Storm File: ranma.darkness-before-the-storm Author: Russell Dietz (rdietz@hotmail.com) After a night eating Akane's cooking and watching Dragonball Anime, Ranma and Akane go to bed. A short time later some skeletons leap into Ranma's room. Happosai has something to do with it. Much confused fighting. Incomplete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Darkness Fall File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: the RanMaFan Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/8599/RanFanFic.html Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 06-01-2002 Everyone is fighting each other as usual at the Tendo Dojo when Kuno turns up with a plan to keep his precious Akane and Osage no Onna safe from Ranma. He's going to take them away on a trip to the South Pacific! Of course a few other people come along too, and the holiday would have been lovely if their plane hadn't run out of fuel, landing on a remote island and incidentally freeing an ancient evil while they were in the process of crashing... Complete 212pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dark Obsessions (10 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Rodney Dean Webpage: http://home.uleth.ca/~pickcd00/ryukfics.htm Note: Epilogue is also the Prologue for 'A New Quest' Matchup: Ryoga+Ukyo, Nabiki+Ryuu Created: 28-10-2000 Someone called Nightshadow has turned up looking for vengeance against Genma. He'd have it as well if it weren't for Ryoga, Ukyo, Shampoo and Mousse getting in the way, and when he sees Ukyo's spatula he's astonished and decides to leave. This is Kanaeda, Ukyo's brother and an amazing martial artist. He's also got some water that curses Jusenkyo curses by splitting the cursed person into two. Ryoga is cured quickly... Sequel: A New Quest Complete 68pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dark Prayer (6 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1711966 Author: XZero Webpage: http://www.kat.redone415.com Flags: Drama,Continuation, Quality Fair Created: 10-07-2004 Ryoga is attacking Ranma again and this time he seems to mean business! A hastily conceived counter to his Perfect Shi Shi Hokodan works though and Ryoga is defeated. Ranma falls unconscious too, courtesy of a mallet from Akane! Later on that night a mysterious figure leaves something with Ranma. It's an MP3 player. Apparently if Ranma names an opponent, it will play music that will help him fight and focus against that opponent. Wonder what this figure wants? And what else is this gift going to do to Ranma? Incomplete 63pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dark Present, No Regrets (24 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 598375 Author: Rippen Drakuzz Webpage: http://drakuzz.anifics.com Crossover: King of Fighters Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Fair Updated: 17-11-2005 Created: 17-10-2003 Ranma is running away from a whole host of pursuers when a combination of two potions, a wand and some cooking collides, exploding violently. When the smoke clears, Ranma is there, but so are a woman and a small child. Something quite odd has happened. It seems that this explosion sent Ranma to another world for years, where he met a girl, married and had a daughter. Also he learned from the best fighters in the world. Now he's back, with his wife Kasumi and daughter. What will Nerima make of the new Ranma, his family and his friends... Sidestory: Reliving the Past Incomplete 294pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dark Raven (12 parts) File: ranma.dark-raven (Parts 1-9) ranma.dark-raven.homelands (parts 10-12) Author: Mattia (hjmattia@flash.net) Crossover: Sailor Moon An old man pops up and cures Ranma and Genma's curses for a bit (5 years he says but actually about 4 months). Then a couple of magic using street fighters turn up from the US. Eric and Kaine. They proceed to jump all over the Ranma cast with a few hiccups. Incomplete 144pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Darkrax War (prologue, 1 1/2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Dacl73 Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/dacl73/ Crossover: Sailor Moon Flags: Divergence,Drama Quality Poor Created: 13-10-2002 Two dragons fought 1200 years ago. The fight was a draw, but both dragons were cursed to become human. The evil dragon Thiraxis leaves, but he will be back. One or other of them must die to break the curse. Thiraxis will also want vengeance on the House of Serenity. In the present day, Kogane Ryuu, the good dragon, must go to Japan. He has found out a plan by Thiraxis to assassinate the re-incarnated Serenity in Juuban. There's also this boy he wants to see there. One that was taught the Neko-ken,,, Incomplete 19pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dark Reflections of the Moon File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Aondehafka Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/aondehafka/index.htm Crossover: Sailor Moon Matchup: Ranma+Nabiki Flags: Comedy, Quality Good Created: 14-10-2002 Akane meets Ukyo, Kodachi and Tatewaki at an event to find the best and most creative costume in the theme of Sailor Moon. Apparently the prize is a complete set of Sailor Moon manga, signed by the artist and Nabiki has told Ranma to get her these or else! Apparently he's got everyone he knows in on this! Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dark Revenant File: ranma.dark-revenant Author: Gendou Knepper Webpage: http://www.gendou.net Flags: Divergence, Dark, Quality Good Created: 27-07-2001 An altercation between Gosunkugi and Ranma ends in tragedy when Ranma accidentally kill him! But death is not the end and Hikaru wakes up again in a strange place, the prisoner of a golden skinned man wearing black robes. However, here is the chance to learn true magic and find true power, as long as he doesn't mind serving evil. A dream of what happened after his death soon convinces him that vengeance on Ranma and all around him is just and a worthy goal to aim for, and Hikaru studies hard, preparing for the day when he can return... Complete 65pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dark side of the Moon File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1846622 Author: Crescent Pulsar Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/anime/next/CPFF/CPFF.html Crossover: Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Fair Created: 25-06-2004 Ryoga has challenged Ranma to a duel and even for him, he's late. Ranma is getting a little worried and is searching for him. However his search is interrupted when he spots a demon killing people. Of course he rushes in to fight it. Well, he found Ryoga, but the demon is just too much for both of them and Ranma is knocked out. In his mind he meets a strange girl. The spirit of the girl who drowned in the spring, and the reincarnation of a warrior from the Silver Millennium. The Senshi of the Dark Side of the Moon... Incomplete 73pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: DarkswordS: The Knights of Enrich (20 chapters + 1 special) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: The DarkswordS Staff Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/ego/darkswords Crossover: Many Flags: Alterverse, Comedy, Quality Good Updated: 13-06-2003 Created: 18-04-2003 The DarkswordS have a mission. To deal with the Master, who is currently a dragon, and to rescue two prospective members of their team, Ranma and Akane. This dragon is the one from Hearts of Ice, so this Ranma is unfortunately a bit dead, not that that is much of a problem. Resurrection is easy. So starts Ranma and Akane's career in this group of more than slightly insane superpowered warriors, who are at least nominally on the side of good. Other recruits are gathered too... Incomplete 154pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Daruma File: ranma.daruma Author: Bridget Engman Wilde (wildeman@gci-net.com) Webpage: http://www.gci-net.com/users/w/wildeman/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: WAFF, Quality Good Akane enters an essay writing competition, 'Women in Martial Arts'. She buys herself a goodluck doll (a daruma) to help her concentrate. You wish, while painting one of the eyes of the doll black. Unfortunately she's thinking too much about Ranma and kisses.... Complete 14pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Daughter of Amazons (prologue, 3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kit'ari Webpage: http://jeruind.i8.com Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 27-06-2003 Soun took his family on a training trip when Akane was 8. However disaster struck. Akane and her mother was lost. Akane's mother died, leaving the young Akane as a slave to the Amazons. In time she became a full Amazon, but she's always wanted to get home. A short redhead who turns up one day, eating the prize for the tournament, might just give her the chance to do so. Incomplete 23pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Daydreams File: ranma.daydreams Author: Christian Gadeken () Flags: Quality Good Ukyou, Shampoo, Kodachi, and Akane are all daydreaming. Wonder what they all are thinking about... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Day to Remember File: ranma.day-to-remember Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong Awards: TASS Awards; 1995 Annual 14th (tie) Nabiki decides to play matchmaker. After all, it's about time all this nonsense between Ranma and Akane came to an end. With a bit of work, maybe she can give them a whole day without interruptions.. Incomplete 59pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dear Akane File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kyokukou Webpage: http://www.ephektz.com/alloyfanfiction Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Dark, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 16-08-2001 Ranma is dead, killed on some quest, and Akane is reading a letter that he left to her in case of that eventuality. It gives her instructions on how to retrieve a parcel, containing some letters. videos and Ranma's will. What she finds reveals a lot about Ranma that she never knew... Complete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dear Akane [RyanErik] File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Ryan Erik Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/ryanerik99/index.htm Flags: Drama,Comedy,Quality Good Created: 21-01-2002 Ryoga writes a letter to Akane. It may have taken dozens of attempts, but he's got it right now. All that's remaining to do is to post it. Not a problem, right?... Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dear Diary File: ranma.dear-diary Author: Suds-kun (suds1964@tir.com ) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/8222/ A quick look at Akane, Ukyo, Shampoo and Ranma's diaries over a few momentous days Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Death and Rebirth File: ranma.death-and-rebirth Author: Fox the Wanderer Matchup: Ranma+Kasumi Flags: Alterverse, Quality Poor Created: 20-06-2000 Ranma's wife reminisces on the final night about the events at the Temple of Immortality that lead to this time, about the demon that they summoned there and the events thereafter. Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Death and Rebirth [Yami] File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1186821 Author: Yami Webpage: http://www.dragondepot.cjb.net Flags: Drama, Quality Good Created: 20-01-2003 Ranma is flying through the air again courtesy of Akane. Nothing unusual, except this time he lands in the shark pool at the zoo! By the time she escapes, she's dying from her injuries. She was taken to hospital but... 7 years later Ryoga looks for Ranma. He can't be dead. Only Ryoga can kill Ranma... Incomplete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Death is only the Beginning File: ranma.death-is-only-the-beginning Author: Mike Rhea (michaelrhea@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://rei.animenetwork.com/ranchan/ Created: 20-06-2000 After Ryoga kills Akane as the result of a nightmare, Ranma is thrown out of the Tendo Dojo. He moves in with Ukyo and rapidly realises he cares for Ukyo more than he ever did for Akane... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Death of a Housewife File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Kasumi+Tofu, Nabiki+Tatewaki Created: 20-02-2001 Kasumi has been mother and housewife to the Tendos and the Saotomes since she was a young girl. She's watched those she has cared for grown up and move on, building families of their own, but she has been left behind. What is left for her now? Nabiki too is having problems with the way her life is going as well, undergoing mood swings that confuse and worry her family. Complete 70pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Death of Cologne File: ranma.death-of-cologne Author: MoongluM (moon-glum@nospam.gamekhan.com) Cologne comes to the Tendo home after the failed wedding, with the intent of killing Akane. Ranma springs to her defense, but something unexpected happens... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Decay (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1283741 Author: Paul Durant <031537@comcast.net> Crossover: Fallout Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 03-12-2003 After World War III, Japan is in ruins. Fallout has spread radiation everywhere, people have turned on each other and Tokyo has split into a number of city states. One such is Nerima where Ranma has awakened in an underground bunker. He's a captive, and not just that, he isn't a he any more! What's happened? Who are these decaying people that have done this to him... Incomplete 23pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Deep Blue File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1336644 Author: Kirinin Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/nj4/ceaejbs/storiesmain.html Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Ryoga Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 09-05-2003 Ryoga has tagged Ranma with the Koi-rod of love and now Ranma is desperately in love with him. What can he do about it? He can't just kill Ranma, much as he would like to, so the only hope is a cure. As for Ranma, how can she overcome the hate and disgust she inspires in the man she loves... Complete 25pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Deepest Thoughts File: ranma.deepest-thoughts Author: Kahlil Noriega (becknkal@addax.bc.ca) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9371/ Cologne casts a spell on Ranma, but gets interrupted by Happosai at a bad time. Instead of letting Cologne read Ranma's strongest thoughts, everyone can read everyone else's strongest thoughts Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Deep Reflections File: ranma.deep-reflections Author: Scott K. Jamison (majks@cyberx.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/5990/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Alterverse, Quality Good After the Nanban mirror was broken, Nodoka picks it up and wonders what to do with it. A little later, each of Ranma's fiancees gets a brooch, made from part of the mirror. One by one, each decides to use the brooch to see the happy future where they are married to Ranma. But is what they see all that they want? Complete 28pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Definition of an Uncute Tomboy File: ranma.definition-of-an-uncute-tomboy Author: David A. Tatum Webpage: http://davecon.anifics.com/ Created: 20-06-2000 After seeing a program on television, Akane is worried. Is she an abusive young woman. She goes to the one person who cares, and who will keep her secret, Ranma. The answer he gives is not at all what she expected... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Definitions of Hell File: ranma.definitions-of-hell Thy-Outward-Part/ranma.top.definitions-of-hell Author: Richard D. Lawson (sterman@uswest.net) Webpage: http://www.sterman.org/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Ranma+Orig, Akane+Orig, Kasumi+Tofu Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good A strange bug creature curses Ranma with it's dying breath and causes him to switch with the Ranma from another universe. To be particular, the one from Thy Inward Love switches with the one from Thy Outward Part Prequel: Thy Outward Part: Painted Smile (TOP world) Prequel: Thy Inward Love: The Dying of the Rose (TIL world) Sidestory: A Better World than This (TOP world) Sequel: Thy Inward Love: Interview (TIL world) Complete 60pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Deft Touch (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Fire (dzillman@ozemail.com.au) Webpage: http://www.fire.duncanz.com/ Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 15-08-2000 A small red-headed girl and a one-armed Panda turn up at the Tendo Dojo. Akane is in love. The girl is everything she ever wanted. Quickly she moves to make friends with the girl and challenges her to a sparring match Ranma wins the match easily, but just before she touches Akane, she breaks off and collapses sobbing! Why is this? Apparently she's the master of something called the Deft Touch, a martial arts technique that can be used to shatter anything by touching it. Unfortunately Ranma cannot control it very well, destroying things accidentally unless she's very careful. And it's much worse when Ranma is in boy form... Incomplete 46pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Demoness *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.demoness Author: Wes Orr (worr@prairienet.org) Midorina, a demoness appears and promises to give Mousse the power to defeat Shampoo without actually hitting her. Power to be given as soon as he signs this scroll... Complete 21pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Demons Dawning (Prologue, 1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: DarkPhoenix/ranma.Demons-Dawning Author: Jonathan Ford Webpage: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/60506/ Note: Fics can also be found at: http://florestica.com/dphoneix/index.htm Crossover: Oh My Goddess Flags: Drama,Divergence,Quality Fair Created: 20-04-2001 Ranma has a strange dream. Of a young Cologne, in love with Happosai in the Amazon village, when 4 cloaked figures arrive. One is Ranma, one is Kuno and they are demons, here for Cologne. Not even a furious Belldandy can stand against them. What does this dream mean? Maybe it's something to do with the events earlier that day? Incomplete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Demons Destiny (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1042702 Author: Joe Fenton (jlfenton65@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/jlfenton65/index.html Crossover: Tenchi Muyo Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama,Alterverse,Quality Good Created: 29-05-2003 Ryoko and Yosho fight at Jusenkyo 700 years ago. When the battle ends, a defeated Ryoko falls into one of the pools, cursing it. 700 years later, Ranma falls into that pool. Now, when he becomes wet, he turns into a cyan haired girl, who can fly. He registers as Ryoko to Aeka's scanners as well... Incomplete 39pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Denial File: ranma.denial Author: Christopher "God-boy" Angel (c_j_angel@hotmail) Flags: Dark, Continuation, Quality Fair Ranma is dead. By accident while sparring with Genma. Everyone who knew him grieves. Except Akane.. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Denial [Akinababy] (3 chapters) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1737806 Author: Akinababy Flags: Drama, Alterverse,Quality Good Created: 29-02-2004 Ranma has arrived at the Tendo Dojo, along with his sister Ranko. Seems this pair has spent 10 years with the Amazons, and along with their martial arts skills, they've picked up quite a few other things from the Amazons. Needless to say the engagement is not exactly what Ranma wants, he just wants to get back to China. At least he doesn't have to go to school though, being 19. Ranko however, at 16, must... Incomplete 37pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Departures File: ranma.departures Author: Darryl Cheung Webpage: http://animefics.8m.com/ranma.html Ryouga is killed by an unknown assailant. Ranma vows to track down the attacker and avenge Ryouga. Akane begs him not to go, but still he does. Eight years pass.. Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Depression File: ranma.depression Author: Kurt Krause (ranmasolo1@aol.com) Ranma gets really depressed about his curse. The only thing that can help him is to find a cure. Leaving a letter behind, and his diary, he goes. When he comes back, much has changed.. Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Descents and Inversions File: ranma.descents-and-inversions Author: Ross McKenzie (rmckenzi@euclid.ucsd.edu) Spring, the daughter of Ranma and Shampoo has a magic locket that can move her through the dimensions. She's on a hunt for a husband. Careering through time and space, she picks up a bunch of people, Ranma and Ukyou's daughter, Ranma and Akane's son, Nabiki and Kuno's son e.t.c, and they all wind up in the standard universe... Sequel: Converging Series (sort of) Complete 96pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Desire File: ranma.desire Author: Dreiser (Dreiser1@ix.netcom.com) Webpage: http://www.dreiser.net Created: 20-06-2000 A young man watches Nerima from a high bridge. Ranma and his wife have gone on a training journey after an amazon beat Ranma. He's pathetic now, muses the man. One of the other women in his life joins him, the only one who might truly understand him. Prev in Series: Obsession Next in Series: Heartbreak Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Destiny (prologue, 4 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Arun/Destiny/ranma-sm.Destiny.P (prologue) Arun/Destiny/ranma-sm.Destiny.1 (part 1) Arun/Destiny/ranma-sm.Destiny.2 (part 2) Arun/Destiny/ranma-sm.Destiny.3 (part 3) Arun/Destiny/ranma-sm.Destiny.4 (part 4) Author: Arun Webpage: http://samrtaleck.anifics.com Note: This fic incorporates certain aspects of Ramayana. Crossover: Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Orig Flags: Drama,Alterverse,Quality Good Updated: 02-06-2005 In the Silver Millenium a man meditates in order to be worthy of a boon from Shiva. When he is granted these boons he asks to be king over the Ashuras and unkillable. Now he can bring a reign of terror over the world and before he is stopped, the Moon Kingdom is destroyed. But at last his evil is sealed. Far in the future, Ranma is being trained in the Neko-ken when 2 spirits recognise his potential and merge with him, lending him great power, when he can learn to use it, and catapulting him over 2000 years into the past. He lands in the spring of Drowned Dragon when he arrives. Taken in by the Musk, he is raised as part of the royal family. But he has a destiny with the Amazons and beyond... Incomplete 426pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Destiny of Shadows File: ranma.destiny-of-shadows Author: Jim Lazar (jimlazar@animeprime.com) Webpage: http://www.animeprime.com/ff/index.shtml Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Metafiction, Quality Good A couple of shadows in the shadow realm are having a bet. They're taking turns in creating universes. If Ranma marries Akane in 1,000,000 universes before Ranma marries someone else in 1,000 universes, then Shadow A wins otherwise Shadow B wins.. Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Destiny's Child (26 parts, epilogue, 1 sidestory) File: Destinys-Child/ranma.sm.destinys-child.* Author: Fire (dzillman@ozemail.com.au) Webpage: http://www.fire.duncanz.com/ Crossover: Sailor Moon, Slayers Awards: TASS Mini Series;2000 Aug 3rd,2000 Annual 4th Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Ranma+Rei Hino Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good In the late 16th century, Genma took his son Ranma to the training ground at Jusenkyo. After the inevitable dunkings, Genma is now a panda, and Ranma is a 12 year old girl. Warm water will change Genma back, but it takes nearly boiling water to change Ranma back. In addition, his girl form never ages. Inevitably Ranma has to watch Akane grow old and die while he never changes. After wandering the world for 400 years, she finds herself back in Japan, where she now goes by the name of Tomoe Hotaru... Reading order: 1-26, sidestory, epilogue Complete 642pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Destiny's Wish (33 parts) File: Destinys-Wish/* (33 files) Author: Mike 'Kino Makoto' Koos (makoto@cal.net) Webpage: http://www.fanfic.net/~makoto/ Awards: TASS Continuing Series; 1998 Jan 2nd (part 23), 1998 Feb 1st (part 24), 1998 Apr 2nd (part 27), 1998 Jun 3rd (part 29), 1998 Annual 10th (part 23- tie) Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Nodoka wants to find Ranma, and wonders what life would have been like if Ranma had been born a girl as well. With the aid of an amulet she makes a wish. Ranma was born a girl (and fell in the Nannichuan), the Tendo sisters are now the Tendo brothers, Kasuga, Naka and Ayumi and Ryoga is now Ryomi (a girl). Retelling of the series.. Incomplete 610pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Deus Ex Machina File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Nanashi/ranma.deus-ex-machina Author: Nanashi (chadjill@ms3.hinet.net) Flags: Surreal, Quality Good Created: 07-07-2001 An unauthorised 'Soul of Ice' alterverse. Happosai and Cologne provide alternate ways to Ranma's future, but which road will Ranma take? And what effect will that have on Nerima. Things live in dreams... Incomplete 53pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Devil Hunter Ranma (3 parts) File: ranma.xover.devil-hunter-ranma Author: Micronime (Micronime@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Micronime/ Crossover: Devil Hunter Yohko, Sailor Moon Reviewer: Corwin Reviewer Likes: 0 Flags: Dark, Drama, Alterverse, Quality Poor Created: 29-09-2002 Just as Genma and Ranma reach Jusenkyo, various demons emerge from the Pools of Sorrow. Retreating, the two follow the Jusenkyo Guide to the Amazon Village, where they are forced to make a stand with its residents. A month later, when the demons' attacks subside a bit, the Saotomes return to Japan, where several fiancees wait for Ranma. And what is the connection between the Mano and Saotome clans? Incomplete 75pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Devil's Bargin File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Prospero Hibiki Webpage: http://prospero.anifics.com Flags: Dark, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 18-04-2003 Ranma has come home from his study session with Hinako. It's quiet, except for an awful sounding dripping. When he gets to the kitchen he finds out that his worst fears have come true... Incomplete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dew on the Grass File: ranma.dew-on-the-grass Author: Richard E (ranma_e@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.waxwolf.com/~plucky Awards: TASS One Shots;1999 Apr 2nd, 1999 Annual 7th Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Ranma+Ryoga Flags: Divergence, Drama, Romance, Quality Good After hitting his head on a rock, Ranma now thinks he's a girl, Ranko (as in the 'Am I Pretty' Anime episode). Doesn't look like anything is going to get him back to normal any time soon either, it's been a week and nothing seems to work. Ranko is a very nice sweet girl as well. Unfortunately one day she meets Ryoga, who doesn't realise what's happpened, and poor Ranko winds up badly beaten. Later Ryoga finds out what's happened, and feels very guilty for having beaten up an innocent girl... Sequel: Symmetry Complete 71pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Diablerie: Nerima (6 parts) File: ranma.wod.diablerie-nerima (parts 1-6) ranma.wod.diablerie-nerima.6 (part 6) (duplicate) Author: P-R-P-Chan Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Ginza/6291/ Crossover: World of Darkness Ranma is having disturbing dreams of Akane covered in blood. And when he wakes up Akane is even more annoyed than usual, insulting him, screaming him and malletting him for all she's worth. And why does Nabiki appear to have a forked tongue. And what is Ukyo doing with Ranma in that closet? Incomplete 21pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Diamonds in the rough (prologue, 7 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Durandall Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/brandall/index.htm Crossover: Love Hina, Goldenboy Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 16-02-2003 Created: 14-04-2002 Ranma Oe has been on the road long enough, and it's time to go to school. He's going to try to get into the same college as his brother Kintaro, who helped him study. That's Toudai, and he needs a place to stay while there. The Hinata-Sou sounds good. There's a few things that Ranma doesn't know about the Hinata-Sou and it's residents, but he'll find out soon enough. There's many things that the residents of the inn don't know about Ranma and his complex past. In time they may find out too... Incomplete 266pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Diary File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kyokukou Webpage: http://www.ephektz.com/alloyfanfiction Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 17-08-2001 Kasumi is reading Akane's diary. And some of what is in there is quite interesting... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Diary of a Mature Child (prologue, 2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Tabyk Webpage: http://www.tabyk.net Flags: Drama,Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 24-01-2003 Nodoka is insisting that one of the Tendos is to marry Ranma, and she's got Soun to go along with it. But why would Nodoka do a thing like that? Well, for Ranma of course. Everything she does is for Ranma. Kasumi looks back over the diary she started when Nodoka and Ranma arrived... Prequel: A Child's Prayer Incomplete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Diary of a non-Martial artist (14 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1248895 Author: Lavender Gaia Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 30-05-2003 Created: 05-03-2003 Kakumei is an ordinary Furinkan schoolgirl who has been asked to keep a diary. She's not one of the leading figures of Nerima, but she must still interact with them. How will she deal with the madness that is Nerima, and what effect will she have? Incomplete 84pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dies Irae File: ranma.dies-irae Author: Alan Harnum (harnums@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~mike/transp.html Awards: TASS One Shots; 1998 Nov 1st Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Dark, Continuation, Quality Fair A winged fiery entity flies over China and heads for Tokyo, destroying all in it's path, and immune to damage. Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Different-Curses File: ranma.different-curses Author: Matrix (matrix75@worldnet.att.net) Ranma fell into a slightly different pool in this alterverse. That of drowned Tiger. Ok as long as he doesn't see himself in a mirror. Now how are the Tendos going to take this... Incomplete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Different Paths (12 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1239772 Author: PSpinler Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Dark, Divergence, Quality Good Updated: 30-05-2003 Created: 19-02-2003 Shampoo is desperate. If she does not bring Ranma home as her husband, the penalties are severe and she just got a wedding invitation from Nabiki. Now is the time for decisive action. Death in combat is preferable to what awaits her back in the village... Incomplete 65pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Differing Realities File: ranma.differing-realities Author: Tammy Rychetnik SI fic. Due to some odd happenings with a VCR and a magic medallion Ranma and Akane find themselves in our universe, with the Author (in Anchorage, Alaska). How are they going to get back? Complete 38pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dilemma File: ranma.dilemma Author: Jusenkyo Guide (jusenkyoguide@mailcity.com) Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Character Study, Quality Good Ukyo watches Ranma through several days. He's happy except when Akane is with him. Why does Akane make him unhappy, why won't he see that she loves him. Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Direction Sense File: ranma.direction-sense Author: Bjorn Christianson Webpage: http://www.its.caltech.edu/~bjorn/fanfic/index.html Awards: TASS One Shots;2001 May 3rd Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Comedy,Quality Good Updated: 29-06-2001 Created: 10-05-2001 Shampoo has had enough. It's time to try some magic! In the form of some cakes which should make sure that Ranma and Shampoo will be together forever! Well, as long as Ranma eats one and Shampoo the other of course. Well, Ranma eats a bite and Shampoo eats her cake, and nothing happens! But later in a fight, Ranma force-feeds Ryoga the rest of her cake... Complete 32pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Disney World File: ranma.disney-world Author: Ryoga 02 (ryoga02@aol.com) Ranma wins a martial arts video game contest. The prize: 2 tickets to DisneyWorld, in Florida. Who to take? Ah, a quick visit of the pig-tailed girl to Kuno later, and the Kuno Family Jet is at the disposal of the cast.. Complete 30pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Divergence File: ranma.divergence Author: Schmitt (schmitt@toad.net) A battered Kuno accosts Ranma on the road one day and makes him swear to protect Akane, as he could no longer. Nene is crying over Priss's death and lots of other confusing things happen. Incomplete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Divided I Stand File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Don Granberry Webpage: http://www.iamnota.net/fanfics/ Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 17-09-2002 A typhoon has hit Nerima. Ranma and Genma are out in it chasing Happosai when, after getting thrown into the air by Genma, Ranma is blown helplessly along by the wind, crashing into an old house and into a mirror, shattering it. When he wakes up, there's two of him! one female and one male. At least they aren't cursed any more. That's not the only problem, the typhoon has wrecked most of Nerima and made any outside assistance hard to obtain. They must survive and help the many injured on their own, at least for a while... Incomplete 62pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Divine Ranmadies File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 483970 Author: Ukie Crossover: Sailor Moon, Oh My Goddess Flags: Comedy, Quality Good Created: 15-04-2002 A strange man gives Ranma a branch. It's the Golden Bough, and he who holds it has the key to the underworld. Unfortunately Akane cooks it and feeds it to Ranma. Now he can control the shape of hell as he wishes, if he can only escape his own hell. Meanwhile Sailor Mars has become convinces that Takahashi has coded the secrets of how to go to another world in the Ranma Manga, probably in the characters names. Ami is dragged along on Rei's mad quest... Incomplete 26pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Divinity (10 parts) File: ranma.divinity (parts 1-9) Not Stored in the Ranma Archives (part 10) FFML File: FFML-4/2000-05/11091 (part 10) Author: Kyle Emmerson (prozium@telus.net) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/tydi-oh-ki Created: 22-06-2000 Ranma has been judged by Aizan Myoo, the God of Love. And his punishment is to be a matchmaker. He has to get the Ranma and Akane of another dimension together! That might be hard enough, except that, although Akane is pretty much as usual, this Ranma is a complete wimp! The only competition he might win is a video game one. This looks like Ranma's toughest challenge yet... Incomplete 131pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Doaran (7 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 827128 Author: IronRaptr9241 Crossover: Dead or Alive, Oh My Goddess Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 07-11-2003 A kunoichi runs from the ninja chasing her. She is a runaway and must be killed to protect the secrets of the clan, but she won't die without a fight. This is Kasumi, and Ranma finds her in an alley, badly injured. Ranma has his own dark past and the two find a good friend in each other. Incomplete 53pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Doctor Tofu, We Hardly Knew Ye File: ranma.doctor-tofu-we-hardly-knew-ye Author: defwood Created: 22-06-2000 One morning as Dr Tofu came downstairs, he spotted a curious, and deep hole in the wall. Perfectly symmetrical with a blackened edge, what could have caused it. But the work of the day prevents him from checking it, and later, Kasumi visits, putting all thoughts of it out of his mind... Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Doing it again File: ranma.doing-it-again Author: Josh and Mercedes Totman (jet@alaska.net) Akane is picked as the prize in a martial arts billiards tournament Can Ranma win against a collection of powerful opponents... Incomplete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dojo Raider! (5 parts) *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.dojo-raider (Dojo Raider!) Lemon/ranma.lemon.haven Not stored in the Ranma Archives (Comfortable,The Tide,Three Men and a Little Lady) Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara Awards: TASS One Shots; 1998 Apr 1st, 1999 May 2nd (Haven) Matchup: Akane+Nabiki+Kodachi+Tatewaki,Ranma+Genma,Kasumi+Soun,Ryoga+Ukyo Updated: 21-02-2001 The Author appears in Nerima for a 2 week visit. She could try to sort out all the relationships or something, but that's already been done. This time she's going to cause a bit of mayhem. First she persuades Kuno to dress up as Ranma, Kodachi to dress up as Onna-Ranma and sets them up to meet at a love hotel... Reading order: Dojo Raider!,Haven,Comfortable,The Tide, Three Men and a Little Lady Complete 94pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dojo Yaburi File: ranma.dojo-yaburi Author: Maramala (maramala@geocities.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Ginza/2415 Ranma turns up at the Tendos. Genma died a long time ago, so Ranma has been wandering China with Ryoga. He's also now a Dojo Yaburi (Dojo Destroyer)... Incomplete 24pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Doki Doki File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Prospero Hibiki Webpage: http://prospero.anifics.com Flags: Character Study, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 07-03-2003 The views and feelings of Ryoga, Ukyo and others around them when those two get together. Reading order: Doki Doki, Turning Radius, Drifting, C-121 Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Doll Hobby (1 part, omake) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Tabyk Webpage: http://www.tabyk.net Crossover: Hoihoi-san Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 29-10-2004 Kasumi has a new doll. She wants a few little upgrades for it too. Not much, just 46,000 yen worth, and including some 2mm ammo... Incomplete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Don't let me down, Ranma File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: quinn/ranma.dont-let-me-down-ranma Author: Alana Quinn Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: WAFF, Quality Good Created: 12-07-2002 Soun is ill, and in the hospital. Akane is taking this very hard. She's lost her mother, she can't lose her father too. Ranma tries to help... Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Double or Nothing File: ranma.double-or-nothing Author: Jeremy Mullin (stoner317@hotmail.com) Ranma gets some more Instant Nannichuan powder from Shampoo and quickly applies it. Unfortunately he's then hit by lightning and something very odd happens. 2 Ranma's (one female, one male) turn up back at the dojo. Memory problems as well. Incomplete 181pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Double the Fun (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jon Rosebaugh Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/jrosebaugh/index.htm Updated: 30-11-2001 Created: 19-10-2001 A small shimmer as two people walk to Jusenkyo marks a change in history, and as a result, Ranma winds up with a slightly different curse, that of Drowned Akane. Which causes much confusion when they arrive at the Tendo Dojo... Incomplete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Double Trouble File: ranma.double-trouble Author: Emily Siazon (mmefleiss@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Keep/3956/Ranma.html When Ranma was 6, he and Genma visited Jusenkyo. Little Ranma fell into a pool, fortunately not a cursed one. He nearly drowned. 10 years later Soun took Akane there to train. She fell into another uncursed pool and nearly drowned. THEN she fell into a cursed one. The Ranmanichuan to be precise. Ranma turned up there a couple of weeks later, and the Guide pushed him into the Akanenichuan! (he thought he was Akane and had got stuck in her cursed form. Looks like trouble is brewing. Incomplete 42pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Do You Remember (20 parts,epilogue) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Bing (misspetite1976@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Blossom/7257/home.html Note: Lemon version (295pp) at : http://www.geocities.com/missgorman/dyrlemon.html Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane,Ryoga+Ukyo,Mousse+Shampoo,Nabiki+Tatewaki Updated: 23-03-2001 Created: 28-08-2000 It has been two years since Akane's husband died, and she's just starting to get over him when Kasumi and Dr Tofu tell her that Soun is dying. And as part of his will, he's left the Dojo to Ranma and Akane, on the condition that they run it as a partnership for at least a year. But how can she be a business partner to someone that betrayed her so badly 17 years ago? Sidestory: Through a Glass Wall Complete 268pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dragonball R File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: James Thomas Webpage: http://fubarfics.fubarinc.com/ Crossover: Dragon Ball Z Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Ryoga+Akari Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 27-05-2001 Son Pan is off to a new school. Somewhere away from her grandfathers' legacies. Furinkan High. There's even a few cute boys there, especially that one with the pig-tail. Of course the last thing that Ranma wants is another girl after him, but this one can fly! Ranma has to learn how to do that! Unfortunately for Pan, it looks like Ranma is taken, but at least she can play matchmaker for Ranma and Akane. Those dragonballs and their ability to summon a dragon that can grant wishes interests Ranma too... Sequel: Dragonball R: Wedding Daze Complete 123pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dragonball R: Birthday Bash File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: James Thomas Webpage: http://fubarfics.fubarinc.com/ Crossover: Dragon Ball Z Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: WAFF, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 15-11-2001 It's 6 months after Ranma died, and Akane misses him. It's her birthday and he should have been there. She can even hear his voice. For that matter, so can Pan... Prequel: Dragonball R: Juuban Saga Sequel: Dragonball R: No Need for a Saga Complete 19pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dragonball R: Juuban Saga (15 parts, epilogue) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: James Thomas Webpage: http://fubarfics.fubarinc.com/ Crossover: Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Updated: 19-10-2001 Created: 07-07-2001 Ranma and Akane have decided to go to Juuban with Pan to stay with her uncle Goten at his dojo there. Maybe this will give them a new start away from all the chaos in Nerima. Of course there are NEW problems there such as quite a collection of boy hungry girls who happen to have another job as mini-skirted defenders of the city. Not to mention the enemies they face. And on top of all that, Akane seems to be getting angry with Ranma even more easily than she used to. Sequel: Dragonball R: Birthday Bash Complete 183pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dragonball R: No Need for a Saga (11 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: James Thomas Webpage: http://fubarfics.fubarinc.com/ Crossover: Dragon Ball Z, Tenchi Muyo Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Updated: 21-02-2003 Created: 22-12-2001 Tenchi has plenty of woman problems, the last thing he needs is another one after him! But the eternal dragon always delivers and when asked for a handsome boyfriend that will love her and is powerful to defeat her, by Pan, he pointed her this way. Tenchi must be it! Wonder how the Tenchi crew are going to adjust to this new bunch of crazies moving in... Prequel: Dragonball R: Birthday Bash Incomplete 127pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dragonball R: Wedding Daze File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: James Thomas Webpage: http://fubarfics.fubarinc.com/ Crossover: Dragon Ball Z Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Comedy, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 07-07-2001 Ranma and friends have returned from fighting Saffron and it's time for Ranma and Akane to get married. No-one told Ranma that though and he's fleeing for his life. He's not quite sure what he's wanted for, but he knows it can't be any good! A wedding with added rhinos... Prequel: Dragonball R Sequel: Dragonball R: Juuban Saga Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dragon Child File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Hung Nguyen (animeaddiction@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://aamark4.tripod.com/mark4/ Crossover: Project A-ko Reviewer: Corwin Reviewer Likes: 0 Matchup: Ranma+Megami Eiko Flags: Alterverse, Drama,Quality Good Created: 23-09-2002 Saved by an altruistic dragon from certain death during the Neko-ken training, Ranma is raised in the dragon realm to be a superb fighter. Eventually, however, it is time for him to return to his home realm, where suitors and enemies alike are in abundance. Meanwhile, the infamous trio from Graviton High transferred to Juuban High... a school Ranma is about to begin attending. Reading order: ch1, dragon lore, ch2-6 Incomplete 88pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dragon Comb File: ranma.dragon-comb Author: Ed Hrzic (hrzic@hawaii.edu) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Alley/2247/ SI fic. Trale and Ed wind up in the Ranma universe, armed with a couple of magical combs. They look a bit like Ranma as well. Animaniacs. Complete 48pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dragon Incarnate File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: S'taumkinar Silverbreeze Webpage: http://cyberlife.gq.nu Matchup: Ranma+Kasumi Flags: Dark,Continuation,Quality Poor Created: 07-05-2001 Cologne falls to sleep mulling over Ranma's surprising choice of Kasumi. She dreams of a future that might occur... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dragon Lords File: ranma.dragon-lords Author: Seaneassy (seaneassy@aol.com) Jo is a master of the Anything Goes style of fighting. So is Ranma, and they are both supposed to be the heir to the school. Both are Nyannichuan cursed as well. Some annoying people calling themselves the Fists of the Dragon turn up and cause trouble. Wonder why. Complete 25pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dragon Master (5 parts) File: ranma.dragon-master Author: S'taumkinar Silverbreeze Webpage: http://cyberlife.gq.nu Matchup: Ranma+Kasumi Flags: Drama,Alterverse,Quality Poor Created: 09-05-2001 After the events at Jusendo, Ranma has started to grow apart from Akane. Kasumi watches and hopes, regretting that she rejected him at the start. But maybe there's hope. Ranma seems to be very protective of her recently, for instance protecting her food from Genma's predations. Nothing may have happened if Akane has not got mad one day, sending Ranma flying into a rock and knocking him out, severely injuring him. But the universe is not finished with Ranma yet. It heals him, but he will never be the same again... Incomplete 35pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dragons Dawning File: ranma.dragons-dawning Author: Wesley Bridges (sdrake@geocities.com) Kipp, a master of the Dragons of Sun school turns up in Nerima. Some other people are after him. He knows lots of nifty techniques, and teaches them to Mousse, so he can thrash Ranma. Ryoga is learning some cool new stuff as well.. Sidestory: Dragons Dawning: Entrance of Fujiko Incomplete 58pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dragons Dawning: Entrance of Fujiko File: ranma.dragons-dawning.entrance-of-fujiko Author: Wesley Bridges (sdrake@geocities.com) Fujiko Tamimura turns up in Furinkan. She's another rather good martial artist, and briefly gets involved with Ranma. Very briefly, until she discovers that he already has 4 fiancees! How about Kuno instead? Main Story: Dragons Dawning. Complete 46pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dragons, Mages and Martial Artists File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Dani Yanega Webpage: http://www.mindspring.com/%7Eyanega/index.htm Crossover: Dragonlance Flags: Drama,Continuation, Quality Good Created: 29-08-2001 Ranma and Akane aren't getting along well, and Ryoga attacks Ranma for that one evening. Not unusual, but Mousse chose that time to use an ancient Amazon magical artifact on Ranma. An artifact that will send the target to another dimension. Unfortunately it takes Ryoga and Mousse along with it and all three of them wind up in the Dragonlance world where they soon come across some people fighting some large lizards. Meanwhile back in Nerima the search is on to find out what happened, and where the boys were sent... Incomplete 62pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dragoon Ranma File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Strider Webpage: http://strider.anifics.com Crossover: Legend of Dragoon Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 03-07-2002 Ranma and Genma fight at Jusenkyo. But just as Ranma is about to land in a a bolt of lightning strikes the pool and Ranma is suddenly somewhere else. Somewhere where people with strange glowing wings on their backs are trying to impale him with spears! Ranma defends himself of course, but this also lands him in trouble. These are officers in service to the Emperor, and assaulting them is a crime, punishable by being sentenced to the Arena. There's something unusual about Ranma as well, he's far too powerful for a normal human. He's too dangerous to have around, so he must be killed in the Arena... Incomplete 34pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Drastic Measures (15 chapters) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1130677 Author: Proteus Crossover: Tenchi Muyo, Dragon Ball Z Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Continuation, Drama, Action, Quality Good Updated: 13-06-2003 Created: 02-04-2003 Oolong the pig has got something he shouldn't have. 7 dragonballs to be precise. Two powerful aliens are coming and they need help! Goku is dead and they were going to use the dragonballs to bring him back, but Oolong thinks someone else may be better. The dragon looks for candidates and settles on Ranma. He'll need a little improvement though, nothing a little Saiyan DNA can't do though... Incomplete 248pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Drawn to the Rhythm File: ranma.drawn-to-the-rhythm Author: Matthew Lewis (maybeso@ican.net) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/9345/index.html Created: 22-06-2000 A beach trip turns into a matchmaking exercise when Ranma and Akane are persuaded to go on a boat trip. And when Akane falls in the water, Ranma must try to rescue her! But strange things lurk under the waters... Complete 14pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dream File: ranma.dream Author: Patrick James Conley (pchan@csd4.csd.uwm.edu) Shampoo offers Ranma all you can eat ramen for free. He takes Ryoga, Mousse and Genma along with him. Something must have been added, because all of them have some VERY strange dreams.... Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dreams File: ranma.dreams Author: Jeremy Harper Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/fallenmage1 Awards: TASS One Shots;2001 May 1st Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, WAFF, Quality Good Created: 08-06-2001 Happosai is up to tricks again, he's got Ranma with some new improved Spring Sleep Incense. Should make Ranma sleep all spring! Unfortunately it didn't quite work as hoped for, instead of being in a deep dreamless sleep, Ranma is dreaming, and acting out those dreams... which can be quite hazardous for those around him! On the plus side, it's also a chance to find out what Ranma dreams of... Complete 35pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dreams are powerful stuff File: ranma.dreams-are-powerful-stuff Author: Ash666 (ash666@juno.com) Ranma is a car sales executive for Honda. He's 28 now, and he and Akane have been married for some time. All of a sudden he's paged.. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dream Sequencing File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: D B Sommer (sommert@connecttime.net) Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/dbsommer/index.htm Flags: WAFF, Quality Good Created: 21-10-2001 A pigtailed girl and a panda arrive at the home of Ikari Gendo, Genma's old friend. Ranma is going to be engaged to one of Gendo's daughters, Rei, Rei and Rei. What's going on here! Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dreams Left Unopened. File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Yasuhei Webpage: http://yasuhei.anifics.com Crossover: Sailor Moon, Sandman Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 15-09-2005 Ranma has escaped from the pit of cats and is running through a forest. He's mentally a kitten now and as such a chance meeting with a very strange girl doesn't faze him at all. This is Delirium, one of the Endless, personifications of fundamental forces of nature. She's lost her doggy, and Ranma would make a perfect replacement kitten. However his father apparently wants him to be his sun. Maybe Sol can help? Many years later, Delirium remembers about that and Sol can indeed help. The Senshi are loose again and it's time for Sol to take a hand to try to avert the coming disaster... Incomplete 32pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dreams of Darkness *lemon* (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Solid Snake Webpage: http://home.earthlink.net/~solidsnake00 Created: 20-01-2001 Ranma walks in a desolate alley when he meets someone that looks like himself, but older. Things get worse when this man splashes Ranma, and in the ensuing conflict rather effortlessly breaks Ranma-chans arm. She can't even escape, as the man runs her down and rapes her. Thank goodness it was all a dream! But Ranma's dreams usually mean something... Incomplete 37pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dreams of Sakura (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Valor Phoenix Webpage: http://valor_phoenix.tripod.com/ Crossover: Revolutionary Girl Utena Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 29-03-2003 On Ranma's 18th birthday, he is up on the roof getting a bit of peace and quiet when a strange woman appears behind him and starts caressing him! He knows her as well, she's called Sakura, and swiftly she renders him unconscious, carrying him off. Sakura is the lady who first found Ranma in the neko-ken and since then she has been taking an interest in him. Now she's taken him, but maybe Ranma isn't so unhappy with being taken. His life is about to change dramatically... Incomplete 73pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Drinking Game File: ranma.drinking-game Author: Urac 'Ratbat' Sigma (ratbat@rocketmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/1778 A Ranma 1/2 fanfic drinking game Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dropping Anchor File: ranma.dropping-anchor Author: Mark Crewson (mcrewson@buster.orpheus.net) Ranma gets Akane pregnant, and they have a shotgun wedding. Little Ryo is born, and life changes a fair bit. Ranma is not at all keen on the changes... Complete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Drowning (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Phil Chan Webpage: http://bluemidnight.anifics.com/hostedwritings.html#Serafita Matchup: Ranma+Ranko Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 21-01-2001 What does Ranma think about from day to day, what goes on in his head. He feels under siege, everyone wants something, voices scream, and cause pain. Most of them anyway, some are friendly, like Kasumi and to a lesser extent Nabiki. Ranma thinks about the people around him, his thoughts about them as another day slowly passes. Is there any chance of relief for Ranma? The day goes on as normal, until something a little unexpected happens in the bathroom... Incomplete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dr Strangelouvre File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Chenalos/ranma.dr-strangelouvre FFNET Id: 377514 Author: Chenalos Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 21-10-2004 Created: 01-08-2003 Ranma has a problem. He's fighting someone with a stick of french bread. The bread is soggy and if it breaks Ranma will never be able to do martial arts again. How did he get into this situation? Well, the person that he's fighting is Akane's 'special' doctor... Complete 133pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dr Tofu falls into an open sewer and dies File: ranma.dr-tofu-falls-into... Author: Daniel "Yoshimato X" Gallagher () Flags: Alterverse, Quality Poor So what did happen to the Doc? He just disappears in the Manga. This story lets us know what happened.. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Drunken Fist File: ranma.drunken-fist Author: Steven Randolph An unknown martial artist comes to town and challenges Ranma. Apparently he's a master of the Drunken Fist school, and they've got it in for the Anything Goes school. Ranma gets trashed. Incomplete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dr Who: Cursed Time File: ranma.drwho.cursed-time Author: Stephen M. Wolterstorff(lorddoc@aol.com) Webpage: http://www.xmission.com/~spectral/pythl/pythlrd.html Crossover: Dr Who Dr Who turns up at the Tendo Dojo and pops in for quick visit. He knew Soun and Genma from a past visit, when they were with Happosai. Toki Dorobo a time thief wanders along and steals the Tardis, along with Akane and Julie (the Doctors Assistant) Sequel: Dr Who: Love Potion #900 Complete 113pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dr Who: Imprisoned File: ranma.drwho.imprisoned Author: Stephen M. Wolterstorff(lorddoc@aol.com) Webpage: http://www.xmission.com/~spectral/pythl/pythlrd.html Crossover: Dr Who More of a Prisoner crossover. Ranma is abducted and incarcerated in the village. He tries to escape. What's Ryoga doing here, and who is Number 13. It looks like Julie... Prequel: Dr Who: Who Loves Shampoo Sequel: Dr Who X Y and Zed Complete 33pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dr Who: Love Potion #900 File: ranma.drwho.love-potion-900 Author: Stephen M. Wolterstorff(lorddoc@aol.com) Webpage: http://www.xmission.com/~spectral/pythl/pythlrd.html Crossover: Dr Who Shampoo gets another love potion from Cologne. This time, for sure! The Doctor is trying to fix his Tardis again, crummy components. A quick mixup later and the Doctor vanishes.. Prequel: Dr Who: Cursed Time Sequel: Dr Who: Who Loves Shampoo Complete 24pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dr Who: Who Loves Shampoo File: ranma.drwho.who-loves-shampoo Author: Stephen M. Wolterstorff(lorddoc@aol.com) Webpage: http://www.xmission.com/~spectral/pythl/pythlrd.html Crossover: Dr Who The Doctor is madly in love with Shampoo. Oh dear, what to do. Maybe Cologne can help. After all, this love potions must have an antidote, right? Prequel: Dr Who: Love Potion #900 Sequel: Dr Who: Imprisoned Complete 28pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dr Who: X Y and Zed File: ranma.drwho.x-y-and-zed Author: Stephen M. Wolterstorff(lorddoc@aol.com) Webpage: http://www.xmission.com/~spectral/pythl/pythlrd.html Crossover: Dr Who More Prisoner. Ranma is getting a bit more comfy in the village. Time for a new number 2. This one wants to try drugs and a dream machine.... Prequel: Dr Who: Imprisoned Sequel: Ranmawho Complete 26pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dr Who: Zygma flower File: ranma.drwho.zygma-flower Author: James A. Wolf (jawolf@tiac.net) Webpage: http://www.tiac.net/users/jawolf A routine clobbering of Ranma by Akane ends with Ranma colliding with a suddenly appearing Tardis. Seems like great evil is on the loose. Leela is back and is grumpy. Thugs attack the Nekohanten. Incomplete 20pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Duck! File: ranma.duck Author: Stormy (stormwalker628@usa.net) Note: Tenchi Muyo cameo. Flags: Comedy, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 23-06-2000 A quiet day at the Tendo Dojo is disturbed when Akane hears Ranma asking her if he looks like a duck. One confused conversation later and Ranma suspects that Mousse may be involved... Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dulse Moments (Life's Dulse Moments) File: ranma.dulse-moments Author: Leslie Mills (les@firstclass.sys.unb.ca) Shampoo gets some dulse, in order to drug Ranma into marrying here. With the amount she's going to use, instant lust is the likely outcome. Unfortunately this is pun-dulse. It makes the victim unable to say anything without it coming out as a series of ghastly puns... Complete 35pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dune: God Emperor 1/2 File: ranma.dune.god-emperor-one-half Author: Michael Won It's 3000 years in the future. The immortal Ranma-sama is the God Emperor, ruling over a vast galactic empire. He clones Ryouga's to lead his armies, and Akane's to be the guardian of the 'Golden Path'. Complete 44pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dungeon Keeper Ranma (15 chapters) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1033783 Author: A-Kun Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Island/3968/index.html Crossover: Dungeon Keeper Flags: Quality Good, Continuation Created: 07-11-2005 Ranma is transported by Happosai into the world of Dungeon Keeper, where he'll have to conquer the entire world just to survive. there is hope however, in the mythical Portal Gems, that once reunited might be able to send Ranma back to earth. Incomplete 195pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dusk Rising File: ranma.dusk-rising Author: Darksilv (Darksilv76@aol.com) Updated: 23-06-2000 A strange American, called Dusk, wanders into the Joketsuzoku village looking for information about Jusenkyo. In Nerima, Ranma has got really fed up with Akane, and winds up in a mortal duel with Kuno.. Incomplete 57pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Duty Honor Loyalty File: ranma.duty-honor-loyalty Author: Razorclaw X Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/art/rcxshizuka/ranma/ranff.html Ranma in space. Ranma as the Heir apparent of the Saotome-Tendo Alliance, Ukyo as a defector to the evil Terran Combine. Complete 34pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Dynasty (prologue, 11 1/2 parts) File: ranma.dynasty (prologue, parts 1-5) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (parts 6-11 1/2) Author: Sydney Kyle (celenas77@aol.com) Webpage: http://move.to/dynasty/ Updated: 24-06-2000 The Dragon Dynasty was defeated 3000 years ago by those with two forms. But it was prophesied that they would rise again. Only those cursed with two forms stand between them, and their return. All but 5 have now been dealt with, and those last 5 all live in Nerima... Incomplete 234pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===============================> E <================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Early Warning File: ranma.early-warning Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 18-10-2002 A normal day in Chicago, and as usual, Gary gets tomorrows paper. There's something different about this one though, it's in Japanese! What's he supposed to do with that? Before he can do much though, a fight between the cat and a little black pig ends with the pig and the paper vanishing. When Ryoga reads the paper, he gets a shock... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Earthquakes File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 2133754 Author: Hitomi Ichinohei (No Email) Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 02-06-2005 A new starter at the Tokyo Earthquake Monitoring centre hits the alarm. He's seen a Richter 8 spike!... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Easy File: ranma.easy Author: Trent O'Donoghue Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/odonoghuet/index.html Awards: TASS One Shots;2001 Aug 1st Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: WAFF, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 20-09-2001 Mousse is not happy. He saves Ryoga from a chef intent on turning P-chan into the main course and changes him back into a boy, unfortunately just in time to encounter the St Hebereke's girls school hockey team. Ryoga was less than grateful. But a chance encounter with Ranma gives Mousse the chance to get his revenge. Just suitably wind Ranma up and set him at Ryoga. A little tail about Ryoga, a ring and Akane should do the trick... Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Easy come, Easy go File: ranma.easy-come-easy-go Author: Richard Fink Ranma and Akane find a lottery ticket worth 1.1 billion yen! At the presentation ceremony (televised) Ranma gets splashed.. Uh oh. Later, someone calls, saying he has a cure, for 10 million dollars... Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Easy Prey File: ranma.easy-prey Author: C.Jones (guilty@furinkan.net) Webpage: http://www.furinkan.net Flags: Alterverse, Quality Good Someone is looking for an easy score and has staked out the Tendo house. He knows that there are 3 girls there, and he's planning on sneaking in and raping one. Hmm, there's that REALLY cute red head. That's the one.... Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Easy Target (10 chapters) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 573948 Author: WFRose Flags: Continuation, Action, Main, Quality Good Created: 15-05-2002 Ranma is an elite hitman for Richter Straumhaus and he's very good at his job indeed. One of Richter's most trusted employees, until a setup frames Ranma, making Richter regard him as a rogue. Rogues must be destroyed and there are 3 ladies that are just itching for the chance for revenge... Prequel: Easy Target: Dirty Shot Complete 84pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Easy Target: Dirty Shot (14 chapters) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 744748 Author: WFRose Flags: Continuation, Action, Main, Quality Good Updated: 03-10-2003 Created: 15-05-2002 How did Ranma become an elite hitman? A young Japanese man is found wandering through town by Dan Rugar, hungry and alone, and he takes Ranma in, impressed by his ability at dealing with a couple of rapists. The two rapidly become partners, working for Richter Straumhaus. In between being tormented by his partner off duty and the dangerous life he leads in the course of his job, Ranma may have found his place. Sequel: Easy Target Complete 84pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ecchi Party (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Durandall , Corwin Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/brandall/index.htm Crossover: Comic Party Flags: Comedy, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 06-07-2003 Ranma is having disturbing dreams, involving some extremely warped Senshi, and all brought on by Soun and Genma. This is just the start though, as Ranma and Akane encounter a mysterious and perverted figure who claims to have trained their fathers. Now it's their turn, and it's off to the comic fair... Incomplete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Educating Yuriko *lemon* File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: D B Sommer (sommert@connecttime.net) Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/dbsommer/index.htm Flags: Alterverse, Lemon, Quality Good Created: 21-11-2003 Ai and Ukyo's sex-life got boring a while back and they took to swapping partners with Shampoo and Ranma to spice things up. It certainly did the trick and now this is a regular occurrence, once a year, for a weekend. A chance find of a video disk by Ai reveals much information about Yuriko. Enough that she must be severely punished, and the swap weekend is coming up... Main Story: Reality Squared *lemon* Prequel: Broadening Horizons *lemon* Sequel: High Stakes *lemon* Complete 131pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Education File: ranma.education Author: Donny Cheng Webpage: http://members.shaw.ca/chengdo Awards: TASS One Shots; 1998 Jul 2nd Matchup: Ranma+Orig Flags: Alterverse, Quality Good Seems like Ranma missed out on an important part of his education, what with all those training trips. Miss Hinako decides that it's time for Ranma to take his Sex Education class.. Complete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Eerily Plausible (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Douglas MacDougall Webpage: http://www.dougmacd.net/fics/index.html Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Alterverse, Comedy, Quality Good Updated: 30-10-2000 Created: 04-08-2000 These are the true untold background stories of Ranma 1/2, as described by Rukimo Tashahaki her self in an exclusive interview. There's a new panty thief in town, and it's not Happosai! Ranma and the gang mobilise to counter this new threat, but all is not what it seems, and an old and terrifying secret may soon come to light. In part 2, the horror strikes close to home, when one of the Tendos turns out to have a sordid past... Complete 60pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Eidolons File: ranma.eidolons Author: Alan Harnum (harnums@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~mike/transp.html Crossover: Dreamlands Awards: TASS One Shots;1999 May 1st,1999 Annual 5th Flags: Continuation, Dark, Quality Good Created: 24-06-2000 Ranma has always had a problem with cats, and when an unfortunate encounter with a few ruins a date with Akane, he vows to do something about it. Surely Cologne can help? Well, she can. Burning some special incense will take Ranma to a place where the cure may be found. But the place it will take him is the dreamlands, a land fraught with danger and mystery. Will Ranma succeed in his quest and come home safely? Complete 61pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Eldritch Asylum (6 Chapters) File: Not Stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 2056653 Author: Obsidian Fox Crossover: Harry Potter, H.P.Lovecraft Reviewer: Stratagemi Flags: Dark, Quality Good, Continuation Created: 17-11-2005 After leaving Japan to travel the world in search of magic and a cure to his curse with Genma and Gosunkugi, Ranma awakes years later, young due to the effects of the Age Mushrooms. An amnesiac in an insane asylum, visited by strange shadows, Ranma is adopted by the Grangers and moves in with them, searching for her identity Incomplete 216pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Electlum-Shock-Therapy File: ranma.uy.electlumshock-therapy Author: J.S Levine (patchmonkey@patchmonkey.net) Webpage: http://www.patchmonkey.net Crossover: Urusei Yatsura Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Alterverse, Comedy,Continuation Created: 04-03-2001 Nabiki is getting fed up and has a plan to help Ranma keep his mouth shut and Akane keep her temper. She's inviting Lum over! She'll zap Ranma for insulting Akane, and Akane whenever she gets violent. Could be a lot of frying going on... Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Elegy for a Golden Youth File: ranma.elegy-for-a-golden-youth Author: Reid Carson (rcarson@rcarson.com) Webpage: http://www.rcarson.com/rcarson/index.htm Gosunkugi writes about the last day with Ranma, fulfilling Ranma's last command to him. One day, a dragon came to Furinkan High, and challenged Ranma to mortal combat. Deals with the combat, and the odd, and mythic happenings afterwards. Complete 41pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Elf Quest 1/2 File: ranma.elf-quest-one-half Author: Albert Hwang () Elfquest characters are taken over by the spirit of Ranma! (and all the other characters) Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: El-Hazard-El-Ranma File: ranma.el-hazard.el-ranma Author: Ifurita (walker@mail.accent.net) Crossover: El Hazard Flags: Alterverse El-Hazard with Ranma characters. Makoto = Ranma, Jinnai = Kuno (with Nabiki as the brains behind the throne), Kasumi = Fujisawa... Incomplete 21pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Elseworlds (6 parts) File: Elseworlds/* (6 files) Author: John Biles (rhea@maison-otaku.net), Jeffrey Hosmer (jhosmer@ix.netcom.com), Stefan Gagne (twoflowr@pixelscapes.com), Paul Gallegos (ranma@dkcomm.net) Webpage: http://www.dkcomm.net/rhea/old/elseindex.html Awards: TASS Awards; 1994 Annual 6th (For want of a nail), 1995 Annual 11th (Lovers no More), 1995 Annual 8th (Akane 1/2- tie), 1995 Annual 14th (Looking down the barrel of a glomp) Matchup: Ranma+Ukyo, Ranma+Akane, Tofu+Shampoo Flags: Alterverse, Comedy, Dark, Quality Good, Script The fates (who wear colour coded robes) are mucking around. Purple Robes is trying to avert a disaster. One by one each of the Ranma cast gets a wish. And when they make that wish, they vanish, and we see an alternate universe where that wish was granted. For instance Ukyo wishes that Ranma had chosen her, instead of Okonomiyaki when he was 6... Each story shows the consequences of one such wish... Incomplete 579pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Emerald Ranma (prologue, 3 parts) File: ranma.emerald-ranma Author: Jeremy Fogelman Webpage: http://lordjeram.cjb.net Created: 27-12-2000 Ranma is having a good day. That is until he pops into a nearby park and indulges in a little nap. When he wakes up the world is being destroyed! Everything is burning, even the water. Seems that demons have corrupted this timeline, even Kasumi. Fortunately a mysterious pale man called Lord Jeram helps Ranma escape into another timeline. Timelines keep popping up all over now, evil ones, fast ones, alternate ones, the confusion keeps mounting. Incomplete 23pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Empathy File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Arthur Hansen Webpage: http://www.kindred.net/arthur/art.html Created: 28-07-2000 Mousse is going to get his revenge on Ranma for stealing his Shampoo from him! He's got some cursed water, and, as soon as he spots what he thinks is Ranma leaving the Dojo early in the morning, he attacks! Unfortunately it's Akane, and as a result both she and Ranma get splashed by a bit of the water. Well, all it does, it seems, is make Ranma's cursed form have a lock of white hair, and give Akane a cursed form that's largely unchanged, except for white hair. But that's not all. Slowly they start being able to feel what the other one does, and the mental powers gradually grow in time. Are they ready to really know what the other feels? Incomplete 56pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Emptiness and Renewal File: ranma.emptiness-and-renewal Author: Mark Doherty (mdoherty@uq.net.au) Webpage: http://www.thetop.net/mdoherty/ranma/ranma.html Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Ukyo, Akane+Ryoga Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good An alternate dimensions story. In one dimension, Ranma has lost his fiancee, Ukyou killed in an accident while fighting Ryouga and Akane, the other dimension is the standard one, in which Ukyou is bereft after the wedding fiasco. A friendly goddess intervenes... Sequel: Emptiness and Renewal: Fulfillment Complete 79pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Emptiness and Renewal: Fulfillment File: ranma.emptiness-and-renewal.fulfillment Author: OtakuLoki (OtakuLoki@aol.com) Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Ukyo, Akane+Ryoga Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Ukyo still has that dimensional travel token, and Ranma thinks it's about time that she used it. It would let her see all the people she knew, not to mention letting Ranma do a bit of sparring with his analogue. How will the people of the standard Ranmaverse react to the new Ranma? How will he react to them? Prequel: Emptiness and Renewal (by Mark Doherty) Complete 24pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Empty Years File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Edward Simons Webpage: http://www.concentric.net/~Easimons/index.htm Flags: Character Study, Quality Good Created: 01-11-2001 A woman cries in the darkness. She cries for all the empty years that she endured after Genma ripped Ranma out of her life and she cries that she could not have been there to be with Ranma during the difficult times... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Endless Complications (6 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kathy Webpage: http://valor_phoenix.tripod.com/ Crossover: Sandman Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Comedy, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 02-04-2003 Death has come. She has come to take Ranma. However when an unconscious red-headed girl falls into the koi-pond she doesn't recognise her. After all, she's here for a black-haired boy. So she saves the girl, which definitely causes problems. Especially when through a little fumbling it looks like she's engaged to Ranma.... Incomplete 95pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: End of the Beginning File: ranma.end-of-the-beginning Author: Razorclaw X Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/art/rcxshizuka/ranma/ranff.html There's going to be a second attempt at that wedding. This time with a bit more secrecy. Kodachi pops around for a little heart to heart before the wedding. Part 3 of The Wheel of Fire Complete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Enemy of Women File: ranma.enemy-of-women Author: Kwokinator (kwokinator@animefanfics.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/ranma_saotome666/ Created: 25-06-2000 Women fall all over Ranma. Why is that? does he like it? and where next for him? Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Enough Already File: ranma.enough-already Author: Xelan Webpage: http://www.xelan.cjb.net/ Awards: TASS One Shots;2002 Jul 3rd Flags: Comedy, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 18-10-2002 It's the end of the battle with Saffron, and Akane is dead. Again. This is getting old, and Ranma is having trouble crying like he should. Still, a god turns up at that moment to liven things up. Pity he's really there to grant a wish to Ryoga, one that's probably going to do no good to Ranma. Now exactly WHY should Ranma help this god find Ryoga? Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Enter Night File: ranma.enter-night Author: Ronny Hedin (thark@mangakai.org) Webpage: http://i99ronhe.island.liu.se/fanfic/ Flags: Continuation, Dark, Quality Good After the failed wedding, Ranma has some feelings to work out. Walking the streets he runs across Ryoga, who attacks. After the combat, Ryoga is dead... Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Enter the Phoenix *lemon* File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: D B Sommer (sommert@connecttime.net) Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/dbsommer/index.htm Matchup: Ranma+Saffron Flags: Spamfic, Comedy, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 06-12-2000 Quietly Ranma approaches the target of his desires. The battle has been won, and finally it's time to collect the prize that he has been waiting days for. And the wings only make it better. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Epiphany (14 parts) File: ranma.epiphany FFNET Id: 394018 Author: Tripolar Disorder Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/tripolareq Awards: TASS Mini Series;2002 Feb 3rd Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Updated: 27-05-2002 Created: 28-03-2002 Genma and Soun are dead, found in a drainage canal, and Nodoka goes to the Tendo Dojo to offer support to the distraught girls. Was Genma hiding something, did Ranma die years ago? Maybe not? It's time for secrets to be revealed and for Ranma to be re-united with his mother. And with that rejoining, maybe Ranma can get a chance to find out who he is. Away from Genma, many new options are available. Incomplete 119pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Episode 999: From Hell MST File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Megane/ranma-mst.mst-episode-999-from-hell Author: Megane 6.7 Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/mst/ Flags: Comedy, Quality Good Created: 19-02-2004 Joel and the robots are at it again. This time they're dealing with a Ranma who's received the mark of doom. Soon, what he treasure's most will be stripped from him... Complete 40pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Equal Halves File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Deborah Goldsmith , Webpage: http://homepage.mac.com/dgoldsmith/writing.html Awards: TASS Mini Series;2001 Jan 1st,2001 Annual 1st Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 05-01-2001 When a certain wishing rock hears the wish of Tatewaki that the students at Furinkan High see the truth as he sees it regarding Ranma and the pig- tailed goddess, the rock decides to grant the wish by transporting Ranko from Genma's Daughter into the canon Ranmaverse! What will the people there make of an onna-Ranma who not only looks female, but IS female? And when Ranma returns from a trip, what will he make of it? Maybe something good will come of it? Prequel: Genma's Daughter Sequel: Notes from Juillard Complete 228pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Equal Opportunities File: ranma.equal-opportunities Author: Miko (belldandy@angelic.com) Webpage: http://www.maisonbellchan.net Mr Saotome is head of Saotome Industries. A famous billionaire, well known as a maverick. He's in the forefront of the equal opportunities for women movement. A reporter interviews him. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Erased File: ranma.erased Author: Rhonda Schell Kodachi thinks about life and everything after the wedding. And about the woman in the wallpaper, and the voices, and of course about her dear Ranma-sama, who rejected her... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Erased [Jingoro] (7 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1052774 Author: Jingoro Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 15-05-2003 Created: 12-12-2002 It's the happiest day of Ranma and Akane's life. They're about to get married. Until Shampoo intervenes, sending Ranma and herself to another world with the Nanban mirror. Not only that, but in the resulting fight, Shampoo is killed and Ranma mortally wounded. Good thing a Kami can help Ranma out. Unfortunately the world Ranma now is in is a bit different from the one he knows. Nodoka died in childbirth, Genma soon following, leaving Ranma on his own. Since he was never born, he has none of his usual problems. but neither does he have Akane... Incomplete 75pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Erased [Kyokukou] File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kyokukou Webpage: http://www.ephektz.com/alloyfanfiction Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 16-08-2001 Ranma wakes up, as normal. Well, apart from having lost all his memory. He doesn't know where he is, who the elegant looking girl that's checking on him is, or even what his name is! And from what he hears from other people about him, who he used to be wasn't a very nice person. What happened?, and can Ranma find himself again? Incomplete 19pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Eternally Lost File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 2063049 Author: Xzero Webpage: http://www.kat.redone415.com Matchup: Ryoga+Akari Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 02-06-2005 Ryoga wanders, lost as usual and depressed. Thoughts of what little he has, and by comparison, what riches Ranma has fills him, making the depression deeper and darker by the minute... Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Eternal Sleep File: ranma.eternal-sleep Author: Elizabeth 'Liz' Donovan (rjd2@earthlink.net) Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/ne/ranma Ranma dies on his 17th birthday, a simple accident falling downstairs. Ryoga (and only him) can see his ghost. A little bit of possession and Ryoga is busy conning Akane into thinking he's Ranma... Complete 133pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Evangelion/Ranma cross Jason style File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jasonred Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/jasonred.geo/ Crossover: Neon Genesis Evangelion Flags: Alterverse, Comedy, Quality Good Created: 03-05-2002 A noble figure strides the streets of Tokyo 3, summoned to meet his father, Principal Kuno, who runs the place. What is there for such a noble one as he to do here... Incomplete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Evening Breeze File: ranma.guess.evening-breeze Author: Adam Jones Ranma and Akane snuggle together one morning before popping out for a little practice. Later on, they wander over to Ucchans. What a nice day.. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Every Attack File: ranma.every-attack Author: David A. Tatum Webpage: http://davecon.anifics.com/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Comedy, Quality Good, WAFF Akane's getting really rough in bed these days (in her sleep), and P-Chan's starting to feel it badly. However, it's time to go teach Ranma a lesson. Waking Ranma is hard though, even when Ryoga starts punching him, he just dodges in his sleep... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Everyone in their place File: ranma.everyone-in-their-place Author: Seravi (seravi@aol.com) A short snippet of a story trying to resolve the relationships in Ranma Incomplete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Everything Goes Martial Arts-Time Enough for Lust *lemon* (4 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFML File: FFML-4/1999-11/2865 (part 1) FFML-4/1999-11/2977 (part 2) FFML-4/1999-12/3744 (part 3) FFML-4/2000-01/5184 (part 4) Author: Sigurd Crossover: L.A.Blue Girl Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 22-01-2001 Nodoka still can't find her son. And she's getting desperate, there are things that she must teach him for his own safety. Eventually Nabiki reveals Ranma, and Nodoka can finally get to know her son/daughter. Seems that she's a master of Sex-craft, and Ranma must learn too. In both his forms. Well, it's either that or be victim to the Shikima demons that are sure to take an interest in him! It doesn't help that Genma has been trying to make it hard or impossible for Ranma to embrace this side of his heritage either. Strange things are happening to Akane as well. Incomplete 124pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Everything has changed File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Master Magi Webpage: http://members.tripod.com/master_magi2000/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane,Ryoga+Ukyo,Kasumi+Tofu Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 10-04-2002 With a thunderous sound Mrs Tendo arrives back at the Tendo Dojo. She's been watching and thinks it's about time she took a hand. Since she's a master magi who created Jusenkyo, she can do a lot, and the first thing she does is allow onna-Ranma's body to age to the right age. She also allows Ranma to control the curse. Unfortunately shortly afterwards Ranma collapses! Seems that his spirit has fractured and it will be necessary to venture into his mind to fix it... Complete 97pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Evil Invasion File: ranma.evil-invasion Author: Gerald Feather (gfeather@envirolink.org) Doomar, the evil overlord approaches Earth to conquer it. Unfortunately he meets Mihoshi and has to abandon ship, crashlanding in Nerima... Complete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Evil Sasuke File: ranma.evil-sasuke Author: Bakka (No Email), LizMUN (EvilKasumi@hotmail.com) Created: 25-06-2000 Two figures arrive at Jusenkyo. It's Tatewaki and faithful servant, Sasuke They're here to find the secret behind the vile Saotome's magic. It's rather misty however, and Sasuke unfortunately falls into a pool! Something emerges from the pool, something with an evil aura and red, glowing eyes... Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Evolve, Pantyhose, Evolve! File: ranma.pokemon.evolve-pantyhose-evolve Author: Alan Harnum (harnums@thekeep.org), David Tai (djtai@dkcomm.net) Webpage: http://www.dkcomm.net/ Crossover: Pokemon Awards: TASS One Shots; 1999 Nov 2nd,1999 Annual 3rd Flags: Comedy, Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 29-09-2001 Catching a Pantyhose is one thing, but training it is another, Ash's newly caught pokemon doesn't seem that willing to be trained. Maiming its new master sounds more fun. Maybe Team Rocket will help... Prequel: Pantyhose Tarou, I Choose You Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Exact Change File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 2574681 Author: Ozzallos Webpage: http://www.dreamops.com/Fiction/omr.htm Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Ranma+Nabiki Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 08-11-2005 Things aren't going well between Ranma and Akane. An argument over cooking increases the tension even further. Meanwhile Nabiki has some business to deal with. Such as the loan to the Science club. Loans need collateral, and in this case it's a non-functional time machine. Another eruption of hostilities at home puts Nabiki in danger from Akane's mallet and only blocking with the machine saves her. Seems that a good knock was just what the machine needed and of course Nabiki has to try it with a quick one year jaunt into the future... Sidestory: Pocket Change Complete 78pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Exhale File: ranma.exhale Author: Scott K. Jamison (majks@cyberx.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/5990/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Ukyou is still trying to get Ranma to take her seriously. How to pry him away from Akane, he talks about her far too much. It would be really nice to have Ranma chasing her for a change.. Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Expansion Card V2 File: ranma.expansion-card-v2 Author: Tom Jefferys (wyrm@mail.utexas.edu) Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, Comedy, Quality Fair Ukyo has something important to tell Ranma after getting a phone call. Akane listens in, and gets the wrong end of the stick.. Complete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Explanations File: ranma.explanations Author: TenchiMasaki (TenchiMasaki@yahoo.com) So, exactly why is the Eternally lost boy lost, and how did Akane get that mallet of hers? Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Extreme Measures File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Tailkinker [Timothy Groves] Webpage: http://tailkinker.contrabandent.com/ Flags: Drama, Lime, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 10-03-2003 Life wasn't easy for Nodoka, left behind when Ranma and Genma went on that training trip. Driven by desperation she goes somewhere she doesn't really fit in. She's twice the age of the other girls there... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Eye of the Storm File: ranma.eye-of-the-storm Author: Ukyou Kuonji (ukyoukwnji@aol.com) Webpage: http://hometown.aol.com/ukyoukwnji/index.htm Akane wakes up one day in a furious mood. Brandishing a tape, she goes in search of the source of her anger, Ranma! Everyone had better get out of her way! Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Eyes on Me File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Stiffanie Flores(stiffanie@mailcity.com) Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/sd/Ranmafanfic/index.html Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Created: 27-12-2000 At a party, Akane watches Ranma. When Yuka invites Akane to a trip to the beach, she says that Akane can invite Ranma if she wants, and Akane reacts predictably to that. But watching Ranma she thinks. He looks rather lonely. What are her feelings for him. And at the same time, Ranma thinks too, about Akane... Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Eyes Wide Open File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Tabyk Webpage: http://www.tabyk.net Crossover: Ghost in the Shell Flags: Drama, Quality Good Created: 14-11-2002 Mousse follows the woman he's been contracted to. He's a private investigator now, following the wives of suspicious men amongst other things. He's good at his trade, but there are dangers. Especially when he lets the memories flow. Prequel: Promises to Keep Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===============================> F <================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Faces of the Stranger File: ranma.faces-of-the-stranger Author: Black Raven (blackraven13@hotmail.com) Matchup: Ranma+Nabiki Flags: WAFF, Divergence, Quality Fair Updated: 24-08-2001 Someone is walking the Tendo home early in the morning. She looks in on her beloved Ranma and thinks unkind thoughts about the three official fiancees. There must be a way to make him hers. Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fair Warning File: ranma.fair-warning Author: Robert Haynie (Kenjiko2@knology.net) Webpage: http://www.knology.net/~kenjiko2/ Awards: TASS One Shots;2001 Mar 3rd,2001 Annual 3rd Flags: Drama,Alterverse,Quality Good Created: 20-04-2001 Akane is feeling pissed off. Kuno has just made his infamous speech about defeating Akane in order to date her, and she needs something to take her mind off it! Maybe this fortune teller will help. But this is a slightly unusual fortune teller. He offers a guarantee! Apparently the system uses a licensed subset of Yggdrasil... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fairy Tales for Otaku File: ranma.slayers.fairy-tales-for-otaku Author: Robert Haynie (Kenjiko2@knology.net) Webpage: http://www.knology.net/~kenjiko2/ Awards: TASS One Shots;2000 May 2nd Created: 28-01-2001 A couple of fairy tales. In the first, Lina Inverse finds a cottage in the middle of the woods with three bowls of porridge on a table inside. And three chairs, and three beds. And in the second a girl in a red riding hood with a pigtail accompanies her shorthaired friend to give some goodies to their poor perverted grandfather. A wolf decides that he must eat them both... Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fallen Angel File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Phil Chan Webpage: http://bluemidnight.anifics.com/hostedwritings.html#Serafita Created: 20-01-2001 The fighting has been getting worse. Every day his antagonists fight each other and him, every day his fiancees argue, and never do any of them think of him. It's all getting a bit much for Ranma, who is starting to break down under the pressure. It gets even worse when Nodoka finds out about the curse. Faced with the choice of disowning Ranma or committing Seppuku, Genma's choice is easy. And now Ranma has nothing left... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fallen Angel Parody File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Phil Chan Webpage: http://bluemidnight.anifics.com/hostedwritings.html#Serafita Created: 20-01-2001 On an ordinary day, Akane gets a little too frisky with the mallet and the result is one dead Ranma. God is not pleased, Ranma wasn't supposed to die this way and he's not going to let Akane muck up his plans, so Ranma is revived. And Death is charged with making sure that if Ranma dies again he is to be revived poste-haste. This happens a LOT. So much that Death decides to make Ranma a Fallen Angel and dump him in a chatroom... Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Falling for an Angel File: ranma.tenchi.falling-for-an-angel ranma.xover.falling-for-an-angel (duplicate) Author: Kahlil Noriega Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9371/ Crossover: Tenchi Muyo Flags: Alterverse Ranko is a war angel in the hosts of heaven, and during the second war of heaven she fought bravely. Until Lucifer got her and she fell to earth, to be found by one Tenchi Masaki... Incomplete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fall of the Eagle File: ranma.fall-of-the-eagle Author: James Stone(stoner@elycion.geology.ualberta.ca) Awards: TASS Awards; 1995 Annual 13th (tie) Flags: Alterverse Ranma in World War 2. Ranma is an American Special Operations Officer, Akane is the leader of a French Resistance Cell. Kasumi is a nurse, Shampoo, Mousse and Cologne are Russian allies on the base, Kuno is a German officer, stamping out the resistance... Incomplete 146pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: False Identity File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 550375 Author: Li Xiang Webpage: http://icetemple.tripod.com Crossover: Weiss Kreuz Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Dark, Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 06-09-2002 8 years ago a golden haired teenager found the feral Ranma in the grip of the Neko-ken. Ranma became Jei's 'Kitty' until Genma returned and took Ranma away, hurting Jei in the process. Now Nabiki has found a collar on it, with the name 'Kitty' scratched in it, bringing back the past. At the same time, Jei, now known as the psychopathic Farfello has come to Japan looking for his Kitty. A new phase in Ranma's life is about to begin, one where his hidden tendency to violence will be no longer so hidden. Sequel: True Identity Complete 193pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fame (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Sinom Bre(sinom_bre@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://home.houston.rr.com/onnaranma/index.html Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 06-04-2003 Ranma goes to a new school. While abruptly transferring from Furinkan may not be so bad, why was she enrolled at Houjun Academy as a girl? More mysteries arise during the first day, as this just isn't any school-- it's awash in money and nearly every student comes from wealth. Why is Ranma here? More to the point, who is paying the three million yen in tuition?! Incomplete 40pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Family Duties File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Tabyk Webpage: http://www.tabyk.net Crossover: Ghost in the Shell Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 20-06-2003 Kasumi has found a new niche in life. It seems that although 'modern' skills are common in this day and age, the older skills such as the Tea Ceremony, and domestic skills are in demand. Kasumi has become a teacher... Prequel: Fragile Control Sequel: Promises to Keep Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Family Feud (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1092086 Author: Joe Fenton (jlfenton65@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/jlfenton65/index.html Crossover: Tenchi Muyo Flags: Drama,Alterverse,Quality Good Created: 29-05-2003 In a tragic accident, both Soun and his wife were killed in an accident, leaving the three daughters orphaned. Their grandfather, Kasuhito Masaki agrees to take them in, and they move to the Masaki shrine. Life goes on until Genma and Ranma turn up to fulfil Genma's promise, not to mention using the Masaki Tree to cure the curse, since it can apparently grant wishes once/month... Incomplete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Family Honor (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1322874 Author: Zorknot Flags: Comedy,Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 18-07-2003 Ranma and Genma are coming to the Tendo Dojo! Of course Ranma is in girl form and singing 'Yappa pa...' at the top of her voice, but Family Honor demands that they go to the Tendos. Meanwhile the Tendo's wait for their guests to arrive. Even the pink and purple eight-armed mini-sasquatch that is Kasumi. How are these two families going to get on, and what about Family Honor? Incomplete 49pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Family Ranma File: ranma.compo.family-ranma Author: Robert Sneddon Crossover: Family Compo Flags: Drama,Divergence, Quality Good Created: 08-08-2003 Ranma turns up at the Wakanae house, the home of his aunt and her family. He's left Genma after he was told about the engagement, and doesn't want to go back just yet. At least he can stay here. How will he fit in with the Wakanae's? Incomplete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Family Reunion File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1255358 Author: Michael "TheZorch" Haney Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/zorchhaney/ Crossover: Tenchi Muyo Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Fair Created: 27-04-2003 Long ago, Katsuhito Masaki had a major falling out one of his daughters, Nodoka, when she married Genma. He regretted it shortly after it had happened but it's taken him a long time to track Nodoka down. This of course means that Ranma is also a member of the Jurian Royal family, and has access to the Jurian power. When Ranma and co come to stay at the Masaki shrine the two sides of the family get to meet. What will they make of each other... Sequel: Tenchi 1/2: Family Reunion II Complete 109pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Family Trees File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 410113 Author: Thrythlind Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/thrythlind/title.htm Crossover: Many Flags: Comedy, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 22-01-2002 Nodoka has some information for Ranma. It seems that Genma is not his father. It's time for Ranma to meet his real father, at the Masaki shrine. He's not the only one with an unusual lineage, Nabiki is the daughter of Xellos for instance, and just about everyone else has family that they didn't know of, but soon will... Incomplete 50pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fanboys Delight File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Flags: Metafiction, Quality Good Created: 20-12-2000 Hiroshi and Daisuke have been let loose to write their own fanfic! But what sort of fanfic will they write? Gary won't let them write a lemon unfortunately, and tense character dramas are too hard, so how about something with fanboy appeal... Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Far and Away File: ranma.far-and-away Author: Nicholas Leifker(nightelf@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~nightelf/fanfic/index.html Flags: Character Study, Quality Good When Ukyo was 15 years old, she worked in her parents Okonomiyaki restaurant, and attended a local school, as a boy. While there, she meets a boy called Toshi, who discovers her secret... Complete 38pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Far Dareis Mai Ranma (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Cloud Dreamer Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/cloud_dreamer2000/ Crossover: Wheel of Time Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Divergence,Quality Good Updated: 04-03-2004 Created: 05-07-2001 Ryoga is fuming over the injustices in his life and Ranma in particular when he gets an idea! He challenges Ranma to a blindfold race for Akane's hand. The idea works too, leaving Ranma (who had been following Ryoga) lost in a strange desert world. Two hard days of hiking in the desert takes a, by now desperate, Ranma to a place called Rhuidean. There's water here, and some rather strange rings and pillars. Not to mention a possible way home. Would be easy if a kill-on-sight order hadn't been put on Ranma's head for entering the glass pillars! Well, Ranma has the perfect disguise... Incomplete 73pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Faster Kasumi! Cook! Clean! File: ranma.faster-kasumi-cook-clean Author: Kim Smuga-Otto Awards: TASS One Shots;2001 Feb 3rd Flags: Comedy, Quality Good Created: 31-03-2001 Nabiki finds a magazine one day. A housekeeping magazine. Right up Kasumi's street. And indeed Kasumi finds that 'Japanese Living', a new magazine edited by someone called Martha Stewart, really opens her eyes to new ways of cooking and decorating. Of course these new ways do involve buying a few things, and there's always more to do... Complete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fast Tracks (7 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1188235 Author: Neal Harris (nealharris@otakumail.com) Webpage: http://tatooine.fortunecity.com/carpenter/393/html/fficme.html Crossover: Sailor Moon, Gold Diggers Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Divergence, Drama, Comedy, Quality Good Created: 22-06-2004 One day, just after Ranma crawls out of the koi pond, a strange woman arrives at the Tendo Dojo. Ranma thinks he should know her, but can't place it. It's his mother! Apparently her servant located Ranma and she just had to come and see for herself. Fortunately she releases Ranma from the contract. She's got a few new surprises as well. Such as a new engagement to one Makoto Kino and some rather startling information about exactly who, or rather WHAT Ranma is... Incomplete 174pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fate of Akane File: ranma.fate-of-akane Author: Gwydion (domalley@studiounderhill.com) Webpage: http://www.studiounderhill.com/fanfiction.htm Ryoga has gone berserk after a bad dream, and now wants Ranma dead! Really dead this time. He attacks!, and Akane gets in the way... Complete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fate of Love (Prologue, 2 parts) File: ranma.sm.fate-of-love Author: Jason Wong Webpage: http://members.optushome.com.au/dojohouse/ Crossover: Sailor Moon Awards: TASS Continuing Series;2000 Jul 1st (prologue),2000 Nov 1st (part 1), 2000 Annual 9th (part 1),2001 Dec 1st,2001 Annual 7th Rakhal Likes: 2 Updated: 27-01-2002 Created: 17-12-2000 Ranma is having problems. In particular with his life, and Akane, who doesn't really seem to want to live the arts the way that Ranma does. In another part of Tokyo, Hino Rei is having visions, and Pluto looks on amused. In the past, the Senshi of Mars, Arielle met a fascinating and exasperating boy called Equoris, a messenger... Incomplete 134pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Father File: ranma.father Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Awards: TASS One Shots;2002 Jul 1st Flags: WAFF, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 18-10-2002 Things have changed after the failed wedding. One of them puzzles Akane a bit. Ranma is treating Genma rather differently. A lot more respectfully. He has his reasons though, and maybe it's time for Akane to learn a bit more about Genma... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Father of the Prince (1 part) File: ranma.tenchi.father-of-the-prince Author: Pug Crossover: Tenchi Muyo Matchup: Ranma+Achika Flags: Drama,Continuation, Quality Good Created: 20-06-2002 Tenchi has freed a demon from the cave behind the shrine. Ranma and Achika wonder what's up with the boy, but Ranma is sure that Tenchi can cope with it, whatever it is. Tenchi has to go to school today anyway. Achika teaches at the school and thinks that Tenchi is so like Ranma was at that age. She remembers... Prequel: The Girl who Wasn't, and the Princess who Was Incomplete 29pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Feeble Attempt File: ranma.feeble-attempt Author: GO 10347 (go10347@aol.com) Flags: Alterverse, Quality Poor Ranma and Genma go squirrel hunting one day. Apparently killing small furry animals improves your martial arts. Genma has obviously been corrupted by Happosai... Incomplete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Female *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.female Author: James Stone(stoner@elycion.geology.ualberta.ca) Flags: Lemon Nabiki is worried that Akane may be lesbian. She's also upset that she can never get a boyfriend herself. Lying in her bed, she fantasizes of Onna-Ranma. Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fetti-Ranma *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.fetti-ranma Author: Roy Rim (rrrgeen@tendo-dojo.ranma.net) Flags: Lemon Ranma is introduced to girly magazines by Hiroshi and Daisuke. Akane does not approve and knocks Ranma out a few times. Something odd is happening, while knocked out, Hiroshi and Daisuke seem to be doing things to her... Incomplete 23pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fey: la belle dame sans larmes File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Nanashi/ranma.fey Author: Nanashi (chadjill@ms3.hinet.net) Flags: Surreal, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 13-07-2001 After the battle with Saffron something magical happened. Ranma's secret powers started to awaken, and as they did, so did his magical nature. His awakening reopens the Summerlands and those that have been touched by Jusenkyo become Fey, although not all survive the process... Complete 27pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fiancee in a coma File: ranma.fiance-in-a-coma Author: Andrew Eoff (eoff@itsnet.com) Ranma eats some of Akane's cooking and heads off to bed, listening to a Smiths CD as he falls asleep. The combination of Akane's food and the odd songs on the CD give him a nasty nightmare... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fiancee Talk File: ranma.fiancee-talk Author: Adrian Wong <7ahw@qlink.queensu.ca> Created: 26-06-2000 Ranma comes to the Nekohanten and is glomped by Shampoo. But when he tries to resist, Shampoo suddenly whips out a bill and asks him to pay for all the free meals he's had there in the past! It seems that Shampoo is not quite so fond of Ranma as we'd thought. Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fifth Fiancee File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jim Bader (Shadowmane@ridgenet.net) Webpage: http://home.hostultra.com/~AngCobraFics/jimbader.html Matchup: Ranma+Nabiki Flags: Divergence, Quality Good Nabiki is in the wrong place at the wrong time and is about to be trampled underfoot by a horde of people chasing Ranma, when an arm grabs her and she flies into the air to land on a roof. It's Ranma, but why did he save her? Then Happosai turns up with a BIG bomb and the next thing she knows is that she's underground, underneath Ranma, who sheltered her from the blast... Incomplete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fighting File: ranma.fighting Author: Gretton (Gretton@aol.com) Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 13th (tie) Ranma taken seriously? The tales of Fighting Ranma. Incomplete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fighting Blind (10 1/2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Hung Nguyen (animeaddiction@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://aamark4.tripod.com/mark4/ Created: 19-11-2000 When Genma was trying to teach Ranma the nekoken, he got a little impatient. Surely if you double the number of cats and halve the food, the technique will be learned faster. Unfortunately the result of that was that the cats blinded Ranma. Some time later, while Genma was trying to cure Ranma in a pool, the Amazon Healer, Jasmine, drove off Genma and took the young Ranma in as her own. Ranma spend the rest of his childhood in the Amazon village, learning the Unseen Light school of martial arts, until eventually he travels to Japan with Cologne, Shampoo and 2 other amazons to study abroad. Is Nerima ready for this Ranma? And what of Genma and Soun who are still determined to join the schools. Incomplete 298pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Final Approach Ranma (9 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Trimatter Webpage: http://home.austin.rr.com/trimatter/ Crossover: Final Approach, Futaba-kun Change Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Updated: 18-09-2005 Created: 15-09-2005 The government needs Ranma! The birthrate in Japan has fallen dangerously low and now the government has stepped in to match unmarried people up in the right age range, in the hope that they will marry and produce children for the country. Nodoka is all for her son to do his duty for the country. Or should that be HER duty. The government computer has matched Ranma up with a boy! One Futaba Shimeru to be precise... Complete 294pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Final Attempt File: ranma.final-attempt Author: St Suika Roberts Webpage: http://members.spinn.net/~sfr/stories/ Matchup: Ranma+Ukyo+Kasumi, Akane+Shampoo Flags: Alterverse, Quality Good Updated: 14-12-2001 Cologne is getting fed up. Shampoo can make one more try for Ranma, but that's it. A very strong love potion in the ramen should do the trick. Of course, things don't quite go as planned... Sidestory: Final Attempt Aside:Kodachi Complete 36pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Final Attempt Aside:Kodachi File: ranma.final-attempt.kodachi Author: St Suika Roberts Webpage: http://members.spinn.net/~sfr/stories/ Matchup: Ranma+Kasumi+Ukyo+Kodachi Flags: Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 26-06-2000 What about poor old Kodachi, left out in the events of 'Final Attempt'? When Kodachi comes around to visit, it's time for Ranma to talk to her and to see what can be sorted out. Main Story: Final Attempt Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Final Duty File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kyokukou Webpage: http://www.ephektz.com/alloyfanfiction Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 16-08-2001 Ranma and Akane haven't been getting along well recently. Sharper insults and slower forgiveness point to a slowly deteriorating relationship. But maybe Ranma can do something about that. He's been doing a community job for the last few months, entertaining sick children, and finally he has enough to buy a necklace for Akane. Unfortunately things don't go according to plan, and the end result is a beaten, injured Ranma and a destroyed necklace. Akane never even saw it. Are all the problems in the lives of the people around him all his fault? It sure looks like it. Is there anything that he can do to change all that? Complete 116pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Finale File: ranma.finale Author: Saotome Ranchan Webpage: http://www.allaboutranma.com/fanfics/ Awards: TASS One Shots;2001 Jun 3rd Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Spamfic Created: 27-07-2001 A woman signs her divorce papers, ending 10 years of her life. 10 years ago, she fell slowly out of love with the boy she'd been promised to and ended up marrying someone else for love. She was so happy that day, but slowly that happiness drained away, and all the boy she left behind can do was watch... Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Final Embrace File: ranma.final-embrace Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org), Keener Barnes Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Flags: Dark, Alterverse, Quality Good Ranma's iinazuke has been taken over by dark powers. Destruction and death follow as all connected with Ranma are killed... Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Finally File: ranma.finally Author: The Eternal Lost Lurker (lurkerdrome@megami.net) Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Alterverse, WAFF, Quality Fair Ranma's flying courtesy of Akane airlines again. She lands in the Nekohanten, just as Shampoo leaves. Cologne is missing as well. Hmm, passion spice eh? Wouldn't it be nice not to have Akane hitting him for a change... Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Finally He's Gone File: ranma.finally-hes-gone Author: Jack Staik (jstaik1043@earthlink.net) Webpage: http://home.earthlink.net/~jstaik1043/otaku.htm Flags: Dark, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 26-06-2000 A girl dresses in a ninja outfit, leaps across the rooftops until she can see her target and prepares to remove the obstacle that prevents her life from continuing... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Final Solution File: ranma.final.solution Author: Joe Rispoli (), Mike Termena () After an argument with Akane, Ranma is put through a Chinese water torture with alternating hot and cold water by his schoolmates. Unfortunately he winds up female, and paralyzed after it. Any cure to this would have to be at Jusenkyo.. Sequel: Ascending Changes (rough continuation) Complete 20pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Financial Responsibilities File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Mike Noakes (noakes_m@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Subway/9701/ Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama,Continuation Created: 08-03-2001 Ranma and Akane have been fighting again, and they've damaged the house again. As always Nabiki has to find some way to pay for it. She really is beginning to dislike the Saotomes. She may even have to postpone getting that new CD player she wanted to pay for this. A clandestine photo session might help though, Kuno is always after photos of his pig-tailed goddess. And it's Ranma's duty in a way to help, so there's no need to feel bad about it... Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Finding the Lost File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Awards: TASS One Shots;2002 Jul 2nd Flags: Comedy, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 18-10-2002 The emperor of Jurai, Azusa isn't best pleased. Sasami has borrowed his pet ferret and now she's lost! Well, finding a pet on this planet seems to involve advertising and Azusa is not one to do things by halves. It works as well, when a certain Mikado Sanzenin recognises the latest pain in his life that his partner has acquired... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Finishing what you start File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Gabriel Blessing Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/anime3/setsunaranma/finishStart/index.htm Crossover: Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Setsuna Meioh Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 30-09-2002 Ran is a lowly third-phile in the army of Darkness. Being weak isn't always a drawback though, he's weak enough to slip through the barrier between planes to the mortal realm, where he can slowly work to weaken the barrier. He's been hiding as one Ranma Saotome, where he's trying not to call attention to himself, A mallet strike one day winds up with him almost landing on a group of 4 women, called Hotaru, Michiru, Haruka and Setsuna... Complete 122pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: First Blood File: Way-of-the-Ninjitsu/ranma.way-of-the-ninjitsu.side-story-1 Author: Jason Wong Webpage: http://members.optushome.com.au/dojohouse/ Awards: TASS Continuing Series;2000 Jun 1st Created: 03-01-2001 During the War, Kagora has been rapidly promoted to the black bandanna. And now he is to take part in his first mission of this type. An Assassination mission... Main Story: Way of the Ninjitsu Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: First Impressions File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Arthur Hansen Webpage: http://www.kindred.net/arthur/art.html Flags: Divergence, Drama, Quality Good Created: 28-07-2000 That disastrous meeting between Akane and Ranma in the furo caused a lot of problems. How would things be different if Ranma told Akane about the curse first? Well, things are better between those two, but not everything is a bed of roses... Incomplete 21pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: First Night File: ranma.first-night Author: James Stone(stoner@elycion.geology.ualberta.ca) Akane's doing something she's never done before, at Nabiki's suggestion. The advice was even give free of charge. She's asking Ranma out on a date. Nothing can go wrong, surely. Complete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: First Steps File: ranma.first-steps Author: Jan Story Webpage: http://www.storyanime.com Created: 26-06-2000 Little Akane is feeling a bit down. Kasumi gets praised for being good at mommy things, Nabiki gets praised for being so good at numbers, but no-one praises Akane, no-one has any time for her. One day she wanders out to the Dojo and sees her father doing a kata... Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Five Inches from Oblivion File: ranma.five-inches-from-oblivion Author: Aaron Shattuck (dilandau2@hotmail.com) A couple of figures move through a rainy night. A tall auburn haired one and a short darkhaired one. The taller one has fun playing with Gosunkugi who's hatching all sorts of odd plans to get Ranma.. Incomplete 30pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Five Lights (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kevin D. Hammel Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~khammel/ Crossover: Sailor Moon Created: 21-11-2000 The five Sailor Starlights fought with the queen at the end of the Silver Millenium. Chief amongst them in Thomas Krause's heart is Sailor Starflyer, or as Thomas Krause calls her, the pigtailed goddess. In the present day, after a recording session with Doco, something strange happens to Ranma. It looks like he's cured! Unfortunately it's not quite as good as that, the curse has just flipped instead, cold water to become male, hot to become female. To add to the confusion, his hair has gone red in male form. What's going on. Maybe these cats can help? Incomplete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Flambe File: ranma.flambe Author: Bridget Engman Wilde (wildeman@gci-net.com) Webpage: http://www.gci-net.com/users/w/wildeman/ Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 12th (part 1- tie) Akane has been left in charge of the kitchen for a Month while Kasumi is away Her food is up to her usual quality, and Ranma is suffering (and letting Akane know about it). Enter a helpful old lady. Complete with Anything Goes Martial Arts recipes.. Complete 57pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Flash Saotome (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara Crossover: Flash Gordon Created: 22-02-2001 Ranma, Akane and Tofu are being escorted by a robot jailer to attend the audience with the Emperor Happosai. Things look grim. Flash Gordon crossover with Ranma as Flash, Akane as Dale and Tofu as Hans Incomplete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fled (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1442038 Author: Teal Thanatos Webpage: http://www.bloodnest.net/~thanatos Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 25-07-2003 Ranma has had enough. Things have not got better after the failed wedding and he wants out. Saffron, who thanks to a present Ranma left behind, is now restored and Herb are going to help him fake his own death... Incomplete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Flipped out File: ranma.flipped-out Author: Bill Adams Ranma flies to Dr Tofu's again, and asks for the Docs help for his dads back (which he put out while playing Shogi). The Doc is trying out some new contact lenses Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Floating on Water File: ranma.floating-on-water Author: Kiwi Noriega (becknkal@addax.bc.ca) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9371/ Created: 26-06-2000 Akane stands, alone, on a floating barge at a dock, watching a beautiful sunset. She wishes that she could share the moment with someone. Suddenly she feels the boat tilt a bit. There's only one person who can sneak up on her so deftly... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Floating Soul File: ranma.floating-soul Author: Ukyou Kuonji (ukyoukwnji@aol.com) Webpage: http://hometown.aol.com/ukyoukwnji/index.htm It's an ordinary day, and Ranma and Akane are on the way to school. All of a sudden Ryoga turns up with his standard greeting. Unfortunately Ranma doesn't dodge far enough, and their heads meet with a resounding crash! When Ranma wakes up, he's in Ryoga's body... Complete 14pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Flux (4 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Tailkinker [Timothy Groves] Webpage: http://tailkinker.contrabandent.com/ Crossover: Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 02-05-2002 Youma are appearing, and they're not sticking to Tokyo. They're appearing all over the place, in a pattern as Ami notes. Looks like Jedeite has returned. However in chasing the youma, they wind up at Jusenkyo fighting a youma that looks like a bull with wings. Two rabbits and a hawk later they are on the lookout for a cure. The only one that may be able to help lives in Nerima, Japan... Complete 40pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Flying on Angels Wings File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1492414 Author: Dreamwriter of Hope Note: Minor Dragonball Z crossover. Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 21-11-2003 Ranma is sitting on the roof, feeling very down with his life and seriously considering finding out what the after-life is like. Fortunately his newly appointed Guardian Angel is there to help him. Apparently his previous guardian angel was recently fired for incompetence. Hopefully life will be better now. Things are never that easy though, there are other influences out there that aren't so keen on a happy ending... Incomplete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Foolish Games File: ranma.foolish-games Author: Pia Ulloa: (pia.shadowfalls@unforgettable.com) Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/pulloa/index.htm Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: WAFF, Continuation, Quality Good Ranma and Akane have been married for a week. But things don't seem to be going well between them. Akane runs off one afternoon, and comes to a halt, sitting on a hilltop overlooking the sea, crying.. Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: For a Dying Friend File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFML File: FFML-4/2000-05/10354 Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Dark, Continuation, Quality Good Akane stands helplessly by while an old friend dies slowly and in great pain. There's nothing that can be done, but she can't let there be an end to his pain until her husband returns. Ranma, who used to be a man, but who hasn't been a man for a long time now, since his curse changed again. Akane's mind reaches back to the last time she saw Ranma as a man and remembers what has happened since... Complete 29pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: For Akane (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: SoulSurvivor(), Slacker Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/anime/Slacker Crossover: Sailor Moon Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 04-09-2001 Akane is dying in the aftermath of the battle at Jusendo, and Ranma feels himself die with her. But there may be hope. Beryl, the Queen of the Dark Kingdom intercedes and gives Ranma the chance to save Akane...if he'll serve her. And Ranma really has no choice but to agree. Incomplete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: For Better or for Worse (4 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Dark Knight Ranma Webpage: http://alexanderhi.tripod.com/index.html Crossover: Sailor Moon, Ruruoni Kenshin Matchup: Ranma+Makoto Kino Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Fair Created: 26-08-2001 The battle with Saffron went horribly wrong. Ranma was too slow to save Akane, and Genma was killed in the fighting. While grieving at their graves, Ranma gets a tanto out and prepares to join them. But the spirit of Himura Kenshin has a different idea. He will teach Ranma the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu in his sleep, as long as Ranma only uses the power to defend. The Senshi are having visions as well, of a pigtailed boy killing a youma with one swing of a sword. Soon they see that boy, as Ranma moves to Juuban with his mother. He's cute, but really not interested at present... Incomplete 55pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: For Better or Worse File: ranma.for-better-or-worse Author: Donny Cheng Webpage: http://members.shaw.ca/chengdo Matchup: Ranma+Azusa Flags: Alterverse, Quality Good Azusa comes to Furinkan high after the Golden Pair break up. Ranma is designated her mentor, and is coerced into becoming her skating partner... Complete 20pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Forbidden Empires: T'kara Ri (16 parts, epilogue) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Dancing Imp Webpage: http://fubarfics.fubarinc.com/ Crossover: Sailor Moon, Tenchi Muyo Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Updated: 02-11-2001 Created: 02-07-2001 Happosai has found a scroll, and something female suggests that he read it. It's a scroll that will summon and bind a demon of the summoners choice. Great! A succubus all for him! Problem, it requires a human sacrifice, and not just anyone. A human that's been cursed by the Nyannichuan specifically. Where's Ranma... Unfortunately for Happosai, Akane gets caught up in the spell instead, and what is summoned is not exactly a demon. It's an Amazon actually, one JieJie Fenfen, who really wants to be banished back to where she came from. And since that's the only hope of getting Akane back, Ranma and the others are only too happy to oblige. Life isn't easy though, evil forces are on the move, and real demons will soon appear... Complete 342pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Foreign Influence (10 parts) File: Foreign-Influence/* (10 files) Author: Phil Hacker (prohackr@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/3925/ Chris, an American Exchange student, finds out that he's being sent to the home of one Soun Tendo. He's a bit of a Ranma fan and has all the manga, so this is a bit of a surprise to say the least. Could be fun though. And on the way he even manages to pick up a few bottles of Nyannichuan water, and even a bottle of Nannichuan water. Well, the Manga should give him some idea of what the future holds... Incomplete 266pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Forever Bound File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 93938 Author: Max-chan (silverflame_maiden@hotmail.com) Crossover: Oh My Goddess Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Fair Created: 01-10-2003 Ranma has left Nerima, cast out after it is revealed that he has got Shampoo pregnant! While Ranma goes off to China, everyone else has to pick up the pieces. They do in time though, settling into new lives. Seven years on, Akane is in Paris, with a beautiful daughter called Belldandy, when she hears that Soun is dying. She must go back to Nerima, but what will she find... Complete 144pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Forever Daunting Peace (3 parts) File: ranma.forever-daunting-peace Author: Tim Jung (redtears1@aol.com) Updated: 27-06-2000 A strange lady comes up to Nodoka during a celebration for Ranma's birth. She touches the baby. 17 years later, she returns and tells Ranma that he must take his part in the battle between Aurora and Anubis. Incomplete 21pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Forever the Tomboy (11 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1554940 Author: ranger5 Crossover: Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Ranma+Haruka Updated: 25-06-2004 Created: 19-03-2004 Michiru has found peace and happiness in her life now with Haruka and Hotaru. Such happiness as she'd never thought she'd have during those days when she was still called Ranma. But now some of her past may be returning. Can her happiness survive what is to come? Incomplete 314pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: For Every Action File: ranma.for-every-action Author: David Johnston Ranma finds a wishing well. These things never work, for that matter cures to his curse never work. He wishes he knew why.. A short time later Mizu turns up and gives him an answer of sorts. He switches the curse to Akane... Incomplete 28pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Forgiveness File: ranma.forgiveness Author: Fluke Ukyou realises that she's lost Ranma after the events of the failed wedding. Ranma won't forgive her. She sends some letters to Ranma and the Tendo sisters and vanishes.. Incomplete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Forgiveness and Forgetfulness (3 parts) File: ranma.forgiveness-and-forgetfulness Author: LizMUN (EvilKasumi@hotmail.com) Created: 27-06-2000 Ranma has turned up at the Ucchans fleeing from some of Akane's cooking. Akane has turned up and is administering punishment when a man and a lady enter the restaurant. The lady is an empress and she is looking for a chosen one. And that chosen one just happens to be Ryoga Hibiki! What does she want with the lost boy, and what will the others do about it? Incomplete 24pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Forgotten File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Edward Simons Webpage: http://www.concentric.net/~Easimons/index.htm Flags: Character Study, Quality Good Created: 01-11-2001 Left behind in the restaurant, someone wishes the one they love would come to them instead of always going out to face danger without them. Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Forgotten Friends File: ranma.forgotten-friends Author: Ridgewolfe (ridgewolf1@aol.com) A little girl plays in the park one day, when a couple of bullies come up to her. All of a sudden, another little girl comes in to teach those bullies a lesson. And all this without the aid of her teddybear... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Forgotten Past File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Master Jahaj Webpage: http://masterjahaj.hypermart.net Flags: Drama,Script,Quality Good Created: 18-05-2001 Ryoga runs across Ranma one day lying face down in a crater. Great, time for a fight! Unfortunately Ranma isn't really in shape for one, and even worse, he seems to have lost all memory of anything that happened after he and Genma got to Jusenkyo the first time. Incomplete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Forgotten Time (9 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jon McCready Webpage: http://chilord.anifics.com Crossover: Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Makoto Kino, Ryoga+Setsuna Meioh Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 02-11-2001 Pluto is watching the Senshi fight a golem when a strange boy wanders into the path of the golem. She's unable to trace his path in the timeline and when he destroys the stone golem with one blow she knows he's too dangerous to live! This is Ryoga, and he and Ranma are not what they seem. Like the Senshi, they too have had lives in the past and now it's time for them to awaken again. A new evil from the far past is stirring and they'll need all their power to fight it. Incomplete 366pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: For Honor and Love (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1686065 Author: JJ Corley Webpage: http://mslcp.cjb.net/ Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 15-01-2004 Akane has been waiting for years for her promised husband to come. One day someone DOES come. Someone called Ren Lian Yexin. Since he holds the sign to the Dojo in his had, she instantly takes a dislike to him, and before long that feeling is returned. Apparently he's just here for Nodoka's address though. This is Ranma, a Ranma who lost his father at Jusenkyo and has spent years with the Joketsuzoku. He is far more polite and collected now and it is time for him to be reunited with his mother. Life is never so simple though and complexities soon arise... Incomplete 32pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: For Love of Kodachi File: ranma.for-love-of-kodachi Author: Razorclaw X (spiceoflife@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/art/rcxshizuka/ranma/ranff.html Ranma has arranged to meet Kodachi at a fountain in the middle of the park. Kodachi is sure that he's about to confess his love for her, and has Gosunkugi hide in the bushes with a camera.. Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: For Love or Money File: ranma.for-love-or-money Author: Donny Cheng Webpage: http://members.shaw.ca/chengdo Awards: TASS One Shots;1999 Annual 6th Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Nabiki Flags: Continuation, Quality Good Nabiki is worrying about money-making opportunities. After the failed wedding and the China trip, things have become too quiet. Nothing interesting to bet on Time to snaffle Ranma as her fiancee again. Then she can hire him out for a fee.. Sequel: For Love or Money: What Price Love Complete 19pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: For Love or Money:The Cost of Loving File: ranma.for-love-or-money.cost-of-living Author: Donny Cheng Webpage: http://members.shaw.ca/chengdo Awards: TASS One Shots; 1999 Feb 1st Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Nabiki Flags: Continuation, Quality Good Ranma and Nabiki have left on a training trip. Nabiki is getting a little fed up with Ranma's reticence when it comes of physical affection, and she decides to move in... Prequel: For Love or Money:What Price Love Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: For Love or Money:What Price Love File: ranma.for-love-or-money.what-price-love Author: Donny Cheng Webpage: http://members.shaw.ca/chengdo Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Nabiki Flags: Continuation, Quality Good Looks like Nabiki is backsliding a bit. She's selling dates with Ranma again 5000 yen buys Ukyo a night out... Prequel: For Love or Money Sequel: For Love or Money: The Cost of Loving Complete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: For the Ghost Who Walks File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Fire (dzillman@ozemail.com.au) Webpage: http://www.fire.duncanz.com/ Crossover: The Phantom Flags: Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 18-10-2000 Ranma is due to arrive at the Tendos and the girls have been told about the engagement. But the idea of marrying a 3 foot tall pygmy isn't appealing. Fortunately that was just Ranma's servant. Ranma is a tall figure clad in a purple skin-tight suit. He's the 43rd Phantom, something that he became in Africa. He's the protector of the Jungle and he talks in quite a strange way... Incomplete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: For the Honour of the House (prologue, 1 chapter) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Durandall Webpage: http://www.rakhal.com/durandall/ Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Updated: 05-07-2003 Created: 13-07-2001 The Saotome house holds an honourable position in the Shogunate, although in recent years its numbers have dwindled. They are still worth allying with for a merchant family though, and Kuonji-san realises that, persuading Genma to engage his son to his daughter. Of course things don't work out and Kuonji runs afoul of Emperor Happosai's men, resulting in his sons being drafted and his daughter sent away. It's all Saotome's fault... and the young Ukyo swears vengeance... Incomplete 40pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: For the love of a Mortal (4 parts) File: ranma.amg.love-of-a-mortal (parts 1,2,4) FFML File: FFML-3/1998-07/447645 (part 3) Author: Anand Rao Crossover: Oh My Goddess Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Ranma is the God of Justice, Akane is the Goddess of Destruction, Nabiki the Goddess of Information and Kasumi the Goddess of Creation. Akane left some cookies out in the Goddess relief office one day, and as a result 2/3 of the staff are off sick the next day. Ranma fills in, and is summoned by a mortal woman, Belldandy... Incomplete 48pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: For the Love of Kuno (3 parts) File: ranma.for-the-love-of-kuno Author: Michael Fetter Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/jehtek/ Awards: TASS Mini Series;2001 Jun 3rd Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama,Alterverse, Quality Good Updated: 19-10-2001 Ranma arrives in Nerima with Genma. At the Kuno residence where it seems that Genma has arranged an engagement with Kodachi. Of course what turns up is a panda and a girl, and Tatewaki is most taken with the pig-tailed goddess that's entered his house. Kodachi is just as taken with the boy that Ranma turns into when he finally gets access to hot water, and with two engagements comes double the dowry! Ranma's life just got a whole lot more complicated... Incomplete 28pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: For the sake of the Children File: ranma.eva.for-the-sake-of-the-children Author: Anand Rao Webpage: http://www.gsm.uci.edu/~arao02/ Crossover: Neon Genesis Evangelion The fourth child has been located, and it's Ranko Saotome, Ranma's daughter Ranma and Ranko go to a trial, to check out the new unit, and while there, an Angel attacks. Seems Ki blasts go right through AT fields... Incomplete 101pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: For The Want Of An Aspirin (prologue, 2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 890784 Author: Alex DarkFire (DarkFurr@Hotmail.com) Crossover: Grandia, Sailor Moon Reviewer: Corwin Reviewer Likes: 0 Matchup: Ranma+Usagi Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Fair Created: 29-09-2002 Setsuna had followed Ranma's life closely, despite the headache his mere presence in the timeline was giving her, since she wanted him to divert the attention of numerous powerful beings away from the yet unawakened senshi. Once Saffron had been dealt with, however, it is time to finally say goodbye to aspirin, as she sends Ranma away... but wasn't that a mistake? Incomplete 28pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: For What You Dream Of (6 parts) File: ranma.for-what-you-dream-of Author: Kyle Emmerson (prozium@telus.net) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/tydi-oh-ki Created: 30-06-2000 After the return from the battle with Saffron, Ranma and Akane have been getting on better with each other. Things might go even better after Ranma moves back to the newly repaired Saotome house, as Akane is coming to live with them. But a girls' outing with Sayuri and Yuka ends badly as Akane is beaten severely by a girl gang and left near to death in a gutter at the side of the road. She won't allow Ranma to have his vengeance on them though. There is something that Ranma can do though, he can train Akane, and when she's good enough, she can extract her own vengeance... Incomplete 102pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: For whom I once was File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: ryanko/ranma-sm.for-whom-i-once-was Author: Ryanko Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/creep/ryanko Crossover: Sailor Moon Flags: Drama, Action, Continuation, Quality Fair Created: 05-04-2002 Ranma is having dreams. Of being a male Senshi called Terra fighting against demons. When he wakes up, he'd rather be there in his dreams fighting those demons. Life is so boring these days, no-one is really a challenge any more. Meanwhile, in Juuban, the senshi are having a harder time against some daemons... Incomplete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: For Whom the Bell Tolls File: ranma.for-whom-the-bell-tolls Author: Kevin Eav (ukyou@maison-otaku.net) Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: WAFF, Divergence, Quality Good Fate is bored. What to do.. Ranma-chan is flying to Ukyo's again, and has a chat with her, after which she realises she needs to talk to Akane. Ah, something for Fate to do, these 2 need a hand (or a bell in this case)... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: For You File: ranma.for-you Author: Ronny Hedin (thark@mangakai.org) Webpage: http://i99ronhe.island.liu.se/fanfic/ Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Akane+Orig Flags: Dark, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 04-07-2000 Akane is getting married. To Ooyake, a boy she met at University. But why can she hear desperate screams in her mind, begging her to stop. And why when she says 'I Do' does she feel despair and echoed sharp pain? How did things get to this point? Well it all starts when Nodoka finally convinces Ranma that he must study to be able to support Akane. He can't be a ronin, not and be worthy to marry Akane. So, he devotes all his power to learning... Complete 60pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Four Fiancees and a Funeral File: ranma.four-fiances-and-funeral Author: Shiaw Chi "Hokodan" (chihokodan@aol.com) What happened at the ill-fated wedding in #38, and what happened immediately thereafter, as Ryoga goes berserk and all hell breaks loose. Complete 59pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Four Parts Ranma File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1337197 Author: Mike Fenton Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/mpfenton_86001/ Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 09-05-2003 A mixup at the Nekohanten one day results in Ranma drinking a glass of Nyannichuan water! It seems that if you drink water from a spring that you have been cursed by strange things happen to your mind, and indeed Ranma's personality does seem to have been affected. He's become a lot less rough around the edges and better socially. It's also apparently cured his curse. Or at least changed it somewhat... Complete 78pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fragile Clay (5 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Kaoru/Fragile-Clay/ranma.fragile-clay.1 (part 1) Kaoru/Fragile-Clay/ranma.fragile-clay.2-1 (part 2-1) Kaoru/Fragile-Clay/ranma.fragile-clay.2-2 (part 2-2) Kaoru/Fragile-Clay/ranma.fragile-clay.2-3 (part 2-3) Kaoru/Fragile-Clay/ranma.fragile-clay.3-1 (part 3-1) Author: Kaori Shimitzu (shimitsu@uymail.com) Webpage: http://members.xoom.com/Shimitsu/chaos.htm Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Hiroshi, Ryoga+Akari Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Fair Updated: 05-07-2001 Akane breaks off the engagement in a seemingly final manner during one of their fights. Ranma proceeds to have a horrible day at school the next day, and it all winds up with him having a nervous breakdown of sorts, running off to best friend Hiroshi's house to get away for a bit. Something was started that night... Incomplete 766pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fragile Clay: Dea Ex Machina File: ranma.fragile-clay.dea-ex-machina Author: Nicholas Leifker(nightelf@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~nightelf/fanfic/index.html Created: 05-07-2000 Daisuke is in trouble. His home life is as bad as ever, but now, even his friends can't help him. Hiroshi has gone away somewhere after the events of the dance, and Ranma... he's just withdrawn into himself. Not responding to anyone. Ami, Daisuke's AI tries to help her master, and tries to help Ranma as well, so that he can help Daisuke. Main Story: Fragile Clay Complete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fragile Control File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Tabyk Webpage: http://www.tabyk.net Crossover: Ghost in the Shell Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 20-09-2002 Nabiki is having awful dreams of the attack where her fiancee was killed. Can anything help? Prequel: A Closed Circle Sequel: Family Duties Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fragments File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Linda Shen Webpage: http://ling.anifics.com Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Ranma+Orig Flags: Divergence, Drama, Quality Good Updated: 01-11-2002 Created: 06-02-2001 After Ranma's death, Nabiki has done well with her life. Everything is going great until one day 12 years on, she catches a glimpse of almost incandescent red hair. 12 years ago, Ranma died in a duel with Yuki Tanakawa, taking her with him, but who was that? Nabiki has to find out. And in a certain apartment, a girl lives with her husband, both of them having found such happiness together that they were willing to give everything up to be with each other. Sidestory: Fragments: Becoming Geisha Fragments: Becoming Danna Complete 355pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fragments: Becoming Danna File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Linda Shen Webpage: http://ling.anifics.com Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Orig Flags: Divergence, Drama, Quality Good Created: 01-11-2002 Ranma is feeling under stress, at least partly because Yuki wasn't at school today. Going to see her has it's price, but it's worth it. A short time away from his life in a better place... Main Story: Fragments Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fragments: Becoming Geisha File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Linda Shen Webpage: http://ling.anifics.com Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Orig Flags: Divergence, Drama, Quality Good Created: 08-03-2001 Yuki is studying one day when Ranma asks if he cam come to visit for a while. He's had a bad day, and as he has often before he comes to Yuki to tell her about it. They share a special relationship. Close friends that due to obligation cannot become more... Main Story: Fragments Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Freaks (5 parts) File: ranma.freaks Author: defwood Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Dark, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 20-01-2003 The guide has some good news for Ranma and the other Jusenko cursed. There's a new pool at Jusenkyo now, a Null pool, one that will cure any curse. Better get there fast though, it may dry up and once it does it may be 100 years before it returns. Naturally not everything goes according to plan and Ranma, Ryoga, Mousse, and Shampoo are splashed with Null water, different body parts being hit on each person. Now they are not just cursed and they certainly aren't cured. Now they are freaks... Incomplete 135pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Freedom, Horrible Freedom File: ranma.freedom-terrible-freedom Author: Jack Staik (jstaik1043@earthlink.net) Webpage: http://home.earthlink.net/~jstaik1043/otaku.htm Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Divergence, Drama, Quality Good Created: 05-07-2000 Everyone is coming to the park. The Tendos, Genma, Nodoka (who hasn't seen Genma yet), the Amazons, the Kunos and Ukyo. They've all been called there by Ranma, who's got something to say to them... Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Freewill File: ranma.freewill Author: Tim Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: WAFF, Quality Good Ranma is flying again. Out of the Dojo, down the path, uh oh, Kasumi is in the way. Ranma manages to just about avoid her, but Akane, following, doesn't. Time for an acrobatic rescue. Ranma decides he rather likes holding Kasumi. Uh-oh, who does he really like? Complete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Friendly-Advice File: ranma.friendly-advice Author: Phil Lee Flags: Alterverse, Quality Good Ranma knows just how to treat a woman, doesn't he? One day in the Nekohanten he gives Mousse some friendly advice on how to treat Shampoo. Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Friends? File: ranma.friends Author: Belphera (ranma@faradic.net) Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Fair Ranma set in America. Ranma runs a company in Galveston, and shares a house with Akane, just as friends. His partner, Ryouga, is married to Ranko, his sister. Nabiki tells Kasumi that Akane is engaged one day. Akane needs a fiance fast! (at least until Kasumi goes home). Who better than her old buddy Ranma. Incomplete 60pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Friends no More (6 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 22-02-2001 When Ranma finally makes his decision and tells Ukyo, it seems like the end of her life. And for now, she can't remain friends with the boy who discarded her. But time moves on, and after a while, Ukyo builds her life anew, also building a new relationship with Ranma. Hopefully a better one than before. Complete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: From Dusk til Dawn File: ranma.from-dusk-til-dawn Author: Megane 6.7 (megane67@rogers.com) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/mst/ Pchan wakes up with Akane, and she talks to him like she usually does. Later on, when Akane has gone to school, Kasumi comes in, and she talks to P-Chan as well, telling him her hopes and fears... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: From the Futon to the Couch File: ranma.from-the-futon-to-the-couch Author: David Watson (aj153@FreeNet.Carleton.CA) Ranma visits his psychiatrist. It's not easy being the lead character of a crazy series like Ranma 1/2 you know! Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Frozen Threats File: ranma.frozen-threats Author: alex-feterman Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 05-07-2000 Ranma stands facing a metallic door. Beyond it lies an awful truth. Can he face it? He must! Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fulcrum (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Strider Webpage: http://strider.anifics.com Crossover: Baldur's Gate 2 Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 03-07-2002 Genma is determined that Ranma should get into a monastery and steal some martial arts scrolls. A 10 year old Ranma tries to comply and accidentally releases a Beholder. Fortunately the Beholder is grateful to be released from imprisonment, or as grateful as it's kind ever gets, and on hearing of Ranma's wish to become the greatest martial artist, sends him to another world. On arrival, the first person that he meets is not exactly human. Or friendly for that matter. It's a Drow, called Viconia... Incomplete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Full Circle File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: James Thomas Webpage: http://fubarfics.fubarinc.com/ Crossover: Sailor Moon Matchup: Ranma+Michiru Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 22-12-2001 Just to fill a gap... Complete 1pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Full Circle [Mr ?] File: ranma.a-full-circle Author: Mr ? Awards: TASS One Shots;2002 Jun 2nd Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 04-10-2002 Ranma reveals his curse to Nodoka, and gets disowned for his troubles. Turns out that he wasn't the son of Nodoka and Genma at all, he was found in a crate by Genma after their child was born stillborn. Now Ranma is on his own again, with just a shard of mirror, the shard that was found with him originally. It's a shard of the Nanban Mirror, and so starts a temporal adventure to reveal Ranmas past and future... Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Furies File: ranma.sm.furies Author: Allyn Yonge (ayonge@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/ayongedarling Crossover: Sailor Moon The senshi are in trouble. In dire need, Sailor Moon sends out the call for the Blood Guard, and a mysterious figure responds. Turns out to be Akane, who is the reincarnation of a megaweapon called Weapon 4 from the Silver Millennium. Complete 305pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Furimbine: Ukyo Goes Postal File: ranma.furimbine-ukyou-goes-postal Author: Yoru-Hikage (yoru@mindspring.com) Webpage: http://www.mindspring.com/~yoru/AFG/welcome.html Flags: Dark, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 05-07-2000 Ukyo is out to make a statement. She's spent ages cooking explosive okonomiyaki and placing them at key structural joints at the school and now she's waiting for everyone to gather. She's got a surprise for them... Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Furinkan Summer (15 parts) File: Furinkan-Summer/* (15 files) Author: John Biles (rhea@maison-otaku.net) Webpage: http://www.dkcomm.net/rhea/old/ranma.html Awards: TASS Awards; 1995 Annual 11th (chapter 2- tie), 1995 Annual 13th (chapter 3- tie), TASS Mini Series; 1999 Feb 2nd, 1999 Annual 4th Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Comedy, Continuation, Quality Good Continuation of Putting.... More madcap adventures, getting wackier and wackier. Immortal spirits, saints, demons, angry buddhas, reindeer, you mention it, it's in here. Prequel: Putting Your Heart in the Right Place Complete. 463pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Furlough in Nerima File: ranma.furlough-in-nerima Author: Jonathan Lung (pxdn@aol.com) Phoenix Xanadu, interdimensional traveller extraordinaire drops through a dimensional portal into the Tendo Dojo, just in time to be knocked out by Akane. So, what is he all about, and why is he here? Complete 40pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Further Complications File: ranma.further-complications Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong A letter arrives for Genma. Seems that ANOTHER fiancee has emerged from the woodworks! This one is a bit different though, its a boy! Incomplete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fushigi Mizu (chapters 1-4) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Rani (fuchi_35@netasia.net) Webpage: http://tannim.anifics.com/Fushigi_Mizu/FM.html Crossover: Fushigi Yuugi Reviewer: Corwin Reviewer Likes: -1 Flags: Divergence, Drama, Quality Good Created: 12-11-2002 As Miaka fails to summon Suzaku again, Tamahome silently wishes that the priestess was stronger woman. The next day, Miaka disappears. While the Suzaku Seven search for her, however, events are being set in motion at Nerima that would change the balance of power in the Universe of the four Gods.... Incomplete 32pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fushigi-Tabi File: ranma.fy.fushigi-tabi Author: Kevin Eav (ukyou@maison-otaku.net) Crossover: Fushigi Yugi Seals are burning in the Fushigu Yugi universe and Tamahome has vanished again. People in Nerima are having odd dreams, even Kuno is acting odd What can it all mean? Incomplete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Fusion: R+A=? File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Nanashi/ranma.Fusion-R-A Author: Nanashi (chadjill@ms3.hinet.net) Flags: Alterverse, Teaser, Quality Good Created: 07-07-2001 A very unfortunate accident, a sad homecoming and another accident leads to a rather unusual start to the Ranma story... Incomplete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===============================> G <================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Gaia's Awakening (prologue, 5 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Vamp Webpage: http://www.chez.com/vampyr666 Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Poor Updated: 03-10-2002 Created: 02-10-2001 Humanity has changed, and some have changed into 'Wakens', humans who have advanced to the next stage by touching and absorbing the planets condensed energy. However one of these mutants has seized power, ruling with the aid of his corps of fighters, the beetles, who are wakens who have been lobotomised and are mindlessly obedient. Ranma and Ryoga travel to Nerima to rescue Akane, who has become a waken, before the beetles can get her. They are members of the rebellion who are fighting the beetle army... Incomplete 41pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Gaijin in Nerima File: ranma.gaijin-in-nerima Author: Caroline Ann Seawright (kunoichi@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~kunoichi/kunoichi/fanfics.html Loads of fanfic authors turn up at the Tendo Dojo for training. They're all incredibly good looking and sexy, and amazing martial artists, even better than Ranma. Just about everyone has sex. Complete 31pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Game of the Gods (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives RAAC File: Game-of-the-Gods/* (3 files) Author: James Stone(stoner@elycion.geology.ualberta.ca) Note: Stored in the Game of the Gods directory in the R.A.A.C Archives Crossover: Tenchi Muyo, Sailor Moon, Dirty Pair The Gods are having a game. To start off, they are doing Tenchi with characters from Ranma. How well can Ranma play Tenchi, or Akane play Ryoko, or Kuno play Kagato. And then there's Muu-muu-oh-ki. Next it's the Tenchi chars turn to play in the Ranmaverse. But where can we find a female Tenchi? Finally the Dirty Pair try to eliminate the Sailor Senshi Complete 42pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Gangsters for Life File: ranma.gangsters-for-life Author: SgtRanma Webpage: http://sgtranma.anifics.com/ Flags: Dark,Alterverse, Quality Good Updated: 22-02-2002 Created: 28-06-2001 Ranma is a gangster, and he loves his life. A Made Man for the Saotome-Tendo crew he has a life of luxury with his friend Ryoga, although a violent one filled with crime. Much bad language. Complete 49pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Gardens of Proserpine File: ranma.gardens-of-proserpine Author: Alan Harnum (harnums@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~mike/transp.html Flags: Dark, Continuation, Quality Good Ranma lies in a coma in a hospital. Kodachi visits him, remembers how he wound up in there, and finally comes to a decision as to what to do. Complete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Generation Lost (9 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 345621 Author: Josh Temple Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/jtemple/index.htm Crossover: Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 2 Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Updated: 15-09-2005 Created: 11-09-2003 Genma died of a heart attack on one of Ranma and his training trips. Since Nodoka died a couple of years ago in America, there's nothing really keeping him in Nerima. On top of all that, his curse is acting up, from stress mostly. According to Cologne, if he gets away from Nerima it should settle down and with focus he could control it. He's off to America, to see the sister he never knew he had. Mind you, the family over there has it's idiosyncracies as well, and Ranma will soon be in a whole new set of trouble. Incomplete 274pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Generation Ranma (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jaelle , Orla Webpage: http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~jaelle/Jaelle_Orla.htm Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 21-08-2000 16 years on, Sorata Saotome is out training when Miyuki, Ryoga's daughter stumbles into his camp, lost as usual. Sorata guides her home, just in time to discover that Ryoga and his wife are moving back to Nerima anyway. They fit in better there it seems. This could be the start of something. Possibly that World Domination plan of Miyuki's... Prequel: The Magical Mystery Hibiki Tour Incomplete 42pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Genma 1/2 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: stbays OFFNET Id: 1346348 Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 16-05-2003 Where did Genma come from. Happosai remembers when they first met. Genma was a proud warrior, with a powerful aura. That power attracted Happosai who beat him. His memories were stripped and he became at that point Genma Saotome, disciple of Happosai... Incomplete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Genma and Soun write a Fanfic File: ranma.genma-and-soun-write-a-fic ranma.genma-and-souun-write-a-fic (duplicate) Author: Scott K. Jamison (majks@cyberx.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/5990/ Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Genma and Soun creep into Nabiki's room one day and turn on her computer. They've heard about fanfics and they want to try to write one of their own... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Genma Saotome's Time and Space Misadventures (5 parts, 1 sidestory) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jim Bader (Shadowmane@ridgenet.net) Webpage: http://home.hostultra.com/~AngCobraFics/jimbader.html A visit to the museum leads to something more when a 12000 year old message written in Kanji is discovered. It reads 'Genma was here'! Not to mention all these dancing figures are doing Saotome Ryu katas. On going behind the scenes to discuss this with the archaeologists, an unfortunate encounter with a couple of bank robbers being pursued by Ukyo leads to more chaos, resulting in Genma accidentally activating a magic rod that sends him 12000 years to the past! There he meets a young boy named Conan. A multipart story in which Genma trains some of the figures of history as he tries to get home. Sidestory covering Ranma, Nabiki, Akane and Ukyo's adventures in the old west (somehow they've been hopping through time as well). Reading order: Prologue, Conan 1/2, Hercules 1/2 (1,2), Arthur 1/2 Sidestory Ranma the Kid Incomplete 103pp (the parts are incomplete also) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Genma's Cursed? File: ranma.genmas-cursed Author: K.M Webpage: http://home.comcast.net/~kmresponse/ Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 14-10-2002 Ranma and Genma fight at the pools. Ranma knocks Genma in, but the curse he gets is a little unusual... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Genma's Daughter (14 parts) File: Genmas-Daughter/* Author: Deborah Goldsmith , Steve Pardue Webpage: http://homepage.mac.com/dgoldsmith/writing.html Awards: TASS Mini Series; 2000 Sep 1st,2000 Annual 5th Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Ryoga Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 29-08-2000 Nodoka visits the Tendo Dojo for the first time, but when Ranma turns up in girl form, she recognises her! As her long-lost daughter Ranko. Apparently Nodoka and Genma had a daughter, not a son, and Ranma must come to terms with the fact that he was born a girl. How will she cope with this discovery that turns her life upside down, yet paradoxically makes it right for the first time. How will the others cope? Sequel: Equal Halves Complete 456pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Genma's Journal File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Thrythlind Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/thrythlind/title.htm OFFNET Id: 705578 Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Ryoga+Ukyo Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 24-01-2002 Nabiki has her suspicions about Genma. He seems to be acting a little to stupid for someone who created the Umisenken and Yamasenken techniques. Maybe his journal might shed some light on the matter. And it does, quite a bit of light actually. Many things become clear, and Nabiki gets quite a shock... Complete 53pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Getting Home Wednesday (5 parts) File: ranma.amg.getting-home-wednesday.forward (Nodoka's June) ranma.amg.getting-home-wednesday.exordium (Exordium) Not stored in the Ranma archives (Godot,Sigil,Meiosis) Author: J.S Levine (patchmonkey@patchmonkey.net) Webpage: http://www.patchmonkey.net Crossover: Oh My Goddess Flags: Drama,Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 04-03-2001 Nodoka misses Ranma, and when she meets a young girl, she talks about him and wishes that Ranma could be above any other man, the best he can be. The girl is Skuld and the wish is granted, giving Ranma a measure of divinity. Later, Genma runs into Marller, and frustrated because the cats he's using for the Neko-ken Training won't attack him, wishes for exactly the same wish! Now, what is the world going to make of a half god/half demon Ranma?.. Reading order: Nodoka's June, Exordium, Godot, Sigil, Meiosis Incomplete 24pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Getting it on *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.getting-it-on Author: Robert Adam Morrison (alpha_cent@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://members.attcanada.ca/~alphac/frames.htm Awards: TASS Continuing Series;2002 Jun 3rd Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Nabiki+Tatewaki Flags: Lemon, Continuation, WAFF, Quality Good Created: 11-09-2002 Ranma and Kuno fight. Dodging Kunos strike, Ranma rolls away, ending up underneath Akane. A comment about her legs causes her to see red... until she feels a hand moving under her skirt. Meanwhile Kuno has his own problems... Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Getting Ready File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Thrythlind Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/thrythlind/title.htm OFFNET Id: 327502 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 09-01-2002 Akane-kun and Ranma-chan are getting ready to go out. But color coordinating is hard enough without Jusenkyo making it even harder... Complete 1pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ghosts File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jon Rosebaugh Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/jrosebaugh/index.htm Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 18-10-2001 Ryoga reminisces on the last day of his life. Of the attack on Tokyo Tower that brought it down and took the life of his friends, and on what to do next... Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ghost Story File: ranma.ghost-story Author: Mike Loader (mike@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~mike/transp.html Awards: TASS One Shots; 1998 Oct 2nd Flags: Dark, Drama, Continuation,Quality Good It's 2004 and Ryoga is teaching history classes at Furinkan High now. A couple of students talk by computer and discuss this ghost that they've heard of that haunts the local temple... Complete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Gift for Her File: ranma.gift-for-her Author: Paul Gallegos (ranma@dkcomm.net) Webpage: http://www.dkcomm.net/~ranma/ Flags: Script, Drama Quality Good Valentine's day is coming up and all the young lovers of Nerima are getting presents for each other. Even Ranma and Akane. At least Soun and Genma HOPE they are... Complete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Gimme a Break *lemon* File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://stfan.free.fr/Episodes/GaB.htm Matchup: Ranma+Orig Flags: Lemon, Divergence, Quality Good Kentaro goes out to see a movie with his girlfriend. He gets more than he bargained for! Prequel: Thy Outward Part: Those Tears are Pearl *lemon* Sequel: Thy Outward Part: Serendipity Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Girl Days (17 parts) File: Girl-Days/ranma.girl-days.* (parts 1-17) Author: Robert Haynie (Kenjiko2@knology.net) Webpage: http://www.knology.net/~kenjiko2/ Awards: TASS Mini Series;1999 Jun 1st, 1999 Jul 1st,1999 Aug 1st, 1999 Oct 1st,1999 Dec 1st,1999 Annual 3rd,2000 Jan 1st,2000 Nov 1st, 2000 Dec 1st,2000 Annual 2nd Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Comedy, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 30-10-2000 Nodoka has come to a conclusion. Her son has become a Man amongst Men, but now it's time for her to become a Woman amongst Women as well! So starts the Girl Days training program. Ranma must remain a girl for the next 2 months, and thereafter at least 1 day in 4. How on earth will she survive... Sequel: Redheads Incomplete 314pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Girl Days Sidestory 1 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Robert Haynie (Kenjiko2@knology.net) Webpage: http://www.knology.net/~kenjiko2/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Comedy, Continuation, Quality Good In an alternate Girldays universe, Principal Kuno sees the fight between Ranma and Big Pocky. He gets inspired... Complete 1pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Girl of my dreams (6 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Emi -chan Webpage: http://fubarfics.fubarinc.com/ Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Fair Created: 24-01-2003 It's a year since the failed wedding and Ranma STILL won't forgive Shampoo. It's annoying Akane and driving Shampoo to despair. What will it take for Ranma to finally forgive her? A new challenger arrives one day, and he's quite smitten with Akane. What's more, he's staying at the Dojo and inevitably an argument about him erupts, causing Akane to storm out of the dojo. By the time Ranma finds her again, she's being held captive by ninjas! And even worse, during the fight, Shampoo is wounded badly, maybe fatally... Incomplete 39pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Girls Night Out File: ranma.girls.night.out Author: Jeffrey Hosmer (jhosmer@ix.netcom.com) Webpage: http://www.dkcomm.net/jhosmer Awards: TASS Awards; 1995 Annual 13th (tie) Flags: Character Study, Quality Good Akane is feeling a bit depressed after Ranma disappears on a date with Shampoo (another possible cure). Ukyou sees here and tries to cheer her up.. Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Girl Talk File: ranma.girl-talk Author: Emily Siazon (mmefleiss@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Keep/3956/Ranma.html Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Poor Ranma drops in to the Nekohanten for some Ranma, escaping some of Akane's cooking again. Mousse takes pity on him and brews up a bowl, unfortunately incorporating one of Cologne's spices. Interesting stuff. Now Ranma is a girl and 6 years old! Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Give Peace a Chance File: ranma.peace.chance Author: Stefan "Twoflower" Gagne (twoflowr@pixelscapes.com) Webpage: http://pixelscapes.com/twoflower/ Awards: TASS Awards; 1995 Annual 12th Kosumo is Ryoga's elder brother. And the best in the family at Martial arts (and so, the heir to the Dojo). At least that was before he went to America fell in with some Dead Heads and became a pacifist! Well, he's back now, called Cosmo, and looking up his brother. He's even got a pet rabbit with him. Complete 68pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Gladius Sanctus File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kyle Emmerson (prozium@telus.net) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/tydi-oh-ki Created: 04-07-2000 Akane holds a sword. And while she's holding it, she can see her reflection, the reflection of a far more sophisticated and extraordinary person. But she needs the sword to become that person. Meanwhile, Ranma, in the same shop, is offered the chance to buy a scroll, that may only be offered to one who is Jusenkyo cursed... Incomplete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Glimpse File: ranma.glimpse Author: Rhonda Schell Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Ryoga+Ukyo, Mousse+Shampoo Flags: Drama, Vignette, Quality Good A set of 4 short sections showing a brief moment between 1) Ranma and Akane, 2) Ukyo and Ryoga, 3) Shampoo and Mousse, 4) Ranma and Kodachi Complete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Gluttony File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara Created: 22-02-2001 Genma is a glutton and will eat almost anything. Well, until he mysteriously finds himself on a diet! Kasumi is making him diet food while all around people are stuffing themselves like crazy. And it gets even worse when he sneaks himself some leftovers... Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Godfather File: ranma.godfather Author: Saotome-Sama Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Quality Good Ryoga is summoned to a hospital. Akane is there, and Ranma put her there! It's time for him to pay! Things are however not what they seem. Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Gods and Chess Pieces (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 2449213 Author: ImSmiles Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Fair Created: 30-06-2005 Shampoo sends Akane to another dimension to get her out of the way. While there, Akane meets a giant rooster, who offers to train her. She needs to become powerful enough to defeat Shampoo and impress Ranma. Incomplete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Godzilla To Die File: ranma.nuku.godzilla.to-die Author: Roy Rim (rrrgeen@tendo-dojo.ranma.net) Crossover: Nuku Nuku Godzilla has woken up and is attacking Tokyo (again). The inhabitants of the Tendo Dojo are packing to make a quick getaway, while Mishima Heavy Industries and Nuku-Nuku prepare to fight the monster. Sequel: Scaredy Cat Complete 42pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Going Down File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Essicam/ranma.going-down Author: Daj Essicam Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Quality Good Created: 27-07-2001 Ranma and Ryoga run into each other at Tokyo Tower. They're the only two in the lift when the power suddenly goes out. A major power outage has hit Central Tokyo, and it looks like it will be something like 6 hours before repairs can be made. That's a long time stuck in a dark lift together, with nothing to do except talk... Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Going Home File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: ryanko/ranma.going-home Author: Ryanko Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/creep/ryanko Flags: Drama, Quality Good Created: 21-07-2002 Ranma is having some strange dreams, and Genma is saying some strange things in his sleep as well. He, and Nodoka are hiding something, and Ranma wants to know what. Nabiki is the person to find out... Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Gokuraku-ojo! Ranma And Ryoga...Together Forever? File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Naomi the Cynical Webpage: http://electric-purple.net/guh.htm OFFNET Id: 1437661 Matchup: Ranma+Ryoga Flags: Drama, Continuation, Lime, Quality Good Created: 24-07-2003 Ranma has got another challenge. This one from the masters of a technique called the Gokuraku-ojo. No big deal, Ranma has always won before, even if he will be fighting with Akane this time. Well, no big deal until he discovers exactly what that fighting style consists of! Time for a change in plan, maybe Ryoga can sub for Akane? Complete 29pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Gold, Cat Tails and Family Pride (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Stormen Webpage: http://www.flamingwreckage.com/ Crossover: Gold Diggers Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Poor Updated: 03-09-2004 Created: 02-05-2003 Ranma is a were cheetah, a member of the Tiger clan, and he's doing a little training at Jusenkyo when he feels something bad happen at the village where he and Genma are staying. Startled he falls in a pool, but no time for that now, back to the village! When he gets back, the village is destroyed and everyone is dead, including Genma. What now? Fortunately the Diggers are passing by, and they can offer help to the orphaned were-cheetah.,, Incomplete 19pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Golden Lining File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Cloud Dreamer Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/cloud_dreamer2000/ Crossover: Futaba-kun Change Awards: TASS Crossover Mini Series;2001 Nov 3rd,2001 Annual 8th Matchup: Ranma+Futana Flags: Drama, Continuation Updated: 04-03-2004 Created: 28-03-2001 A quick trip via Air Akane results in a lucky landing! In a wishing well, with lots of coins in. Time for a trip to the ice-cream shop. Just as she finishes though, three very familiar girls enter the shop and Ranma hides. What she hears shatters her life. All the girls hate her and are just playing with her. And they are even helping Nabiki exploit her, planning to get him to sign away the rights to his life. Time for a new start, and an accidental encounter with Ryoga is the beginning... Complete 71pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Golden Opportunity (12 parts) File: ranma.golden-opportunity (out of date) Local File: Rose/ranma-gd.golden-opportunity (parts 1-8) Author: Cory D. Rose Webpage: http://shi_hanna.tripod.com/ OFFNET Id: 509170 Crossover: Gold Digger Awards: TASS Crossover Mini Series;2002 Jan 2nd (tie) Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Updated: 19-03-2004 Created: 21-03-2002 Ranma and Genma are training in Himalayan Mountains. Ranma is 15 now and has been training all his life. Right now snow and large beasts are the challenges. Following a beast, Ranma finds himself in Shangri-la, a magical city that only can be reached by those deemed worthy. Here Ranma meets the Diggers family, and after a small problem with the reputation, is taken in to be trained by Julia Diggers, who after learning of Ranma's life is only too keen to get him away from Genma for a bit... Incomplete 772pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Golden Years File: ranma.golden-years Author: Kris Overstreet (redneck@detnet.com) Cologne thinks about her life in Japan, trying to snag Ranma for her Great Granddaughter. Time for another try as well. Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Gone but not Forgotten File: ranma.gone-but-not-forgotten Author: Rhonda Schell Kodachi is having disturbing dreams. Every night she dreams about killing Ranma in a new and interesting way... Complete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Gone Fishing File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: James Thomas Webpage: http://fubarfics.fubarinc.com/ Flags: Quality Good Created: 08-07-2001 Akane find a note on her door that says 'Akane, Gone Fishing, Be back when I feel like it' That fight at school must have disturbed Ranma more than she thought! Well, maybe Nabiki will help her find her missing fiancee... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Gone Loca File: ranma.gone-loca Author: Lucres Annuiteas Created: 17-07-2000 The Nerima gang are having a rare truce and are watching the TV in the Tendo living room. A music video of 'La Vida Loca' is on and all the girls admire the singer. But the guys ain't so impressed and they accept a challenge to perform their own video to prove that they are just as good... Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Gonna feel it in the Morning *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.gonna-feel-it-in-the-morning Author: Damien Roc (damienroc@aol.com) Flags: Lemon, Alterverse, Quality Good Ranma is relaxing in the Furo on evening, the Tendos and Genma having gone out, he can have some peace. All of a sudden a cat wanders in, leaps in the bath and turns into Shampoo. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Goodbye is not Forever File: ranma.goodbye-is-not-forever Author: Coutuva (coutuva@vecdev.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Bay/9295 Awards: TASS Mini Series;2001 Feb 2nd Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Nabiki Flags: Drama,Divergence Created: 27-03-2001 Ranma wakes up one morning and rapidly works out something's wrong. She went to bed male, and now she's female. That's not all though, when Genma attacks, Ranma finds that he's incredibly lethargic and Genma can easily beat him. Not only that, but after getting hit into the pond again she tears her abdominal muscles badly trying to get up! What's happened to her condition? Her hair has been cut as well, and even her ears pierced. Someone has been messing with her, and that's by no means all. A visit to Tofu provides yet another shock. Who is trying to destroy her? Complete 129pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Goodbye Ranma File: ranma.goodbye-ranma Author: Steven Scougall(s_scougall@mailandnews.com) Webpage: http://www.crosswinds.net/~sscougall/ Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 14th (tie) Ranma died a year ago, killed by Ryoga. Akane visits his grave and wonders how she can continue without him.. Prequel: Never Say Goodbye Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Good comes to He Who Waits File: ranma.good-comes-to-he ranma.good-comes-to-he-who-waits (duplicate) Author: Nikholas F. Toledo Zu Webpage: http://www.mydestiny.net/~nftzu/MainPage.htm Kuno sits in the Kendo Club Dojo. Today is the day, the day when he will decide once and for all who it shall be, the pigtailed girl or Akane.. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Good Nights File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: D B Sommer (sommert@connecttime.net) Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/dbsommer/index.htm Flags: Dark, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 10-10-2001 Captain Koji Yasuroka of the Security Directorate is waiting to see his superior officer. A piece of luck and some dedicated investigation work has paid off handsome dividends and now it should be time to collect the reward... Main Story: Quantum Destinies (after the latest current chapter) Complete 19pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Good Plans File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: D B Sommer (sommert@connecttime.net) Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/dbsommer/index.htm Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Kasumi, Akane+Shampoo Flags: Dark, Mystery, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 20-10-2001 Ukyo, Shampoo and Kodachi meet to discuss Ranma and what to do about him. None of the girls are getting anywhere, and the problem is Akane. It's time to get rid of her in a permanent way. And after some discussion a perfect plan is decided on to do the deed. Of course nothing ever quite goes according to plan... Complete 66pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Gossamer Weave File: ranma.gossamer-weave Author: Nikholas F. Toledo Zu (Rainman) Webpage: http://www.mydestiny.net/~nftzu/MainPage.htm Matchup: Gosunkugi+Shampoo Flags: Dark,Continuation,Quality Good Created: 23-03-2001 Gosunkugi has always been a failure. He tries so hard to do the magic, use the gift that his mother has, but it never works for him. His love life isn't much better, with Akane finally realising her love for Ranma. Time to let go. Maybe he'll find something unexpected within himself, and also find an unexpected opportunity in the aftermath of Ranma's choice. Complete 48pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Grandma Saotome File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Master Jahaj Webpage: http://masterjahaj.hypermart.net Flags: Drama,Quality Good Created: 18-05-2001 An old woman living in a log cabin is marking off the days. Only 2 more until she goes to see her grandson. She knows something about curses as well, as she is not at all surprised to run across a small black piglet, quickly getting the water to return Ryoga to normal. Well, Ryoga is in luck, the woman is going to Nerima, and can lead him home. Turns out that the grandchild in question is one Ranma Saotome... Incomplete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Grandpa Happosai File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jasonred Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/jasonred.geo/ OFFNET Id: 442303 Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 03-05-2002 Ranma's in trouble. Nodoka caught him glomping Ryoga in girl-form and now it's katana time. But before that can happen, Happosai arrives and prepares to glomp Nodoka. With unexpected results... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Gravitron Girls vs Nerima Guys File: ranma.gravitron-girls-vs-nerima-guys Author: Eddie Vagg (evagg@hubble.dialix.com.au),David Myers (No Email) Crossover: Project A-Ko A-Ko, B-Ko and C-Ko are going on a student exchange program to Furinkan High school. B-Ko's dad is along too, and he's got plans. Not to mention D and Gail. More girlfriends for Ranma? Complete 68pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Great Teacher Saotome (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Tristan Wright OFFNET Id: 1341657 Crossover: Great Teacher Onizuka Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 30-05-2003 Ranma has arrived at the Tendos! He's 22, been raised by Genma and Happosai, is a teacher, and is quite the pervert. There's just something about panties... Fairly quickly Nabiki is chosen to be Ranma's fiancee, but Ranma can barely believe his luck. 3 cute girls living with him! How is Furinkan going to react to the latest perverted teacher to arrive... Incomplete 47pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: GRIT-Another-Day File: ranma.grit.another-day Author: Blade Webpage: http://www.crosswinds.net/~ayiekie/fanfic.htm Fanfic authors in the Ranmaverse. Blade watches Ukyou as she takes a trip to see Ranma, hoping that he's unhappy with Akane. It's not to be though Blade swears vengeance against Ranma for making Ukyou unhappy. Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: GRIT-Journey-into-Darkness File: ranma.grit.journey-into-darkness Author: Aaron Peori (tzubi@ns.sympatico.ca) Webpage: http://www.crosswinds.net/~ayiekie/fanfic.htm Set in a roleplaying game based on Ranma. Epsilon, an evil wizard is dying His life flashes before his eyes, and this tale chronicles the start of it. Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: GRIT-Steves Story File: ranma.grit.steves-story Author: Steven Scougall(s_scougall@mailandnews.com) Webpage: http://www.crosswinds.net/~sscougall/ Steve Scougall heads off to Japan and checks out the Tendo Dojo. He winds up with a few clones (as you do) Complete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Growing up the Half Way (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Joe Fenton (jlfenton65@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/jlfenton65/index.html Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama,Alterverse,Quality Good Created: 02-08-2002 After the incident with the Kuonjis and the abandoment of Ukyo, Ukyo's father calls the cops. Looks like things are a little too hot in Japan right now, so Genma takes Ranma to China early. And gets him cursed too. Getting a curse at age 6 is a little different from age 16, and this Ranma gets to grow up with his curse and his girl-form... Incomplete 87pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Guardian File: ranma.mib.guardian Author: Nicholas Stone (bnstone@ix.netcom.com) Webpage: http://sites.netscape.net/nickolaswrite/homepage Crossover: Men in Black A spaceship crashes on the earth, another follows it and lands. Astronomers checking up on the spaceship gets a nasty surprise. And Akane gets an unexpected guest. Krin, the galactic pirate has arrived, and Akane has something he wants. And why is Akane calling Ranma 'Guardian' anyway? Complete 259pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Guardian Angel? File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara Created: 22-02-2001 Not all guardian angels are the same, and this one in particular can't be bothered. Maybe she should check out her charge sometime though... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Guess Who File: ranma.guess-who Author: Jonathan Haas Flags: Dark, Quality Good A letter is found in a Tokyo hotel bedroom, detailing how much someone hates Ranma, and what for. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Guilt File: ranma.guilt Author: Martin Bennett Ranma and Akane are accosted by Kuno again, but this time Ranma has had enough. He finally manages to tell Kuno that Akane will never be his because he(Ranma) loves her. Akane is listening too. Oops. Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Guilty File: ranma.guilty Author: Orange Crayon (anna030482@aol.com) Updated: 17-07-2000 Akane comes home one day to see Ranma and Nabiki having sex. Needless to say, she is not best pleased. Looks like Ranma is history. Complete 32pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Guilty Secret File: ranma.guilty-secret Author: Angus MacSpon (macspon@ihug.co.nz) Webpage: http://shell.ihug.co.nz/~macspon/ Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good It's stressful trying to keep the Tendo household together. After having to clean up after another attempt by Akane to cook, and having to repair the furniture after another one of their brawls, after having to put up with Soun and Genma playing Shogi all day and getting in the way, Kasumi needs to do something to help her let out her tension.. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Gundam Moon 1/2 (4 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Shinigami-chan OFFNET Id: 194482 Crossover: Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Fair Created: 04-07-2001 Ranma is relaxing one day on the roof when the fiancees arrive, soon getting into a big fight about him. Well, this is not guaranteed to please Akane, who responds by smashing everyone, Ranma into a wall, which he hits badly... His spine has been damaged, and now he is partially paralyzed. Not just that, but on learning of his disability, pretty much everyone abandons him. Except his cousin Serena and her family who take Ranma in when he's released from hospital. And Serena has some powers that could help in this situation... Incomplete 51pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Gundam P-Chan File: ranma.gundam.pchan Author: Blair Heald () Crossover: Gundam P-chan and Ranma fight in giant mecha. Akane intervenes to save P-Chan Complete(ish) 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Guyver Ryoga File: ranma.guyverryoga Author: Mark Latus (mlatus@willow.msvu.ca) Crossover: Guyver Awards: TASS Awards; 1995 Annual 11th (tie) Emperor Ryoga Hibiki has a problem. Namely 20 rebels who are trying to sneak into the past to eliminate him before he becomes world dictator! Androids are dispatched to deal with the problem in another timeline. After a few accidents, they wind up in a timeline where Ryoga got a Guyver Unit and is fighting Kronos corp. Multi universe crossover Prequel: Ryoga: Crossover Complete 157pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===============================> H <================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Haiku File: ranma.haiku Author: Shannon M. Richmeyer (windlily@aol.com) Awards: TASS Awards; 1995 Annual 13th (tie) Haiku has been sleeping for many years. Now it is time for her to wake up and go to Tokyo, where she will meet a strange man with a broken heart. Someone with tusks and wearing a bandanna. Complete 83pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Haishin (prologue, 5 parts, 1 sidestory) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Aru Sahni Webpage: http://madlib.go.to OFFNET Id: 375979 Crossover: Oh My Goddess Flags: Comedy, Drama, Continuation, Quality Fair Updated: 05-12-2003 Created: 15-04-2002 Ranma discovers Akane in bed with Ryoga. Seems that she's known about P-Chan for ages. She's always hated Ranma as well. Kasumi however has been dumped by Doc Tofu. Two lonely souls meet under a bridge... Incomplete 28pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Half a Conversation File: ranma.half-a-conversation Author: Scott K. Jamison (majks@cyberx.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/5990/ Flags: Alterverse, Spamfic, Quality Good Someone has been following Ranma around and is now accosted by him. Ranma thinks Soun has sent him, since he's talking about Akane and Destiny. You know, Ranma is quite a bit different from what most of us think of him as... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Half a Conversation: New Views File: ranma.half-a-conversation.new-views Author: Cynthia Johnston A quick chat with Kuno. He is also not what he seems. Complete 1pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Half an Age (4 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 2306521 Author: Ellf Webpage: http://snow.prohosting.com/ellf/ Crossover: Wheel of Time Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 14-11-2005 Happosai has found something interesting in his prize collection of scrolls. It's all about the Kitsune and how they would grant three wishes. Sounds good! Meanwhile, Ranma is in a fight for his and Akane's life against Saffron. Even as that battle reaches its climax, Happosai makes his wishes, paying for them with Ranma and Akane's lives. He gets his wishes, and in payment Ranma and Akane are snatched from the battle and sent far into the future. To a land called the Two Rivers, near a town called Emonds Field, where they soon meet Rand and his father on the way to town... Incomplete 89pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Half a Neko Moon File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jon McCready Webpage: http://chilord.anifics.com Crossover: Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 11-11-2001 Ranma has had enough one day and just walks out of his life in Nerima. Making money on the fighting circuit he wanders until he runs into a monster attacking a girl and her grandfather. It's Rei Hino, and it turns out that her grandfathers wife was the one that brought Ranma out of the neko-ken the first time. Of course when the rest of the senshi hear of the Neko-ken they resolve to try and cure Ranma. With unexpected results. Seems that the Ginzoushou is looking for a new leader, since Usagi is Sailor moon, and not the Moon Princess (generally), and Ranma is nominated! That crystal is quite the pervert as well, and there are also some other unusual side effects that start affecting the Senshi and Ranma in interesting ways Incomplete 181pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Half a Second File: ranma.half-a-second Author: Robert Sneddon Flags: Dark,Quality Good Created: 08-08-2003 A man is in the fighting arena. He's up against a cocky 16 year old boy who seems utterly sure of himself. Anything goes... See Also: Half a Second: Another point of view Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Half a Second: Another point of view File: ranma.half-a-second.another-point-of-view Author: Robert Sneddon Flags: Dark,Quality Good Created: 08-08-2003 Ranma is in the arena, due to fight a mysterious taciturn man. He needs the money for Nabiki, who chose the wrong person to borrow from. Wonder how this guy fights? Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Half a Timeline (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Rui Costa Webpage: http://www.sofaspud.org/main Crossover: Sailor Moon, Chrono Trigger Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 18-07-2002 Kasumi is just going to bed when she hears a noise from downstairs. It's a badly injured girl in a seifuku! More than that, it's Ranma! This is a Ranma from a terrible future less than a year away when a creature that had been sleeping in the earth awakes and rains fire down, destroying everything. Ranma has another secret as well. There's a good reason why he's never managed to cure his curse, and it involves an oddly shaped staff that resembles a key... Incomplete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Half a Woman, Half a Shadow (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Miriani Webpage: http://miriohki.setsuna.us Crossover: Mystery Flags: Alterverse,Drama, Quality Good Updated: 25-06-2004 Created: 05-03-2003 A redheaded girl and a panda come to the Tendo Dojo. However when the girl is hit with hot water, she changes. Into a strange silver-haired boy with pointy ears! Who, or what is Ranma. Well, whoever he/she is, Nabiki is interested. Looks like she has pointy ears of her own... Incomplete 23pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Half Moon File: ranma.sm.half-moon Author: Scott K. Jamison (majks@cyberx.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/5990/ Crossover: Sailor Moon Ranma is coming to meet the Tendos. But here, the three sisters are Kasumi, Nabiki and Usagi! Who is a complete klutz at martial arts, but still gets engaged to Ranma. Things get worse when a talking cat moves in and gives Usagi a brooch... Incomplete 63pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Halloween File: ranma.halloween Author: Kiwi Noriega (becknkal@addax.bc.ca) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9371/ It's Halloween time at the Tendo Dojo, and everyone is invited. Kasumi has made everyone costumes as well. Kuno as Cupid, Kodachi as Tinkerbell Both Ryoga and Ranma as pigs and Akane as a Greek Goddess. Chaos is bound to ensue.. Complete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Halloween '95 1 File: Ranma-Halloween-95/ranma.hw-95.1 Author: Roy Rim (rrrgeen@tendo-dojo.ranma.net) The Kunos are putting on a Halloween party and everyone is invited. Akane goes as an upperclass gentleman, Ranma as a bunnygirl. The wine flows freely and everyone gets a bit merry. Poor Ryoga. Complete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Halloween '95 2 File: Ranma-Halloween-95/ranma.hw-95.2 Author: Chris Schumacher (kensu@madison.tdsnet.com) Ranma stops Happosai getting into the Dojo after an all night panty raid, with the result that he's beaten up by angry women. Happosai gets revenge by summoning a spirit who is in love with the spirit of the girl who died in the Nyannichuan. Seems the only way to free that spirit is to kill Ranma. Uh oh.. A warped version of this story was the inspiration for the start of Ranma 2096. Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Halloween '95 3 Money File: Ranma-Halloween-95/ranma.hw-95.3 Author: Stefan "Twoflower" Gagne (twoflowr@pixelscapes.com) Webpage: http://pixelscapes.com/twoflower/ Awards: TASS Awards; 1995 Annual 14th (tie) Nabiki is the CEO of the mighty Tendom Corporation. One day on the way home she races a small economy car that goes far to fast and nearly causes Nabiki to wreck. She's sure that she recognises that plate, maybe the dream machine can help... Complete 27pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Halloween '95 4 Monster File: Ranma-Halloween-95/ranma.hw-95.4 Author: John Biles (rhea@maison-otaku.net) Webpage: http://www.dkcomm.net/rhea/old/ranma.html Ranma is being mean to Akane again, at least until he's told that it's the anniversary of Akane's mothers death. Akane is so angry. That night her guardian angel turns up and warns her about the impending attack by the monster in the closet. Complete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hammers Wrath File: teknoman.ranma.hammers-wrath RAAC File: Teknoman/teknoman.ranma.hammers-wrath Author: Christian Clark Note: Stored in the Teknoman directory in the R.A.A.C archives. Crossover: Teknoman Another fight between Ranma and Akane is being observed. The observer, Saber, a Teknoman, decides that Akane would make a perfect servant of Darkon and abducts her. It is indeed easy to turn her to the dark, and in her new, and far more powerful, form, Akane sets forth to wreak havoc on all those that have annoyed her in the past... Sequel: A Mothers Love Complete 83pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hammer To Fall File: uy.ranma.hammer-to-fall RAAC File: Urusei-Yatsura/uy.ranma.hammer-to-fall Author: Sean Gaffney Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~sean/index.html Note: Stored in the Urusei-Yatsura directory in the R.A.A.C Archives. Crossover: Urusei Yatsura Where did Akane get that mallet of hers. Ranma would love to know! And Kasumi might actually have the answers. Seems that Akane got lost when she was 7, and wound up in Tomobiki, where she met Ataru, and then Lum.. Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hanami File: ranma.hanami Author: Stephanie A. Gonzales The Tendos and the Saotomes go out for their annual Hanami festival Lots of food, singing, drink and memories of years gone bye. Complete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hand of Glory File: ranma.hand-of-glory Author: Alan Harnum (harnums@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~mike/transp.html Awards: TASS One Shots; 1998 Sep 2nd Flags: Dark, Continuation, Quality Good Ryoga leaves the Tendo Dojo after the ill-fated wedding, ushered out by Kasumi. After walking for a while, he meets Nabiki, who wishes to speak with him, and maybe cheer him up? Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hanging by a Moment (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Doctor Emmit Brown OFFNET Id: 1761660 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 11-03-2004 Ranma is having some very bad luck, resulting in him being caught in compromising situations by Akane. After being malletted more than once he's feeling a little down and when he goes to find out why she's so mad, he hears her talking to P-chan. Apparently she wants him to go away. Well, there's nothing for him to do except give her her wish. Unfortunately that wasn't really what she wanted... Incomplete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Happenstance File: ranma.happenstance Author: Yoru-Hikage (yoru@mindspring.com) Webpage: http://www.mindspring.com/~yoru/AFG/welcome.html Flags: Divergence, Drama, Quality Fair A small alien pops down to Nerima to select a DNA sample. It gets a bit too much and tosses the excess out. A bit lands in Akane, a bit in Nabiki a bit in Shampoo, a bit in Ukyo and a bit in Kodachi! Next day, Dr Tofu has a problem on his hands, and so does Ranma. Complete 28pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Happi Days File: ranma.happi-days Author: Gregg Sharp (kestral@mindspring.com) Ranma leaves the Dojo to get away for a bit. Unbeknownst to him, Happosai is plotting vengeance on him. He's got 40 gallons of concentrated Bishoujo Bride water (enough to make 400 gallons of curse water) and a replica of the Chiisuiton A quick sabotage of the sprinkler system ant Furinkan high, and all of a sudden there are a *LOT* more girls than there used to be. Permanent ones at that. Complete 95pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Happi Days - Journal of Sanjuro Tanaka File: ranma.happi-days.journal-of-sanjuro-tanaka Author: Scott K. Jamison (majks@cyberx.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/5990/ The Journal of one Sanjuro Tanaka, a student at Furinkan High during the events of Happi days. He's been sprinkled with the Bishoujo Bride water and this journal chronicles the events of the days after that disaster. Complete 21pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Happily Married File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kaiphantom Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/kaiphantom2000/ Matchup: Akane+Ryoga,Shampoo+Mousse Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 19-05-2002 Shampoo visits Akane. Both are happily married now, but why is Akane's husband in his cursed form. Well, it turns out that Akane never really liked men... See Also: Happily Married v2 Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Happily Married v2 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: HGCavalier Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/kaiphantom2000/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane,Ryoga+Ukyo,Nabiki+Taro Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 19-05-2002 Ryoga visits Ranma. Both of them are happily married now, if not in quite the manner that their spouses originally envisioned. See Also: Happily Married Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Happiness Comes From Without File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: J. Austin Wilde K.B.C.S (wildeman@gci-net.com) Webpage: http://www.gci-net.com/users/w/wildeman/ The Author takes a trip to Nerima to have a talk with Ukyo after Chasing the Wind. Main Story: Chasing the Wind Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Happosai and Gosunkugi: A Lemon Story File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.happosai-and-gosunkugi Author: Jack Staik (jstaik1043@earthlink.net) Webpage: http://home.earthlink.net/~jstaik1043/otaku.htm Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 17-07-2000 Gosunkugi is doing a bit of photography when Happosai appears. With a jug of Jusenkyo water that he plans to use on Ranma and Akane. Akane must be saved! Hikaru leaps into action... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Happosais Curse File: ranma.happosais-curse Author: J.Smiley(DMARTINE@ccr.dsi.uanl.mx) Happosai is causing trouble again. He's got this nice black bra he'd like Ranma to wear. Ranma chucks some water at him, but Happosai dodges into his room. Hmm, looks like he may have got tagged after all. There's a wet dog in the room... Complete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Happosais Departure File: ranma.happosais-depature (spelling error is deliberate) Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 03-05-2002 Happosai returns on a rainy day to the Dojo. He's very ill, and there's nowhere else for him to go. Indeed the following day he's dead! He may be gone, but his belongings remain. Lots of lingerie, and lots of other stuff as well, some of it with hidden dangers... Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Happosai's life of DOOM (4 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Rebecca Heineman Webpage: http://www.burgerbecky.com OFFNET Id: 1413849 Crossover: Oh My Goddess Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Comedy, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 05-09-2003 Hild spots Happosai and sees he's about to die. What a perfect candidate for a demon! Unfortunately he doesn't die on schedule and his file is missing information. What's going on! A pointed interview with Death reveals some information. He should have died over 200 years ago, but Death has been sparing him since then at the urgent request of many in Niflheim and Asgard. No longer. Hild has spoken, no more interference... Incomplete 46pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Happousai's Revenge File: ranma.happousais-revenge Author: Carolyn Brickhouse Webpage: http://www.anime.usacomputers.net/~dragon/hosted.html#haze (archive) Love bugs are insects that bite people in love with each other, marking them with a little heart symbol. One is on the way to do its duty to Ranma and Akane, but Happosai convinces it that it's got its information wrong.. Part 2 of the 'Onslaught of the Red Haze' storyline. Complete 40pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Happy Father's Day File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara Created: 22-02-2001 It's fathers day and Tatewaki's father wants to watch over Tatewaki's son for a while. But Tatewaki is having none of it as he explains to his father all that ways that he failed to be a father to him... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Haunted File: ranma.inuyasha.haunted Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Crossover: Inu Yasha Flags: Metafiction, Quality Good Takahashi Rumiko is working on an Inuyasha story, when her new kitten spots something... Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Haunted by the Past File: ranma.dhy.haunted-by-the-past Author: MamonoHntr () Crossover: Devil Hunter Yohko Ranma is fighting a demon, and losing. Yohko comes along and saves the day Incomplete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Have a nice Day File: ranma.have-a-nice-day Author: David Thune (davidt@algonet.se) Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 13th (tie) Ranma and Akane are sparring one day when Akane taunts Ranma just a little too much. He hits her! Hard enough to knock her out! Of course, he's very remorseful as soon as this happens, and carries her up to her bed. Can she ever forgive him.. Complete 26pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Head of Live Cat *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.head-of-live-cat Author: Tom Maddox (lmaddox@tigger1.nado.hp.com) Flags: Lemon, Quality Good Ranma's pissed off Nabiki again, and she's torturing him with cats. Finally he winds up at the Nekohanten where Shampoo tries to cure him of his Nekophobia. Apparently it's necessary to link the images of cats in Ranma's mind with some really nice sensations to counteract the nasty ones of the Neko-ken training. Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Healing Disease (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Mazena/ranma.healing-disease Author: Mazena Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Updated: 06-02-2004 Created: 20-01-2004 Ranma and Akane have been struck mute! How can this be cured, and for that matter how did it happen. There are good points though, such as having to spend more time actually communicating... Incomplete 23pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Heaping Teaspoons File: ranma.heaping-teaspoons Author: Ridgewolfe (ridgewolf1@aol.com) Crossover: Godzilla Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Terror has come to the Amazon village. Lin-lin runs to the guide, terrified. Godzilla has come! Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Heartattacking Tragedy (4 parts) File: ranma.heartattacking-tragedy (parts 1-3) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (part 4) Author: Video Game Addicted Person Webpage: http://www.vg-ap.com Flags: Script, Divergence, Quality Good Updated: 18-07-2000 Akane has been cooking again. And as usual Ranma is none to keen to sample the finished product. Akane finally promises him that she'll never cook again if this meal is poisonous, so here goes.. Well, it IS poisonous. So badly so that Ranma is left with permanent heart damage as a result. Sequel: When Hearts Fail Complete 69pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Heartbreak File: ranma.heartbreak Author: Dreiser (Dreiser1@ix.netcom.com) Webpage: http://www.dreiser.net Created: 17-07-2000 Ukyo has gone, and Konatsu talks with Tsubasa in the restaurant. Both trying to find out why it was that Ukyo left both of them... Prev in Series: Desire Next in Series: Honor Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Heartburn File: ranma.heartburn Author: Scott K. Jamison (majks@cyberx.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/5990/ Shampoo finds an old dusty bottle on a top shelf at the Nekohanten. And a scroll which looks like a love potion recipe. Ah ha!, Now Ranma will be Shampoos'. Cologne has misgivings... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Heart Nibun no Naisho File: ranma.heart-nibun-no-naisho Author: Pia Ulloa: (pia.shadowfalls@unforgettable.com) Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/pulloa/index.htm Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Ranma and Akane were getting along so well, until Shampoo dropped in causing problems as usual. Ranma's habit of talking before thinking didn't help either He's better off without her. But in that case, why does his heart hurt so much. Complete 27pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Heart of Darkness File: ranma.heart-of-darkness Author: Rhonda Schell Ranma goes to the park to sort out his feelings after a trying day. He falls asleep and wakes to find a beautiful girl besides him. She leans towards him smiling, and he falls asleep again. Ryoga is lost, and meets the same girl. Something has happened to them, something has drained their strength.. Complete 39pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Heart of Glass File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Firewind Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Blossom/6501 Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Ryoga+Ukyo Flags: Dark,Divergence, Quality Good Created: 11-10-2003 On a windy day, a piece of paper is blown directly into Ranma's face. He slaps it away, but then what's on the paper registers. It's Ryoga! It's a missing person leaflet naming him and giving a number to call. When he talks to Ryoga about it, Ryoga reacts in a strange way though. Instead of just getting angry when Ranma refuses to hand it over, Ryoga gets more angry than Ranma's ever seen. After vowing never to forgive Ranma, Ryoga leaves. What was all that about? What is in Ryoga's past. This heralds the start of a crisis for Ryoga and for the others. Can everyone get through in one piece? Complete 317pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Heart of Steel File: ranma.terminator.heart-of-steel Author: alex-feterman Crossover: The Terminator After Shampoo sneaks into Ranma's bed again, Akane decides she has had enough. Breaking off the engagement, she heads off to America. Just in time for the war. 25 years on, Captain Ranma Saotome is a member of the Shouten squad, fighting against the machines of Skynet. Coroner Hibiki has an important task for him... Incomplete 33pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Heart of the Immortal (7 parts) File: ranma.heart-of-the-immortal Author: Anand Rao Webpage: http://www.gsm.uci.edu/~arao02/ Crossover: Blade of the Immortal Awards: TASS Mini Series;2000 Feb 1st,2000 Apr 2nd,2000 Sep 3rd Rakhal Likes: 1 Updated: 20-09-2002 Created: 18-07-2000 Ranma is training Genma when he decides that it's really time that he goes home and starts a family with Nodoka. After all, he would like to see his granddaughter happy. This Ranma is a lot older than he looks. He's been stuck at 16 ever since he ate some bloodworms. He must fall in love 1000 times before the curse of immortality leaves him... Incomplete 89pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hearts and Minds (5 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Awards: TASS Continuing Series;2001 Apr 3rd,2001 May 1st Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 07-06-2001 7 years after the end of the Manga, the Amazon village is in peril. The Mongol Nation has arisen again under the leadership of someone called 'The General' and it wants to, forcibly, add the Amazon village to it. The Amazons will not surrender their freedom. The Ranma gang are called upon to aid them, by Shampoo, and they must help. Kodachi seems to have changed too. She has become much more powerful, exactly how, no-one knows... Prequel: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 10 Ranma Incomplete 172pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 10 Ranma File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Ranma and his friends Hiroshi and Daisuke head off to the mountains for a climbing trip. One night, Ranma is sleeping outside. He has some pretty wild dreams, culminating just as it starts to rain... Prequel: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 9 Kasumi and Nabiki Sequel: Hearts and Minds Complete 42pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 1 Kuno Tatewaki File: Hearts-and-Minds/ranma.hearts-and-minds.p01.kunou Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Tatewaki is looking for a purpose in life, and he may just have found it. He's always loved the Pig Tailed Girl, but that evil sorcerer has kept her in thrall. It's time to go to Jusenkyo and free her. First of a series of stories chronicling the lives of the characters during the 7 years from the end of the Manga to the start of the Hearts and Minds story. Sequel: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 2 Ukyo Complete 28pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 2 Ukyo File: Hearts-and-Minds/ranma.hearts-and-minds.p02.ukyou Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Ukyo was devastated when she learned that Ranma was going to marry Akane 7 years later, Kuno comes into her shop and she relates what happened to her over those intervening years. Second in the Hearts and Minds Preludes series. Prequel: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 1 Kuno Tatewaki Sequel: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 3 Kodachi Complete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 3 Kodachi File: Hearts-and-Minds/ranma.hearts-and-minds.p03.kodac Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Kodachi is still after her darling Ranma-sama. This time she challenges Akane to a contest, with Ranma as the prize. The only problem is that this is a cooking contest.... Prequel: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 2 Ukyo Sequel: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 4 Ryoga & Akari Complete 19pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 4 Ryoga & Akari File: Hearts-and-Minds/ranma.hearts-and-minds.p04.ryoga-and-akari Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Ryoga has been wandering after the failed wedding. One day he turns up at the Tendo Dojo. Unfortunately Soun has decided enough is enough. No more P-Chan welcome here. Ranma helps him find Akari.. Prequel: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 3 Kodachi Sequel: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 5 Akane Complete 19pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 5 Akane File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Akane wonders about the moment when she realised that she was really going to marry Ranma, and remembers her wedding. Across town in a hired chapel. Surely none of the usual crazies will find it? Prequel: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 4 Ryoga & Akari Sequel: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 6 Shan Pu (Shampoo) Complete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 6 Shan Pu File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Cologne is dying, and Shampoo has been sent to fetch Ranma for one final talk to him. Cologne also tells Shampoo to dispose of a certain cask of water. And Kaede the priestess decides on her apprentice. Prequel: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 5 Akane Sequel: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 7 Mu Si Complete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 7 Mu Si File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Mousse has always loved Shampoo, but Shampoo does not love him. Not even after Ranma has married Akane and is no longer a love rival. Wandering around as a duck after Shampoo leaves, he's found by Asuza.. Prequel: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 6 Shan Pu Sequel: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 8 Gosunkugi Complete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 8 Gosunkugi File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Time has passed and Ranma, Akane, Yuka and Gosunkugi all attend the same college. Happosai has turned up as well, and is up to his usual tricks. He's even taken on Gosunkugi as an apprentice! Prequel: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 7 Mu Si Sequel: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 9 Kasumi and Nabiki Complete 24pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 9 Kasumi and Nabiki File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Kasumi becomes a trainee Shinto Priestess and keeps a promise to her mother Nabiki moves to America and becomes a fast rising young business star with a vision that's sometimes hard to follow. All seems fine until Kasumi turns up mysteriously one day. Prequel: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 8 Gosunkugi Sequel: Hearts and Minds: Prelude 10 Ranma Complete 26pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hearts Desire File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org),Thomas Schmidt (Tmschm@mail.wm.edu), Sean Hayden , Ethan Tsai (tsaie@Gridley.ACNS.Carleton.edu), Ronny Hedin (thark@mangakai.org), David A. Tatum , Ken Arromdee (arromdee@rahul.net),TJ Hamilton , Donny Cheng Webpage: http://www.ryo-oh-ki.net/ffirc/projects Note: Individual file links are as follows: Part 1: http://www.ryo-oh-ki.net/ffirc/projects/hd1.txt Part 2: http://www.ryo-oh-ki.net/ffirc/projects/hd2.txt Part 3: http://www.ryo-oh-ki.net/ffirc/projects/hd3.txt Part 4: http://www.ryo-oh-ki.net/ffirc/projects/hd4.txt Part 5: http://www.ryo-oh-ki.net/ffirc/projects/hd5.txt Part 6: http://www.ryo-oh-ki.net/ffirc/projects/hd6.txt Part 7: http://www.ryo-oh-ki.net/ffirc/projects/hd7.txt Part 8: http://www.ryo-oh-ki.net/ffirc/projects/hd8.txt Part 9: http://www.ryo-oh-ki.net/ffirc/projects/hd9.txt Part 10: http://www.ryo-oh-ki.net/ffirc/projects/hd10.txt Part 11: http://www.ryo-oh-ki.net/ffirc/projects/hd11.txt Matchup: Ranma+Akane Created: 22-12-2000 Akane has stolen a magic locket from Happosai. It will grant the bearer one wish. But what does she really want? Is it Ranma, is it to remove the other fiancees, is it something else? A hard choice to make. But once it's made, that's not the end of it. The locket finds its way to many other people, granting each of them one wish. What will everyone wish for? Complete 129pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hearts Healing (2 parts, 1 interlude) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Sinom Bre(sinom_bre@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://home.houston.rr.com/onnaranma/index.html Crossover: Tenchi Muyo Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Ryoko Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 29-06-2000 At Jusenkyo, a Ranma, who was already doubting his worth in his mothers eyes, due to some comments by Genma, becomes cursed. She runs off and makes her way on her own as best as she can. Later, in Japan, a fortunate encounter with Dr Tofu results in him being adopted by him and beginning a new life. Ryoko has her own problems. She has finally lost her battle to win Tenchi, and she's having trouble coping. A chance encounter signals the start of something special for them both. Reading order: Part 1, Interlude, Part 2.1-2.2 Incomplete 105pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hearts of Ice (23 parts, rewrite 2 parts) File: Hearts-of-Ice/* Author: Krista Perry (KPerry@aros.net) Webpage: http://www.akane.org/heartsofice/ Awards: TASS Awards; 1997 Annual 2nd, TASS Continuing Series;1999 Dec 1st (part 22), 1999 Dec 2nd (part 20), 1999 Dec 3rd (part 19),1999 Annual 3rd (part 22), 1999 Annual 5th (part 20), 1999 Annual 7th (part 19) Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Mousse+Shampoo Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Shampoo is determined to win Ranma. So much, that with the help of Cologne and some dragons blood, she's going to cast a spell that ensures that she'll get her man. And when the spell is cast, it's effects are indeed terrible. Akane is flung from this world onto the Kami plane, and Ranma, he continually hears voices in his head telling him that she's still alive but that he'll never see her again. Are those voices correct? Both Ranma and Akane will do anything to prove them wrong, and to be together again... Incomplete 745pp Rewrite Incomplete 42pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hearts or Diamonds File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Roja-Cyd OFFNET Id: 740628 Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 26-10-2003 8 years ago Ranma left Nerima, his engagement to Akane over. In those eight years Akane is an international courier, specialising in difficult deliveries. The one lined up for her today definitely fits the bill. It's a huge diamond, the Great Mogul diamond and she must deliver it to someone who's vanished! Apparently on the run, since there are many who would like this diamond. For this job, a bodyguard is to be assigned to Akane. It turns out to be none other than Ranma! Can this pair deliver the diamond in time? And can the wounds of eight years ago be healed? Complete 152pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Heather File: ranma.heather Author: McKinley Morganfield (jeffreyd@epimp.com) Ranma would love to tell Akane how he feels about her, but he just can't seem to bring himself to. Wouldn't it be funny if Akane felt the same way. Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Heaven and Earth (prologue) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Arun/ranma-recca.heaven-and-earth Author: Arun Webpage: http://samrtaleck.anifics.com Crossover: Flame of Recca Flags: Dark,Quality Good Created: 19-04-2002 Shampoo runs for her life. She runs from a vengeful Ranma who is no longer the carefree youth that she knew, but a vengeful killer dressed in black, bent on punishing the Amazons for crimes committed against him and his. Incomplete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Heavenly Feelings (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Mazena/ranma.heavenly-feelings Author: Mazena Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 06-02-2004 God has got a job for Gabriel. He wants her to get Ranma and Akane together, since he thinks they deserve a break. Gabriel can even recruit help if needed. Piece of cake, surely! Incomplete 23pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Heavens Mirror (4 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Allyn Yonge (ayonge@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/ayongedarling Crossover: Oh My Goddess Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 13-08-2002 Ranma is the God of Manly Virtues, and a complete pain in the rear. He's certainly not the favourite of Amaterasu as she makes pointedly clear to him. She thinks he needs a wife, and she's going to get him one. There is one that Ranma would like, but Verdhandi is way to good for him in everyones opinion except his own. He's not even allowed off the Kami plane to pursue her. Well, there may be a way, and a quick trip to the Goddess Helpline offices has him taking a trip to earth to grant a wish. Once that's done he'll be free to go to see Verdhandi for a bit before going home. Unfortunately the wish is to Akane, who infuriatedly wishes that he knew what it was like to live in the real world like her! Uh oh... Incomplete 43pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Heavier than a Mountain File: ranma.heavier-than-a-mountain Author: Jan Story Webpage: http://www.storyanime.com Awards: TASS One Shots;2001 Oct 3rd Flags: Dark,Continuation, Quality Good Created: 27-06-2001 An accident on a training trip results in Ranma being lost in a landslide. But Ranma was the centre of so many peoples lives. How are they going to continue, now that Ranma is gone? Complete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Heir of the Orochi File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Ayanami Rei II Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/ayanamirei2/ Crossover: King of Fighers, Sailor Moon, Tenchi Muyo, Oh My Goddess Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 19-09-2003 The fight with Saffron is not going well for Ranma, and meanwhile the fight for the Orochi in the King of Fighters universe is also not going well. Still, the Orochi spots the boy in trouble and gives him the power to overcome Saffron. That's not all he gives though and the resulting change in Ranma causes consternation far and wide... Incomplete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Heir to the Throne (13 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Integra Hellsing OFFNET Id: 1633472 Crossover: Zenki, Tenchi Muyo, Sailor Moon Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 22-04-2004 Created: 03-03-2004 Ranma killed when he fought Saffron and this knowledge is eating at him, especially when combined with Akane's treatment of him after the failed wedding. His life is going to hell and there doesn't seem to be any way out. Strangely enough, Happosai may have an answer, an answer that could launch Ranma into a new life in another world... Incomplete 164pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hellbound File: ranma.hellbound Author: Knight of the Black Rose (aefigueroa@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu) Crossover: Hellraiser Mousse finds a chinese puzzlebox in Cologne's belongings. Something fun to while away the time. Pity solving it opens a gateway to hell... Complete 30pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hellcats File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Chris Collins Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Island/4852 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 23-08-2001 A priest turns up at the Ucchans, and tells Ukyou that he wants to find Ranma Apparently he's trying to apologise for something he did, involving a lot of chopped down trees. Yes, it looks like Kenny, the enforcer from the Jusenkyo Morals committee is back. Or is he? See Also: Nyanniichuan Very Tragic Story Complete 148pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hell Forged File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jon McCready Webpage: http://chilord.anifics.com Crossover: Dark Stalkers Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 07-11-2001 A tall pigtailed man and an emerald haired woman are coming to the Tendo Dojo. This is Kage, Ranma's brother, and his girfriend Morrigan, a demon. He's here to save Ranma from Genma, and to sort out all the engagements, as Nodoka has given him the power to do that... Incomplete 36pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hell Hath no Fury (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1036032 Author: Bob Lobster Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/ranikkoku Crossover: Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 2 Flags: Divergence, Drama, Quality Good Created: 01-07-2005 Genma has just finished robbing a church when he's intercepted by Sailor V! She makes short work of him with a Crescent Beam, but she is then intercepted by a 13 year old Ranma, protecting his father. What ensues is a typical Ranma fight, with him insulting and taunting V until she loses control, whereupon he finishes her off. Naturally she vows vengeance and so starts a happy period where she's repeatedly humiliated in fights, stoking her hate for the pigtailed boy ever higher. 3 years later, while fighting a youma, Sailor Venus spots a hated face... Incomplete 94pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hello Again File: ranma.hello-again Author: Benjamin Franz (snowhare@xmission.com) Rakhal Likes: 2 Flags: Divergence, Quality Good Continuation from the 'Am I Pretty?' episode. Ranma does NOT change back into a boy after she hits her head a second time, it seems that the curse has more ramifications than was originally thought. The situation looks permanent, and Akane is not handling it well. Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Helping Myself (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Felix Webster OFFNET Id: 637094 Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 21-03-2002 Ranma is 25 with two adopted teenage daughters, married and with a happy life when a strange female voice asks for his help, It's a goddess of a sort, and she needs help with a timeline that's in trouble. In it, Ranma has lost his father unexpectedly, and he needs a new father figure. That's not going to be the older Ranma, but a copy of him. Now the Ranma in the troubled timeline has an older brother called Ryu... Incomplete 42pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hemispheres File: ranma.hemispheres Author: Chris Schumacher (kensu@madison.tdsnet.com) Flags: Script, Quality Fair Mousse is making up some drugged ramen for Shampoo. Poor Ranma, especially since Mousse has put the wrong spices in it. After eating it, there are 2 Ranmas! One good, and one evil. And that's not the end of it! Complete 39pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hengeyokai (12 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Thrythlind Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/thrythlind/title.htm OFFNET Id: 667026 Crossover: Inu Yasha Awards: TASS Mini Series;2002 May 3rd Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Continuation ,Comedy, Quality Good Created: 17-05-2002 Ranma has just been cursed and is now a black-haired girl. Shortly afterwards Taro arrives at Jusenkyo and is beating up the guide. Ranma attacks, and after a hard battle even wins, well until a demon possesses him, effortlessly smashing Ranma aside. A fox spirit fights and loses too. This spirit knows that the demons are coming and there's only one way to stop them. She must merge her life with the dying Ranma, saving her, but turning her into the first Hengeyokai for hundreds of years. Not the last though, Ranma must find eleven others to turn into hengeyokai in order for there to be enough to counter the demons. Incomplete 89pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hentai Adept *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.hentai-adept Author: Nall (tyson@goldengate.net) Flags: Lemon, Quality Poor Shampoo wants Ranma, badly, so she cooks up some lust potion, pours it on some special ramen and waits for Ranma to pop in for his usual Sunday evening free meal. Unfortunately Ryoga pops in first, and Mousse mistakenly gives him some of the special Ramen... Incomplete 26pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Her File: ranma.her Author: The Eternal Lost Lurker (lurkerdrome@megami.net) Ranma has dreams of a girl in a bubble underwater screaming and crying. All of a sudden he realises that this is the spirit of the girl who died in the pool all those years ago. Ryoga has the spirit of the pig with him as well.. Complete 88pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Here comes Neko (6 parts) File: ranma.here-comes-neko (parts 1-3) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (parts 4-6) Author: Luna Hinomura (lunahneko@aol.com) Webpage: http://fly.to/Luna's Created: 19-07-2000 Ranma and Akane are on the way to school one day when Ranma catches a glimpse of what he thinks is Shampoo. Later on he's challenged by her, and after she knocks him to the ground by surprise, she declares him too weak and no good for a husband. What's this? Did Shampoo just dump him? No, it's Shampoo's sister, Neko. What's she here for? At the very least it doesn't seem that it's a happy reunion... Complete 57pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Here's Uma File: ranma.heres-uma Author: Stanley R. Teriaca Umasora Saotome is the daughter of Ranma and Akane, Butaga Hibiki is the son of Ryoga and Akari Hibiki. They have been engaged to each other at birth. Well... at least Uma thinks so, and she's very keen on the idea... Incomplete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Here we go again File: ranma.here-we-go-again Author: Christopher "God-boy" Angel (c_j_angel@hotmail) Someone new turns up at the Tendo Dojo. Called Tenno, he also is a victim of the Nyannichuan. He has some bad news as well. Those curses cannot be cured, at least not by Nannichuan. Seems girls can't touch girl water, and boys can't touch boy water. At least the curses can be switched. Say hello to Onna Mousse, and Onna Ryoga Incomplete 81pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Her Heart Be False File: ranma.her-heart-be-false Author: Carolyn Brickhouse Webpage: http://www.anime.usacomputers.net/~dragon/hosted.html#haze (archive) Kodachi got some incriminating pictures of Ryoga and Onna Ranma together at the Masquerade ball. Uhoh! Tatewaki is convinced that Ryoga is in league with the evil sorcerer Ranma, and must be taught a lesson. Ryoga is none-to-keen at the thought of those photos getting around either! Will Ranma help? Part 4 of the 'Onslaught of the Red Haze' storyline Complete 40pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hero File: ranma.hero Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Ryoga is lost in America. He meets up with another boy who's got the idea of proving himself by surviving in the wilderness. Lost, he follows Ryoga, hopefully back to civilization.. Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Heroes and Death File: ranma.heroes-and-death Author: Chris Willmore (willmore@thekeep.org) Hiroshi and Daisuke are walking along one day. It's been very quiet for a week, and they suddenly realise that they don't seem to know where they live, who their parent are, indeed pretty much nothing except events where Ranma is involved.. Complete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: He's Gone File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Arthur Pendragoon Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/8599/RanFanFic.html Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 08-03-2002 Akane sends Ranma into orbit again. Nothing unusual there, but this time when Ranma returns he just says that he's had enough and goes to his room to pack... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hidden Talents File: ranma.hidden-talents Author: Raymond Haney (TRyoga@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Garden/5220 All the Ranma cast have hidden talents is appears. This is a series of short stories describing the talents each of them have. Starting with Ryoga, and his skill at the piano. Incomplete 56pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hiding Behind Fear File: ranma.hiding-behind-fear Author: Yuffie Kisaragi (yuffie@zoomtown.com) Webpage: http://wutai,cjb.net/ranma/hbf.html Created: 19-07-2000 Ranma is coming from China with Genma and Kyoko, the mother of Akane, Nabiki and Kasumi, worries about what will happen. One of her daughters must marry Ranma, but she doesn't want them to face the dangers of life with a martial artist... Incomplete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Highlander-Afterlives File: ranma.highlander.afterlives Author: T.A. Xie (xie_tsi_an@hotmail.com) Akane dies while chasing Ranma one day, but comes back to life in a morgue. Looks like she's an immortal now. So what will she do, and how will the others cope with her death? Incomplete 107pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: High Rollers File: ranma.high-rollers Author: Scott S. "Zoogz" Jamison (zoogz2@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.nav.to/Zoogz Ranma has a large debt with Nabiki, and he's fed up with her blackmailing him into those photo shoots. A chance encounter gives him an idea.. Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: High Stakes *lemon* File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: D B Sommer (sommert@connecttime.net) Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/dbsommer/index.htm Flags: Alterverse, Lemon, Quality Good Created: 21-11-2003 Yuriko's slavehood is not over yet. Later that night, Shampoo takes his new toy for a trip to the seedier side of town. A bar occupied by a biker gang. Now what does he have in mind here... Main Story: Reality Squared *lemon* Prequel: Educating Yuriko *lemon* Complete 37pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hikaru's Secret File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Darksyn OFFNET Id: 375854 Crossover: Magic Knight Rayearth Flags: Divergence, Drama, Quality Good Created: 09-09-2001 Akane died at Jusendo. After her death he just disappeared, no-one knowing where he went, until one day, a cute 6 year old red-headed girl turns up at Kasumi and Dr Tofu's house. It's Ranma, who ate one of the age mushrooms and locked herself as a girl. She's called Hikaru now, and she wants a new start... Incomplete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hip Hop Streets (4 parts) File: ranma.hip-hop-streets Author: Michael Fetter Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/jehtek/ Awards: TASS Mini Series;2001 January 3rd,2001 Jun 2nd Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama,Alterverse,Quality Good Updated: 22-07-2001 Created: 03-03-2001 When Ranma arrives at the Tendo Dojo, the Tendo sisters are introduced to a short girl who frankly checks them out, making comments all the while. This Ranma is a very with-it hip person who hooks up with Akane and takes her off to a dance club that evening. Even when he fights, he does so in an odd manner, almost like he's dancing. Here, Ranma didn't learn the Neko-ken, he learnt something a bit different, and a whole lot more fun... Incomplete 81pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hiroshi and Daisuke are dead File: ranma.hiroshi-and-daisuke-are-dead Author: Stefan "Twoflower" Gagne (twoflowr@pixelscapes.com) Webpage: http://pixelscapes.com/twoflower/ Flags: Surreal, Dark, Quality Good Hiroshi and Daisuke don't have a lot to do these days after the end of the Ranma series. Just bit players, wandering around. Until a travelling theater, complete with a writer and actors passes and offers them the leading part in their very own 90s show... Complete 22pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hiroshi and Daisuke finish Hearts of Ice File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 21-12-2000 Hiroshi and Daisuke decide to finish Hearts of Ice in their own style. Of course that might not be quite as Krista might envision... Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: His Piggy File: ranma.his-piggy Author: Dragoon Ranma is dead, and Ryoga doesn't know quite what to feel. But he's determined that Akane should have her P-Chan to help comfort her. Dark.. Incomplete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: History of a Date File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Devil Dan (MartinD@inMail.sk) Webpage: http://devildan.szm.sk/fan.html Flags: Spamfic, Quality Poor Created: 21-03-2003 Ryoga is home for once when he gets a call from a girl. It's Nabiki and she wants to ask Ryoga out on a date... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: History Revealed File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Master Magi Webpage: http://members.tripod.com/master_magi2000/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Divergence, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 04-04-2002 The struggle for the Nannichuan at the failed wedding ended badly for Akane as the barrel sails out of control, splashing her and ruining her dress as she changes. Genma regards it as all his fault, and leaves to search for his ancestors to regain his honour. Ranma has lost his father, and Akane has lost his mother, but maybe Akane's mother can be found again. She was not what she seemed... Complete 43pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hitchhikers Guide to Realities File: ranma.hitchhikers-guide-to-reality Author: Eric Jones (mikado@maison-otaku.net) Webpage: http://maison-otaku.net/~mikado/stories/index.html Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect use a nifty new gadget and pop through a hole in space, finding themselves in the Takahashiverse. The koi pond in the Tendo Dojo to be precise.. Incomplete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hitotoshi File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFML File: FFML-5/2001-08/1319 Author: Delany Brittain Webpage: http://turtyl.megami.net/ Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 08-08-2001 Nabiki is coming home. 10 years in the business world have come to ruin as the company she worked for has collapsed, leaving her with very little. She needs a place she can stay while she gets herself back on her feet again, and a family around her. And that she can find at the Dojo, where Ranma, Akane and their daughter lives. Things may be strained at first, but maybe Nabiki can find something she's missed there... Complete 34pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hitting the nail on the Head File: ranma.hitting-the-nail-on-the-head Author: Bridget Engman Wilde (wildeman@gci-net.com) Webpage: http://www.gci-net.com/users/w/wildeman/ Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 14th (tie) Flags: Character Study, Quality Good Gosunkugi looks through his photo album, all the pictures he has taken over the years, mostly of Akane. Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hokuto Ranma (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Krugman/ranma-fotns.hokuto-ranma Author: Max Krugman Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 17-10-2003 Created: 03-10-2003 Things have got old for Ranma and he's feeling depressed. He's gone on a training trip, but really he's just running away. However in an old cave he finds something new. A box containing some scrolls. Maybe it's HIS turn to learn a cool new technique. The scrolls do indeed contain martial arts techniques, from a school apparently called the Hokuto Shin Ken... Incomplete 20pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hold on File: ranma.hold-on Author: McKinley Morganfield (jeffreyd@epimp.com) Matchup: Kasumi+Tofu Flags: Dark, Character Study, Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Kasumi has been married to the good doctor for a year, and now it's time for her Anniversary. She remembers the anniversaries that her mother used to have. Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Home File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1973698 Author: grookill Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 30-07-2004 Ranma and Kasumi have been good friends for a while, chatting in the early morning before the house is awake. However one morning something happens and both of them find themselves in another world. Alone together... Complete 30pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Homer two thirds File: ranma.simpsons.homer-two-thirds Author: Michael Coorlim Simpsons crossover. Homer is going to Japan to attend an Energy conference at the same time as a VIP from Smith Manufacturing is going to talk about setting up a factory in Nerima. The VIP is to be put up at the Tendo Dojo Of course, due to a mixup, Homer turns up instead, and the poor VIP goes touring with Ryoga... Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Honor File: ranma.honor Author: Dreiser (Dreiser1@ix.netcom.com) Webpage: http://www.dreiser.net Created: 19-07-2000 One day, a man sits in his dojo when a woman approaches him and asks him why he has devoted the last year to antagonizing Ranma. Who is she, that she should try to teach him the meaning of honor? Prev in Series: Heartbreak Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Honorable Enemy File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1115980 Author: Pilgrim (stickney@scican.net) Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 11-10-2004 The fight with the Orochi has ended in disaster. Ranma, Ryoga and Shinnosuke are gone, and Akane is crippled for life. Not that Akane really cares any more, about anything. No-one seems to be able to get her out of the depression, until someone who isn't a friend shows up... Complete 24pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Honor and Love (11 parts) File: ranma.sm.honor-and-love (part 1) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (parts 2-10) Author: Kevin D. Hammel (khammel@pacbell.net) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~khammel/ Crossover: Sailor Moon Awards: TASS Continuing Series;1999 Aug 3rd (Part 1) Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Ranma+Makoto Kino Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Updated: 22-01-2004 Created: 26-11-2000 Ranma arrives at his mothers house in Juuban. His father was killed at Jusenkyo and both of them grieve. But Nodoka is worried that Ranma thinks that girls are weak, and makes him attend school as a girl so that he can better understand them. Besides, it's easier to avoid hot water than cold. While at school, Kikuko (as Ranma is known in girl form) is befriended by Makoto, until an accident in the showers reveals his curse. More than that is revealed though, it seems that Ranma is to be the new Sailor Io, the first of a new bunch of Senshi that are being called to combat a new menace. The Tendo sisters are also called, as are others. Can they cope with the menace that approaches. Can Ranma cope with the changes in his/her life? Incomplete 218pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Honor Fulfilled File: ranma.honor-fulfilled Author: Paul Sampson Webpage: http://members.tripod.com/~PaulSamp/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Dark, Continuation, Quality Fair Ranma has been gone for 3 years, avenging the deaths of many people killed by the Amazons. Will he return? Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Honorless Man (4 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Ufomanne Webpage: http://www.unspokensilence.net Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 27-11-2003 Created: 19-03-2003 Ranma is sitting up on the roof again, It's a year after the failed wedding and he's been really trying to improve things, but it's not been getting him anywhere. Over the last year his love for Akane has changed as well. Something has to give, before he cracks completely. Maybe Kasumi can help... Incomplete 56pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Honor Lost File: ranma.honor-lost Author: IMAFREEK (imafreek@aol.com) Akane is in hospital, dying. But what is she dying from, and how did it happen? Complete 19pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Honor Redefined <8 chapters> File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kung Lou Webpage: http://www.fanfiction.net/~kunglou OFFNET Id: 1443906 Crossover: Tenchi Muyo Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 09-12-2003 Created: 16-11-2003 Tenchi is dying. A shadowy warrior has attacked him and defeated him. This time no-one comes to his aid and he dies. This presages a deadly assault on the empire of Jurai. With the heir dead, Yosho will have to get in contact with the son of his other daughter, Nodoka. Meanwhile, Ranma has left Nerima. He's tired with his lot there and it's time for a training trip... Incomplete 85pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Honor [Dragon6] (13 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Dragon6 Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/dragon11225/index.html OFFNET Id: 845377 Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Fair Created: 19-12-2003 Genma has just taught Ranma the Neko-ken and now a feral Ranma has run away through the forest! A chance encounter with a man in the forest resulted in a fight and eventual defeat for Ranma. However in this case defeat was a blessing. The man is Genryu Hemi, and he and his family bring up Ranma, teaching him the real Neko-ken and giving him a good home. Finally it's time for Ranma to go home to find his mother... Incomplete 84pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Honour and Pride: The Eight Phases (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Beer-Monster OFFNET Id: 1432346 Flags: Drama,Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 22-04-2004 Created: 02-08-2003 Ranma and Ryoga have left for their journey. The life of a wanderer is far from easy though, and Ranma is somewhat irritated when Ryoga just appears to vanish one day. He's found a pretty girl, and moreover one with some ki techniques that he can use to defeat Ranma... Prequel: Honour and Pride: The Mantis Saga Incomplete 119pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Honour and Pride: The Mantis Saga File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Beer-Monster OFFNET Id: 926383 Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama,Continuation, Quality Good Created: 02-08-2003 Ranma is feeling depressed. The challenges he's faced are all in the past now and there just doesn't seem to be anyone to give him a challenge now. That's all about to change though when Happosai turns up badly beaten. He was defeated by some fighter who also derided the Anything Goes school, and that is not an insult Ranma can ignore. The ensuing fight however is a revelation to Ranma and the start of a long painful process of change for him. Sequel: Honour and Pride: The Eight Phases Complete 224pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Honour and Vengeance, a tale of two souls (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Tamphis OFFNET Id: 1797583 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 24-06-2004 Kami-sama is pissed. He's been watching Ranma's life and he's had enough. He's going to put a stop to it!. On one of Ranma's aerial trips via Akane's mallet, he notices something odd about the ground. It's shimmering, and when he hits it, it sort of splashes. Then he finds himself in an odd half-light/half-dark room facing a choice... Incomplete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Honour Won Time Lost File: ranma.honour-won-time-lost Author: P-R-P-Chan Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Ginza/6291/ Nodoka finds out about Ranma's curse before Ranma has even met the Tendos She makes Genma commit Seppuku, but does not hold Ranma responsible. However she also commits seppuku, leaving Ranma on his own to redeem the Saotome honour... Incomplete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hot File: ranma.hot Author: Joseph Palmer (jpalmer@josephpalmer.com) Webpage: http://www.josephpalmer.com Flags: WAFF, Quality Good It's a hot day in the Tendo Dojo. Ranma is sweating, and he sweats even more when Nabiki and Akane arrive.. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hot wax on a cold winters afternoon *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.hot-wax-on-a-cold-winter-afternoon Author: Rhonda Schell Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Lemon, Continuation, Quality Good Akane and Ranma have an erotic interlude. Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: House of the Gilded Hand File: ranma.house-of-the-gilded-hand Author: Seaneassy (seaneassy@aol.com) Mousse challenges Ranma and during the battle shoots him through the heart! Ranma-chan stumbles into Doc Tofus a while later, without a hole through her. Seems a mysterious spirit called Malice was controlling Mousse, and that spirit answers to someone called the Mandarin.. Sequel: The Measure of a Man Complete 45pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: How a Martial Artist Stops a Bullet File: ranma.how-a-martial-artist-stops-a-bullet Author: David A. Tatum Webpage: http://davecon.anifics.com/ Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 19-07-2000 Can martial artists stop bullets safely? Well, to find out, lets send a group of gunmen into Nerima and see how they fare against the martial artists there... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: How Come Kasumi and Belldandy Sound Alike File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Yoiko (No Email) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/mighty_yoiko/ Flags: Spamfic Created: 07-03-2001 So what divine connection does Kasumi have? Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: How Come Kodachi Laugh The Way She Does File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Yoiko (No Email) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/mighty_yoiko/ Flags: Spamfic Created: 07-03-2001 There must be a reason, surely... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: How Come Makoto and Fatora Look Alike File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Yoiko (No Email) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/mighty_yoiko/ Flags: Spamfic Created: 07-03-2001 Another mystery is solved. And it's all due to Ranma and Akane having problems with fame... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: How Come Ryoga Always Wears a Bandanna File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Yoiko (No Email) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/mighty_yoiko/ Flags: Spamfic Created: 06-03-2001 So why does he? The secret is revealed here... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: How Come Ryoga Gets Lost ALL The Time File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Yoiko (No Email) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/mighty_yoiko/ Flags: Spamfic Created: 07-03-2001 Three different explanations for why the lost boy is always so lost... Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: How do I file this one File: ranma.bgc.how-do-i-file-this-one Author: David A. Tatum Webpage: http://davecon.anifics.com/ Crossover: Bubblegum Crisis Awards: TASS One Shots; 1999 Feb 3rd (tie) Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 20-01-2003 Leon is wondering where to file a case report. One to do with a boomeroid incident. The problem is, the boomeroid is no longer a boomeroid, in fact all implants were removed. How can that be though, how can someone survive having over 70% of their body removed. The person in question is one Akane Tendo, and her husband knew of a way... Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: How do you spell HALLOWEEN 1/2? File: ranma.how-spell-halloween Author: AlphSailor (alphsailor@aol.com) Webpage: http://darkalpha.anifics.com Cologne decides to throw a Halloween party at the Nekohanten. Everyone has to dress up. Of course she's plotting something. And there's Gosunkugi He might actually have got a spell to go off! Complete 26pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: How I Spent Vacation File: ranma.how-i-spent-vacation Author: Damien Roc (damienroc@aol.com) Stackpole Terranson, a roving American pops into the Ucchans one day and strikes up a friendship with Ukyou. The friendship is rather strained however when it turns out that he's opened a burger joint over the road. Complete 14pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: How it ended and began File: ranma.how-it-ended-and-began Author: Ukyou Kuonji (ukyoukwnji@aol.com) Webpage: http://hometown.aol.com/ukyoukwnji/index.htm The events of Ranma took place a couple of hundred years in the past. All that's left today is memories. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: How Long File: ranma.how-long Author: Robert Adam Morrison (alpha_cent@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://members.attcanada.ca/~alphac/frames.htm Awards: TASS One Shots;2002 Jun 3rd Flags: Comedy, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 04-10-2002 Ranma and Akane are married! Of course they are still arguing (and so are Ryoga and Ukyo), but that won't last long... Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: How many Fiancees File: ranma.how-many-fiancees Author: Jim Lazar (jimlazar@animeprime.com) Webpage: http://www.animeprime.com/ff/index.shtml Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Alterverse, Comedy, Quality Good Ranma has 243 fiancees! It's time to choose one. Nabiki sets up a contest... Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: How Not to be Seen File: ranma.how-not-to-be-seen Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Revengefic. Kasumi from 'Hearts and Minds' turns up to give Gary a little gift... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: How not to use your Amazonian Artifact (5 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1024821 Author: Ryoga the Lost Webpage: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/nicholas.povey/fanfics.htm Flags: Divergence,Drama, Quality Good Updated: 24-01-2003 Created: 25-10-2002 A rewrite and extension of the Ranma returns to Jusenkyo anime episode. Ranma has a bad dream about Jusenkyo being dried up and must go there to make sure that there is no truth to the dream. Genma suggests using the Nanban mirror to get there fast, but using that mirror is not so easy and the results they get are not quite what they wanted... Incomplete 74pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===============================> I <================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I am a part File: ranma.i-am-a-part Author: Andrew Huang (alhuang@hcs.harvard.edu) Webpage: http://www.hcs.harvard.edu/~alhuang/anime/fanfic/myfics/ A part of Ranma talks. This is the part that's usually suppressed. Sequel: I am a part: Also a part (unauthorized) Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I am a part: Also a part File: ranma.i-am-a-part.also-a-part Author: Christopher "God-boy" Angel (c_j_angel@hotmail) The other part of Ranma speaks. Prequel: I am a part Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I am Become (2 parts, Epilogue) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Durandall Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/brandall/index.htm Crossover: Ruruoni Kenshin Awards: TASS Crossover Mini Series;2002 Feb 3rd Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 19-09-2001 In the past, a swordsman struggles to contain the beast within him. In the present another young man has a similar struggle after destroying a god has awakened him to the realisation of what he does. Can the young man be saved from following the same path that the swordsman before him has trodden. The swordsman has given up his sword now and occupies a much different place in life, but watching the young man struggle brings back memories... Written in a surreal style. Complete 47pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I.C File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: the RanMaFan Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/8599/RanFanFic.html Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 03-03-2002 Shiyoru is coming to visit the Tendos again and has sent Ranma a package, with a really fancy electronic lock as well. Ranma is still having troubles with Akane as well, he keeps sticking his foot in his mouth and insulting her all the time, this last time rather seriously. He's also having trouble with his female form, it seems to be affecting his mind a bit. What can be done about this, maybe someone can help? Happosai is being a problem too, as Shiyoru finds out to his cost... Prequel: That's what friends are for Complete 193pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I Can't File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Created: 20-12-2000 Akane is mad at Ranma again for eating some chocolate Ukyo gave him. Why does he let these girls chase after him? But how can Ranma explain why he can't tell her that he can never love her? Maybe he should give it another try... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ice to Water File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 408835 Author: Ryouga's Best Friend Webpage: http://members.tripod.com/trowa_videl Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Nabiki Flags: Continuation, WAFF, Quality Good Created: 24-10-2004 A woman tells her young daughter a story about a girl who hid herself behind a mask and a shield of ice, and the boy who saved her from it... Prequel: The Melting Process Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Iczer-Fight File: ranma.iczer.fight-ranma-1-2 Author: Larraine Crossover: Iczer Akane has been found to have a huge potential as an iczelion. She must train to defend her world. Ranma doesn't take the fact that he's powerless to help well. Incomplete 35pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Identities File: ranma.identities ranma.xover.identities (duplicate) Author: Juan Maysonet(Ryo ohki@aol.com) Someone is kidnapping girls in Nerima. Fortunately for everyone a superhero turns up. Meet Nicodemus Pax, otherwise known as the Paladin. Also meet arch villain Ka-leel. Can our brave bunch stop this baddy. Complete 89pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Idols (prologue) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kyle Emmerson (prozium@telus.net) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/tydi-oh-ki Flags: Dark, Drama, Continuation Created: 20-01-2003 Pi Sang has spent his life protecting the Shawl of the Goat, one of the twelve idols, magical items each with a unique and great power. A peaceful job, until someone using one of the other idols breaks into the temple, kills the priests and steals the idol. Pi Sang does at least survive long enough to pass on the news. Why do these people want the idols? Can they be stopped? There is someone in Japan who just may be able to help protect the remaining idols... Incomplete 14pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I Don't think that I can take it. File: ranma.i-dont-think-can-take-it Author: Jason L. Langlois Webpage: http://free.prohosting.com/~jaimakun/ Ranma is seriously depressed. The christmas party he'd been looking forwards to for a long time had gone seriously wrong. And this year he had a special present to give Akane as well. Complete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I Dream of Ranma (5 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Rakhal Likes: 2 Created: 20-12-2000 Akane faces the strange girl that's just shown up at the Dojo with a panda Trying to cheer her up, Akane says that she's not the worlds greatest martial artist, she just wishes she were... and then proceeds to effortlessly defeat Ranma! Turns out that Ranma fell into the pool of Drowned Genie, and now whenever he's in girl form, any wish that he hears is automatically granted! What a useful person to have around the house. Nabiki in particular is intrigued by the possibilities. Of course the wishes are cancelled whenever Ranma reverts to boy form, but there's ways around that... Incomplete 93pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I Feel Loved File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kyokukou Webpage: http://www.ephektz.com/alloyfanfiction Flags: Dark, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 19-04-2002 Ranma and Akane are married, and tonight is the wedding night,. A night of joy and happiness. Except for Kasumi who has to listen to their happiness while never getting to experience any of her own... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: If Hammers could talk File: ranma.if-hammers-could-talk Author: Kevin Eav (ukyou@maison-otaku.net) Akane's hammer talks about its life. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: If She Had a Hammer File: ranma.if-she-had-a-hammer Author: Jan Story Webpage: http://www.storyanime.com Crossover: Tenchi Muyo Created: 19-07-2000 Akane wallops Ranma again, but it hurts! He has a hard chin. A strange girl appears and offers Akane something to help... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: If the Shoe Fits.. File: ranma.if-the-shoe-fits Author: Geoff Tebbetts (gtebbett@vt.edu) Webpage: http://www.vt.edu:10021/G/gtebbett/HiroDaiFiction.html Daisuke has been envious of Ranma for quite some time. He's the popular one, he gets all the girls, while poor Daisuke has nothing. When a new girl turns up at school he thinks he might actually have a chance. Until that girl starts talking to Ranma that is. That night Happosai turns up and offers him a chance to get his own back, by doing a little body switching.. Incomplete 46pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ignorance is Bliss File: ranma.ignorance-is-bliss Author: Donny Cheng Webpage: http://members.shaw.ca/chengdo Created: 19-07-2000 Ranma has a problem, and the only person he thinks might be able to help him without laughing is Kasumi. He wants to cut something a bit shorter, but when he mentioned it to Nodoka, she nearly drew her sword! Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ignorance is Bliss [Yoiko] File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Yoiko (No Email) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/mighty_yoiko/ Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Comedy,Continuation Created: 07-03-2001 Ryoga challenges Ranma to a fight, and before you know it, Kuno is involved as well. Nabiki has an idea for a real competition to determine the toughest. An eating competition, with Akane providing the food! Last one standing wins. And that's not all... Complete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I have a problem.. File: ranma.i-have-a-problem Author: Martin D. Pay (sakiki@globalnet.co.uk) Akane has a problem, and it's time to do something about it. Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I have no idea from this point on (4 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Felix Webster OFFNET Id: 414788 Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Updated: 19-12-2003 Created: 08-04-2002 Ranma's got a plan to sort out the problems in his life. It involves a wishing stone, and he wishes that he could start again with Akane, without the Nyannichuan curse, or other problems. Unfortunately wishes rarely take effect exactly as we would like them and Ranma finds himself in a world where she was born a girl and got the Nannichuan curse! Not that that's stopping Soun and Genma trying to unite the schools... Incomplete 72pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I Know What I Did Last Summer File: ranma.i-know-what-i-did-this-summer Author: Goddess Skuld Crossover: Many Awards: TASS One Shots;1999 Oct 3rd Created: 22-07-2000 Ryoga is wandering again. He's hoping to get back to Nerima to do a few things, but instead he's falling down a bottomless hole! He wakes up to meet a couple of beautiful girls. He's in the Blue Seed universe, and his wandering doesn't end there. With various flashes of light he wanders through the multiverse on a surreal adventure. Complete 23pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ikuyo, the Clarinet Martial Artist (prologue, 13 chapters) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Youkai Taijiya Kihok OFFNET Id: 1389764 Flags: Divergence, Drama, Quality Good Created: 21-11-2003 Ikuyo is student of the Clarinet Martial Arts. She's also engaged to Ranma rather against her will. Sent to Nerima she starts to learn about Ranma and those around him. He's not a bad catch, but if Akane really wants him maybe she should help... Incomplete 61pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I Like Ucchan File: ranma.i-like-ucchan Author: Donny Cheng Webpage: http://members.shaw.ca/chengdo Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Ukyo Flags: Continuation, Quality Good Ranma needs a friend he can talk to, not another fiancee. And Ukyo finally realises that. What will happen next? Complete 39pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ill File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Lavender Gaia OFFNET Id: 1199679 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 07-03-2003 Created: 07-02-2003 Ranma never gets ill. Well, not usually, but he seems to be off his feed one day, acting much more quietly and subdued that he normally does. The mystery is soon revealed though, he's got chicken pox! And the only one that's already had it (and thus is safe from infection) is Akane. Looks like she'll have to take care of him... Complete 135pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I'll Be Your Fiancee *lemon* (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Cabbit Blue Webpage: http://setsuna.anifics.com/cabbitblue/index.html Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Updated: 13-06-2003 Created: 26-11-2000 Ranma arrives at the Dojo, and when she goes to have a bath after that initial spar, she could swear that Akane's hand slid over her ass just as she entered the furo. And indeed it was, as Akane secretly peeps on the bathing Ranma, admiring the cute girl, and also admiring the well- endowed boy that replaced her after a bit. So when it comes time to select Ranma's fiancee, Akane quickly volunteers! She's not known as Akane the pervert for nothing! Now to break in her new and totally delicious fiance... Incomplete 73pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ill Gain (prologue, 12 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: WFRose OFFNET Id: 591983 Crossover: Metroid Flags: Dark, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 19-12-2003 Created: 22-05-2002 The Metroids have attacked earth. Samus Aran, with Ranma, Ryoga and the other martial artists do their best to fend them off, but all fall. Only Nabiki and Kasumi survive, and as the last representatives of the human race, there's really only one thing they can do. Become a Space Hunter, carrying on as 'Samus Aran', the top Space Hunter... Complete 64pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I'll Hold On to the Wings of The Eagles File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Lujan/ranma.ill-hold-on-to-the-winds-of-the-eagles Author: Aislinn J. Lujan Flags: Drama, Character Study, Quality Good Created: 05-09-2003 In an essay, Tatewaki reflects upon his life, recounting the major events that have shaped him. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ill Met By Starlight (13 parts, 3 epilogues) File: ranma.ill-met-by-starlight Author: Susan Doenime (wendigo@zerlargal.humbug.org.au), Mike Loader (mike@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~mike/imbs.html Awards: TASS Mini Series;1998 Jan 1st (part 7), 1998 Feb 1st (part 8), 1998 Sep 1st, 1998 Oct 1st,1998 Annual 1st, 1998 Dec 2nd, 1999 Annual 1st Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Dark, Alterverse, Quality Good Ranma comes to stay with the Tendos. But this Ranma is quite a bit different to the one we are used to. He's more than a little crazy, and honour doesn't mean anything to him at all. Quite a few people are after his blood as well. Complete 415pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ill Met By Starlight - The Lemon *lemon* File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara Created: 22-02-2001 Mariko is crying in the encampment she shares with Koji on the island in the lake. She misses Ryoga badly, and not just because he was her brother, but because she loved him. But his brother is still here and maybe they can share something together... See Also: Ill Met By Starlight Complete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ill Met in Nerima (8 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jim Bader (Shadowmane@ridgenet.net) Webpage: http://home.hostultra.com/~AngCobraFics/jimbader.html Updated: 01-09-2000 Erin O'Shea, Immortal and her apprentice Leona Dubois are visiting Nerima. They're here to see an old friend. But before they do, they're going to have a bite to eat at another friends place, the Ucchan. While there, they see Ranma, and Akane, and find out more than they wanted to know about Ranma and his romantic problems. Maybe they can help? That is, if they can survive the attention of Tonaga, another, local, immortal who'd just love to have their heads... Incomplete 222pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ill Timed Cure File: ranma.ill-timed-cure Author: Ukyou Kuonji (ukyoukwnji@aol.com) Webpage: http://hometown.aol.com/ukyoukwnji/index.htm Ryouga is cured of his curse! At a bad time unfortunately, Akane wakes up one morning with a sleeping naked Ryouga beside her. Fireworks ensue, and of course Ryouga blames Ranma... Complete 43pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I'm a Guy (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Allyn Yonge (ayonge@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/ayongedarling Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 02-10-2002 Akane is annoyed one evening with Ranma and is taking it out on a wooden man in the Dojo. A careless moment results in her getting hit on the base of the skull and next morning she wakes up thinking that she's Ranma!. Well it's best not to confront people with delusions like that, just have to hope that she'll come out of it in a bit. Of course two 'Ranma's' is too much and an 'Akane' is needed, so Ranma is pressganged into being Akane for a while... Incomplete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I Miss You File: ranma.i-miss-you Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong Akane stands at Ranma's grave and wishes that she could be with him. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Immortals Series (2 parts) File: ranma.xover.immortals-series.book-0 (part 1) ranma.xover.immortals-series.book-1 (part 2) Author: Fox the Wanderer , Tomas Megarson Webpage: http://nighthawk.anifics.com/ Crossover: Many Awards: TASS Continuing Series;2000 May 3rd,2000 Annual 5th (tie; part 1) Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Chibi-Usa Updated: 06-12-2000 Created: 20-07-2000 It's the far future, and everyone is dead and gone, with the exception of Ranma, who cannot die, and Sailor Pluto, who keeps him company. An alien invasion destroyed the Gates of Time and took Ranma's second wife away from him. At least a computer with Nabiki's personality in it and a hologram of the Doctor keeps him company with Sailor Pluto. But the unexpected finding of an artifact from the past and the appearance of a time vortex heralds changes and a new chance. Complete 91pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I'm Not Ranma! File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: PlatinumPlayer Webpage: http://www.platinumplayers.net OFFNET Id: 1561074 Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Fair Created: 24-10-2003 When Ranma fell into the pool at Jusenkyo, he became a girl permanently, in mind and body. However some Amazon problems has resulted in Ranko having to pretend to be a boy, which is all to the good as far as Genma is concerned. There is the matter of that engagement after all. So when they arrive at the Tendo Dojo, what the sisters find is a short, rather effeminate looking redheaded boy. After seeing Ranma angry, Nabiki decides that she wants this rather impressive looking young man, but how is she going to react when she discovers that the man is somewhat less than manly. For that matter, how is Ranko going to deal with maintaining the charade day after day? And what about Shampoo? Incomplete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Improbable Encounter File: ranma.improbable-encounter Author: Ricardo Martinez Garza (rgarza@gomezemartinez.evermann.indiana.edu) Keiichi has a run in with a motorcycle gang. Fortunately Ranma is there to help out. Keiichi feels like he owes Ranma a favour. Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I'm Walking Away File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Lujan/ranma.im-walking-away Author: Aislinn J. Lujan Flags: Drama, Script, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 24-06-2003 On a rainy day, a strange girl shows up at the Tendo Dojo. Turns out that this is Akane's childhood friend Lee Shangri-La. She seems very upbeat, and she can do some fairly amazing things... Incomplete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I My Ranma! Strawberry Eggs 1/2 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Hung Nguyen (animeaddiction@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://aamark4.tripod.com/mark4/ Note: The fic is located at the "Maybe Now, Maybe Later, Maybe Never" section of the site. Crossover: I My Me! Strawberry Eggs Reviewer: Corwin Reviewer Likes: 0 Matchup: Ranma+Fuuko Kuzuha Flags: Divergence, Drama, Quality Good Created: 27-09-2002 Shortly after Nodoka finds out that her son had been Ranko all along, the two have a heart to heart. Finding out that Ranma doesn't really love any of his fiancees, Nodoka frees him of all the engagements, by having him renounce the Saotome name. Three years later, Amawa Ranma, newly graduated from a college, is about to meet Kuzuha as her gym teacher... Reading order: prologue, ch1 Incomplete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: In Another Lifetime File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jade Hunter OFFNET Id: 1268458 Crossover: Sailor Moon Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 18-03-2003 Ranma wanders through Juuban, a nice peaceful district for him. However a young woman with ruby eyes spots him... and recognises him. This is Pluto, and she's recognised in Ranma someone who she thought was long dead... Complete 14pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Incident at the Ucchans File: ranma.incident-at-the-ucchan Author: Ukyou Kuonji (ukyoukwnji@aol.com) Webpage: http://hometown.aol.com/ukyoukwnji/index.htm Created: 21-07-2000 Ukyo wakes up and smells Okonomiyaki cooking. Her son comes to fetch her. Daddy has got a surprise for her! Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: In Darkness, In Fire (prologue, 13 chapters, epilogue) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 2268848 Author: XZero Webpage: http://www.kat.redone415.com Crossover: Sailor Moon Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Updated: 15-09-2005 Created: 01-07-2005 The Dark Knights were ruthlessly hunted down and destroyed during the Silver Millennium. No quarter was given, women and children killed along with the men. The Moon Kingdom was victorious, but weakened, and the subsequent rebellion by Beryl destroyed it. One Knight survived though, long enough to pass his line on. In the present day, Ranma has achieved great power in Anything Goes, but when he visits his mother one day, he sees she has even greater power. Now it is time to learn that power. Elsewhere Pluto warns the Senshi of a great danger... Complete 128pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Independance Day (5 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Rebecca Heineman Webpage: http://www.burgerbecky.com OFFNET Id: 1166305 Crossover: Independance Day Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 21-03-2003 Created: 20-01-2003 The aliens are coming. They've exhausted their last planet and now they are looking to ours for their next home. It's a fairly normal day in Nerima. Nodoka is visiting, Ranma and Akane are off to school and Hiroshi is watching Playboy on an illegal satellite decoder when all of a sudden he gets strange interference on his picture... Incomplete 56pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Infamous Teneme Tales File: ranma.infamous-teneme-tales Author: Farmer & Farmer Productions Teneme Agu turns up at Furinkan High School one day. Seems he has a grudge against Ranma. He's damn good at fencing as well. Looks like Ranma is going to take a fall. Sequel: Infamous Teneme Tales Movie Complete(ish) 29pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Infamous Teneme Tales Movie File: ranma.infamous-teneme-tales-movie Author: RFarmer Kirin's wife hunting again. This time he's nabbed Princess Aisuru, the promised bride of Teneme. Ranma goes off to rescue her, but it seems that Kirin was just playing with him last time. Uh oh. Incomplete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Infernal Game File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Fangorn OFFNET Id: 1502934 Crossover: Oh My Goddess Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 05-09-2003 Ranma, Akane, Mousse, Shampoo, Ukyo and Ryoga all have problems and irritations and on one particularly bad day they all wish they could get rid of their problems. Unfortunately someone was listening, Mara to be precise and she's going to invite them for a little game... Incomplete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ingredients of an Okonomiyaki File: ranma.ingredients-of-an-okonomiyaki Author: Richard D. Lawson (sterman@uswest.net) Webpage: http://www.sterman.org/ Note: Part of the 'Thy Inward Love' series Ranma has been kicked out by Akane after an argument. He goes to stay with Ukyo, sleeping in a spare room. Unfortunately after going to the toilet in the middle of the night, he winds up crawling into Ukyo's bed while half asleep. Prequel: Thy Inward Love: The Ways of the Amazons Sequel: Thy Inward Love: The Dying of the Rose Complete 42pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: In Heat (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Edhunne OFFNET Id: 1111292 Flags: Drama, Alterverse Updated: 19-12-2003 Created: 09-12-2002 It's been a hard day. What with a freaky panda and a freaky girl showing up it all seems a bit like a dream. Wait a minute, it must BE a dream, thinks Akane, so that naked boy in the bath must also be a dream. If it's a dream, why not have a bit of fun... Incomplete 47pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Inhibitions File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Fire (dzillman@ozemail.com.au) Webpage: http://www.fire.duncanz.com/ Flags: Divergence, Drama,Quality Good Created: 08-08-2002 Ranma is having a really bad day. Everything is going wrong and it culminates when Kodachi gets the jump on him, brains him with a baseball bat and feeds him a potion. That's just to start. However the next day, Ranma seems to be feeling better than he has for months. All those inhibitions that have been restricting him seem to have fallen away... Complete 19pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: In his dreams File: ranma.in-his-dreams Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong Ranma's sleeping in class again. Suddenly he starts talking in his dreams Quite loudly too.. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: In Mind and Body File: ranma.in-mind-and-body Author: Florencio B. de la Merced Jr. (fmerced@pworld.net.ph) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/3641/index.html Happosai has found a nice potion that can be used to switch bodies. Due to a slight accident, it's Ranma and Ryoga that get switched... Complete 26pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: In my Dreams File: ranma.in-my-dreams Author: Siaru Webpage: http://www.stormbringer.org/pers/siaru/ Awards: TASS One Shots;2001 May 2nd Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Kiima Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 29-06-2001 The Phoenix tribe know that they were lucky to live after the battle at Jusendo. Ranma could have ended their defeated kings life easily if Akane had not been revived. Whatever happens, Ranma must not be given a reason to return in anger. And so they watch and do whatever it takes to ensure Ranma's happiness... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: In My Life File: ranma.in-my-life Author: Florencio B. de la Merced Jr. (fmerced@pworld.net.ph) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/3641/index.html Ranma, Ryoga, Ukyou and Shampoo are all siblings(some adopted) and all the children of Genma and Nodoka Saotome. They move to Nerima to found their own dojo, only to find that the person who used to be Genmas best friend already has his own dojo there.. Incomplete 115pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Inner Conflict File: ranma.inner-conflict Author: Jason L. Langlois Webpage: http://free.prohosting.com/~jaimakun/ Shampoo is devastated after Ranma finally told her that he and Akane are going to marry, of their own free will. Her thoughts. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Innocents Lost *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.innocents-lost Author: Orange Crayon Akane is walking home from a slumber party when an assailant appears behind her and knocks her out. When she wakes up, she is bound, and her attacker proceeds to rape her. Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Insertion (93 parts) File: ranma.insertion Author: Ryoga P Hibiki (carrotglace@mindspring.com) OFFNET Id: 216310 Crossover: Many Awards: TASS Mini Series;2001 Jun 1st,2001 Annual 2nd Flags: Comedy, Alterverse,Quality Good Updated: 19-09-2003 Created: 27-07-2001 Ranma is training with Genma at Jusenkyo. Just as he is falling into the spring of Drowned Girl, two authors try to insert themselves into the story at the same time! The end result is that Ranma has two other voices in his head, that of Carrot, and that of Dan. It's hard being a collective of people all trying to drive the same body. At least Carrot in particular has some useful knowledge, from all that manga he's read and anime he's watched. This time around things are going to be different... Incomplete 1616pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Insignificant File: ranma.insignificant Author: Eric Adams Ranma and Akane have got married, and Ukyo is trying to put her life back together in the aftermath. She doesn't know how to do it, and a chance encounter in a bar leads to a quick one night stand... Complete 37pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Insomnia File: ranma.insomnia Author: Jason L. Langlois Webpage: http://free.prohosting.com/~jaimakun/ Ranma can't sleep. It's way too hot. Nothing he tries seems to work. What can he do... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Instinct *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.instinct Author: Nicholas Leifker(nightelf@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~nightelf/fanfic/index.html Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Ryoga Flags: Drama. Continuation, Quality Good, Lemon Created: 19-12-2003 Ranma has fought for nine days, but Cologne has one. The potion she made Ranma take has overcome her and the only way to achieve release is to give in to it. Fortunately Ryoga can help... Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Instruments of Change (18 parts) File: Instruments-of-Change/* (18 files) Author: Mike 'Kino Makoto' Koos(makoto@cal.net) Webpage: http://www.fanfic.net/~makoto/ Note: Stored in the AMG directory in the R.A.A.C Archives. Crossover: Oh My Goddess Awards: TASS Mini Series; 1998 Nov 2nd Rakhal Likes: 2 Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good After 17 years, Yggdrasil has finally found Skulds sisters assignment file The Goddess of Change was lost when an outbreak of bugs messed up Yggdrasil. Skuld heads off to find her. Turns out she was fulfilling a wish to one Nodoka Saotome that she have a son as well behaved as her, and as a result she's been spending the last 17 years as part of Ranma! Even more chaos occurs when it's discovered that another goddess (Peorth) was masquerading as Mrs Tendo for the last few years of her life, with particularly important implications for Akane... Complete 342pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: In Tendou Pond File: ranma.in-tendou-pond Author: David Eddy Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/DEddy/ Shampoo delivers some special Ramen for Ranma one day. Nabiki dumps it in the pond, reasoning that drugging the fish would probably cause less property damage... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Interface (9 parts) File: ranma.matrix.interface Author: XStylus Webpage: http://www.sofaspud.org Crossover: The Matrix Awards: TASS Continuing Series;2000 May 2nd (part 1),2000 Jun 3rd (part 2), 2000 Jul 3rd (part 3),2000 Sep 2nd (part 5),2000 Oct 2nd (part 6) 2001 Apr 3rd, 2001 May 2nd Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 08-12-2000 Trinity arrives at the Tendo Dojo one day investigating some anomalies. Such as a pigtailed boy that can leap 20 meters into the air, a girl that can create mallets and a man that turns into a panda! Things turn a little more deadly when an agent turns up and shoots at Trinity! But Akane pushes her out of the way and Ranma takes out the agent. They're in danger now, and the only way out for them is the red pill. But what surprises will life on the outside hold? Incomplete 93pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Interference File: ranma.sf.interference Author: BAHUMUTH Crossover: Street Fighter Everyone declares their love for each other and all seems right with the world Mind you, 2 days later, Ranma is flying again, but that's normal. Then a letter of challenge comes. To the International Street Fighter tournament. Which is a front for the Shadowlaw recruitment campaign. Ranma and everyone else has to enter of course. Shampoo even has some love potion spare... Complete 72pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Intermission File: ranma.intermission Author: Lee W Ginther (greywolf@worldgate.ca) Webpage: http://www.worldgate.com/~greywolf/fanfic.html Soun and Genma sit and remember a time 18 years ago, when Genma visited and Kasumi was just a newborn baby. Complete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Internet Gamers Unite File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Thrythlind Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/thrythlind/title.htm OFFNET Id: 776678 Crossover: Many Flags: Comedy, Quality Good Created: 13-09-2002 Ranko is playing a game on the computer. An online game with various other people with nicknames such as Bloodletter, Neobomb, Guncat e.t.c There are real people behind these names though, and some very unusual people at that. Ranko has her own unknown secret as well. Unknown until now that is, and as a result, Bloodletter has been given some orders... See Also: The Amazon and the Moneylender Incomplete 28pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Interpretation of Law File: ranma.interpretation-of-law Author: Black Raven (blackraven13@hotmail.com) Ranma has had enough, and has decided that it's time to deal with the fiancee problem once and for all. Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Interview with the Wild Stallion File: ranma.interview-with-the-wild-stallion Author: The KingKiller (lynch@surfshop.net.ph) Webpage: http://go.to/LeeKing Created: 20-07-2000 An interviewer finally catches up with the one known as the Wild Stallion, the dark prince of the Yakuza. Can she finally find out what makes the Wild Stallion who he is? Next in Series: A Glimpse into the Shadow: Enter the Lost Boy Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: In the Cold Dark Ways File: ranma.in-the-cold-dark-ways Author: Jan Story Webpage: http://www.storyanime.com Crossover: You-Gen-Kai-Sya Created: 21-07-2000 Ranma comes to give that talk to Ukyo, and her heart shatters. When he comes back, Akane comforts him, and a watching Ryoga's heart shatters as well. Both are not themselves, and both meet with misfortune that leave them wandering the spirit plane. Can Kaguya, Missionary who seeks souls in pain to cleanse them of misguided love, help them. Can Ayaka Kisaragi, President of the You-Gen-Kai-Sya, help Ukyo? Complete 24pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: In the Game File: ranma.in-the-game Author: Orrin "Mordaxy" Smith Created: 22-07-2000 A strange man called Renquist offers Gosunkugi a way to defeat Ranma. He's going to play a little game. And it starts when Akane is kidnapped and Ukyo and Nabiki get odd phone calls. Can Ranma and the others figure out what's going on before it's too late? Complete 27pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: In The Line Of Fire (4 parts) File: ranma.in-the-line-of-fire Author: Will Andrews Webpage: http://taliesin.tfenet.com/ Awards: TASS Continuing Series;2001 Feb 2nd Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation Created: 26-03-2001 12 years after the events of the Manga and Ranma is working for the Tokyo Police Special Operations Division. She's permanently female and her life is almost totally focussed on her police work, there not being much else to live for. She also takes a lot of risks, resulting in quite a lot of incidental damage while chasing a suspect. The suspect is caught, and it turns out that there is a lot more to this case than meets the eye. Ranma won't be able to hide from her past much longer... Incomplete 62pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: In the Lunchroom File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Trimatter Webpage: http://home.austin.rr.com/trimatter/ Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 15-09-2005 Between fics, the cast of countless shows congregate in the lunchroom. Around one table, the Ranma cast congregate to comment on the next fic they're about to do... Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: In the Midst of Dying File: ranma.in-the-midst-of-dying Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Richard D. Lawson (sterman@uswest.net) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara Awards: TASS One Shots;1999 Apr 3rd Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane,Nabiki+Tatewaki Created: 22-07-2000 Ranma and Akane are married. But it's not going well. When Akane finds out about Ranma's trysts with another woman, things really go wrong. Is this the end for them. Maybe another couple can help? Complete 27pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Into Dreams (10 chapters) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: WFRose OFFNET Id: 500771 Crossover: NiGHTS into Dreams Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good, 2ndBet Created: 13-05-2002 Ranma is having horrible nightmares. Nightmares where he fails to save Akane at Jusendo and everyone that he knows rejects him and reviles him for his weakness and failure. Night after night he has them until one night an exit presents itself. Akane too is having nightmares, where Ranma rejects her, he and all the other people that she knows taunting her for her ugliness and lack of skill. After another uncomfortable day where Akane is miserable, with everyone assuming Ranma is the cause, both escape in their dreams into a new world, where they both find a parasol with a harlequin trapped inside it. As they touch it, a new adventure begins... Incomplete 57pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Into Every Life, a Little Rain Must Fall (8 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 557291 Author: Nemesis_Zero Rakhal Likes: 2 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 03-09-2004 Created: 25-07-2001 Ranma wakes up after the events of the failed wedding. By water as usual. No-one even bothered to take her inside, she was just left lying amidst the wreckage of the Dojo. On top of that, as soon as she leans against one of the supports, the Dojo collapses on her! No one seems to care at all. Well, except maybe Nabiki. How long can Ranma handle this? Is there any way out for him? Incomplete 311pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Introspections: Endings File: ranma.introspections.endings Author: Anne Packrat (annepackrat@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/8094 Akane joins Ranma outside on the roof, and they talk about the loss of one close to them both. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Introspections: Konatsu Kenzan File: ranma.introspections-konatsu-kenzan Author: Goddess Skuld Created: 22-07-2000 What does Konatsu really think about his life and Ukyo? Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Introspections: Of Pandas and Men File: ranma.introspections.of-pandas-and-men Author: Anne Packrat (annepackrat@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/8094 Genma writes a letter to Nodoka, telling her what he has done, and why he can never meet her again. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Introspections: Ranma's Decision File: ranma.introspections.ranmas-decision Author: Anne Packrat (annepackrat@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/8094 Created: 22-07-2000 A thoughtless remark by Ranma, while he's walking home with Akane after night classes at University, sends Akane running away. But when Ranma finally makes it home a few hours later, something terrible has happened. Someone attacked Akane and violated her... Incomplete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Introspections: Rip Ranchan File: ranma.introspections.rip-ranchan Author: Anne Packrat (annepackrat@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/8094 Ukyo visits Ranma's grave and tells him what has been going on since he died. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Introspections: The Price File: ranma.introspections.the-price Author: Anne Packrat (annepackrat@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/8094 A month after Ranma's death, Nabiki hears soft crying coming from Akane's room, and what sounds like a knife being drawn... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Introspections: Ukyo Kuonji File: ranma.introspections-ukyo-kuonji Author: Goddess Skuld Created: 22-07-2000 Ukyo's thoughts about Ranma and what she'd do for him. Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Inverse Property (6 parts, 2 sidestories) *lemon* File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Mike256bit Webpage: http://www.miketoth.homestead.com/Home.html Flags: Drama, Lemon, Quality Good Updated: 23-01-2004 Created: 20-09-2002 Ranma is having a hard time. Everyone seems to be beating him up and he's not getting on too well with Akane. Nabiki has some advice for a bit of money, but he blows it as usual. However next morning Ranma finds something in Akane's bedroom. Something that calls out to be used. And something with hidden dangers... Incomplete 173pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: In Xanadu File: ranma.spawn.xanadu Author: Kyle Emmerson (prozium@telus.net) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/tydi-oh-ki Crossover: Spawn Created: 04-07-2000 A woman awakes on the rooftops. Who is she, why is she here, what are the strange clothes that she's wearing, and the chains? While she's puzzling all this out, a scream from nearby distracts her. She may not know who she is, but she can stop a couple of thugs raping a girl... Incomplete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: In Your Shoes File: ranma.in-your-shoes Author: Phil Hale(philhale@mrwoo.demon.co.uk) Webpage: http://www.mrwoo.demon.co.uk Ranma's feeling a little grumpy. Gosunkugi is busy chanting a spell which hopefully will make his wishes come true and get him Akane. Ranma makes a wish just at the right (or wrong) time... Complete 25pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I only have nose for you File: ranma.i-only-have-nose-for-you Author: Chris Schumacher (kensu@madison.tdsnet.com) After a fight with Ryoga, Ranma winds up in the river. The shock seems to have done something to his curse, the trigger has changed... Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Iris (6 parts, 1 sidestory) File: Iris/* (7 files) Author: Nicholas Leifker (nightelf@thekeep.org) GT Ranma-Chan [Iris Again] (gt_ranma_chan@yahoo.com) Kevin D. Hammel [Bookends] (khammel@pacbell.net) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~nightelf/fanfic/index.html Awards: TASS One Shots;1998 Jul 3rd, 1998 Aug 3rd (Again), 1998 Oct 1st (Angel), 2000 Apr 2nd (Markings) Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Ranma+Tatewaki Waking up after his bachelor party was not fun for Ranma. Especially when he slowly, without any water, and with a lot of pain turned into his female form! Hot water got him back again, but later on it happened again. Seems that he managed to drink a potion that is used as punishment by the Amazons. It will slowly lock him in his cursed form. Can he find a way out of this? How will he and everyone else react. Reading order: Angel, Bookends part 1, Iris, Bookends part 2, Destination Unknown, China Roses, Iris Again, Markings Complete 234pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ironic File: ranma.ironic Author: Fip: (pissed_off@rocketmail.com) Songfic. Life is ironic. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Iron Roses File: ranma.iron-roses Author: Rhonda Schell Kodachi watches Ranma sleep one night when Akane comes into his room. As she's leaving, a chance encounter with Ryoga starts something, and starts her remembering her childhood. Complete 25pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Iron Tears (prologue, 6 chapters) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 529063 Author: FlashFyre5 Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Alterverse, 2ndBet, Quality Good Created: 12-04-2002 As part of a bet, the timeline of Megaman X is twisted to crash into the Ranma timeline, with catastrophic consequences as the Megaman X timeline is absorbed. Billions of people die, and many others change. One such is Ranma, who turned into a reploid even as he fell from the pole at Jusenkyo into the Nyannichuan. Now he's a girl in cursed form, and a robot in uncursed form!. Well, at least he's human some of the time. Akane is robot all the time! They may be far more powerful now, but society shuns them, including Soun and Genma. And there are powerful enemies after them too... Incomplete 123pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Is anybody looking? File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kyokukou Webpage: http://www.ephektz.com/alloyfanfiction Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 17-08-2001 Someone is in Ranma's room, trying on his things just to feel closer to his beloved... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I should have known File: ranma.i-should-have-known Author: BlackRaven (pvander@vvm.com) Happosai has been caught in America. He is brought to trial... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Islands Underwater (4 parts) File: ranma.islands-underwater Author: Prince Frog Created: 23-07-2000 What exactly does make the Kuno siblings, especially Tatewaki, tick. On a usual day, Nabiki arranges to meet Tatewaki to sell him information and pictures, and Tatewaki challenges Ranma. But things don't go as usual, Ranma beats Tatewaki up more than usual, after Tatewaki gets a lucky hit, and Nabiki meets up with him in the clinic. The hit must have done something to him, because for once, Tatewaki gets the better of Nabiki in the verbal match that follows. What went wrong between them? How did things change from the way they were? Incomplete 53pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Is Ranma-chan Hurt File: ranma.is-ranma-chan-hurt Author: Nuki-mouse Webpage: http://www.nukimouse.homestead.com/ OFFNET Id: 206366 Awards: TASS One Shots;2000 Dec 2nd Updated: 25-07-2003 Created: 25-01-2001 Kasumi discovers Ranma-chan in the laundry room, washing one of her Chinese pants. Now this is unusual, Ranma doesn't usually help with the laundry. And after she's gone, Kasumi notices blood in the sink. Is Ranma-chan hurt? Well, something has certainly happened to her, it all started during a fight with Ryoga. But who can help her?, who can she tell? Complete 24pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I thought we were rivals *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.i-thought-we-were-rivals Author: Jeff Cao Webpage: http://www.shoujoai.com/fanfics/ranma/rivals/ Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 11th (tie) Akane and Shampoo have a contest to see who would be the better wife for Ranma. In bed that is. They challenge each other to see who can bring the other to an orgasm first. Of course, there must be a rematch or two... Complete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: It only happened once File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1378385 Author: grookill Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 30-07-2004 The Tendo sisters have a supernatural experience one day. They see their dead mother. Later that night they eat dinner and drink wine, with a strong liquor that Nabiki has provided... Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: It's 11.00 File: ranma.its-11-00 Author: Suds-kun (suds1964@tir.com ) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/8222/ Ranma creeps into Akane's room one night. Quickly disposing of P-Chan he moves on Akane with grim determination. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: It's all in the Genes File: ranma.its-all-in-the-genes Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Awards: TASS One Shots; 1999 Jul 1st Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 23-07-2000 Ranma and Akane's daughter Kae is ready for her first date. But Ranma has a little present for her that she might find useful... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: It's All In the Reflexes File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: A V Morgan Webpage: http://home.attbi.com/~avmorgan27/fanfiction.html OFFNET Id: 1282073 Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Updated: 04-02-2004 Created: 27-03-2003 Ranma, Ranko and Fa-Shen are now in the Joketsuzoku village. They must all find some way to control their curses and try to get control of their lives. To complicate matters, when Akane clobbers Ranma, the Amazons think she beat him! Ranko also needs to gain control over the power that is hers to control when Fa-shen and Ranma are intimate... Complete 398pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: It's a Woeful Life File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Durandall Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/brandall/index.htm Crossover: Oh My Goddess Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama,Continuation, Quality Good Created: 29-06-2003 Ranma is feeling very low and seriously considering suicide. However he realises he's being silly and is about to go back to the Tendos when a figure shows up. She's here to show Ranma what everyone's lives would have like if he'd never been born, Maybe he should reconsider... Complete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: It's a Wonderful EVA File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: James Lee (jlee100441@aol.com) Webpage: http://jlee.anifics.com/index.htm Crossover: Neon Genesis Evangelion Created: 30-11-2000 Shinji is dying after the 12th Angel. He leaves his body, and meets a pigtailed girl who wants to know why he wants to die. He's not scheduled to die just yet. Ranko takes Shinji around to see what effect his death will have... Sequel: Ascension (preceding story) Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: It's a Wonderful SPAMFic File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Yoiko (No Email) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/mighty_yoiko/ Crossover: It's a Wonderful Life Flags: Spamfic Created: 09-03-2001 Ranma stares down into the swirling river-water from a bridge, ready to jump to end his life. When someone else falls into the water! Well, of course Ranma has to save his life. Turns out it's an angel, come to show Ranma what peoples lives would have been like if he'd never been born... Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: It's just the damndest thing. File: ranma.its-just-the-damndest-thing Author: Kevin Eav (ukyou@maison-otaku.net) Happosai has a cure for Ranma's curse! A bottle of magic oil, it's supposed to cure the curse if spread on overnight. Lets hope it works. Complete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: It's My Life File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Gendou Knepper Webpage: http://www.gendou.net Flags: Divergence, Dark, Quality Good Created: 27-07-2001 Ranma has had enough, and prepares to leave to seek his fortune elsewhere But Genma has other ideas... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: It's Not Right File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Durandall Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/brandall/index.htm Flags: Comedy,Spamfic Created: 18-03-2001 Ranma has a terrible secret. One that's splitting him and Akane apart, since Akane just can't cope with the shame... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: It's not worth the trouble of an argument File: ranma.its-not-worth-the-trouble-of-an-argument Author: Mylene Jenius A slice of life with Akane going to visit Tofu and cursing that she can't tell him how she feels. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Itson-The Mirror has two faces File: ranma.itson.the-mirror-has-two-faces Author: Emperor Stephen Schlueter (emperorschlueter@hotmail.com) Genma has got what he thinks is a curse cure from the Jusenkyo mail-order company. Unfortunately it splits Ranma's personality into evil and good instead... Complete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: It's Part of Growing Up File: ranma.its-part-of-growing-up Author: Steeve Turcotte (arigato_@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Evangelis_01/index.html Created: 24-07-2000 It's a normal day, with Ranma insulting Akane and Akane braining him, when Shampoo glomps him on the way to school. This time is a little unusual though, as Shampoo challenges Akane to a date contest for Ranma. Whoever can have the better date wins Ranma. This is bound to cause trouble. And indeed it does, and the trouble doesn't end there. But it's all part of the slow process of growing up. Complete 136pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: It's Too Perilous File: ranma.its-too-perilous Author: Orrin "Mordaxy" Smith Created: 25-07-2000 Ryoga wanders lost through a forest, ignoring some rather disturbing noises when he comes across a castle with Akane at the top of the highest tower! He must go in... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Itsu Mo Ucchan File: ranma.itsu-mo-ucchan Author: Michelle "Mi-chan" Mista (citizenal@aol.com) Ukyo delivers a couple of deluxe okonomiyaki to the Tendo Dojo, but doesn't stay around. There's a letter inside, as well as the okonomiyakis.. Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: It was all a dream File: ranma.it-was-all-a-dream Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong Ranma wakes up in China with Genma. It seems that all that time with the Tendos in Nerima was just a dream... Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I Want to Go Home File: ranma.i-want-to-go-home Author: Washu-chan (Nathan Robson) Webpage: http://worldzone.net/recreation/misao Created: 26-07-2000 Kodachi mourns her Kuma, and wishes that there were some way to escape her life, to come home. Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I want to keep looking at you File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: quinn/ranma.i-want-to-keep-looking-at-you Author: Alana Quinn Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: WAFF, Character Study, Quality Good Created: 12-07-2002 Ranma walks behind Akane on the way home from school. He thinks about his relationship with her, and what he wants to do... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I Will Protect This World File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: St Suika Roberts Webpage: http://members.spinn.net/~sfr/stories/ Crossover: Iczer Flags: Alterverse,Drama, Lime, Quality Good Created: 12-12-2001 Ranma is stuck in girl form, thanks to being splashed with a bucket of water resistant soap filled water. Sleeping as a girl seems to give her weird dreams as well. There's a strange black and pink clad woman at school as well, just like the one in her dreams, and when she quizzes the woman about that, she says she is called Iczer One and the link is forming... Complete 33pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I Wish File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: quinn/ranma.i-wish Author: Alana Quinn Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: WAFF, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 12-07-2002 Ranma and Akane have been married for a year and cuddle in front of the fire together. They talk of when they first fell in love. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I Wish I Were In Love Again File: ranma.i-wish-i-were-in-love-again Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Awards: TASS One Shots;2000 Oct 2nd Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Created: 14-12-2000 Another argument between Ranma and Akane drives Ranma out of the house again. But why all the arguments now, they've been getting along far better than they used to in their teenage years. Maybe he needs a little help to figure out what's going on? Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: I won't say File: ranma.i-wont-say Author: Kiwi Noriega (becknkal@addax.bc.ca) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9371/ Ranma and Akane walk home after an evening out, each wishing that they could say to the other what they feel. A cold breeze causes Ranma to give Akane his jacket.. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===============================> J <================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Jackpot File: ranma.jackpot Author: David G. Homerick (sac50552@saclink3.csus.edu) Shampoo wins the lottery jackpot! One Billion Yen. All of a sudden Genma decides that Shampoo would be the ideal wife for Ranma... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Jail-cell File: ranma.jail-cell Author: Paul Sampson (earthbind@usa.net) Webpage: http://members.tripod.com/~PaulSamp/ Ranma is in jail with Toma for 2 counts of murder and numerous counts of injury. Toma wants to know what happened.. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Jajauma 1/2 File: ranma.jajauma-1-2 Author: LizMUN (EvilKasumi@hotmail.com) Created: 26-07-2000 At the Cursed Springs of Jusenkyo, two fight. The man falls into a spring and turns into a panda. The boy falls into a pool and turns female. But maybe a little different than usual? Incomplete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Japanese Psycho File: ranma.japanese-psycho Author: Anand Rao Webpage: http://www.gsm.uci.edu/~arao02/ Awards: TASS One Shots;2000 Apr 2nd Created: 29-07-2000 What does Ranma really think of Akane, Shampoo and Ukyo. Why is he attracted to Akane. Well, here is a Ranma a little different from those we usually see. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Jedi Kasumi (11 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jim Bader (Shadowmane@ridgenet.net) Webpage: http://home.hostultra.com/~AngCobraFics/jimbader.html Updated: 14-08-2000 A meteor lands just after Soun and Genma have sealed Happosai away. It's an escape capsule containing a Jedi Knight called Trieste. Soun offers her the hospitality of his home, and upon seeing the Tendo daughters, it's immediately obvious that the Force is very strong in the eldest. Later comes a Panda and a redheaded girl. Trieste immediately senses something about the girl, and after some testing, takes Ranma as a new student. But the forces of darkness are closing in as a Sith lord and his apprentices come to do battle... Incomplete 245pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Jeeves File: ranma.jeeves Author: Gavin Steyn (steyn@eniac.seas.upenn.edu) Bertie Wooster has a close encounter with Bingo's private Nyannichuan pool. Could be worse... Complete 14pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Jerry Springer Show File: ranma.sm.jerry-springer-show Author: Jim Lazar (jimlazar@animeprime.com) Webpage: http://www.animeprime.com/ff/index.shtml Crossover: Sailor Moon Awards: TASS One Shots; 1999 May 3rd Flags: Comedy, Quality Good Created: 20-01-2003 This time on Jerry Springer: Hermaphrodites and the Men and Women who Love Them And we have on the show tonight: Ranma Saotome with his lovers Akane, Tatewaki Kuno and Kodachi Kuno, Malachite and Zoicite and Oscar with the Senshi. Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Joker File: ranma.joker Author: Picolo3000 (picolo3000@aol.com) The Joker is getting fed up with Batman always spoiling his fun. Time to move somewhere where there isn't anyone around who could interfere with his plans. Somewhere like Nerima... Complete 14pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: joke-Reijis-Anime-Joke File: ranma.joke.reijis-anime-joke Author: Reiji Muskett A horrible joke. Complete 1pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Journey (2 1/2 parts) File: ranma.the-journey Author: Daniel Ruth Webpage: http://tannim.anifics.com/Journey/Journey.html (Archive) Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 01-08-2000 Ranma is having one of those days again. Having escaped from Akane's cooking, Ryoga is out to teach him a lesson, and Akane is out for vengeance as well. But in the middle of all this, a beam of light whisks him away to another dimension! It seems that a bunch of mages summoned him by accident, and they're convinced he's a demon. Well, he may not be a demon, but he is a little annoyed. Escaping from the mages is easy enough, but how can he get home. And how can he survive in a world full of magic. It doesn't help that he seems to have attracted the attentions of the Gods as well, who have plans for him... Incomplete 419pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Journeys File: ranma.journeys Author: Nicholas Leifker(nightelf@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~nightelf/fanfic/index.html Ranma prepares to leave with Ryoga to use a wishing well that will cure them. Akane appears and talks to him.. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Journey's End (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Holy Chaos OFFNET Id: 1369379 Flags: Continuation,Drama, Quality Good Updated: 19-12-2003 Created: 04-06-2003 After the failed wedding, things just started getting worse and worse in Nerima. As Ranma and Akane's bond became more evident, people became more desperate until one day Ranma just vanished. A few days later so did Akane. With the departure of those two, Nerima seems to sort of die. Everyone moves on, but the life is gone. Until several years later when for various reasons all the old people start to return... Incomplete 49pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Joy of Youth File: ranma.joy-of-youth Author: Ryoga P Hibiki (carrotglace@mindspring.com) Awards: TASS One Shots;2000 Sep 3rd Created: 01-01-2001 The mushrooms that were the only way that Ranma and Ryoga could return to their proper age have been destroyed. How on earth can they be saved now. Maybe Cologne has the answer, but getting past Mousse will be hard. Incomplete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Junk File: ranma.junk Author: McKinley Morganfield (jeffreyd@epimp.com) Kasumi loves to cook. She loves to watch her family eating her cooking as well. Which is why she's a little concerned when Ranma seems to be off his food a bit. Indeed, in quite a bit of pain. Has Akane been beating him up again? Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Junkos Legacy (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Coutuva (coutuva@vecdev.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Bay/9295 Rakhal Likes: 2 Created: 15-08-2000 Onikita Junko has a problem. She's hopelessly in love with a strange red-haired girl that turned up a few months ago. She'd give anything to be with her. So a chance meeting in the mall one day is a dream come true for her. She offers to buy Ranma some sundaes and the two talk. But Ranma notices something, and feels that she can't mislead the girl in this way. A talk leads to something unexpected and tragic. Complete 21pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Jusenkyo-Jusenkyo File: ranma.jusenkyo-jusenkyo Author: Rhonda Schell A Faulknerian retelling of the Jusenkyo training trip. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Jusenkyo Spring Water (prologue, 2 parts) File: ranma.jusenkyo-spring-water Author: Jeremy Fogelman Webpage: http://lordjeram.cjb.net Created: 02-08-2000 Someone has a bright idea. They're going to purify and bottle Jusenkyo Water and sell it as a mystical cure-all. After all, it comes from an ancient and magical pool, so it must be good for you, right? Multiple versions of the author pop up in the story and create havoc. Incomplete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Jusenkyo Strikes Again File: ranma.jusenkyo-strikes-again Author: Gudoir (gudoir@aol.com) Kei, a wandering Amazon wanders into Nerima. He's also fallen into the Nyannichuan and looks just about identical to Ranma-chan when in cursed form. A chance meeting with Kuno proves this.. Incomplete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Jusenkyou's Curse File: ranma.jusenkyous-curse Author: Jonathan Loi (loisam@interlog.com) Akane spots Ranma giving Nabiki a kiss. But later on he denies it. More strangenesses happen until it is revealed that the girl who drowned in Jusenkyo was schizophrenic! And as a result there are now 4 Ranmas. Incomplete 55pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Jusenkyuu Crisis File: ranma.jusenkyuu Author: Karl Rim (krim@cbnewst.att.com) Crossover: Bubblegum Crisis BGC crossover. Ryouga as Leon, Nabiki as Nene. Retelling of BGC OAV 1 with the Kasumi Sabers in the leading role. Incomplete 42pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Just Add Hot Water File: ranma.just-add-hot-water Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Awards: TASS One Shots;2001 Jun 2nd Flags: Drama, Quality Good Created: 23-07-2001 An earthquake shakes the Byankala region. It soon passes, but something has happened at Jusenkyo. Huge water filled footprints show that Jusenkyo has claimed another victim. Now the monster that has been spawned must be tracked down... Complete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Just a Kiss File: ranma.just-a-kiss Author: Dot Warner (dot_warner17@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://dotwarner.topcities.com/ Ranma fumes over that kiss with Mikado. And over that near kiss with Akane later. On the spur of the moment he jumps up to her window.. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Just a Plan (20 parts, epilogue) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Poly Webpage: http://www.megorga.com/ OFFNET Id: 1315384 Crossover: Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 05-02-2004 Created: 14-05-2003 Ranma is worried. He really lost his temper after the failed wedding, and he doesn't want that to happen again. Fortunately Nodoka suggests staying with her over the summer as a method of getting away. Parting from Akane is hard, but she has a present for Ranma. A pendant that will stop the water-magnet part of the curse. Not a cure, but definitely a help. Next stop, Juuban, Ranma's home for the summer. Quite a few monster attacks, but the resident heroines, the Sailor Senshi, are quite capable of handling it. Ranma will be protected well there. That's not really what he wants though, but how to get in on the monster bashing action? Well, there's a few of these senshi, they'll probably not notice another one... Complete 128pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Justice File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Created: 20-12-2000 Ukyo makes a hard journey to the temple of Seigisama, the Lord of Justice. She seeks justice for a broken promise, the promise made by Ranma to take care of her, the promise that is now broken as he is now married to Akane. Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Just-Ice File: ranma.just-ice Author: Trisha L. Sebastian (tls@thekeep.org) Created: 02-08-2000 Ryoga is lost again. After much wandering he finds a shrine full of scantily clad maidens. He's been here before, and they want to give him a good luck charm to help him... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Just Won't Die File: ranma.bgc.just-wont-die RAAC File: Ranma/ranma.bgc.just-wont-die Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong Crossover: Bubblegum Crisis Reviewer: Corwin Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 09-11-2002 In a future where boomers are commonplace, an older and much more powerful Ranma is facing off against Priss Asagiri in her power armor, each fighter thinking the other is a new combat boomer Genom had developed. The arrival of the rest of the Knight Sabers manages to even the battlefield, but for how long? And what happened to Ranma in the past to make him this driven about fighting Genom? Sequel: Just Won't Die 2 Complete 141pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Just Won't Die 2 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong Crossover: Bubblegum Crisis, Neon Genesis Evangelion Reviewer: Corwin Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 09-11-2002 After curing himself at the end of the previous part, Ranma couldn't resist stopping by Joketsuzoku, where he found a mysterious box that transported him to another world. As he thinks of a way to return, a battle between an Angel and Evangelions catches his eye. Curious, Ranma goes to investigate... looks like conventional weapons can't hurt the Angel, but what about ki blasts? Prequel: Just Won't Die Sidestory: Just Won't Die Spinoff 1 Just Won't Die Spinoff 2 Just Won't Die Spinoff 4 Just Won't Die Spinoff 5 Just Won't Die Spinoff 6 Just Won't Die Spinoff 7 Sequel: Just Won't Die 3 Complete 74pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Just Won't Die 3 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong Crossover: Bubblegum Crisis, Neon Genesis Evangelion Reviewer: Corwin Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 09-11-2002 Having saved Misato, Ritsuko, Shinji, Asuka and Rei from Third Impact at the end of the previous part, Ranma returned back to his world of origin with them. It seems that they have a chance at a normal life, without Angel attacks or boomers on a rampage. However, once Asuka hears about a certain Nanban mirror, she gets determined to go back in time and stop Second Impact from happening, saving her world from annihilation.... Prequel: Just Won't Die 2 Sequel: Just Won't Die 4 Complete 60pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Just Won't Die 4 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong Crossover: Bubblegum Crisis, Neon Genesis Evangelion Reviewer: Corwin Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 09-11-2002 Ranma may have died at the end of the previous part to save Asuka's world, but his legacy lives on. Second Impact was averted, and thanks to the early warning that world had, Evangelion units and their pilots are on standby for the imminent Angel attack. However, many questions remain unanswered... such as is Ranma really dead? Prequel: Just Won't Die 3 Sequel: Just Won't Die 5 Complete 64pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Just Won't Die 5 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong Note: While the author considers it complete, the second half of this part has many missing scenes from the middle that are only summarized, at best. Crossover: Bubblegum Crisis, Neon Genesis Evangelion Reviewer: Corwin Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 09-11-2002 Angel Ranma learns that the original Ranma, from whose blood he had been cloned, had died upon return to his world of origin a year earlier. Just as everyone is readjusting to living together again, a new menace appears. The original Ranma had been resurrected, to serve as the Adam of that world, and it's up to Angel Ranma and his friends to prevent the destruction of the Earth. Prequel: Just Won't Die 4 Sequel: Just Won't Die 6 Complete 199pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Just Won't Die 6 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong Note: As with JWD5, while the author considers it complete, this part has many missing scenes that are only summarized, at best. Crossover: Bubblegum Crisis, Neon Genesis Evangelion Reviewer: Corwin Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 09-11-2002 In the end of the previous part, Angel Ranma returns home after having just died, and brings back two teenage girls with him. Apparently, upon dying, he had been transported to a world of magic by the Powers That Be. There, however, he had the misfortune to intrude upon one Lina Inverse, bandit killer extraordinaire, while she had been taking a bath.... Prequel: Just Won't Die 5 Sequel: Just Won't Die 7 Complete 244pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Just Won't Die 7 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong Note: There is one missing scene near the end, which is only summarized. Crossover: Bubblegum Crisis, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Slayers Reviewer: Corwin Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 09-11-2002 In the previous part, after having been contacted by Rei, who had become God to save his life, Angel Ranma used the Nanban mirror to go to the world he was born on. He is determined to become God instead of her by triggering the Third Impact, and thus rescuing her. His friends, however, cannot idly stand by as they see him about to sacrifice an entire world for that goal. Can they find Ryoga who has the other Nanban mirror and stop Angel Ranma in time? Prequel: Just Won't Die 6 Sequel: Just Won't Die Final Complete 78pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Just Won't Die Final File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong Crossover: Bubblegum Crisis, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Slayers, Oh My Goddess Reviewer: Corwin Matchup: N/A Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 09-11-2002 A woman gives birth to a baby boy and dies, after naming him after his father, Ranma. The baby grows into a young adult, who seems to have have Rei's personality... only if you study him long enough, you would see some of Ranma's familiar spark in his eyes. He goes through life alone and lonely; however, a girl named Jun is determined to unravel the enigma that is named after the man who had tried to destroy her world a century ago.... Prequel: Just Won't Die 7 Sequel: Just Won't Die Spinoff 3 Complete 211pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Just Won't Die Reborn File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong Crossover: Bubblegum Crisis, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Slayers, Oh My Goddess, Sailor Moon Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 07-02-2003 Everyone has been killed by a Ranma gone bad, everyone but Shinji that is. He must somehow find someway to kill this Ranma, which is easier said than done. He can't even touch him generally. Maybe a trip to an alternate version of Earth will have the answer. Maybe EVA 02? Prequel: Just Won't Die Shinji Complete 405pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Just Won't Die Shinji File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong Note: Crosses over with The Least One Can Do Crossover: Bubblegum Crisis, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Slayers Oh My Goddess, Hajime no Ippo Reviewer: Corwin Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Updated: 07-02-2003 Created: 09-11-2002 The story circles around Shinji, who had thanks to Ranma's encouragement joined the Makunouchi Gym, to train in boxing. Ranma has an ulterior motive to his support, however, as he hopes to fight Boon -- a legendary fighter that Ippo tells him emerges to challenge boxing champions, one of which Ranma is sure that Shinji can easily become. However, even Shinji's training pales to his girl troubles.... Prequel: Just Won't Die Spinoff 3 Sequel: Just Won't Die Reborn Complete 869pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Just Won't Die Spinoff 1 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong Crossover: Bubblegum Crisis, Neon Genesis Evangelion Reviewer: Corwin Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 09-11-2002 Ranma and Jun, Carper and Madigan's little daughter, go on a 'date'. Due to a series of misunderstandings, however, the girls living with Ranma run all over MegaTokyo frantically, trying to find out who is the lucky girl going out with 'their' Ranma... Main Story: Just Won't Die 2 Complete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Just Won't Die Spinoff 2 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong Crossover: Bubblegum Crisis, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Maison Ikkoku Reviewer: Corwin Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 09-11-2002 The trio of ex-Evangelion pilots have a history assignment, and Ranma knows the best way of doing research for it. The four use the Nanban mirror to go back in time, and end up staying at Maison Ikkoku for a week.... Main Story: Just Won't Die 2 Incomplete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Just Won't Die Spinoff 3 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong Note: While the author considers it complete, this part has many missing scenes that are only summarized, at best. Crosses over with 'The Least One Can Do' Crossover: Bubblegum Crisis, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Slayers, Oh My Goddess Reviewer: Corwin Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 09-11-2002 Earlier, Urd has been made the new God instead of Angel Ranma and Rei. Free of their duty, the two travel back in time to prevent the Nerima Massacre. Even if it will only create a divergent world, Angel Ranma still doesn't want his past self to lose all those he cares about like he himself had so long ago. However, there is still a week left until the boomers attack Nerima, so why not have some fun in the meanwhile? Prequel: Just Won't Die Final Sequel: Just Won't Die Shinji Complete 131pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Just Won't Die Spinoff 4 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong Crossover: Bubblegum Crisis, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Maison Ikkoku Reviewer: Corwin Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 09-11-2002 Ranma and the girls have gathered to spend a fun day together, only Ranma just had to make a sexist comment. Now, the gathering had turned into a loud debate of that age-long question -- who are better, men or women? Main Story: Just Won't Die 2 Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Just Won't Die Spinoff 5 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong Crossover: Bubblegum Crisis, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Maison Ikkoku Reviewer: Corwin Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 09-11-2002 Misato's date goes bad, and she comes back, angry. Just as she mentions in a huff that no man is more obnoxious than Ranma, he happens to arrive at her doorstep, asking to watch television at her apartment.... Main Story: Just Won't Die 2 Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Just Won't Die Spinoff 6 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong Crossover: Bubblegum Crisis, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Maison Ikkoku Reviewer: Corwin Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 09-11-2002 Ranma develops a fancy for email, which draws the attention of his female suitors, who jump on the chance to get him for themselves once and for all. Main Story: Just Won't Die 2 Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Just Won't Die Spinoff 7 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong Crossover: Bubblegum Crisis, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Maison Ikkoku Reviewer: Corwin Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 09-11-2002 It's the battle of the sexes once more, as Jun, in her innocence, states that being a girl is better than being a boy. Does Ranma have a retort at hand, or will he be convinced by her childish and simplistic logic? Main Story: Just Won't Die 2 Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Juyzas Lyric File: ranma.juyzas-lyric Author: Stefan "Twoflower" Gagne (twoflowr@pixelscapes.com) Webpage: http://pixelscapes.com/twoflower/ Juyza Shiratori has had a hard life. Being Azusas brother is no joke. First his parents move out, then he's thrown out on his ear. Still, maybe getting away would be good. Time to transfer to Furinkan High school hopefully life will be better there. Complete 43pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===============================> K <================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kami-sama punishes Nabiki and then some (6 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Silverstreak OFFNET Id: 1391975 Crossover: Sailor Moon Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 23-07-2003 Nabiki has been watched by Kami-sama for some time. He warned her that if she didn't mend her ways, she would be punished, and a version of her from another universe even showed up to demonstrate the punishment. All to no avail though. After the failed wedding, Nabiki's punishment takes effect. Now she's the Goddess of relationships, and she must find the perfect match for Kami-sama's avatar, whoever he/she is... Incomplete 66pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kanketsuhen File: ranma.kanketsuhen Author: Richard Uyeyama () Awards: TASS Awards; 1994 Annual 3rd Translation for an imaginary 4th Ranma movie. Evil wizard captures Ukyo and threatens to kill her in 7 days. Ranma and co head off to try to rescue her. Complete 35pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kasumi File: ranma.kasumi Author: Karl Rim (krim@cbnewst.att.com) Awards: TASS Awards; 1994 Annual 14th (tie) Ranma is chasing P-Chan one day, and Akane is chasing Ranma. Unfortunately the chase ends when Ranma falls off the roof and lands on Kasumi's head! The knock to her noggin seems to have changed Kasumi a bit... Complete 36pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kasumi 1/2 (Prologue, 6 parts, partial 7th, 4 sidestories) File: ranma.kasumi-1-2 (Prologue, parts 5) ranma.kasumi-1-2.change (sidestory: Change) ranma.kasumi-1-2.life-as-you-like-it (sidestory: Life As You Like It) ranma.kasumi-1-2.memories-in-a-bubble (sidestory: Memories in a Bubble) ranma.kasumi-1-2.stigma-of-a-rose (sidestory: Stigma of a Rose) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (parts 6-7) Author: Adrian D. Moten (raemowse@aol.com) Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/admoten/index.htm Awards: TASS Mini Series;1999 Oct 3rd Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Kasumi Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 20-01-2003 Created: 02-08-2000 Kasumi is feeling a bit off one day and visits Dr Tofu. Probably influenza or something. But the next day he calls her and tells her that she's pregnant! There's only one person who can be the father, and that's Ranma, the result of something that happened two months ago in a friends house. How will she, Ranma and all the others cope with this, and how exactly did it come to happen? Reading order: Prologue, parts 1-4, Stigma of a Rose, Memories in a Bubble, Change, Life As You Like It, parts 5-7 Incomplete 126pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kasumi and the Gaki File: ranma.kasumi-and-the-gaki Author: Jack Staik (jstaik1043@earthlink.net) Webpage: http://home.earthlink.net/~jstaik1043/otaku.htm Awards: TASS One Shots;2000 Apr 1st,2000 Annual 7th Created: 02-08-2000 When the gaki of sharp knives moves into the Tendo kitchen, Kasumi takes action to get rid of the little vandal. Unfortunately Ranma comes into the room just as Kasumi is tossing a dull knife into the bin to get rid of it. It hits a tea tray he's carrying. Uh oh, looks like Kasumi is upset about something. And when she comes out talking about dealing with sausages, everyone gets worried... Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kasumi Gets Kidnapped File: ranma.kasumi-gets-kidnapped Author: Jack Staik (jstaik1043@earthlink.net) Webpage: http://home.earthlink.net/~jstaik1043/otaku.htm Created: 03-08-2000 Kasumi is making dinner, and getting the builders in to repair the damage from the latest fight, when all of a sudden she's kidnapped! This could be fun, she thinks, as she giggles... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kasumi Holds a Press Conference File: ranma.kasumi-holds-a-press-conference Author: Emperor Stephen Schlueter (emperorschlueter@hotmail.com) Created: 03-08-2000 Kasumi is holding a press conference. She doesn't like the way she's often characterised in fics... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kasumi Mist Fox Ninja File: ranma.kasumi.mist-fox-ninja Author: Maramala (maramala@geocities.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Ginza/2415 There's more to Kasumi than meets the eye. Seems her mother taught her some special Ninja techniques, and every now and then she takes care of a villain or two. A ninja group seems to be interested in Ranma as well. Incomplete 57pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kasumi's Addiction File: ranma.kasumis-addiction RAAC File: Ranma/ranma.kasumis-addiction Author: AnimeToo (animetoo@aol.com) How does Kasumi remain so calm under pressure. Nabiki and Akane intrepidly search for the answer. Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kasumi's Affliction File: ranma.kasumis-affliction Author: W*ING Higley Created: 03-08-2000 Kasumi is chopping merrily away one day when a curious feeling spreads through her. She's not felt that, since the last fiancee was here... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kasumi's Bitch File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara Created: 22-02-2001 Nabiki has made a mistake. The others have left the house and she is alone with Kasumi. And she left her towel on the changing room floor. Kasumi has to punish her now, in accordance with mothers wishes... Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kasumi's Christmas Angel File: ranma.kasumis-christmas-angel Author: Metthyew (metthyew@aol.com) It's Christmas at the Tendos again, and everyone is in awe at the Christmas tree this year. Especially the angel on top. Kasumi remembers her day. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kasumi's Guest File: ranma.kasumis-guest Author: Susan Doenime Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~mike/transp.html Kasumi is vacuuming the floor when a visitor arrives. Apparently the nice man is here to kill Nabiki. Well, it's only polite to ask him in and see if he wants some tea.. Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kasumi's Little Secret (6 parts) File: Not in the Ranma Archives FFML File: FFML-2/40000-49999/44000-44999/44675 (parts 1-4) FFML-2/40000-49999/47000-47999/47627 (parts 5-6) Author: A J Woo () Ranma comes home early one day (courtesy of Akane Airlines) and discovers Kasumi in the dojo practicing a kata. Turns out she's a secret Tai Chi master, and effortlessly defeats Ranma. Ranma of course wants to be trained... Sidestory: Kasumi's Little Secret Sidestory Incomplete 23pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kasumi's Little Secret Sidestory (2 parts) File: Not in the Ranma Archives FFML File: FFML-2/30000-39999/37000-37999/37170 (part 1) FFML-2/30000-39999/38000-38999/38750 (part 2) Author: A J Woo () Akane notices that Ranma is acting somewhat odd. He's getting up at an ungodly hour and he's being too nice. Genma gets upset when he sees Ranma doing something he shouldn't. Main Story: Kasumi's Little Secret Incomplete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kasumi's Surprise File: ranma.kasumis-surprise Author: Jack Staik (jstaik1043@earthlink.net) Webpage: http://home.earthlink.net/~jstaik1043/otaku.htm Created: 05-08-2000 Kasumi has an announcement to make. Apparently she's asked Nodoka to move it, much to Genma's horror. After all, she'll need her to help with her pregnancy... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kasumi's Syndrome File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org), Matt Posner(drmp15@aol.com) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Created: 21-12-2000 Ranma forgot to pick up Kasumi's pills one day, which is a little unfortunate because Kasumi suffers from Tourette's Syndrome which makes her randomly say curses and epithets. And Ukyo, who's never seen Kasumi before, gets some strange ideas as a result. Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kasumi strikes again File: ranma.kasumi-strikes-again Author: KisaragiHn (kisaragihn@aol.com) Kasumi has an amazing effect on Dr Tofu. I wonder if she knows that, and uses it? Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kasumi's Wish (8 parts) File: ranma.amg.kasumis-wish Author: Long Ngo (Short Yes) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/2881/ Crossover: Oh My Goddess Awards: TASS Mini Series; 1999 Feb 3rd, 1999 Jun 3rd Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Fair Updated: 20-01-2003 Kasumi has given up her life for her family. Skuld grants her a wish. Unfortunately due to some bugs it takes some time for the wish to actually be granted, but it finally happens one New Years Eve... Incomplete 53pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kasumi Tendo: White House Intern File: ranma.kasumi-tendo-intern Author: Kyle Emmerson (prozium@telus.net) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/tydi-oh-ki Created: 04-07-2000 A letter has arrived from Kasumi! Akane eagerly reads it aloud to the family. Seems that Kasumi is enjoying her job as a White House intern, even if it can be a bit tiring... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kasumi the Beholder File: ranma.kasumi-the-beholder Author: Andrew Eoff (eoff@itsnet.com) A slice of Kasumi's life and thoughts as she overhears Ranma and Akane arguing.. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kasumi the Biker Slut File: ranma.kasumi-the-biker-slut Author: Trisha L. Sebastian (tls@thekeep.org) Awards: TASS One Shots; 1998 Aug 2nd, 1998 Annual 4th After a fight between Ranma and Akane ends up burning down her kitchen, life just got too much for poor old Kasumi, who goes off the rails. Complete 14pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kasumi the Chef? File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara Created: 22-02-2001 Kasumi is cleaning in the kitchen when she hears the sounds of Ranma and Akane fighting. But when she goes to tell them to fight outside she gets hit hard in the head with a phone! And there's a voice speaking with a strange accent on it. Oh well, no harm. At least it seems not until they notice that it's been Chicken for dinner for days on end, and now Kasumi cooks behind a closed wooden door... Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kasumi, the Game Queen (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Knight/ranma-yugioh.kasumi-the-game-queen Author: David Knight Crossover: Yu-Gi-Oh Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Fair Updated: 03-04-2003 Created: 12-07-2002 When Ranma threw the Moko Takabisha, it did a little more than they expected. It sent a wave of confidance through the area, which is just what Kasumi wanted. One day, after Ranma has crashed through the roof of the house, Kasumi is checking up there for repairs. She finds a strange golden puzzle, which she is compelled to release... Incomplete 52pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kasumi, What's Wrong File: ranma.kasumi-whats-wrong Author: Ed Hrzic (hrzic@hawaii.edu) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Alley/2247/ Kasumi is diagnosed with breast cancer. And the operation to cure it is more than the Tendo Family can afford. Complete 21pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kasumi writes a Fanfic File: ranma.kasumi-writes-a-fanfic Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Crossover: Oh My Goddess Awards: TASS One Shots;1999 Jun 2nd Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 05-08-2000 Akane comes home one day intent on baking cookies. Unfortunately Kasumi is not there to help her, so she's going to have to find a recipe and do it on her own! But what's this with the recipe. Seems that Kasumi has written a story. With Ranma, Akane sets down to read it. What sort of fanfic WOULD Kasumi write? Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kawaikune File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jasonred Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/jasonred.geo/ Flags: Continuation,Drama, Quality Good Created: 03-05-2002 Ranma sits in class in University, looks at the short-haired girl in front of him and tries to sort through his feelings for her. Sequel: Kawaikune-Closure Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kawaikune-Closure File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jasonred Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/jasonred.geo/ Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 03-05-2002 Ranma finally gets the words out. But what next? Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kazuos Kind File: ranma.kazuos-kind Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara Kuno is bringing the school Kendo team into disrepute with his antics. But how is Kazuo going to depose him. He's far better at Kendo than he is Tendo Nabiki will have the answer, for a price.. Complete 20pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kazuya Explains it All File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Pat Olsen (tagan1@hotmail.net) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/1449/ Crossover: Kimagure Orange Road, Tenchi Muyo, Magic Knight Rayearth, Nuku Nuku, Neon Genesis Evangelion Created: 30-08-2000 What makes Tenchi so special, so powerful, and why was he made Emperor. Yukimasu Kazuya, brother to Akane and cousin to Kyosuke explains, starting with when they first came to his school. Incomplete 23pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Keep Holy Sabbath File: ranma.keep-holy-sabbath Author: Ed Hrzic (hrzic@hawaii.edu) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Alley/2247/ Ranma's not been studying again, as an a result he fails a vital test. There is one way to make things up though, and that is to do a book report This report is going to be on the Bible (King James V) Complete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kendo Club *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.kendo-club Author: N.A.Sinclir (seraphim@sentex.net) New members of the Furinkan High Kendo club must go through an initiation rite. These rites are usually embarrassing, this one involves dressing up in girls clothes and going to see Kuno... Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kenjitsu File: ranma.kenjitsu Author: Daniel "Yoshimato X" Gallagher Songfic. Kuno's plan in life.. Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kentucky Fried Nerima (Prologue, teaser) File: ranma.kentucky-fried-nerima Author: Master Jahaj Manus Nigrum ShadesofHades Webpage: http://masterjahaj.hypermart.net Flags: Quality Good Created: 10-05-2001 Chaos is bored. That Y2K think he'd been working on for ages has been a complete flop. And war isn't going on too much either. Disorder is bored as well. Maybe if they take an unsuspecting mortal from one universe and put him into another? Been done before, but doing 3 at the same time might be fun... And so 3 unsuspecting authors are zapped into the Ranmaverse. What will become of them! Incomplete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ketatamashiihaato File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Majelo/ranma.ketatamashiihaato Author: Bill Majelo OFFNET Id: 1363585 Crossover: Ruruoni Kenshin Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 25-07-2003 When Ranma came to the Tendo Dojo, he came alone. Genma died at Jusenkyo, leaving Ranma to fend for himself. The Ranma that arrived at the Dojo is not a child any more, as his reaction to Akane attacking him attests to. Still, honour is honour and he will uphold the pact, although only after finding out which sister would be most receptive to it. This Ranma has a few advantages there as well. He's an empath, one of the skills that has enabled him to learn an older school of his line, the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu... Incomplete 48pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Keystone File: ranma.keystone Author: Syithe (syithe@my-dejanews.com) Ranma is acting very odd. He just seems to have lost interest in everything. Complete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kikuko File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Cloud Dreamer Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/cloud_dreamer2000/ Awards: TASS One Shots;2002 Mar 1st Matchup: Ranma+Tofu Flags: Drama, Continuation Created: 13-03-2001 There's a girl sobbing in Tofu's clinic. It's Ranma, who is suffering from a broken jaw. Just after the failed wedding, Ranma found Akane in bed with Ryoga, and in a moment of rage, threw water on them both. Akane hit him so hard that he flew miles, broke his jaw and was in a coma for 2 days. It's time for a change, he no longer fits in Nerima any more. It's time for the person called 'Ranma' to cease to exist... Complete 35pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Killing me Softly (7 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: uy OFFNET Id: 1597427 Flags: Drama, WAFF, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 02-04-2004 Created: 21-11-2003 The girls have had enough and decide that Ranma must choose. And choose he does, he chooses Akane. Unfortunately he still can't admit his feelings and their subsequent marriage is far from perfect, culminating in a romantic evening that Akane has planned... and that Ranma forgets about. Incomplete 47pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kimikos Legacy (The Bet) File: ranma.kimikos-legacy Author: Gregg Sharp (kestral@mindspring.com) Webpage: http://www.asynjor.com/fanfic/sharp.html Kimiko was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer. It was cured, but as a result her family was delayed 2 years, and then she had triplets. Incomplete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kingdom Come File: ranma.xover.kingdom-come Author: Cynthia Johnston (cynthia_5446@hotmail.com) Crossover: Oh My Goddess, Sailor Moon Cynthia (SI char) gets a wish from Belldandy. She faints, but makes her wish while unconscious. She becomes a goddess. First job. She, Belldandy, Urd and Skuld all go to the Tendo Dojo, to grant wishes to the Tendo sisters and Ranma (who wishes for all of Nerima to sexchange). Later on Cynthia also becomes Sailor Sun... Incomplete 68pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: King of Fighters Jusenkyo File: ranma.king-of-fighters-jusenkyo Author: Jeremy Lopett (jslst29+@pitt.edu) A competition is being held at Jusenkyo for cursed fighters. The grand prize: One wish. Of course everyone wants to go. You can even get cursed there just to qualify! Incomplete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kirika Cleans House *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.noir.lemon.kirika-cleans-house Author: Kenneth Payne Webpage: http://kpjam.anifics.com Crossover: Noir Awards: TASS One Shots;2002 Apr 1st Matchup: Ranma+Kirika Yuumura Flags: Dark, Continuation,Lemon,Quality Good Created: 31-05-2002 Ranma is sitting under his favourite bridge when he sees a girl being chased by four men. Before he can save her though, she shoots three of the men and stabs the fourth! This is Kirika, an assassin and someone to who Ranma feels strangely drawn. How will Kirika fit into the Tendo home? Complete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kissing Game File: ranma.kissing-game Author: Cherryne Edejer (avizusa@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Arena/4990/golden.htm Mikado is back, and he's still on the lookout for girls to kiss. Especially Akane and that mysterious pig tailed girl... Complete 24pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kiss Me File: ranma.kiss-me Author: REIA Webpage: http://reia.cjb.net/ Created: 05-08-2000 Kuno is surprised one day when Nabiki asks him to kiss her! What is she up to? Not surprising he's spooked, and it seems to be affecting him more than anticipated. The next day he decides that it's not worth fighting Ranma anymore, or chasing Akane. What is up with him? Does Nabiki have some sort of devious plan? Complete 14pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kitchen Sink File: ranma.kitchen-sink Author: Npriest and Shampope (npriest@geocities.com) On a typical day in Nerima, suddenly the gates of reality opened, and a horde of otaku fanfic writers descended on the unsuspecting residents. How on earth are our regulars going to deal with this invasion! Incomplete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kitten or Cat (prologue, 1 part) File: ranma.kitten-or-cat (prologue) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (part 1) Author: Michael Fetter Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/jehtek/ Created: 05-08-2000 Ranma is running. The Neko-ken is finally catching up with him, and inexorably he is loosing his mind to the madness. But will those that want to help him find him, or can he protect them? Incomplete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Knight of Moonlight and Dreams File: ranma.sm.knights-of-moonlight-and-dreams Author: The DragonBard Crossover: Sailor Moon Akane's cousin Ami Mizuno is coming over to the Tendo Dojo to learn a little martial arts. While there, she's taught by 'Ranko', at least until Happosai attacks. When Ranko fires a ki-blast at Happosai, the interest of the Senshi is piqued... Incomplete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Knights and Warriors (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jim Bader (Shadowmane@ridgenet.net) Webpage: http://home.hostultra.com/~AngCobraFics/jimbader.html A 'The Bet' inspired story, it's Amaterasu's turn to make a small change in the timelines. She wants to give Kodachi a chance. In this case Genma, 8 years before Jusenkyo, approaches a man when he discovers that it's Godai Kuno, an old friend and his wife Hitome. One thing leads to another and after a demonstration of Ranma's fighting prowess, Genma is retained for 6 months to help train Kodachi and Tatewaki. Ranma gets along very well with the young Kodachi... Incomplete 66pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Koan File: ranma.koan Author: Andrew Eoff (eoff@itsnet.com) Ranma ponders on a koan. What was behind the door, the lady or the tiger? Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kodachis Chance File: ranma.kodachis-chance Author: Adrian Tymes Kodachi sees her chance in the aftermath of the failed wedding. She kept herself out of that fiasco for a good reason, she knew that it would make Ukyo and Shampoo look bad in Ranma's eyes. And now for Akane. Complete 20pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kodachi solves a mystery File: ranma.kodachi-solves-a-mystery Author: Aaron Shattuck (dilandau2@hotmail.com) Kodachi has got her darling Ranma-sama finally, stealing him away and outdistancing the others in a highspeed chase. Finally home, but there seems to be something a little odd about Ranma. Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Koi File: ranma.koi Author: Mark Eymer (saotome@micron.net) Ranma and Akane both have dreams about admitting their love for each other Nabiki gets fed up and hatches a plan. Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kokoro Kara File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Eri-chan/ranma.kokoro-kara Author: Eri-chan Matchup: Ryoga+Orig, Mousse+Orig Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 18-04-2003 Jesse and Erin are exchange students in Japan for a year looking for a bit of adventure before college. Looking for some good food they nip into the Nekohanten. Ryoga has been found out as P-Chan by Akane and is trying to get away, but finds himself at the Nekohanten as well. Along with Mousse they meet these two girls and almost instantly click. Looks like Jesse and Erin have found a good reason to be here. Now to deal with the other problems, such as the chaos that abounds in Nerima, Shampoo, and above all that arrogant, malicious jerk Ranma. Complete 160pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Konatsu becomes a Marianne File: ranma.konatsu-becomes-a-marianne Author: Mike Rhea (michaelrhea@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://rei.animenetwork.com/ranchan/ Created: 05-08-2000 Konatsu is feeling depressed one day while walking. Ranma has gone and married Ukyo and there's no place for him. Suddenly Azusa spots him and calls him 'Marianne'... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Konatsu Masquerade Soliloquy-Ukyou File: ranma.konatsu-masquerade-soliloquy-ukyou Author: Ukyou Kuonji (ukyoukwnji@aol.com) Webpage: http://hometown.aol.com/ukyoukwnji/index.htm Ukyou decides to upgrade Konatsu to cook in the Ucchans. Not just that, but he's been given a makeover and now looks the spitting image of Ukyo herself! Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Konatsu's First Kiss File: ranma.konatsus-first-kiss Author: Mike Rhea (michaelrhea@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://rei.animenetwork.com/ranchan/ Created: 05-08-2000 Konatsu is minding the Ucchans while Ukyo is at work, when Mikado enters. He's quite taken with what seems to be a pretty girl and kisses her. Ukyo thinks this is great, Konatsu has found love. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Konatsu's Transition File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Emi Briet (emi@emiofbrie.com) Webpage: http://www.emiofbrie.com Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 07-12-2002 Konatsu has had a problem from a very early age. He was born a boy but has always felt that he was a girl. The loss of his mother, and then later, his father left him trapped in a life of servitude to the Kunoichi clan until Ukyo gave him a way out. Now he IS out though, it's time to do something about his problem. The only person who may be able to understand how he feels is Ranma, and maybe the martial artist can help him... Complete 61pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ko-Ryu 18 steps File: ranma.ko-ryu Author: Dave Gao (davegao@ix.netcom.com) Awards: TASS Awards; 1995 Annual 15th (tie) The dragon spirit Nu has awakened for his 500 yearly test of mankind. He promptly pinches Akane for his bride. It's up to Ranma to learn the 18 techniques of the Ko-Ryu in order to defeat him. Incomplete 49pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: KoTachi File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Douglas MacDougall Webpage: http://www.dougmacd.net/fics/index.html Created: 04-08-2000 How different would the world be if Principal Kuno only had one child and was obsessed with China instead of Hawaii? Complete 1pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kouryuu Emigakure File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Ghost OFFNET Id: 1504662 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 05-09-2003 Akane is frustrated. She just can't make Ranma take her seriously and it's getting her down. Maybe it's time for Kasumi to lend a helping hand. After all, she has a few secrets of her own... Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kuno Finds Out File: ranma.kuno-finds-out Author: Steven Scougall (s_scougall@mailandnews.com) Webpage: http://www.crosswinds.net/~sscougall/ Created: 05-08-2000 Nabiki has a great idea to get Kuno of Ranma's back. Go tell him directly that he is the pigtailed girl! Maybe this will work? Lets try. Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kuno Got Lucky (2 parts) File: ranma.kuno-got-lucky (part 1) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (part 2) FFML File: FFML-4/1999-09/323 (part 2) Author: Gregg Sharp (kestral@mindspring.com) Webpage: http://www.asynjor.com/fanfic/sharp.html Created: 06-08-2000 At 14, Akane decides to go on a date with Kuno, in the idea that after having had a date, Kuno will lose interest in her. Unfortunately after a lot of drink, Akane winds up pregnant, and moves to Tanzania to start a new life. Shortly afterwards, Ranma arrives and gets to know Nabiki and Kasumi, 2 years before the engagement is due to take effect. How will this change things. Incomplete 36pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kunoification (prologue, 1 chapter) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 2643455 Author: Ozzallos Webpage: http://www.dreamops.com/Fiction/omr.htm Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Tatewaki Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 09-11-2005 A typical Ranma/Kuno encounter at the school one day sets things ticking in Nabiki's brain, when she realises that it wasn't so typical after all. Why no mention of Akane in Kuno's ranting, and Ranma's response seemed a little out of place too. Time for some serious investigating. What she finds out though nearly blows her mind. How did THIS happen!? Incomplete 29pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kunophilia *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.kunophilia Author: G.L. Sandborn (sandborn@burnsmcd.com) Webpage: http://home.kc.rr.com/sandborn/ Ranma is dead, and the Kuno siblings has largely withdrawn from the world Kodachi goes looking for Tatewaki one day to provoke him into a sexual act She gets more than she bargained for. Complete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kuno's Best Friend *lemon* (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara Matchup: Tatewaki+Orig Created: 22-02-2001 Akane and Ranma have an ultimatum for Nabiki. Shape up or ship out! And this time they have the ammunition to make it stick. Nabiki respects them for that, and for once she's going to help. First stop, Kuno to sort a few things out. But what she finds when she gets there is a lot more than she expects. Kuno is staring at his two goddesses, sounding like he is trying to persuade himself that he loves them, and there's a picture of a cute boy crumpled up on the floor... Incomplete 28pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kunous Excellent Adventure File: ranma.kunou.adventure Author: John Biles (rhea@maison-otaku.net) Webpage: http://www.dkcomm.net/rhea/old/ranma.html A choose your own adventure story, where you must play the part of the noble samurai, Kuno Tatewaki as he goes through a normal day (for him) Complete 36pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kuno Writes a fanfic File: ranma.kuno-writes-a-fanfic Author: Lawrence Chu (lawrence@sandwich.net) Webpage: http://pomi.sandwich.net/fanfics Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 08-08-2000 So what sort of story would Kuno write? Here, from his own pen, is the story of how he wrought the downfall of the demon Ranma Saotome and freed Akane, and the Pig Tailed Girl to finally express their hidden love for him... Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kurama 1/2 File: ranma.kurama RAAC File: Yuu-Yuu-Hakusho/yyh.ranma.kurama Author: Kristin Laura Huntsman (ranmafan@cats.ucsc.edu) Note: Stored in the Yuu Yuu Hakusho directory in the R.A.A.C Archives Crossover: Yuu Yuu Hakusho Crossover with Yuu Yuu Hakusho. Kurama and friends head off to Jusenkyo for some martial arts training. Of course, they all get cursed in one way or another. Kurama in particular winds up in the Nyannichuan And then there's the problem in the Joketsuzoku village... Incomplete 37pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kurobara File: ranma.kurobara Author: Nicholas Leifker(nightelf@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~nightelf/fanfic/index.html Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 15th (tie) Kodachi sees Ranma fighting some demons when the rain starts falling. Of course Ranma changes, and finally Kodachi realises that Ranma and the Osage no Onna are indeed the same person. Time for some serious soul searching.. Complete 21pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Kyuuketsuki (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Zorknot OFFNET Id: 1030363 Flags: Drama, Dark, Quality Good Updated: 02-05-2003 Created: 19-11-2002 Those poles in the pools at Jusenkyo are there for a reason. They're there to keep the evil spirits that inhabit those pools captive. The guide must make sure that they never fall, but one day disaster strikes as all the poles fall at once. The trapped spirits are now free, and via any cursed victim of Jusenkyo, can wreak their horrible vengeance on the world. Can anyone stand against them? Incomplete 61pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===============================> L <================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: LA Blue Ukyou (5 parts) *lemon* File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jim Bader (Shadowmane@ridgenet.net) Webpage: http://home.hostultra.com/~AngCobraFics/jimbader.html Cupid's attempt at a Bet entry.. When Ukyou was abandoned by Genma and Ranma, she abandoned her femininity. That is, until the Matron of the Miroku clan offers to teach Ukyo to help her survive and gain her revenge 9 years later Miko, Miyu, Yaku and Ukyo have trained together and all are experts at Miroku sexcraft. It's time to find Ranma and exact payment for what was done to Ukyo. Needless to say, things don't go quite as planned, especially when a few Shikima turn up for a bit of fun... Incomplete 201pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: La Femme Ranma (prologue,6 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Akraen Webpage: http://www.reikaifiles.com/xovers/fi/LaFemmeRanma.html Crossover: La Femme Nikita Flags: Dark, Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 10-09-2002 Ranma and Genma are being chased by gunmen. Unlike most such chases, this one is not so lighthearted as Genma is killed by them, sending Ranma into a killing rage. He escapes this time, but Section is after him. They want him as an operative, and what Section wants, they get... Incomplete 74pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Laid (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Thrythlind Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/thrythlind/title.htm OFFNET Id: 872557 Crossover: Tenchi Muyo Flags: Alterverse ,Drama, Quality Good Created: 07-08-2002 Ayeka has been confronted by Kiyone about her feelings about Ryoko. She has to stop leading her on. Kiyone is going to take her to a club, where she can maybe learn a few manners. Meanwhile Ranma has been sent there too, in girl form, ordered to take a night off by Nabiki. There's a little more to this club than they'd realised though, it's a lesbian dance club... Incomplete 26pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lair of the Tiger File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jim Bader (Shadowmane@ridgenet.net) Webpage: http://home.hostultra.com/~AngCobraFics/jimbader.html An alternate universe sidestory to A Very Scary Thought (Nabiki 1/2) Nabiki has been left with Madam Lao, when Ranma and Shampoo went home Madam Lao proceeds to condition her to become one of her pleasure slaves. She's very thorough, and imaginative. Main Story: A Very Scary Thought (Nabiki 1/2) Incomplete 35pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lamenting Ryouga File: ranma.lamenting-ryouga Author: Uchann (uchann@aol.com) Ryoga thinks to himself about the misery that is his life, and how unworthy he is. Complete 1pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lammas-Night Rankos heart File: ranma.lammas-night.rankos-heart Author: Rhonda Schell Ranko Saotome is a travelling sorceress. She's invited to settle down in a small village to replace their old sorcerer who met an untimely death. Complete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Language Lessons File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives RAAC File: Ah-My-Goddess/amg.ranma.language-lessons Author: David A. Tatum Webpage: http://davecon.anifics.com/ Note: Stored in the Ah-My-Goddess directory in the R.A.A.C. archives. Crossover: Oh My Goddess Jonathan Desaix wakes up on an unfamiliar street. Turns out he's in Tokyo and he doesn't speak any Japanese! A modification in the Yggdrasil wish granting system has resulted in him being co-opted to be a match maker to Ranma and Akane. But first, with Belldandy's help, he needs to learn Japanese. This fic is edutainment, teaching Japanese in fic format. Incomplete 21pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Last Gamble File: ranma.last-gamble Author: Jan Story Webpage: http://www.storyanime.com Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 08-08-2000 Ranma and Akane are still fighting, and it seems that Soun and Genma's dreams of uniting the houses is fading day by day. There is one last thing that Genma can try, but it is a big gamble. Will it work? Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Last Line of Defense File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Vahn Webpage: http://ladycosmos.anifics.com/x-over.html Crossover: Sailor Moon, Yu Yu Hakusho Reviewer: Corwin Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Poor Created: 11-11-2002 The Moon Kingdom had fallen, and Queen Serenity had failed to send her daughter and the senshi to the future, to get reincarnated. Will all be lost, when the Dark Kingdom manages to return? Or does humanity have a chance of survival, as ten thousand years later, a young boy assumes the mantle of protecting his planet? Incomplete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Last Man on Earth File: ranma.last-man-on-earth Author: Lord Archive (archive@mich.com) Webpage: http://www.digibros.net/~lordarchive/ Shampoo sits on a rock in Japan, The earth is dead and she wonders if anyone is still alive. All of a sudden Mousse turns up. Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Last Man Standing File: ranma.last-man-standing Author: Lucres Annuiteas Created: 08-08-2000 Many have tried to beat the pig-tailed destroyer in this challenge, but none have even come close. He normally beats them in 30 seconds or less, even those such as Herb and Saffron. But now comes Genma... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Last Match File: ranma.last-match Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 08-08-2000 At the Tendo Dojo, a Sensei finishing teaching his class. Afterwards, his father comes up and asks for a sparring match. But he pushes himself too hard and collapses. Is this history repeating? Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Last Moments File: ranma.last-moments Author: Joseph "Ashira" Kohle Ranma cries at a gravestone and wishes that he'd not been on a training trip when tragedy happened. Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Last Resort (6 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: AyumiH OFFNET Id: 1636954 Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 19-12-2003 Nabiki has an ultimatum for Ranma and Akane. Go to the mountains together for a week, or deal with the fathers next scheme instead, which is apparently a week at a nudist colony. No choice really. Getting along with each other could be a challenge though... Incomplete 55pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Last Words File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: ryanko/ranma-sm.last-words.htm Author: Ryanko Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/creep/ryanko Crossover: Sailor Moon Matchup: Ranma+Kasumi Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Poor Created: 25-01-2002 It is the end of the Silver Millennium, and the Senshi of Earth, Raina, lies dying. What happened, and why wasn't he saved with the others... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Late for the Sky File: ranma.late-for-the-sky Author: Hunter Kid (guilds@mail.serve.com) Webpage: http://www.serve.com/guilds/ranma/ Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 08-08-2000 One evening, as the Ucchans is closing, someone turns up. Initially thinking it's Ryoga, Ukyo invites him in, but it turns out to be Kumon Ryuu. Since the battle with Ranma, he's been a broken man, but a comment he makes to Ukyo about not knowing what love is, makes her think. Does she know what love is? Why does she love Ranma? Complete 41pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Late Night File: ranma.late-night Author: Ridgewolfe (ridgewolf1@aol.com) Kasumi hears some thumping late at night and gets up to see what's wrong. She checks in on everyone, making sure that her family is safe.. Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Laugh all you Want File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara Created: 22-02-2001 Tatewaki and Kodachi's father has sent them a strange package from New Guinea. Seems to be some sort of meat, and a recipe to cook it as well. A very precise one. Well, Kodachi is up to the job... Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: LCD File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Created: 21-12-2000 Hiroshi and Daisuke have been let loose again. This time they want to write a fanservice fic, starring Ranma. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Leap Half File: ranma.leap.half Author: Benares (xanthus@airmail.net) Webpage: http://formula119.com/ Awards: TASS Awards; 1994 Annual 9th Quantum Leap crossover. Sam Beckett leaps into Tsubasa just in time to be splatted by Ukyo. He's there to act as matchmaker to Ranma and Akane apparently but something else seems to be happening as well.. Complete 57pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Learning from Mistakes *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.learning-from-mistakes Lemon/ranma.lemon.learning-from-mistakes.1 (duplicate) Author: Robert Adam Morrison (alpha_cent@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://members.attcanada.ca/~alphac/frames.htm Ranma and Ryoga return from a 4 year trip to China to search for cures to their curses. They're successful! However when they return there are a few surprises, like 2 children for Ranma, by Akane, and that's not all. Incomplete 14pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Learning to Let Go (3 parts) File: ranma.learning-to-let-go Author: Angela Jewell (jewellangela@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/ak2/ranma/index.html Created: 08-08-2000 An argument over cookies winds up with both of them far from home. Akane stomps off and finds herself in a forest. Unfortunately she's not alone, and a group of men subdue her after a struggle. She's wanted by their prince. Meanwhile, Ranma is persuaded by Soun and Genma to look for her... Incomplete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Learn to stop File: ranma.learn-to-stop Author: Nikholas F. Toledo Zu Webpage: http://www.mydestiny.net/~nftzu/MainPage.htm Ranma's wife lies dying. Ranma sits her deathwatch, along with the girl that will marry him after she is dead.. Complete 1pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Leave it to Ranma File: ranma.leave-it-to-ranma Author: Jason Liao (jliao@phoenix.Princeton.EDU) Crossover: Leave it to Beaver Ranma follows Ryoga somewhere and winds up in Leave it to Beaver land. Akane watches on the TV at home.. Incomplete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Leaving Akane File: ranma.leaving-akane Author: Eric Oh Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/anime2/ericheeohfic/ Awards: TASS One Shots;2000 May 3rd Matchup: Ranma+Akane Shampoo glomps Ranma one day. Nothing unusual in this, although it's grounds for a malletting in Akane's book. However this time, Ranma seems to be returning the affections and Akane punts Shampoo away in her fury. And when Ranma wants to know why she did that, as he was having fun, Akane breaks off the engagement in her rage. What's unusual is that Ranma agrees. For once the engagement is really off. Ranma's really serious this time... Complete 22pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Le Canard a la Pekin File: Not stored in the Author: Sinom Bre(sinom_bre@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://home.houston.rr.com/onnaranma/index.html Awards: TASS One Shots;2000 Nov 2nd Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 30-10-2000 Ranma was hungry one evening and ate 3 Peking ducks all by himself! Leaving the rest of the family with nothing to eat. Oh well, off to the Nekohanten, to get a duck or two there. But there's a shortage of ducks there... Complete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Left Alone File: ranma.left-alone Author: Robert Adam Morrison (alpha_cent@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://members.attcanada.ca/~alphac/frames.htm Created: 08-08-2000 Ranma is just getting started with the day when he's interrupted by a horrible vision. It's Cherry, a local monk, who cheerfully tells him that today will be very bad for him! And he will suffer today like no other, and other cheery comments like that. Punting him off into the air doesn't seem to help, as indeed things do seem to have gone mad. Everyone is strangely changed, mostly for the worse... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Legacy of Love File: ranma.legacy-of-love Author: The Eternal Lost Lurker (lurkerdrome@megami.net) Akane brings home Ranma's dead body one day. She's not handling it well and after a while starts dressing up as Ranma. It doesn't stop there either! Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Legend of Drunken Panda File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kaiphantom Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/kaiphantom2000/ Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 20-05-2002 Genma plays Shogi with Soun and listens to his son in another altercation with his fiancees. He's proud of his son for his martial achievements, but he doesn't seem to have learned to fight for what he wants yet. His performance with the fiancees was dismal. Ranma may be better than Genma in the Martial Arts, but there are a few more things that Genma wants to teach him yet. Maybe a trip is called for. So Genma sneaks quietly into the night... Incomplete 14pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Legend of Lujen File: ranma.legend-of-lujen Author: Luis Majluf <98lmajlu@amersol.edu.pe>, Jennifer Yi <98jen@amersol.edu.pe> Ranma is a German master of the sword. His country is being attacked, and he must find the legendary sword Souledge.. Incomplete 27pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Legend of Ranma File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Hung Nguyen (animeaddiction@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://aamark4.tripod.com/mark4/ Crossover: Legend of Zelda, The Ocarina of Time, Sailor Moon, Devil Hunter Yohko, Oh My Goddess Reviewer: Corwin Reviewer Likes: 0 Matchup: Ranma+Mano Yohko Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 23-09-2002 During the Neko-ken training, Ranma is transferred to the world of Hyrule, where he takes Link's place. Years later, after Ganondorf is defeated at last and Hyrule is saved, he returns to his world of origin, along with his friend Navi. There, the real adventure begins, as Sailor Senshi, devil hunters and even goddesses get involved in a titanic battle between good and evil. Incomplete 113pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Legend of Wen-Ru File: ranma.legend-of-wen-ru Author: Chan Heng Yip A strange boy turns up at the Tendo Dojo looking for a place to train. He's called Wen-Ru, and is a very good martial artist, flattening Ranma effortlessly Soun promptly breaks Ranma's engagement to Akane and engages her to Wen-Ru. Other hyperpowered martial artists turn up. Incomplete 43pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Legends (2 parts, rewrite 4 parts) File: ranma.legends (part 1) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (part 2; rewrite parts 1-4) FFML File: FFML-4/2000-03/8071 (parts 1-2) FFML-4/2000-03/8070 (part 3) FFML-4/2000-03/8130 (part 4) Author: Belphera (part 1; Rewrite parts 1-4) The DragonBard (part 2) Note: Part 2 was sent to the RAAC but doesn't appear to be in the archives Search Dejanews for it. Updated: 09-08-2000 A few years back a group of terrorists managed to kill 75% of the worlds population. 10 heroes stopped him. Now it's time for Ranma to honour the engagement to the Tendo Daughters. They are all in their 20's now, and living in America. Nodoka is the richest woman in the world.. Incomplete 45pp Rewrite Incomplete 78pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Legends-Tabyk File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Tabyk Webpage: http://www.tabyk.net Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama,Continuation, Quality Good Created: 16-09-2005 Ranma is old. He's lived a long life, but now at the end everything is draining away. His daughter has to watch her father as he gets more and more frustrated, and depressed. No longer able to shine like he did, and with a family that is increasingly against him. What will be the final fate of Ranma Saotome? Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Legionnaires (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: James Lee (jlee100441@aol.com) Webpage: http://jlee.anifics.com/index.htm Crossover: Many Created: 20-08-2002 Usagi has joined the foreign legion. Her boyfriend and family kept on about how immature she was, so when they disowned her, she signed up. She has quite a few companions as well, a tall redhead named Mai, two girls called Rally and Minni May, two more called Sammy and Ryuunosuke, and a standoffish little redhead called Ranko Foret... Incomplete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lemonade *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.lemonade Author: John Biles (rhea@maison-otaku.net) Webpage: http://www.dkcomm.net/rhea/old/ranma.html Crossover: Many Awards: TASS Awards; 1995 Annual 3rd (tie) Parody of lemons,alien invasions, and SI stories. Ranma has sex with Nabiki just to assuage his needs. Nabiki is quite happy to oblige for a price. Then things start happening. Sailor senshi, twisted megalomaniacs, flashbacks, the author running off with the girls. Godai as a fanfic writer e.t.c... Sidestory: Maison Bailesu *lemon* Complete 151pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lemonade Punch (5 parts) *lemon* File: Lemon/Punch/* (5 files) Author: paladin Webpage: http://stfan.free.fr/Hinako.htm Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 14th (part 1- tie) Hentosai, the more perverted, evil brother of Happosai comes to visit. In the ensuing battle Hentosai uses his Passion Fever attack, which only affects young virgin girls (including Ranma-chan). They must lose their virginity before the next sunrise or die. Of course, once they have the taste for it, it's hard to give up... Complete 288pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Le Plus Ca Change (6 parts) File: ranma.le-plus-ca-change Author: Dave Menard (catthouse@lweb.net) Webpage: http://members.rogers.com/spghome/index.html Created: 10-08-2000 20 years on, and a new crop of martial artists are on the scene. People like Sachiko and Ranko Saotome, Ranma and Akane's two daughters, Kobuta Hibiki, Ryoga and Akari's daughter, Ti-Pi, Lina Gosunkugi, Burakuro Taro, Kin and others. The fun starts when Ranma and Ryoga introduce Ryoga's son to Ranma's two daughters. He will marry one of them to merge the two schools. But the children in question may have something to say about this, and this being Nerima, other complications are bound to emerge. Incomplete 70pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lesbian 1/2 (9 parts) File: ranma.lesbian-1-2 (parts 1-8) Author: Donny Cheng Webpage: http://members.shaw.ca/chengdo Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 11-08-2000 A continuation of an entry to 'The Butt-the Other Cheek'. At age 6, Ukyo persuades Ranma that girls are better. This causes Ranma to spend the next 10 years trying to become the exact opposite of Genma, on the basis that Genma is trying to get him to be a Man amongst Men, so doing the opposite would make him a Woman amongst Women. And the Jusenkyo curse was a gift from heaven! But Ranma does still like girls. How will the Tendos cope with the charming girl that is Ranma? Incomplete 217pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lesbian Amazonian Dominatrix File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Trimatter Webpage: http://home.austin.rr.com/trimatter/ Flags: Spamfic, Lime, Quality Good Created: 15-09-2005 Ranma and Genma, accompanied by Soun have returned to Jusenkyo to get their curses cured. Unfortunately the Nannichuan has dried up and they'll have to wait until it re-fills before they can be cursed. However a fight that erupts between Ranma and Genma results in sending Soun into a pool! The pool of Lesbian Amazon Dominatrix to be precise. Anyone that falls into that pool will become a Lesbian Amazon Dominatrix destined to chase and discipline a busty red-headed girl... Complete 37pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lessons File: ranma.lessons Author: Tom Maddox (lmaddox@tigger1.nado.hp.com) An old friend of Soun and Genma turns up at the Dojo. Called Stacey Fujihara he is male, and gay. He has something to teach Ranma. Complete 65pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lessons of Mastery File: ranma.lessons-of-mastery Author: Arthur Hansen Webpage: http://www.kindred.net/arthur/art.html Awards: TASS One Shots;2000 Jun 1st,2000 Annual 1st Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Updated: 19-06-2000 It starts when Ranma finally challenges Genma for the Mastery of the Anything-Goes School. Later at school Ranma challenges Kuno. If he should win, Kuno must find out all about the Pig Tailed Girl from Nabiki. And then when Ranma is at Tofu's clinic getting fixed, Tofu convinces him that being the best martial artist also means being good academically as well. Then he needs to prove to Akane that he's not a pervert. Challenge after challenge, leading, quite by chance, to realise the truth about the skills he has learned from Cologne. Now it's time to really answer the challenge... Complete 102pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Less Than (4 parts) File: ranma.less-than (parts 1-3, 4.1) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (parts 4.2,4.3) Author: Zoe "L-Kom" Morales Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/tx3/LkomFics/index.html Created: 11-08-2000 An argument between Ranma and Akane gets out of hand one day when Akane says some things to Ranma that hurt him to the core. He retreats into his room, and won't come out for anything. Desperate, Akane thinks of something that might let her really find out what being Ranma is like... Complete 107pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Let's Try that Again File: ranma.lets-try-that-again Author: Tonbo (tonbo@sempai.org) Webpage: http://www.sempai.org/~tonbo/fanfiction/ Awards: TASS One Shots; 1998 Nov 3rd Flags: Drama, Quality Good Created: 20-01-2003 Akane is annoyed. She looks at herself and mutters imprecations at Ranma. This tension has been going on since their last encounter and something is building... Prequel: Try me for Real *lemon* Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Let the Curtain Fall (6 parts) File: ranma.let-the-curtain-fall Author: Mike Noakes (noakes_m@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Subway/9701/ Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 19-03-2004 Created: 03-10-2003 Ranma and Akane are off to University. Things have quietened down a lot and have really got a bit boring. Still, getting shown around the halls of residence got rather livelier when Happosai turned up. After the fight though, Ranma finds a strange old book in his bag. Other people want that book as well and soon Ranma is fighting a battle with an impossibly skilled man to keep it. It's a battle he loses as well, only to find out that he no longer has the book anyway. It must have gone to Akane, which means that she's in deadly danger. The danger she is in though does not come from the direction Ranma thinks... Incomplete 338pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Let the Wind blow File: ranma.let-the-wind-blow Author: Terrence Marks It's a stormy day when Ryoga turns up at the Tendo Dojo. Just in time to stop a tornado hitting the dojo. Cool move that. Then he admits his love for Kodachi. Well at least Akane and Nabiki thinks he does, and they're determined to set him up with her.. Complete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lh-Learning To Let Go File: ranma.lh.learning-to-let-go-again Author: Mr. Otakki Cologne had a childhood friend. An unusual one indeed. That friend is now coming to visit her in Japan. Complete 53pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Libere Volo (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Prospero Hibiki Webpage: http://prospero.anifics.com Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 20-05-2003 A strange lady has found Ranma and she's got quite a deal for him. She wants him to be the guardian of another world, not a position free of risks. However the curse would be cursed. No going back though, once committed, Ranma will never return to this world. Incomplete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Liberty City Ranma File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Aszhole/ranma-gta3.liberty-city-ranma Author: Some Aszhole Crossover: GTA3 Flags: Dark, Quality Fair Created: 09-08-2002 Ranma and the Tendo's have gone to America. To Liberty City to be precise, as the prize for winning a martial arts competition. Maybe this one is one that Ranma should have lost though. 6 days after they arrive Nabiki is abducted, the hotel was burnt down years ago and they're stuck there with no way to get back... Incomplete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lies File: ranma.lies Author: Jeffrey Hosmer (jhosmer@ix.netcom.com) Webpage: http://www.dkcomm.net/jhosmer Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 12th (tie) Ryouga dreams, remembering his last duel with Ranma, where in a rage and seeing an opening, he killed Ranma with his umbrella. It's 5 years on and still he doesn't know peace. But he's married to Akane now. Ukyo was found at the scene of the crime, her mind snapped, and was sent to the insane asylum for having killed Ranma. But who is that red shirted, black panted figure walking on the fence? Complete 14pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Life and Manhood File: ranma.life-and-manhood Author: Andrew Huang (alhuang@hcs.harvard.edu) Webpage: http://www.hcs.harvard.edu/~alhuang/anime/fanfic/myfics/ Ranma has had a very hard day. Beaten up by Akane, Ryoga, Kuno, Mousse and all the fiancees chasing after him, he's finally wound up in the cellar drinking. And thinking.. Sequel: Waking Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Life and Moving On File: ranma.life-and-moving-on Author: Andres Odella Nodoka lies dying in Dr Tofu's office and everyone comes to pay their last respects. Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Life and Times (7 parts, 3 specials) File: Life-And-Times/ranma.lat.[1-7].* (7 files) (parts 1-7) Life-And-Times/ranma.lat.special.* (2 files) (special 1-2) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (special 3) Author: Donny Cheng (chengdo@home.com) Webpage: http://members.shaw.ca/chengdo Crossover: Many Crossovers with lots of series (SM, Tenchi, Nuku-Nuku, AMG...). You thought Ranma had girl problems before? Now he has Sailor senshi, Goddesses, Eva Pilots and who knows what else after him! Reading order: 1-5,special 1, special 2, 6-7, special 3 Sidestory: Life and Times: Preludes and Interludes Sequel: Life and Times: First Knight Complete 100pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Life and Times: First Knight (7 parts, 1.1-1.6, 2.1) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Donny Cheng (chengdo@home.com) Webpage: http://members.shaw.ca/chengdo Crossover: Many Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Updated: 11-01-2002 So, how did Ranma become the First Knight to Serenity? This is the story of how that happened, and his life on the way. It starts after an attack on Usagi results in Ranma being killed. nearly. His spirit wanders off to Makai, while everyone else tries to patch up his body. There's a tournament in Makai. Something to do while waiting... Prequel: Life and Times Incomplete 109pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Life and Times: Preludes and Interludes (4 parts) File: Life-And-Times/ranma.lat.preludes-and-interludes Author: Donny Cheng (chengdo@home.com) Webpage: http://members.shaw.ca/chengdo Crossover: Many A glimpse into the lives of some of the people in the universe of Life and Times. We have here Ryoga, Genma, Shampoo, Cologne, Ami, Ryoko, Yusuke, Hotaru, Ayanami Rei III, Setsuna, Minako, Kuwabara, and Taro. How has Ranma affected all these people? Main Story: Life and Times Complete 66pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Life is Beautiful File: ranma.life-is-beautiful Author: Rodrigo Valdebenito Created: 12-08-2000 Nabiki is worried. Ranma and Akane are getting too close. And if they marry, it will cause a big crimp in her earnings opportunities. What to do about it? Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Life is but a Dream? File: ranma.life-is-but-a-dream Author: Saotome-sama (macross@erols.com) Akane makes a wish on a shooting star then retires to bed, She looks at a photograph of Ranma, aged 13 and wonders how someone so handsome could have died so young. She wishes that she could have met him, and that there could be someone for her... Incomplete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Life on the Inside File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: D B Sommer (sommert@connecttime.net) Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/dbsommer/index.htm Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 22-01-2004 What is life really like as a gladiator in the Imperial Arena? Shampoo has been there for several months now, and it has become home to her. What sort of home though can this place really be, where life is cheap and death or crippling is a constant threat every day? Main Story: Quantum Destinies (after chapter 19) See Also: Path of the Warrior Complete 65pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Life's Choices File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Cloud Dreamer Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/cloud_dreamer2000/ Flags: Drama,Continuation Created: 17-03-2001 A bad argument and a breakfast prepared by Akane results in Ranma having a meal at the Ucchans. Well, until Akane destroys the kitchen there. Ukyo wonders why Ranma understands girls so poorly. After all, he is one half the time. Maybe if he understood them better he'd do better with them. Another argument is the trigger and Ranma leaves home to find out about being a girl. A chance encounter at a martial arts tournament leads her to the Tanakas and for once a real home... Incomplete 75pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lightning Strikes (5 parts> File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 2021900 Author: Kizmet Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Quark/9745/Kizmets_FanFic.html Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 06-09-2004 Ranma comes home late one evening, keeping Akane up out of worry. Finally he DOES come home though, so all should be well. The next morning Akane finds Ranma's chopped off pigtail in the bin! Something is very wrong with Ranma, but what is it? Does it have anything to do with the massacre in the park? And just how out of control IS Ranma? Hopefully Nabiki can find out the answer to these questions before it's too late... Complete 51pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Like Son Like Father File: ranma.like-son-like-father Author: Shaun Patrick Mcisaac (spmcisaa@midway.uchicago.edu) Ranma and Genma visited the Amazon village before Jusenkyo here, and upon being spotted eating the food, the villagers chase them out of town. They cleverly hide from their pursuers by diving into Nyannichuan and breathing through reeds. Oh dear... Incomplete 30pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Like Squid for Enema *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.like-squid-for-enema Author: Antaeus Feldspar Hentai Ikazushi is a teenage boy with very strong lusts. Having heard of Jusenkyo, he realised that here was a way to get a secret identity, with which to satisfy his baser urges. He leaps in Urotsukidojichuan, the spring of Drowned Naughty Tentacle... Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lines of Destiny (12 parts, rewrite-prologue) File: sm.ranma.lines-of-destiny Author: Louis-Philippe Giroux (dragon@anime.sobhrach.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.usacomputers.net/~dragon/lines/lines.html Crossover: Sailor Moon Awards: TASS Mini Series; 1998 Jan 3rd (part 8), 1998 Annual 3rd Rakhal Likes: 2 Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Updated: 20-01-2003 Ranma and Akane have just got married. Now they are to go to University together. While they find accommodation, they are staying with Ranma's cousin, Rei Hino, in a shinto shrine. When they first arrive on the train a monster accosts them at the station. The Sailor Senshi arrive to deal with it, but too late!, Ranma and Akane have handily dealt with it. This piques the Sailors interest. It's even more interesting when Ranma and Akane are found to be reincarnations of Hotaru's brother, the Saturn Knight, and Endymions Sister, Sailor Terra. Incomplete 372pp Rewrite Incomplete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Liquid Fighter Gold (4 parts) File: ranma.liquid-fighter Author: Ryoga P Hibiki (carrotglace@mindspring.com) OFFNET Id: 227422 Awards: TASS Mini Series;2001 Mar 2nd Matchup: Ranma+Nabiki Flags: Drama, Alterverse,Quality Good Updated: 19-04-2001 Created: 13-08-2000 Liquid Fighters are semi-solid Holographic units that are controlled by units implanted in the owners body. They fight in tournaments. Genma finds a second hand one, and manually operates on Ranma to implant the controllers. The unit appears as a small red-headed girl. What effect will this have on the Tendos when they meet them, and how well will Ranma and Ranko do in the tournament? Incomplete 51pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Little Angel Lost (12 parts, 1 sidestory) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Ryo_Oki/ranma-amg.little-angel-lost (parts 1-12) Ryo_Oki/ranma-amg.little-angel-lost-ss1 (sidestory 1) Author: Ryo-Oki Webpage: http://nighthawk.anifics.com/hosted/ryo_oki.htm Crossover: Oh My Goddess Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 01-07-2005 Created: 21-02-2003 Miss Hinako is not feeling well one day. It doesn't get better as time goes on either and she collapses in class. It seems that she's run out of vital ki and she would have died if Ranma hadn't been there to save her, How can they cure the teacher properly, and how can Ranma help heal Miss Hinako's deep emotional wounds. What has Urd to do with all of this as well... Reading order: parts 1-9, sidestory 1, part 10-12 Incomplete 935pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Little Boy Lost File: ranma.tamashii-no-kisu.side-story Author: Redfox Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 28-09-2001 What did split the Hibiki family up. How did Ryoga end up alone? Main Story: Tamashii no Kisu Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Little Condo on the Prairie File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kevin D. Hammel (khammel@pacbell.net) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~khammel/ Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Nabiki Created: 30-11-2000 10 years after the events in 'Poison', Akane flies to America to visit Nabiki and her daughters. She'll probably have to see HIM again, but maybe it won't be too bad, and Nabiki will no doubt need comforting... Prequel: Poison [Doenime] Complete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Little Ducks File: ranma.little-ducks Author: Chris Schumacher (kensu@madison.tdsnet.com) Nabiki wants to use Ranma as a guinea pig. She's got this hypnotism book and she wants to try it out on Ranma before trying it out on Kuno. Now poor Ranma will tell anyone that claps that he loves them, and gives them all his money.. Complete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Little Girl Lost File: ranma.little-girl-lost Author: Jaelle Webpage: http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~jaelle/Jaelle_Orla.htm Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 14-08-2000 Ranma and Akane are at the Ucchans having a nice Okonomiyaki when Ryoga arrives, lost as usual. He wants to be taken to a festival, and give that he seems to be really worked up about it, Ranma agrees to take him then and there. But he also suggests that they all go. Ukyo doesn't seem to be very keep though, she's not liked festivals since she was 6 and got lost at one. Ryoga doesn't seem at all keen on her going either. Wonder why? Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Little Red File: ranma.little-red Author: Coutuva (coutuva@vecdev.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Bay/9295 Created: 15-08-2000 Akane is making a film when her attention is drawn to a girl who handles the horses used in the filming. She is very good at her job and when her cap blows off one day, revealing bright red hair, Akane has to know more. What she finds out will force her to confront what happened 20 years in the past, back when she knew Ranma and lived in Nerima. Complete 31pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Little Things File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jeffrey Vasquez Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/jvasquez/index.htm Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Kasumi Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 02-04-2004 The strain of keeping the family going amidst the daily chaos is beginning to put strain on Kasumi. Fortunately there is someone there to help. It's Ranma and it isn't long before the two start to grow closer... Complete 44pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Little Wing File: ranma.little-wing Author: Oscar Archer ( The Reb ) Kohane, an immortal turns up at the Tendo Dojo, looking to settle down for a bit. Both Ranma and Ryouga (and Akane as well) want to train under her, but trouble follows in her steps. Complete 92pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Living Life Anew (8 parts) File: ranma.living-life-anew (part 1) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (parts 2-8) Author: Jarred L. Mitchell Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/patrmerc/ Rakhal Likes: 2 Created: 17-08-2000 Ranma and Akane have been drifting apart since the failed wedding. Ranma feels that the only reason that Akane was going through with it was pity for him. Well, he's going to improve himself. Secretly every evening he goes to the library to study, and secretly he's taken an entrance exam to college. He passes as well, and it's only a few minutes away from Akane's college. Better not go to the same place, better to have a little space between them. But when he breaks the news to Akane at the Prom, things don't exactly go as planned. Akane breaks into a towering rage, ending the engagement and driving him off. But why? Maybe that figure in the shadows has something to do with it. Apparently Ranma is needed for something... Complete 447pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Living with the Virus: the good, the bad, and the simply bizarre File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Bruce Munroe Webpage: http://www.furinkan.net/fanfic/virus-brucemonro.txt Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 06-05-2001 Ranma reflects on the changes that have occurred in his life and the lives of those around him in the wake of the virus Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lobo-Beauty and the Bastich File: ranma.lobo.beauty-and-the-bastich Author: AlberCrombie Lobo, Assassin extraordinare comes to earth to complete a contract against Kasumi. How is she going to get out of this! Complete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Loki File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: J.S Levine (patchmonkey@patchmonkey.net) Webpage: http://www.patchmonkey.net Flags: Spamfic Created: 04-03-2001 Akane malletting Ranma is such a cliche, but maybe it does have justification here, since it Akane is the secret daughter of Thor, and Ranma is the secret son of Loki... Incomplete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lonely at Heart *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.lonely-at-heart Author: Zenki (michael.h.chen@yale.edu) Webpage: http://pantheon.yale.edu/~mhc8/anime/ Matchup: Ranma+Nodoka Nodoka is unhappy. After another visit to the Tendos, where only Ranko and Mr Panda were there, and not her son and husband, she feels abandoned by them Ranma accidentally runs into her, knocking her down and out, and he takes her back home. When she wakes up, she seduces Ranma... Complete 36pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lonely Hearts File: ranma.tenchi.lonely-hearts Author: Keener Barnes Crossover: Tenchi Muyo Shampoo is delivering some Ramen to the Masaki residence when an unexpected shower converts her to kitty form! Maybe she can find some hot water in the Masaki house. A certain cabbit notices her arrival. Maybe this new kitty will be a friend? Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lonely Match (prologue, 6 chapters) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Cloud Dreamer Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/cloud_dreamer2000/ Matchup: Ranma+Nabiki Flags: Drama, Divergence,Quality Good Updated: 20-06-2004 Created: 21-11-2003 Ranma has just arrived is lying unconscious after Akane hit her with the table. Nabiki has been assigned to watch over the sleeping girl and can't help talking to herself while she does so. She's very lonely and she feels a lot of pressure, needing to keep her family safe. There are two new people here and she's very wary of them. Ranma wakes up and hears the other girl talk and resolves to help. This is the start of a friendship and alliance which could help both of them. Incomplete 153pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lonely Soul File: ranma.lonely-soul Author: Ridgewolfe (ridgewolf1@aol.com) Ukyo waves goodbye to Ranma one evening and thinks about how lonely she is. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lonely Souls (prologue, 8 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 426518 Author: Fred Herriot (fherriot@yahoo.com) Crossover: Urusei Yatsura,Sister Princess Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Ataru Flags: Drama,Action,Continuation,Quality Good Updated: 29-11-2002 Created: 02-12-2001 Chikage looks into the crystal ball and consults the tarot. She sees two people, a boy, one that is related to her, and a girl, with a fiery spirit and one who completes the boy. The boy is Ataru, After having some lost memories returned to him, not to mention a sister of sorts, and after seeing Lum expelled from the planet, things are going to change dramatically in Ataru's life. The girl is Ranma, who still have much to find out about who he/she is, and suffers from her own injuries. The situation in Nerima is becoming untenable for her, causing her to react with increasing violence. Meeting up with Tampopo did her a lot of good, and as for when she met Ataru... Incomplete 1199pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Long and Winding Road (2 parts) File: ranma.long-and-winding-road.1 (part 1) ranma.long-and-winding-road.2 (part 2) Author: Zen (ayanami@mindspring.com) Webpage: http://www.mindspring.com/~databank/fanfics.html Awards: TASS Continuing Series; 1998 Mar 1st (part 2), 1998 Annual 4th (part 2) Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Ukyo Flags: Divergence, Drama, Quality Good Another fiancee turns up, and of course after she leaves again, Akane and Ranma have another HUGE fight. But this time is different. This time Akane finally convinces Ranma that she hates him. It's time for Ranma to move on. Incomplete 147pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Long Hard Road File: ranma.long-hard-road Author: George Mori (setzerofvane@nethaus.net) Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 13th (part 1- tie) Nabiki has got a nice new crawl space up above the bathroom at the Tendos Just right for some seriously racy pictures of Akane. Kuno will pay the earth for these! It's a pity a few went missing, and one found its way onto the school noticeboard.. Incomplete 33pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lookalike File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Douglas MacDougall Webpage: http://www.dougmacd.net/fics/index.html Created: 04-08-2000 The weirdoes are always after Ranma. She's being followed by another one as she walks home in girl-form one day. He's wearing weird blue clothes that look as if they come from another time period, and he's looking far to intently at her chest. Not to mention that he's treating her like a long-lost friend or something... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Look at Me File: ranma.look-at-me Author: Kiwi Noriega (becknkal@addax.bc.ca) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9371/ Ranma and Akane meet by the river, look at each other and tell each other what they see. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Loose Ends File: ranma.loose-ends Author: Jake Olbert (sewalter@oratmail.cfa.ilstu.edu) First everyone seems to be trying to get Ranma. It seems that they want Ranma to make up his mind about Akane one way or another. Decision time. And what about the Shadow Master. And then there's Clio, what about her? Incomplete 62pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lord of Confusion File: ranma.diablo2.lord-of-confusion FFNET Id: 475065 Author: Istoria Webpage: http://www.bansheeproductions.net/ Crossover: Diablo 2 Awards: TASS Continuing Series;2002 Jun 2nd Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Updated: 18-10-2002 Created: 08-03-2002 A panda and a girl arrive at the home of Soun Tendo in Tristram. This is Ranma, a paladin, and his father Genma. They had a small problem with a magic scroll that changed Ranma into a girl and his father into a panda, and all attempts to fix that problem has only resulted in worse disasters! They're off to find a cure and Akane, a sorceress, is coming with them. And when they return they will be married! Well, that's the plan anyway... Complete 409pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Losers.com (3 parts) File: ranma.losers-dot-com Author: Gendou Knepper Webpage: http://www.gendou.net Matchup: Mousse+Kodachi Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 25-07-2001 A group of people communicate anonymously on an internet chatroom. Personalities in cyberspace are frequently somewhat different in cyberspace letting new understandings and relationships form without the hinderance of existing preconceptions... Incomplete 39pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Losing a Loved One File: ranma.losing-a-loved-one Author: Kiwi Noriega (becknkal@addax.bc.ca) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9371/ Soun and his daughters gather around Mrs Tendo's deathbed.. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Losing It File: ranma.losing-it Author: Kwokinator (kwokinator@animefanfics.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/ranma_saotome666/ Created: 17-08-2000 Ranma is fighting, but against a worse enemy than he's ever faced before. Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Loss at Jusendo File: ranma.loss-at-jusendo Author: Durandall Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/brandall/index.htm Flags: Drama,Divergence Created: 18-03-2001 The battle with Saffron is over, and now Ranma must confront the loss of the girl so close to him. Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lost File: ranma.lost Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org A young woman wanders the streets of Los Angeles. She's lost, and is just following the voices that tell her to get away, get as far away as possible. And there is a face in her mind. A pretty girl with short black hair, and a name.. Akane.. Complete 45pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lost and Found File: ranma.lost-and-found Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong Akane has been walking for hours, and is quite lost. It's cold, she's tired and she's all alone. And then Ranma turns up. Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lost and Loving It File: ranma.lost-and-loving-it Author: Matthew Created: 17-08-2000 Shiro, Ryoga's brother, has a much more relaxed attitude to the Hibiki curse than Ryoga has. He could do better than to learn from Shiro... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lost Cure, Found Love (12 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: AkaneAlways Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/akanealways/ Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 09-07-2003 Ranma has always wanted a cure to his curse, so when Ryoga turns up one day he's more than a little interested in the fact that he doesn't change when wet! Mind you, Ryoga doesn't seem to remember Akane either. There is a cure, but there's a major drawback to it. When you are cured, you lose all your memories from the time you were cursed... Incomplete 54pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lost Dreams File: ranma.lost-dreams Author: Monica Shin (monica@pipeline.com) A 24 year old Ryoga sits in a bar, getting not so slowly drunk as he tells his life story to anyone that will listen. Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lost Innocence (7 parts, epilogue) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Thrythlind Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/thrythlind/title.htm OFFNET Id: 220198 Awards: TASS Mini Series;2001 Nov 3rd,2001 Annual 9th,2002 Mar 2nd, 2002 Apr 1st,2002 May 1st,2002 Jun 1st,2002 Jul 1st Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Nabiki+Ryoga Flags: Dark, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 08-03-2002 Created: 03-05-2001 A strange noise from Tatewaki's rooms attracts Kodachi's attention one day, and a closer inspection reveals what's happening. An encounter with some drugged ramen has rendered Ranma vulnerable to Tatewaki, who has taken his chance and raped her in his quest to free his pigtailed goddess. Fortunately Kodachi is able to rescue Ranma, but how will Ranma cope with what has happened to her?. How will everyone else for that matter. Others have their secrets too. Complete 362pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lost Love File: ranma.lost-love Author: Lucas Muzzatti (ranchan@mail.accent.net) Akane is killed by a demon, and Ranma cannot save her. How will Ranma live with himself afterwards.. Incomplete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lost Love [Bartram] File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara Created: 22-02-2001 Ranma's soliloquy after losing the one thing in his life that made it worth while. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lost Roses File: ranma.lost-roses Author: The Hand of Omega Before Ryoga met Akane, before he took that ill-fated trip to Jusenkyo, Ryoga loved Kodachi. They still have some feelings.. Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lost Time File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: LoriLynn1 Webpage: http://www.wanderingreality.com/ (seems currently dead) OFFNET Id: 1655566 Nerima consistently misspelled Nermina. Crossover: Inuyasha Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 30-03-2004 Ryoga has found an old man on his travels. One willing to give him a magic necklace that will apparently make Akane want to marry him if she puts it on! It's definitely worth a chance. The jewel on that necklace is a part of the Shikon no Tama though, the only part that's whereabouts was up-til-now unknown. And as such Inuyasha and Kagome are VERY interested in it. How to get it away from Akane though, who once she has the necklace is unable to take it off again. It's affecting her mind as well, though in a rather erratic way it seems... Incomplete 30pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lost Times (5 parts) File: ranma.pokemon.lost-times (parts 1-4) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (part 5) Author: Lissa-chan (SilentWolf3@aol.com) Webpage: http://snoco4h.wsu.edu/melissa/Fanfiction/fanfiction.htm Crossover: Pokemon Created: 17-08-2000 A strange mist comes one day and takes most of the Ranma characters away with it. And a number of Pokemon characters as well. They've been whisked into the far future, the year 3065, 60 years after just about all humanity was destroyed in a plague. Only a few survive. The Challengers, who aim to save the world, and the Darkstalkers. They've been brought by the Challengers, who wish to recruit them to help in their fight... Incomplete 37pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Love (16 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Cooper/ranma.love Author: Raymond Cooper Webpage: http://www.netaccess.com.au/~domino/ OFFNET Id: 548568 Crossover: Sailor Moon, Love Hina Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 07-11-2003 Created: 28-02-2003 Ranma's dead! Very gorily as well, his head exploded. How on earth did this happen? After the fight at the University, Ranma is severely weakened and takes some time to recover. However it is obvious that he must train the Senshi better to withstand the forces of the Dark Kingdom, who are only getting stronger. The Master has been reborn into his adult form and it's hard to see how anyone can stand against him. Something that the Senshi will find out only to well... Prequel: Truth Incomplete 481pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Love, Amazon Style File: ranma.love-amazon-style Author: The DragonBard Someone drugged everyone at the Tendo Dojo, and everyone fell asleep. While they were asleep, Shampoo and Cologne stole Ranma and spirited him off back to China. At least Cologne left a note explaining what happened, and giving them a chance to get him back.. Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Love and Honor (2 parts) File: ranma.love-and-honor Author: Syithe (syithe@my-dejanews.com) Matchup: Ranma+Ranko Ranma didn't just fall into the Nyannichuan, he fell into the spring of Drowned Twins as well, which had the effect of splitting his male and female sides. Now the twins are inseparable. They love each other and literally cannot bear to be apart from each other. Incomplete 44pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Love and Marriage File: ranma.love-and-marriage Author: Anand Rao Webpage: http://www.gsm.uci.edu/~arao02/ Shampoo sneaks into the kitchen at the Dojo one day with some passion spice Disturbed, she runs, but leaves the spice behind. Kasumi puts some in the soup and, as usual tastes it. Of course the next person she sees is Ranma... Sequel: Chosen Path Complete 46pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Love and War: Love File: ranma.love-and-war.love Author: Ethan Tsai (tsaie@Gridley.ACNS.Carleton.edu) 2 figures come into the Ranmaverse, Ken, and Brutus, having a mortal combat Ken wins, but Brutus is found by Shampoo, and as a result, Cologne gets a magic circlet. Ken winds up at the Tendo Dojo, where Ranma is getting ready to make his choice. Also Ken apparently has 2 of the horsemen of the Apocalypse inside him! Complete 299pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lovechain Encircle File: ranma.lovechain-encircle Author: Ryan Robert Hill Created: 17-08-2000 In the aftermath of the events in 'Love of a Good Woman' more strange matchup are occurring. All by chance of course, but will they work out. At least one will, if Soun and Genma have anything to say about it. Prequel: Love of a Good Woman Complete 36pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Love Found (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Verse12 OFFNET Id: 1280832 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Fair Created: 26-03-2003 Ranma has moved on after Akane. He's found a new place to stay, one Maison Ikokku. Nerima doesn't have a patent on weirdness... Prequel: Love Lost Incomplete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Love gets in the way File: ranma.love-gets-in-the-way Author: Dreamspinner (dreamspinner_@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Towers/5205/ Another fight between Akane and Ranma winds up with her shouting that she wished the school never existed. Looks like she gets her wish, Happy has been playing with the wrong type of bombs. Whups.. Complete 21pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Love, Guilt, and the Minds Eye File: ranma.love-guilt-and-the-minds-eye Author: Jack Staik (jstaik1043@earthlink.net) Webpage: http://home.earthlink.net/~jstaik1043/otaku.htm Akane has always had trouble knowing what Ranma thinks, and in trusting him until a chance find in a jewelry store changes things. The brooch in question is apparently patterned after an ancient magical brooch called The Minds Eye, which give the wearer the ability to know the heart of another person. The original was lost centuries ago, but the people responsible for it vanishing were apparently a legendary tribe of female warriors from Northern China. Aha! Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Love in September File: ranma.love-in-september Author: Richard Beaubien (beaubird@anime.sobhrach.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~beaubird/ Shampoo is out to kill Ranma-chan, and Akane gets in the way, accidentally knocking Shampoo out. Uh oh! As it happens, Akane is dressed up as Romeo, and Shampoo mistakes her for a man... Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Love in the Temple of Ice File: ranma.love-in-the-temple-of-ice Author: defwood Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 18-08-2000 Kasumi walks through the ice sculptures in the Sapporo Winter Festival. But when she comes across a huge replica of a temple, a voice invites her inside... Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Love is a Battlefield File: ranma.love-is-a-battlefield Author: Allyn Yonge (ayonge@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/ayongedarling Ukyo and Akane head into China to rescue Ranma, who has been kidnapped by Shampoo. Akane has been training a lot as well.. Complete 38pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Love is Confusing File: ranma.love-is-confusing Author: Jeremy Lopett (jslst29+@pitt.edu) Konatsu has a date with Tsubasa, and Ukyou and Gosunkugi tag along to see what happens. Could be the start of something between Ukyo and Gos Cologne gets ousted by Neko... Incomplete 24pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Love is in the Air File: ranma.love-is-in-the-air Author: Adrian D. Moten (raemowse@aol.com) Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/admoten/index.htm Created: 18-08-2000 Everyone is chasing Ranma, or chasing someone else who's chasing Ranma one day when suddenly Ranma has had enough! He says that he loves Akane and they start smooching. Others pair off as well. What's going on? Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Love is never easy File: ranma.love-is-never-easy Author: Mark Doherty (mdoherty@uq.net.au) Webpage: http://www.thetop.net/mdoherty/ranma/ranma.html Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Ryoga+Ukyo, Tatewaki+Shampoo, Nabiki+Mousse Flags: Alterverse, Comedy, Drama, Quality Good Shampoo returns, Someone turns up to train Akane in the ancient art of mallet fighting, and what's more, they are very interested in her cooking as well. Interesting poisons! Prequel: Ryouga and Ukyou Complete 163pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Love Letter from China File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Ian 'B'Man' Bennett Webpage: http://www.ianbennett.net Matchup: Cologne+Orig Flags: Drama, Quality Good Created: 07-02-2003 An old woman in the Amazon village reads a letter from her husband, the boy she met when he came to eat her prize... Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Love Lost File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Verse12 OFFNET Id: 1232715 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Fair Created: 26-03-2003 Ranma is being divorced by Akane. How did this happen, what does everyone think about it, and what now? Sequel: Love Found Complete 20pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lovely Monkey File: ranma.lovely-monkey Author: Switch; Keeper of the Zu [Nikholas F. Toledo Zu] Webpage: http://www.mydestiny.net/~nftzu/MainPage.htm A kid comes up to an organ grinder, admiring the monkey he has. The grinder bets the kid that the monkey can do anything he can.. Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Love Never Dies (prologue, 1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Mazena/ranma.love-never-dies Author: Mazena Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 06-02-2004 Ranma gets home unexpected early from school one day and discovered Akane with Ryoga. Apparently they've been together for a bit now. Akane loves Ryoga and now Ranma must rebuild his life... Incomplete 23pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Love of a Good Woman File: ranma.love-of-a-good-woman Author: Ryan Robert Hill Awards: TASS One Shots; 1998 Apr 3rd Mousse wants Shampoo of course, and Nabiki has an idea to help him. For a fee she will be his fiancee for a while, and hopefully this will make Shampoo jealous. Sequel: Lovechain Encircle Complete 29pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Love Pill Panic File: ranma.love-pill-panic Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Awards: TASS One Shots;2000 Aug 1st Matchup: Ranma+Akane Created: 06-01-2001 Happosai has got the bracelet with the instant, day and lifetime love pills. And he wants Ranma to take one and model a bikini for him! Not a chance, but in the ensuing scuffle all three pills get accidentally swallowed. One by Ranma. one by Akane and one by Cologne. Who got which one though? Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Love potion #9 File: ranma.love-potion-9 Author: Blade Webpage: http://www.crosswinds.net/~ayiekie/fanfic.htm Ukyo dreams about Ranma, Tsubasa creeps up on Ukyo, Happosai chases Ranma-chan and Taro plots revenge. Another normal day.. Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Loves by the sword File: ranma.loves-by-the-sword Author: Joshua Trujillo (gargoyle@glasscity.net) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/mythos_9 Akane rushes to the Nekohanten, after having been summoned. Ranma needs her something has reduced him to a shivering emotional wreck.. Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Loves Me, Loves Me Not File: ranma.loves-me-loves-me-not Author: Mike Rhea (michaelrhea@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://rei.animenetwork.com/ranchan/ Created: 18-08-2000 Ranma is sent flying by Akane after walking in on her and Ryoga in the bath. He meets Ukyo in the park. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Love's Truth (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Exarkun Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/anime3/exarkun/ Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Kasumi Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 04-08-2001 Ryoga is lost again, but this time Shampoo has found him. She wants him to ask Akane out on a date, and a little shiatsu point she knows will help him do it by turning him into a ladies man. Of course Ranma overhears this, and to make matters worse, Shampoo decides to glomp him then, sending both of them into Akane's room! Who does not react well, and when all the dust has settled, Ranma and Akane are history. But how can honor be satisfied now. Well, Akane is not the only Tendo daughter... Incomplete 28pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lucky File: ranma.lucky Author: Sean Gaffney (gaffney@iconn.net) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~sean/index.html Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 14th (tie) Ranma and Akane are married, and Ryoga is depressed. Upon leaving the wedding Ryouga and Akari head off and camp for the night. Both of them have dreams... Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lullaby File: ranma.lullaby Author: Richard Marshall (DK) Webpage: http://members.aol.com/knightdrg1/ Created: 18-08-2000 Nabiki is having bad dreams and she goes to the kitchen for some water. All of a sudden Ranma jumps her and puts a knife to her neck... Next in Series: Lullaby 2 Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lullaby 2 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Richard Marshall (DK) Webpage: http://members.aol.com/knightdrg1/ Created: 18-08-2000 Shampoo runs from the Nekohanten. Something is terribly wrong, but what is it. Whatever it is, it's following her... Prev in Series: Lullaby Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lunch at the Nekohanten File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kevin D. Hammel (khammel@pacbell.net) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~khammel/ Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 30-11-2000 A middle aged woman enters the Nekohanten, She's wandered past it many times before, but only now after 2 years has she summoned up the courage to enter it. Inside, she spends a long time looking at Ranma, who is the ramen chef there. And when Ranma comes over to offer her a menu, she notices tears in the woman's eyes. What does she want? Prequel: Colognes Final Confrontation Complete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lunocracy (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Neal Harris (nealharris@otakumail.com) Webpage: http://tatooine.fortunecity.com/carpenter/393/html/fficme.html OFFNET Id: 1356986 Crossover: Sailor Moon Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 22-06-2004 Luna is in a pit. With a bunch of other cats. How did she get here? And now there's a boy being dropped into the pit! When she sees what's happening to the young Ranma she tries to save him. but he snaps before she can get there. Now it's Luna that needs saving, and in extremis she does a mind meld with him. Not too well... At least it tamed Ranma! Well from now on Luna is staying with Ranma to help him. Much to Genma's irritation... Incomplete 40pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lupin 1/2 File: ranma.lupin.lupin-1-2 Author: Ryan Robert Hill Crossover: Lupin Created: 17-08-2000 The old man who guards the Yin-Yang cups, an ancient magical artifact that can split someone in half, is visited by Inspector Zenigatta. Apparently Lupin is planning to steal the cups, what for, he's not certain. Incomplete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lure the Tiger from the Mountain (23 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Allyn Yonge (ayonge@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/ayongedarling Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 30-09-2002 Ranma and Genma are conmen. They've arrived at the Tendo Dojo with the aim of conning the Tendos out of the dojo. They need to get money to get back to China. Shouldn't be hard, Ranma will just wind one of these girls around his little finger, they can sell the dojo and split like they always do. Unfortunately the heir to the Dojo is one Akane Tendo. She has a bad leg, but an indomitable spirit and she will never be defeated. How can Ranma get into her guard, without also letting her into his... Incomplete 205pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===============================> M <================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Macho Caballo (37 parts) File: Macho-Caballo/* Author: James and the Bluejay Webpage: http://www.wanderway.com/macho/macho.htm Note: This is not really a Ranma story, rather it is an original story with some Ranma influences. Awards: TASS Continuing Series;2000 Apr 3rd (part 35) Created: 20-01-2001 Ramon 'Macho' Caballo is a Mexican boy living in the south. Normal until he visits the sacred springs and, after acting a little too smart with the spirits, finds himself with a curse. Now whenever he is hit with hot water he turns into a girl, Machita, and cold water turns him back. A run in with the local Alcalde means that Ramon is a wanted man, but as Machita he has the perfect disguise. There's more afoot though, an ancient Aztec evil has re-awoken... Incomplete 607pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Macross 1/2 (5 parts, 2 chapters) File: ranma.xover.macross-1-2 Author: Tailkinker [Timothy Groves] Webpage: http://tailkinker.contrabandent.com/ Crossover: Robotech Rakhal Likes: 2 Flags: Adventure, Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Updated: 17-11-2005 Created: 14-11-2001 Upon discovering that Genma has planned a marriage for him, Ranma is not best pleased. He's got no time for engagements, he's joined the service! U.N Spacy to be precise. After training, a chance encounter with Roy Fokker gets him transferred to his squadron and to Valkyrie operations. All would have been fine if the Zentraidi hadn't attacked, and Ranma has other problems as well, such as finding out that the father of his fiancee is a commander there... Incomplete 256pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Made of Steel (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Be'Jammin OFFNET Id: 1617868 Crossover: Superman Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 28-11-2003 Tatewaki appears to be changing. He's getting stronger, faster and one day in particular something really strange happens... he starts hearing voices and then he seems to vanish in an explosion! He's getting super powers and now he must learn to live with them... Incomplete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Magical Girl Adventures File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Poly Webpage: http://www.megorga.com/ OFFNET Id: 1411936 Flags: Comedy, Quality Good Updated: 05-09-2003 Created: 04-07-2003 Nabiki has a novel way for Ranma to pay back his debt. Based on a observation of what Ranma is ... Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Magical Girl Pretty Ranko (1 part) File: ranma.pretty-sammy.magical-girl-pretty-ranko Author: Asgeras Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/asgeras@prodigy.net/index.html Crossover: Magical Girl Pretty Sammy Flags: Comedy,Quality Good Created: 20-11-2002 Ranma wakes up one morning with a strange blue haired woman leaving over him! It's Tsunami and she's got a job offer for Ranma. She wants him to be her Magical Girl Protector! Incomplete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Magical Girl Show File: ranma.magical-girl-show Author: Ryoucilo The story of the Buta Scouts, Akari, Nodoka, Hinako, Tsubasa, Konatsu and Ryoga Kamen in their fight against monsters. Including those bad girls Akane and Ranko Tendo. Complete 22pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Magical Interludes File: ranma.magical-interludes Author: Jon K. Hayashi (polaris@interpac.net) Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 13th (December's End- tie) Some sort of reality shift is occurring. Universes are merging, which doesn't have much effect on most people, but on some it has a radical effect. Ranma is one such. During the shift, he brings 3 daughters of his from alternate universes over. One by Shampoo, One by Nabiki and one by Ukyou... Incomplete 194pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Magic Knight Chaos (1 part) File: ranma.mkr.magic-knight-chaos Author: Asgeras Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/asgeras@prodigy.net/index.html Crossover: Magic Knight Rayearth Flags: Drama, Alterverse,Quality Good Created: 20-11-2002 Ranma returns home, reflecting on his life. On the training trip he has been on and all that he has learnt, much at the instigation of his father who has always been there to guide him. Wise though his father is, not everything has gone right, and now honour must be upheld... Incomplete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Magic Knight Ranma File: ranma.mkr.magic-knight-ranma Author: Magic Knight Kyone Webpage: http://www.cal.net/~makoto/mkran/index.htm (archive) Crossover: Magic Knight Rayearth Ranma (in girl form, it's raining), Akane and Ukyo are on a school visit to the Tokyo Tower. Hikaru, Umi and Fuu are there too, when Emeraude makes her call for the Magic Knights. Ranma, Akane and Ukyo are taken. More problems occur when Ranma hits her head upon arrival. Now she thinks she IS a (female) Magic Knight candidate Incomplete 53pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Magictech Crossover Series: Pokemon 152 -? 2000 (19 parts, epilogue) File: Pokemon-152/ranma.pokemon.pokemon-152 Author: Shaun Garin WarChild Webpage: http://omnipheonixmon.tripod.com/pokefics.html Note: There are many smaller series crossovers in this fic, including: Sailor Moon, Tenchi Muyo, ChronoTrigger, ChronoCross, Ruruoni Kenshin Crossover: Pokemon, Digimon, Monster Rancher, Slayers, Many Matchup: Ranma+Jenette (Pokemon) Flags: Drama,Alterverse Created: 13-02-2001 Ash, Brock, Misty and Pikachu are on the road again. Unfortunately they got on the wrong boat and are now in Japan! Tokyo and Nerima is a strange place. No Pokemon Center! But after finding the Nekohanten things start to look up. Cologne directs them to the Tendo Dojo, a good place to stay. Of course on the way, they run across P-Chan. A new type of Pokemon! A little later, Ranma discovers that Genma-panda counts as a pokemon too. It's surprising the people who are Pokemon trainers. Like Nodoka for instance. She's got many a rare Pokemon. This meeting can't be by chance though, dark forces are on the move again, and Ranma will have to join up with Ash and his crew on a new adventure. Reading order: parts 1-15, Slayers MOMENTS, 16-19, epilogue Sidestory: Slayers MOMENTS Sequel: Magictech Crossover Series: Pokemon Cross Complete 243pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Magictech Crossover Series: Pokemon Cross (9 parts) File: Pokemon-152/ranma.xover.pokemon-cross.* Author: Shaun Garin WarChild Webpage: http://omnipheonixmon.tripod.com/pokefics.html Note: There are many smaller series crossovers in this fic, including: Sailor Moon,FF9 and Tenchi Muyo Crossover: Pokemon, Digimon, Monster Rancher, Slayers, Chrono Cross, Chrono Trigger Flags: Drama,Alterverse Updated: 11-05-2001 Created: 15-02-2001 It's 4 years on and all the heroes of the fight against Muu have moved on. Fate is determined to stick its oar in though, and when Ash, Misty and Genki meet Mike and Duplica they are witness to something that looks like a comet landing in a nearby part. It's Shampoo! Or rather a Shampoo from an alternate universe where Muu won and the Digidestined are dead. She dies, but she leaves behind new digivices and a power up code for them. A New Quest. The alternate universe must be freed from the tyranny of Muu and it's going to take travelling between dimensions and through time to do it. The Digidestined are needed once more. Prequel: Magictech Crossover Series: Pokemon 152 -? 2000 Incomplete 161pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Maison Bailesu *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.maison-bailesu Author: Jeffrey Hosmer (jhosmer@ix.netcom.com) Webpage: http://www.dkcomm.net/jhosmer Sidestory/insert to Lemonade. There's been a mixup at the Biles filmstudios and as a result all the cast have to live in trailers. Ranma and Akane are looking forwards to some time alone when Ranko Tendo arrives (stand-in for Ranma-chan when both are needed at the same time). Akane has to go to see John. Now Akane thinks that Ranko is shy and demure, but actually she's a raving nymphomaniac! Poor Ranma... Main Story: Lemonade *lemon* Complete 27pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Make me Feel (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kuno-Baby Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/darkmaster_89_15/index.html OFFNET Id: 1832601 Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 23-04-2004 Ranma mastered the Neko-ken when he was 5, but the price was terrible. All his capacity for emotion was burnt out of him. Even fear. For the next 11 years he has lived without emotion until he arrives at the Tendo Dojo. There a girl called Akane causes him to feel something he hasn't for so long. Anger... Incomplete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Making and Breaking *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.making-and-breaking Author: Robert Adam Morrison (alpha_cent@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://members.attcanada.ca/~alphac/frames.htm Ranma is trying to work out a way to sort out his fiancee problems. Nabiki is even willing to help. However it requires a love potion, to get Ryoga and Ukyo together. Unfortunately when he goes over to the Nekohanten to get it, an accident occurs and he gets a massive dose of the dust of lust! Shampoo is his first victim, but not his last... Complete 20pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Making Kittens File: ranma.nuku-nuku.making-kittens Author: Sinom Bre(sinom_bre@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://home.houston.rr.com/onnaranma/index.html Crossover: Nuku Nuku Awards: TASS One Shots;2000 Sep 1st,2000 Annual 10th Created: 01-01-2001 One morning an unusual visitor turns up at the Tendo Dojo. It's Nuku Nuku! and she's here because Genma engaged her to Ranma in exchange for being bailed out of jail. Nuku Nuku likes Ranma, she reminds her of a cat. She reminds Ranma entirely too much of one too... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Malicious Manipulations File: ranma.malicious-manipulations Author: Martin Bennett A troubling day at school leads to a confrontation with Kuno. Gotta get rid of this guy. Ranma has a plan. He (or rather she) will give Kuno a date! The date from hell to be precise.. Complete 22pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mamono Hunter Ranma File: Mamono-Hunter/* (4 files) Author: Chris Schumacher (kensu@madison.tdsnet.com) Awards: TASS Awards; 1995 Annual 15th (tie) Crossover with Mamono Hunter Yohko, with Ranma as our intrepid spirit hunter.. Being re-written Complete 38pp Rewrite Incomplete 41pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mamono Hunter Ukyo File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Edward Simons Webpage: http://www.concentric.net/~Easimons/index.htm Crossover: Devil Hunter Yohko Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Ukyo, Kasumi+Tofu, Akane+Ryoga, Shampoo+Konatsu,Mousse+Kodachi Flags: Divergence, Dark, Lime, Quality Good Updated: 12-04-2002 Created: 28-10-2001 A parcel has arrived for Ukyo, although she's too busy trying and failing to catch up with Ranma in a chase to school to worry about it. But when she does, she discovers a Yoma ring inside it. A ring that will let her become a Mamono Hunter as her ancestors have been before her. And none-to-soon either, Aijou, the Mamono of sorrow is here. Can Ukyo and her friends defeat this monster and the ones that will follow. And what of Ukyo and her quest for Ranma? Incomplete 446pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Manager Ranma 1/2 (6 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 1894133 Author: daeyeth Crossover: Many Flags: Continuation, Drama, Script, Quality Good Created: 06-08-2004 Ranma has left Nerima. One day he just packed up and left, and two years later he finds himself at the Hinata Inn. A chance meeting with Misato Katsuragi, the owner, lead too him being here, applying for the job of manager. How is he going to get on with the very odd assortment of girls there? For a start it looks like he's been voted cook! Incomplete 71pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Man amongst Men File: ranma.man-among-men Author: Syithe (syithe@my-dejanews.com) Genma decides to give Ranma a bit more incentive to train and tells Ranma that Nodoka threw them out of the house until Ranma could prove himself a man amongst men. He's right, Ranma goes berserk training. Of course it does give him a few mental problems Incomplete 55pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Man Enough (2 parts) File: ranma.man-enough Author: Donny Cheng Webpage: http://members.shaw.ca/chengdo Rakhal Likes: 1 Updated: 21-08-2000 Ranma starts talking to Kasumi one quiet day at the Dojo. Once started it becomes a habit. Whups, looks like another girl has fallen for the Saotome magic... Complete 21pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Manila File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Joseph Palmer (jpalmer@josephpalmer.com) Webpage: http://www.josephpalmer.com Awards: TASS One Shots;2001 Nov 1st,2001 Annual 6th Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama,Continuation,Quality Good Created: 14-08-2001 A routine update of the school records, and the discovery that Ranma's address has changed, due to him moving in with Nodoka, gives the principal an idea. He's always wanted to sort Ranma out once and for all, and now's his chance! Can Ranma and Akane do anything about this? Complete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Manzuri Break *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.manzuri-break Author: Ukyou Kuonji (ukyoukwnji@aol.com) Webpage: http://hometown.aol.com/ukyoukwnji/index.htm All the Ranma girls are having a little erotic break, each in their own way. So is Ranma in his/her own way too. Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mao 1/2 File: ranma.mao-one-half Author: Old Toby Chairman Mao is leading the Long March, and is getting near to his destination Upon suspecting spies, Mao and his aide head off for a conference in the nearby Joketsuzoku village. Unfortunately they find Jusenkyo first.. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: March of the Pigs File: ranma.march.pigs Author: Stefan "Twoflower" Gagne (twoflowr@pixelscapes.com) Webpage: http://pixelscapes.com/twoflower/ Awards: TASS Awards; 1994 Annual 14th (tie) There's a surprising number of Jusenkyo cursed people that turn into pigs you know. Ryouga meets 3 more of them. Charlotte, Buford and Charlottes scheming brother Victor. Victor's trying to get Charlotte to go back home, Charlotte has decided to hitch Ryoga up with Akane.. Complete 92pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Marital Arts (9 parts) *lemon* File: Lemon/Marital-Arts/* (9 files) Author: Jon K. Hayashi (polaris@interpac.net) Webpage: http://www.shoujoai.com/fanfics/ranma/marart/ Soun and Genma run the Anything goes school of Martial Arts, but unbeknownst to them, Nodoka and Kimiko run the secret Saotome and Tendo Schools of 'Almost Anything-Goes Marital Arts Lovemaking'. And all of the children are to be taught in it's techniques. Ranma has a sister, Ranko, who fell in the Nannichuan as well. Incomplete 235pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Marriage Wishes File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Thrythlind Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/thrythlind/title.htm OFFNET Id: 707265 Crossover: Oh My Goddess Flags: Continuation ,Comedy, Quality Good Created: 12-05-2002 Urd has been given a challenging assignment. Nodoka got a wish! And she wants everyone to get happily married. That means Ranma, all the fiancees, and Kuno! Oh, and Urd too. How on earth is she going to manage this. Especially when assorted demons want to interfere. Well, Urd does specialise in love... Complete 83pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Married File: ranma.married Author: Karmin St Jean (karmin.stjean@the-spa.com) Kuno is chasing Onna Ranma who decides to use Ryoga as cover, pretending to be his fiancee. Ryoga decides to take this seriously.. Incomplete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Married to the Mob File: ranma.married-to-the-mob Author: Cerebusaws (cerebusaws@aol.com) Ranma in Prohibition era USA. Ranma dances in a club, Akane is jealous Nabiki is Happosai's mistress, and Happosai just happens to be a major crime lord. Incomplete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Martial Artists and Mayhem: Third Edition (19 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Thrythlind Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/thrythlind/title.htm OFFNET Id: 220883 Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Ranma+Akane+Kodachi Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Updated: 08-04-2002 Created: 06-01-2002 Ranma is coming. To a small monastery in the border city of Nerima. He is to marry one of Soun's daughters, Kasumi, the priestess of Belldandy, Nabiki, the priestess of Xelloss and Akane, the priestess of Ryoko. Of course a bear and a small red-head turn up. Ranma has a bit of a secret. Seems he's actually a half demon! And a natural shape-changer. However it's best if he keeps that secret for a while. He can fake a Jusenkyo curse to explain the gender changing... Incomplete 198pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Martial Artists Don't Cry (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: E2K OFFNET Id: 1135167 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Fair Created: 20-01-2003 Ryoga has learnt a new technique. One that will finally allow him to beat Ranma! Unfortunately it's too good, sending Ranma into what will possibly be a terminal coma... Incomplete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Martial Arts Fanfiction File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Bjorn Christianson Webpage: http://www.its.caltech.edu/~bjorn/fanfic/index.html Flags: Spamfic,Quality Good Ranma has a new challenger. He's the Author! Master of Martial Arts Fanfiction writing. How can Ranma hope to defeat someone who can re-write the very laws of reality... Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Master of Five (prologue, 2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Arun/ranma-tenchi.Master-of-Five Author: Arun Webpage: http://samrtaleck.anifics.com Crossover: Tenchi Muyo Flags: Drama,Alterverse,Quality Good Updated: 30-11-2001 Created: 02-11-2001 Genma has a new training technique for Ranma. It will make him faster and stronger and involves cats... It changes Ranma as well. Between that and his mothers dying request, he is a much more driven person than he would otherwise be, as the Amazons find out... Incomplete 27pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Masters of Ki-New Adventure File: ranma.sfii.masters-of-ki Author: Flip in JC(flipinjc@aol.com) Crossover: Street Fighter 2 Ryu arrives at a harbour in Japan, just in time to see Ryoga chasing Happosai along the road. Happy has been raiding again it seems. Quickly Ryu helps out then guides Ryoga back to Nerima, where they all drop into the Tendo Dojo and have a nice sparring match. Incomplete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mastery File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kyokukou Webpage: http://www.ephektz.com/alloyfanfiction Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 16-08-2001 During a sparring session one morning, Genma comments that when he and Soun defeated and imprisoned the Master, they became masters themselves. So, that means Ranma is a master too, right? After all he's beaten Genma and Happosai before. But it's not that easy. He has to beat Happosai on his own terms to become a master, and endure the trial that he will set. A trial that Genma and Soun fear that Ranma is far from ready from, but one that Ranma is determined to undertake anyway... Complete 37pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Maxx in the Rough File: ranma.maxx.in-the-rough ranma.maxx.in-the-rough.glossary (extra information) Author: Garron James Whitten (wraith@texoma.com) Maxx (some sort of demon hunter) encounters Ranko on a strange plane called the 'Outback'. Along with his girlfriend Julie, he is sent to Nerima to sort out Ranma, so Ranko can be free. Incomplete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Maybe that's the problem then... (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kalio OFFNET Id: 1051198 Flags: Continuation, WAFF, Quality Good Created: 23-07-2002 Akane is annoyed at Ranma again, seems that everything he does gets him branded as a hentai. Nabiki just might have the answer though. Maybe it's something Ranma is NOT doing... Incomplete 28pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Maybe This Time File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Cass Chia (chiaty@singnet.com.sg), GSL (chiaty@singnet.com.sg) Webpage: http://web.singnet.com.sg/~chiaty/fanfics.htm Matchup: Ranma+Ryoga Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 01-09-2001 The enmity between Ranma and Ryoga has gone, turning into a friendship as the two boys settle down with their loves, Akane and Akari. Ranma welcomes the visits of his friend, and misses him when he's gone. But as Ryoga breaks up with Akari and Ranma's relationship with Akane slides, friendship becomes more and more important... Complete 31pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: May I Have this Dance File: ranma.may-i-have-this-dance Author: Michael Won It's Tofu and Kasumi's wedding, and everyone is dancing. But why won't Ranma ask Akane for a dance? Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Meanings of Life (prologue, 3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kuraiko Kurohoshi Webpage: http://tannim.anifics.com/Meanings_Life/MeaningsOfLife.html Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 13-05-2003 Ranma and Nodoka are leaving the Tendos. Ranma can do no more good there. He's saved the Tendo family after all. There's a lot more to Ranma than meets the eye, something far more than human. Meanwhile, in the future a reluctant Chibi-Usa has been told that he must befriend Ranma for the sake of Crystal Tokyo (and her life). Looks like fun times are ahead in Juuban... Incomplete 78pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Meditations Upon a game of Go File: ranma.meditations-upon-a-game-of-go Author: Russell Dietz (rdietz@hotmail.com) Genma ponders his life and Ranma while playing a game of Go with Soun. Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Meeting Later (4 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Trent O'Donoghue Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/odonoghuet/index.html Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Romance, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 19-10-2001 In a world where Nodoka remained in contact with the Tendos while Ranma and Genma went on the training trip, Genma immediately fronted Nodoka when he came back. As a result, Ranma was never introduced to the Tendos, and his first contact with them is when an exhausted girl arrives at the Saotome house, looking for Nodoka. It's Akane, who's run away from home because her father has told her she has to marry this boy she's never even met. Well, Nodoka allows her to stay with them. It's a good chance for the two of them to get to know each other, and maybe to become friends. Ukyo, Shampoo and the others that have a claim on Ranma may have something to say about this, and so might his rivals and enemies... Incomplete 89pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Megaman-Ranma 'n Roll File: ranma.megaman.ranma-n-roll Author: Scott K. Jamison (majks@cyberx.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/5990/ Crossover: Megaman Roll, the robot is visiting the Jusenkyo Ambient Energy Physics Lab when she finds the evil Dr Wiley, just in time to catch a lift on his time machine heading back to the 20th Century. Pity she landed in the Nyannichuan Complete 21pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Megami-sama Masaka File: ranma.megami-sama-masaka Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org George is an Otaku who is convinced that if he were given the chance, he could sort out all the problems of the Ranma cast by using his brain. A passing Goddess gives him the chance... Complete 25pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Megumi's Wish (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Mrthou OFFNET Id: 781422 Crossover: Oh My Goddess Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Updated: 22-04-2004 Created: 24-05-2002 Megumi Morisato is the Student Assistant for Westwood Apartments, and one of her duties is that of welcoming new tenants. Including one Ranma Saotome who's moved in one day. Nice guy, if rather depressed for some reason. Maybe inviting him to a party will help thaw him out a bit? Incomplete 35pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Meiyo Ai soshite Nikushimi (4 parts, 21 chapters) File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.masn (part 1, 2 chapters) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (parts 2-4, 19 chapters) Author: Joseph "Ashira" Kohle Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/towers/5920/honorlovehate.html Awards: TASS Continuing Series;1999 Oct 3rd (part 1-chapter 1), 1999 Annual 10th (part 1-chapter 1) Rakhal Likes: 2 Created: 23-08-2000 An event that occurs in the wake of a demon attack tears Ranma and Akane apart. Guilt weighs Ranma down until he decides on the only course of action left to him. But these personal troubles are only the start of something much bigger when Cologne finally loses patience and decides to deal with Ranma once and for all, setting in motion events affecting everyone and threatening to loose an ancient evil upon the world. Incomplete 869pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Memoirs (6 parts) File: ranma.memoirs Author: Inu-Ranma Webpage: http://inu_ranma.tripod.com/ OFFNET Id: 656856 Awards: TASS Continuing Series;2002 Apr 3rd,2002 May 2nd Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Continuation, Dark, Quality Good Updated: 08-06-2002 Created: 05-04-2002 Happosai is dead. Killed by Ranma's hand after he stole the Chiisuiton from the Musk, locked Ranma as a girl and destroyed the only hope for a cure, the Kaisuifuu. His family disown her, they do not know her, and Ranma is taken to the Kyoto Women's ward where she will stay until her mental problems are cured and she's no longer a danger to society. Can Ranma survive life in prison. If she can, how will it change her, and will it be possible for her to ever find her life again. Incomplete 94pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Memorials from another life (prologue, 1 part) File: ranma.memorials-from-another-life Author: Eshin (eshin@friko5.onet.pl) Crossover: Dragonlance Created: 23-08-2000 A magic spell cast by Gosunkugi and Kirin goes somewhat awry and a Ryoga from the Dragonlance world winds up in Nerima. In this Ryoga's world, his surname is Majere, Ranma is Ranma Halfelven, Akane is an elven princess, Kasumi is a Que Shu princess e.t.c. How will this Ryoga cope with the Nerima world? Incomplete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Memories File: ranma.memories Author: Nikholas "Mayhem" F. Toledo Zu Webpage: http://www.mydestiny.net/~nftzu/MainPage.htm A normal day at the Tendo Dojo. Genma goes for an early morning bath and nearly walks in on Kasumi, Nabiki catches him at it, Happosai pinches Akane's underwear and sprinkles them over a sleeping Ranma, Nabiki takes pictures of Ranma-chan sleeping. Ranma gets the blame of course, and the day goes downhill from there. Oni, national guard, all sorts of other things from other series coming in... Incomplete 355pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Memories Aghast File: ranma.memories-aghast Author: Kristina Vanitvelt Created: 23-08-2000 A couple of children, one girl and one boy are inseparable friends in the Amazon village, until the boys mother is killed. Then the boy is sold off as no household would want a mere male. Years later, Shampoo is in the Nekohanten, enjoying a bowl of Ramen, when a tall man in a blue martial arts uniform enters. His name is Mu Tsu, and he's here for a job. Incomplete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Memories of Home File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Tabyk Webpage: http://www.tabyk.net Crossover: Ghost in the Shell Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 27-07-2001 3 years ago, Ranma left home, having finally had enough. In the present day Ranma is part of a team, working for a group called Section 9, handling dangerous criminals. But Ranma is a bit different now, thanks to an accident... Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Memories of the Past File: ranma.memories-of-the-past Author: Kurt Krause (ranmasolo1@aol.com) Ranma and Akane both remember fiancees that each had a long time in the past When they were 5 to be precise. Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Me, Myself and Ranma File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: quinn/ranma.me-myself-and-ranma Author: Alana Quinn Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 11-07-2002 Ranma is meeting Akane off a plane. She's been to Yuka's house in the Phillippines. However someone else who looks just like Akane gets off the plane first. This is Akina, a very old sorceress, who spots the pigtailed boy and decides that she will have him. What Akina wants, she gets... Incomplete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Men and Kittens (4 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Iron Dragoon Webpage: http://ranko.anifics.com/ OFFNET Id: 676725 Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 23-06-2004 At Jusenkyo, Genma hurls Ranma at the springs, but he manages to stop before going into one. There's a girl drowning there though and quickly Ranma pulls her out! She's beautiful, but the tail and cat-ears are too much for Ranma who's mind shuts down from terror. The girl, too, is traumatised and her mind shuts down too, leaving the two to interact on basic instincts alone... Incomplete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Men can cry too File: ranma.men-can-cry-too Author: The Eternal Lost Lurker (lurkerdrome@megami.net) Ranma is depressed, and Akane can tell it. Turns out that his mother is visiting again. Akane drags Ranma into a cafe to talk about it. Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mending Glass Hearts File: ranma.mending-glass-hearts Author: Orla Webpage: http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~jaelle/Jaelle_Orla.htm Created: 24-08-2000 A hand-delivered letter to Ukyo one morning shatters her world when she reads that Ranma and Akane have eloped to get married away from Nerima! How is she going to continue without Ranma? Ryoga is having problems with Akari, and wants to visit Nerima again to talk with Ranma and Akane. How will he cope with the news? Complete 36pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Merry Christmas,Akane File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Clark/ranma.merry-christmas-akane Author: Mark Clark Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: WAFF, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 16-12-2001 Akane wakes up... to find a male Ranma in her bed! How dare he! Then she sees the wedding band on her finger, remembers and snuggles back down again. Christmas is coming, and they're going to have a party like last years. Married life agrees with her it seems, and with Ranma too. Complete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Merry Christmas,Akane *lemon* File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Clark/ranma-lemon.merry-christmas-akane Author: Mark Clark Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane+Nabiki Flags: WAFF, Continuation, Lemon, Quality Good Created: 16-12-2001 Akane wakes up... to find a male Ranma in her bed! How dare he! Then she sees the wedding band on her finger, remembers and snuggles back down again. Christmas is coming, and they're going to have a party like last years. Married life agrees with her it seems. Bedtime is great too! Wonder what Nabiki thinks of all this... Complete 31pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: MeSsEd Up (prologue, 3 parts) File: ranma.sm.messed-up Author: Ian Jacobs Webpage: http://nighthawk.anifics.com/hosted/hawk,htm Note: Also available at: http://tannim.anifics.com/Messed_Up/MessedUp.html Crossover: Sailor Moon Awards: TASS Mini Series;2000 Jun 3rd,2000 Annual 1st Matchup: Ranma+Ranko Flags: Alterverse, Quality Good Updated: 30-10-2000 Created: 30-06-2000 A mallet to the head in response to a comment of his results in Ranma waking up in a work where he's the school nerd, complete with pocket protectors! Here, Akane and Kuno bully him, extracting his lunch money each day. And Ranko, Akane's cousin, is a Sailor Senshi! Something needs to be done, Ranma can't go around being the school weakling... Incomplete 99pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Metuo Palam Acerbus File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Taiteki Kagato OFFNET Id: 1683280 Crossover: Aliens Flags: Dark, Continuation,Quality Good Created: 15-01-2004 People are disappearing in Nerima. No-one knows who is doing it, and only one badly mutilated body has ever been found. Now Kasumi has gone missing along with Akane who went out to look for her? Nabiki is worried, a worry that escalates dramatically when a badly injured Shampoo arrives... Incomplete 22pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Midnight Encounter File: ranma.midnight-encounter Author: Jack Staik (jstaik1043@earthlink.net) Webpage: http://home.earthlink.net/~jstaik1043/otaku.htm Created: 30-08-2000 A couple of lovers meet in secret in the Tendo Dojo... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Midsummer Knights Dream File: ranma.midsummer-knights-dream Author: Andrew Eoff (eoff@itsnet.com) Ranma and the rest of the crew have been dragooned into playing in a Human Chess game. Battle chess no less. Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mikado Ichiban (16 parts) File: Mikado-Ichiban/* Author: Eric Jones (mikado@maison-otaku.net) Webpage: http://maison-otaku.net/~mikado/stories/index.html The continuing tales of Mikado Sanzenin (the male part of the Golden Pair). Parts 2-4 are the 3 Ranma 'Golden Pair' episodes told from the point of view of Mikado. Hikaru Hiyama (from KOR) makes an appearance as well. Incomplete 322pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Milk and Honey *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.milk-and-honey Author: Thrythlind Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/thrythlind/title.htm Awards: TASS One Shots;2002 May 2nd Matchup: Kasumi+Ukyo, Kasumi+Shampoo, Nabiki+Ukyo, Kodachi+Ukyo Flags: Lemon, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 28-06-2002 Kasumi buys a strange apple from a vendor, who apparently got it himself from an old man. It tastes rather honey like, and Kasumi feels rather different after she's eaten it. She needs something, and when Ukyo arrives she starts to realise what that is... Complete 25pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Milkshakes in Nerima File: ranma.milkshakes-in-nerima Author: defwood Created: 30-08-2000 Nabiki wants a milkshake. To be precise, she wants Kuno to buy her one. And buy a few new photos as well. Unfortunately Kuno seems to have gone missing. Upon investigation, it seems as if he's stopped wanting to live. And all because he finally gave up on Akane and the Pigtailed Girl. Well, Nabiki is not going to let her gravy-train (and her milkshake) go without a fight! Time for a plan... Complete 23pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mind over Matter (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: DarkPhoenix/ranma.Mind-over-Matter Author: Jonathan Ford Webpage: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/60506/ Note: Fics can also be found at: http://florestica.com/dphoneix/index.htm Flags: Drama,Alterverse,Quality Good Created: 20-04-2001 Ranma got zapped to another world when he fell into another spring at Jusenkyo. A world where mages are common and he learned much magic there. Not to mention getting his curse broken. When he returns, he soon runs across the Amazons, Cologne of whom in particular is impressed by his abilities. Especially after Ranma saves a workgroup from being crushed by a heavy stone column. Looks like Ranma will be staying for a bit. Pity that one of his gauntlets is a bit jealous of the girls there! Incomplete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mind over Mouth File: ranma.mind-over-mouth Author: Jason L. Langlois Webpage: http://free.prohosting.com/~jaimakun/ Ranma has always had trouble controlling his mouth, but just for once, his mind is determined to get the upper hand for a bit. Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ministry of Confusion File: ranma.ministry.confusion Author: Stefan "Twoflower" Gagne (twoflowr@pixelscapes.com) Webpage: http://pixelscapes.com/twoflower/ Awards: TASS Awards; 1995 Annual 4th Set in a dark future world where the world is run by ministries, Nabiki in charge of the Ministry of Economics for instance. Extenders all around, clones of people for extra labour. Ryoga's for instance make great heavy duty workmen. Ranma is bought a new bride by Genma. An Akane extender. This one seems a little defective though.. Complete 254pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mirror Account (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Inu-Ranma Webpage: http://inu_ranma.tripod.com/ OFFNET Id: 1114565 Crossover: The Matrix Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 14-01-2004 Trinity enters the Matrix for an operation. Unfortunately before she can get out she's chased by agents into a blind alley. Ranma, leaving the gym, is almost run over by her, and is in time to deal with the agents, amazing Trinity with her sheer speed. Afterwards, back in her apartment, she gets another shock when Ranma changes in the bath. A little later, Ranma gets an offer in the form of a couple of pills... and that's when things start to get complex... Incomplete 33pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mirror Images (5 parts) File: ranma.mirror-images Author: Hunter Kid (guilds@mail.serve.com) Webpage: http://www.serve.com/guilds/ranma/ Updated: 30-08-2000 There was quite a crew on that trip to Jusenkyo. Ranma, Ukyo, Ryoga, Taro and Genma. Ranma and Taro became girls, Genma a panda, Ukyo a man, and Ryoga a wolf. What fun. And what are the poor Tendo's going to make of all this Incomplete 146pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mirror Mirror [Fong] File: ranma.mirror-mirror Author: Alex Fong Created: 01-09-2000 There's more than one reality, and in another the use of a bomb has spawned a darker world where Ranma has killed Akane and Ryoga in cold blood. Due to an intergalactic collision, the Ranma from this dark world finds himself in a more normal world, and the Nabiki from the normal world finds herself in the dark world. How much damage will the dark Ranma do before he can be contained, how can Nabiki survive in the mirror universe? Complete 81pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mirror Mirror [Ricketts] (7 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Michael Ricketts (ricketts@upnaway.com) Webpage: http://web.archive.org/web/20020605193124/www.upnaway.com/~ricketts/ (archive) Rakhal Likes: 2 Created: 30-08-2000 Just after Ranma was cursed, he manages to find what might actually be a cure. It involves stealing a priceless treasure from the Amazons, but if it cures him, no problem. Unfortunately it has a somewhat unexpected side effect. It splits him in two, so now there's a male and a female Ranma. Unfortunately his mind was not split, so here he is now, controlling two bodies at once. Easier said than done! And what happens when he starts glowing? Incomplete 231pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mirrors Multiplied (19 parts) File: Mirrors-Multiplied/ranma.sm.mirrors-multiplied.[1-19] (parts 1-19) Mirrors-Multiplied/ranma.sm.mirrors-multiplied.v2.1 (rewrite) Author: Jared Ornstead (Skysaber) Webpage: http://trooper1023.tripod.com/MMpage.html Crossover: Sailor Moon, Many Awards: TASS Continuing Series;1998 Oct 2nd, 1998 Nov 2nd (part 13), 1998 Annual 7th (part 13- tie), 1998 Dec 2nd, 1999 Feb 3rd (part 15), 1999 Apr 3rd (part 16), 1999 Sep 2nd, 2000 May 1st (part 18), 2000 Annual 2nd (part 18), 2001 Jun 1st,2001 Annual 4th Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Updated: 21-07-2001 When Ranma and Genma used the Nanban mirror to go back to try to stop themselves being cursed, something went a bit wrong. They got thrown to another universe and Ranma acquired the Destiny Ring, a device that allows almost unlimited wishes, but that can never cancel a wish. Genma and Happosai go home, but Ranma spends 300 or so lives bouncing through history, learning lots of skills on the way. Finally the ring runs out of power, and it's time to settle down, or is it? Sailor Senshi, Iczelions, SDF-1, goddesses and just about everyone else turns up in this mega-crossover. Incomplete 479pp Rewrite Incomplete 134pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Misadventure 1 File: ranma.misadventure.1 Author: U59090 (U59090@UICVM.UIC.EDU) Pat Lee, a foreign exchange student comes to Furinkan High. He's a horribly good martial artist and beats everyone around. He's also a bit of a saint. And he's got a pervert of a sister. Complete 103pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Misadventure 2 File: ranma.misadventure.2 Author: Christopher Joseph Tomsyck (songokuu@alpha2.csd.uwm.edu) The author gets sent to Japan to stay with the Tendos for a year. Incomplete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Misdiagnosis File: ranma.misdiagnosis Author: Saotome Ranchan Webpage: http://www.allaboutranma.com/fanfics/ Awards: TASS One Shots;2002 Mar 3rd Flags: Spamfic Created: 03-05-2002 Akane has made Ranma's favorite dinner, Takoyaki. She's just going to wash Ranma's clothes while she waits for Ranma to come downstairs. A lovely domestic scene, but how did it happen? Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Misery Loves Company (prologue, 3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Ryan Erik Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/ryanerik99/index.htm Rakhal Likes: 2 Flags: Drama,Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 17-11-2005 Created: 21-01-2002 Kenichi Tendo is in the airport waiting for her sister when a chance encounter with a stunning red-head turns his life upside down. He's in love. Kimiko Nishiyama has returned to Tokyo prior to leaving to China. Her old life here is gone, and those whose lives here connected to her have mourned her and finally moved on, but maybe there's a new one waiting for her here. That is, if she can bear to be this close to the friends and loves of her youth, while never being able to be with them again... Incomplete 606pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Miss/Fortune File: ranma.miss-fortune Author: Durandall Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/brandall/index.htm Awards: TASS Mini Series;2001 Apr 1st,2001 Annual 5th Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Ryuu+Ukyo Flags: Dark,Divergence Created: 28-02-2001 Akane wakes up in her bedroom. In Ranma's pyjamas, and when she looks at herself things look off. She seems to have developed a bit and acquired a few scars. What has happened? Well, it all started 7 months ago when Ryoga used a magical fishing rod on Akane. It worked, very well, and Akane left with Ryoga, leaving a devastated Ranma behind... Sidestory: Saido Complete 97pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mistaken Identity File: ranma.mistaken-identity Author: Murmur the Fallen (harijubal@aol.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/dojo/2881 Ranma turns up again. The real one. Turns out that the one we all know as Ranma is actually his little sister Yuri, who fell into the hotspring of drowned boy and was persuaded to masquerade as Ranma by Genma. Incomplete 83pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mistaken Identity [Kaiphantom] File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kaiphantom Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/kaiphantom2000/ Crossover: Mystery Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 20-05-2002 Ryoga is somewhat upset. Things have not been going well for him and it's all Ranma's fault, So when he seems someone with black hair, red shirt and a pigtail, he attacks! Mousse too is on the warpath, as well as Kuno and they both attack. But there's something wrong, as Akane spots... Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mistletoe (2 parts) *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.mistletoe Author: Strike Fiss Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 01-09-2000 A collision in a corridor on Christmas Eve results in Ranma holding Akane under a mistletoe sprig. Well, they've never kissed, and a few rash words makes it a challenge! Of course things don't go quite as expected, but the seeds of something have been planted... Complete 35pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mists of Silence (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: S'taumkinar Silverbreeze Webpage: http://cyberlife.gq.nu Matchup: Ranma+Kasumi Flags: Drama,Alterverse,Quality Poor Created: 09-05-2001 Kasumi awaits Ranma's arrival at the Dojo eagerly. 4 years ago when they last met, Ranma was the only one to accept her with the terrible injury that left her mute. Of course she gets a surprise when this strange girl and panda show up, and even more so when the girl turns out to be a signer... Incomplete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Misty File: ranma.misty Author: Mike Allen (allenmk@gte.net) The author gets a wish from the Goddess Relief helpline. Unfortunately he does not realise that the wish is real, and makes a silly wish, that he become an anime/manga character. Foof! The next morning he (she) is Kasumi Tendo. And he has to act in character as well! Eep. Incomplete 32pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Misuteru File: ranma.misuteru Author: Jason Drozd After Ranma has been split into his boy and girl sides, what happens to the new made girl. After all, she's a bit surplus to requirements.. Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Modern Therapy File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org), Megane 6.7 (megane67@rogers.com) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 21-12-2000 Ranma and Akane still haven't settled their differences, after a year together, and it's time they went to see a therapist about it! But is this a good idea, and is any therapist qualified to cope with these two and the insanity that follows them. Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Modesty *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.modesty Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong Shori and Katelin are two girls who work out at a local gym. They're frequently chatted up by men, but none that interested them. Until they see Ranma entering the gym one day. Complete 19pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mongoose File: ranma.mongoose Author: Uchann (uchann@aol.com) A young man is destroying a railway sleeper. He remembers nothing prior to this point. Where is he, who are these people that are watching him? Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Monkey Business File: ranma.monkey.business Author: David Tai (djtai@dkcomm.net), Paul Gallegos (ranma@dkcomm.net) Webpage: http://www.dkcomm.net/~ranma/ It all started with Akane dating Ryoga. Then Happosai gets booted and vows revenge, and before you know it, mayhem in the form of a large monkey has broken loose. Complete 31pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Monkey Head Butting File: ranma.monkey-head-butting Author: Miko (belldandy@angelic.com) Webpage: http://www.maisonbellchan.net Kasumi finds a small brooch outside and puts it in her pocket. A little later a chance encounter with Ranma results in a violent collision of heads and a little surprise.. Now Ranma is in Kasumi's body, and Kasumi is in Ranma's! Oh my. Complete 192pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Monogatari (7 parts) File: ranma.monogatari Author: Jamie Wilde , Bridget Wilde Webpage: http://www.gci-net.com/users/w/wildeman/ Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 9th (tie) TASS Mini Series; 1998 Jul 3rd (part 6), 1998 Annual 10th Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Updated: 20-01-2003 Ranma gets conked by Akane yet again after they both have been sent out into the hall during class. He has a vision of what seems to be Akane but isn't, and then wakes up in the past. 1000 years in the past, as an exponent of Martial Arts Poetry and married to Aoi, this time's Akane. Aoi appears to be being tormented by an evil spirit though. Incomplete 106pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Monty-Python-Quest for Akane File: ranma.mp.quest-for-akane Author: The Sound and The Furry Ranma is the king of the Cursed folk, and he's leading a quest to find the cure to their curses in the land of Monty Python. Incomplete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Monty Python-Quest for the Holy Grail File: ranma.monty-python.quest-for-the-holy-grail Author: Bryan Hamilton Crossover: Monty Python Never let otaku fight over the vcr and TV. When you try to play a Ranma movie at the same time as Monty Python and the Holy Grail is showing, strange things happen. Ranma and Co are looking for the holy grail. It cures curses you know. Of course King Arthur and co are as well. It's a race. Watch out for the swallows Complete 21pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Moonlight File: ranma.moonlight Author: Mystara96 (mystara96@aol.com) Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 12th (tie) Ranma and Akane share a dream about a moonlight night, a lake and a shared embrace. Complete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Moonlight and Cherry Pie File: ranma.moonlight-and-cherry-pie Author: White Wolf Crossover: Oh My Goddess Akane is cooking again! Ranma is desperate. The Nekohanten and Ucchans are closed, so no takeout, a third try gets him the Goddess Relief helpline and a visit from Skuld. Ranma wishes that Akane would learn how to cook before she kills someone... Incomplete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Moonlight and Guitar File: ranma.moonlight-and-guitar Author: Becky Goldstein Created: 02-09-2000 At Kasumi's wedding reception, Akane is mesmerised by the guitar playing as Ranma watches... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Moon Trek III: What goes around File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Erin M. Winking Webpage: http://moontrek.douglasavenue.com/ Crossover: Sailor Moon, Star Trek Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 30-06-2005 All quiet aboard the Sisko. So quiet that Shampoo is ordering the bridge crew to do acrobatics with the ship! The silence however is broken when Genma calls. A message has been received. An ultimatum has been delivered by the Kunos. Ranma has to turn himself over to them or they will use their ultimate weapon! Genma recommends complying, but whatever they do, it's full-speed ahead to the Zima-Prime system! Prequel: Moon Trek II: Section 13 Sequel: Moon Trek Neo 1: Time Complete 118pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Moon Trek II: Section 13 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Erin M. Winking Webpage: http://moontrek.douglasavenue.com/ Crossover: Sailor Moon, Star Trek Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 02-06-2005 The Sisko has been repaired after her last mission and now it's time for quiet patrol mission along the Cardassian border. Very quiet until a distress call is received from a ship with problems with their dilithium chamber. Ranma agrees to send some engineers over to fix it, but something is very fishy about this ship. For a start, the dilithium chamber is a new type... Prequel: Moon Trek: The Wrath of Kuno Sequel: Moon Trek III: What goes around Complete 96pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Moon Trek Neo 1: Time File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Erin M. Winking Webpage: http://moontrek.douglasavenue.com/ Crossover: Sailor Moon, Star Trek Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Lemon, Quality Good Created: 01-07-2005 The Sisko has been rebuilt!. Newer, faster, better. Ranma is now in charge of a new special operations unit called Neo. The only problem is there doesn't appear for there to be anything for them to do! They're just sitting there at the DS9 station. Well, at least Akane can meet up with her sisters who are flying in. They're going to be slightly delayed, Nabiki just wants to tie up a business deal. Pity that deal involved a huge quantity of high explosives and getting kidnapped by terrorists... Prequel: Moon Trek III: What goes around Complete 158pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Moon Trek: The Wrath of Kuno File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Erin M. Winking Webpage: http://moontrek.douglasavenue.com/ Crossover: Sailor Moon, Star Trek Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 26-10-2004 Captain Ranma Saotome takes control of his new ship. He finally made Captain, and he even beat Akane to it. Time to meet his new crew and leave on a mission to deal with some nuisances in the Finden system. The nuisances are apt to be a lot less trouble than the crew though! And then there's the Kunos... Sequel: Moon Trek II: Section 13 Complete 92pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Morning Sun File: ranma.morning-sun Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Created: 04-09-2000 Ranma and Akane wake up one morning, and things are just going to get interesting when Soun and Genma burst in grinning. It wouldn't be so bad, but this is hardly the first time! Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Most Unlikely of Friends File: ranma.most-unlikely-of-friends Author: Wade Tritschler (tritscwa@telus.net) Webpage: http://derekloffin.anifics.com/ Matchup: Ranma+Shampoo, Akane+Ryoga Flags: Alterverse, Quality Good Akane and Shampoo get a pair of bracelets, which when swapped will make them the best of friends... History is re-written. Soun took his family on a 10 year trip through China, avoiding Jusenkyo, but staying in the Joketsuzoku village. When he returns to Nerima, Shampoo comes with them, having been adopted into the Tendo family. Sequel: Most Unlikely of Friends: OVA 1 Complete 238pp Full Series Incomplete 749pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Most Unlikely of Friends OVA 1 File: ranma.most-unlikely-of-friends.oav1 Author: Wade Tritschler (tritscwa@telus.net) Webpage: http://derekloffin.anifics.com/ Matchup: Ranma+Shampoo, Akane+Ryoga, Mousse+Ukyo, Kodachi+Orig Flags: Alterverse, Quality Good Akane and Shampoo use the bracelets again to carry on with the alternate world. Perfume has attached herself to Ukyo, who isn't keen on the idea Cologne takes action. And there's this strange boy that's turned up from China, who REALLY doesn't like Shampoo. Prequel: Most Unlikely of Friends Sequel: Most Unlikely of Friends OVA 2 Complete 104pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Most Unlikely of Friends OVA 2 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Wade Tritschler (tritscwa@telus.net) Webpage: http://derekloffin.anifics.com/ Matchup: Ranma+Shampoo, Akane+Ryoga, Mousse+Ukyo, Kodachi+Orig, Nabiki+Orig Flags: Alterverse, Quality Good What has happened to Akane and Shampoo, and what can be done about it? Back in the other world, there is a challenge for the Dojo from some long lost sisters, and weddings are being planned. And more matches are being made too, some quite surprising. Prequel: Most Unlikely of Friends OVA 1 Sidestory: Most Unlikely of Friends OVA 2 Sidestory: Balancing Accounts *lemon* Sequel: Most Unlikely of Friends OVA 3 Complete 295pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Most Unlikely of Friends OVA 2 Sidestory: Balancing Accounts *lemon* File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Wade Tritschler (tritscwa@telus.net) Webpage: http://derekloffin.anifics.com/ Matchup: Nabiki+Orig Flags: Alterverse, Quality Good, Lemon Nabiki spots Perfume in the shower at the Nekohanten. She joins her... Main Story: Most Unlikely of Friends OVA 2 Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Most Unlikely of Friends OVA 3 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Wade Tritschler (tritscwa@telus.net) Webpage: http://derekloffin.anifics.com/ Rakhal Likes: Matchup: Ranma+Shampoo, Akane+Ryoga, Mousse+Ukyo, Kodachi+Orig, Nabiki+Orig Flags: Alterverse, Quality Good Shampoo and Akane have been dragged back to the original world, but not before putting up a hell of a fight and causing interdimensional chaos. But these are not the Shampoo and Akane that first departed. Prequel: Most Unlikely of Friends OVA 1 Incomplete 103pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mother File: ranma.mother Author: McKinley Morganfield (jeffreyd@epimp.com) It's mothers day and Ranma and Akane are going to visit Mrs Tendo's grave Ranma asks Akane how she died.. Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Motherhood (6 parts, rewrite 1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: James Bell , Donna Hutt-Stapfer Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/ca4/ranmaunclejimbo/ Awards: TASS Mini Series;2002 Mar 3rd Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Dark,Continuation Updated: 08-04-2002 Created: 17-03-2001 Ranma has been missing for 4 days and Ryoga is out looking for him on behalf of a worried Akane. He finds him too, in girl form, battered, broken, lying behind a dumpster in an alley, too weak and frightened to move. That's not all. After rushing the nearly dead Ranma to Tofu as fast as he can, Tofu finds out that Ranma was brutally raped and is now pregnant! Who on earth could do this to Ranma? Who can bring them to justice? Will there be other victims, and can Ranma survive what was done to him... Incomplete 146pp Rewrite Incomplete 76pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Motherly File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Lavender Gaia OFFNET Id: 1265326 Flags: Character Study, Quality Good Created: 19-03-2003 Akane thinks about Ranma and his mother just after Nodoka leaves. She should feel sorry for Ranma, having to hide from Nodoka as Ranko, but she doesn't. What Ranma has with his mother is far more than she does with hers... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mothers and Sons File: ranma.mothers-and-sons Author: Anand Rao Webpage: http://www.gsm.uci.edu/~arao02/ Awards: TASS One Shots;1998 May 3rd Nodoka wants to take Ranma away for a bit for a 'training trip' After all Genma had Ranma for 10 years, all she wants is a few days. Complete 22pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mothers Day File: ranma.mothers-day Author: Dave Harper (dharper@golden.net) Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 5th Another argument between Akane and Ranma winds up with a large rock accidentally hitting Kasumi (after going via Mousse). Good thing Nodoka has arrived for a visit. Looks like this visit may be extended for a bit at least until Kasumi is better. Here comes Ranko and Mr Panda. Complete 175pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mothers Gift File: ranma.amg.mothers-gift Author: The DragonBard Crossover: Oh My Goddess Soun's wife is not dead after all. Seems Kimiko is a Goddess, and had to go away to fulfill her duties. Of course this means that Akane, Nabiki and Kasumi are goddesses as well, and they go off to visit Belldandy and her sisters to get some more info Complete 20pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mothers Honor File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Michael Fetter Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/jehtek/ Flags: Dark,Divergence Created: 28-02-2001 Nodoka has come to visit the Tendos again, but she's far from happy. She's got something to say, and it's not pleasant... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mother [R-chan] File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: R-chan OFFNET Id: 436952 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 17-09-2002 3 years on and Ranma and Akane are married. Life is going well for them, until it is discovered that Akane cannot have children! Well, for most couples this would mean adoption, but for Ranma and Akane there is another option. Something like this is bound to affect Ranma... Sequel: Children Complete 95pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mourning Becomes Kuonji File: ranma.mourning-becomes-kuonji Author: Alan Harnum (harnums@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~mike/transp.html Awards: TASS One Shots;2000 Feb 3rd Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 04-09-2000 Ukyo stands at Konatsu's grave remembering her life with him, remembering his death and mourning his passing. Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mousse and Kodachi: A Brave New World File: ranma.mousse-and-kodachi.a-brave-new-world Author: S. Mark Gunther (Iceboy3@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://moussex.anifics.com Created: 04-09-2000 Mousse is wandering around disconsolate after finally giving up on Shampoo when Kodachi mistakes him for Ranma. She hurtles into him to give him an enormous glomp, but winds up hitting him in the stomach, severely injuring him. While tending to Mousse as he recovers, feelings for him begin to grow... Complete 21pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mousse and the Fowl Canard File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: John-Martin Lotz Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/jmlotz/index.htm Created: 26-01-2001 Mousse is looking for Shampoo. The technique seems to be to glomp something and if it's not Shampoo try something else! Seems like hard work... Complete 1pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mousse: Falling Down File: ranma.mousse-falling-down Author: Andrew Askew (awa51669@jetson.uh.edu) Mousse suffers one degradation and humiliation too many and goes postal. Will anyone be left when he finishes his rampage? Complete 19pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mousse Flip Side File: ranma.mousse-flip-side Author: Toshiro Seiji (kcross@bgnet.bgsu.edu) Somethings happened to Mousse. All of a sudden it seems that he hates Shampoo. Could it be the reversal jewel again? Incomplete 49pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mousses Love File: ranma.mousses-love Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong A murderer has escaped. He's a ruthless killer, and a rapist, and EXTREMELY good at martial arts. Shampoo is in the wrong place at the wrong time. Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mousse Spurned File: ranma.mousse-spurned Author: Dion Starfire (Gosenkugi@aol.com) Mousse is always spurned by Shampoo, maybe it's time for him to get a bit of a life of his own. Time to go to college and learn something. Incomplete 42pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mousse Version 2 File: ranma.mousse-version-2 Author: Andrew Huang (alhuang@hcs.harvard.edu) Webpage: http://www.hcs.harvard.edu/~alhuang/anime/fanfic/myfics/ Crossover: Oh My Goddess After getting knocked out by Shampoo again, Urd pops up and makes a little alteration to Mousses mind. Now he's all suave, sophisticated and non-clingy Complete 14pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mouthful File: ranma.mouthful Author: Crazyfic Matchup: Ranma+Ukyo Flags: Dark,Comedy,Quality Good Created: 27-05-2001 Ranma has married Ukyo, and Akane is furious! Just sending him to hospital is not enough. But a mirror given to her by her father and Genma gives her an option. It's a wishing mirror. Now for the perfect wish. And as most know, you should be very careful when wishing for something... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Moving On File: ranma.mi.moving-on Author: Richard Beaubien (beaubird@anime.sobhrach.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~beaubird/ Crossover: Maison Ikokku Dr Tofu dies of lung cancer, and Kasumi, his wife, must get on with her life She moves out of Nerima to manage a guest house called Maison Ikokku Incomplete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Moving On [Kleppe] File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Gary Kleppe (gary@garykleppe.org) Webpage: http://www.garykleppe.org Created: 21-12-2000 Ranma and Akane are married, and it's time for Ukyo to move on. What's next for her... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mrs Saotome Visits Again File: ranma.mrs-saotome-visits-again Author: David M. Bateson (major@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au) Note: Used to be known as 'Visits and Revelations' Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 14th (tie) Nodoka drops by for another visit, causing Ranko and Mr Panda to appear This time she's taking quite an interest in the various fiancees and wants to talk to them all, amongst other things. Incomplete 59pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: MST3K-Scream-at-your-own-avocados File: ranma.mst3k.scream-at-your-own-avacados Author: DrFanfic (drfanfic@aol.com) One day someone comes into Ucchans Okonomiyaki-ya. A complete nutter called Troublemaker(tm). He's frightening off the customers, what can poor Ukyo do! Meanwhile, Mike, Tom Servo, Crow and the others watch and worry from orbit. Complete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: MST3K-Slayers File: ranma.mst.slayers Author: Dinobot (xforcer@hotmail.com) Lina and friends discover a strange portal jewel, which when used drops them straight into the pools of Jusenkyo. One boy, rabbit, pig and a dog crawl out and head to Nerima. Meanwhile, from orbit, 3 transformed beast warriors watch and comment. Complete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Much Ado File: Much-Ado-About-Ranma/ranma.lemon.much-ado Author: HKMiller (hkmiller@geocities.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/5058/ Note: Part 1 of the Much Ado about Ranma series. Rakhal Likes: 1 Ranma's parents reckon that Ranma should do the manly thing and crawl into Akane's room tonight. Ranma is not so sure. He asks Akane first, who, amazingly is agreeable.. Continuation from volume 38 Sequel: Much Ado: As You Like It Complete 30pp Series Incomplete --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Much Ado About Ranma (3 acts, 2 scenes) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Tailkinker [Timothy Groves] Webpage: http://tailkinker.contrabandent.com/ Crossover: Shakespeare Flags: Comedy, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 18-04-2003 Created: 10-03-2003 Nabiki has a project to do for her Literature Final. She has to shoot a complete film based on one of Shakespeares plays. Thanks to a side wager she has to do it for less than 100,000 yen as well. A bit of blackmail e.t.c rounds her up a cut-priced cast, so now she's ready to roll. If she can get this group of misfits to actually keep to their lines! Incomplete 54pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Much Ado: A Comedy of Errors File: Much-Ado-About-Ranma/ranma.comedy-of-errors Author: HKMiller (hkmiller@geocities.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/5058/ Note: Part 3 of the Much Ado about Ranma series. Shampoo is planning another assault on Ranma, and the Emperor is coming to visit Nerima. Ranma, Akane and Ukyou are engaged as security, Shampoo turns up naked... Prequel: Much Ado: As You Like It Sequel: Much Ado: Midsummer Days Complete 29pp Series Incomplete --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Much Ado: A Spring Tale File: Much-Ado-About-Ranma/ranma.a-spring-tale Author: HKMiller (hkmiller@geocities.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/5058/ Note: Part 7 of the Much Ado about Ranma series. Ranma and Akane are married (after a quick diversion with the Fox Prince who takes a fancy to Akane). A honeymoon and a spy mission follow... Prequel: Much Ado: Measure for Measure Sequel: Much Ado: The Tempest Complete 29pp Series Incomplete --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Much Ado: As You Like It File: Much-Ado-About-Ranma/ranma.as-you-like-it Author: HKMiller (hkmiller@geocities.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/5058/ Note: Part 2 of the Much Ado about Ranma series. Happosai teaches Ranma his Ki Recharging technique. All it needs is a handy girl for a quick charge. Ranma teaches Ukyo and Akane and all 3 practice a bit... Prequel: Much Ado Sequel: Much Ado: A Comedy of Errors Complete 35pp Series Incomplete --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Much Ado: Measure for Measure File: Much-Ado-About-Ranma/ranma.measure-for-measure Author: HKMiller (hkmiller@geocities.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/5058/ Note: Part 6 of the Much Ado about Ranma series. The annual Rhythmic Gymnastics contest is due, and Ranma-chan is going to fight Kodachi again. Kodachi has been training a lot and has a few nasty surprises. Mousse gets more desperate, Ranma takes his ladies out on dates. Prequel: Much Ado: Midsummer Nights Sequel: Much Ado: A Spring Tale Complete 33pp Series Incomplete --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Much Ado: Merchants of Vengeance File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: HKMiller (hkmiller@geocities.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/5058/ Note: Part 11 of the Much Ado about Ranma series. Created: 04-09-2000 An influx of Addictive Candy Panties is threatening to destroy the social fabric of Nerima. Ranma and gang must investigate and destroy this threat. Prequel: Much Ado: Twelve Knights Complete 29pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Much Ado: Midsummer Days File: Much-Ado-About-Ranma/ranma.midsummer-days Author: HKMiller (hkmiller@geocities.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/5058/ Note: Part 4 of the Much Ado about Ranma series. Ranma, Akane and Ukyo go training up in the mountains. Ryoga pops up with Akari and fights Ranma. He's learned a nifty new technique. Time for a bit more training... Prequel: Much Ado: A Comedy of Errors Sequel: Much Ado: Midsummer Nights Complete 18pp Series Incomplete --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Much Ado: Midsummer Nights File: Much-Ado-About-Ranma/ranma.midsummer-nights Author: HKMiller (hkmiller@geocities.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/5058/ Note: Part 5 of the Much Ado about Ranma series. The summit is here, and Shampoo is recruited to join the security team The Musk Dynasty and the Phoenix Mountain crew turn up to cause havoc Prequel: Much Ado: Midsummer Days Sequel: Much Ado: Measure for Measure Complete 18pp Series Incomplete --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Much Ado: The Taming of Kodachi File: ranma.the-taming-of-kodachi Author: HKMiller (hkmiller@geocities.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/5058/ Note: Part 9 of the Much Ado about Ranma series. Kuno has vanished it seems, Kodachi implores our team to help her find him. An assassination attempt at a ball is foiled, but it seems some incriminating evidence is lost.. Prequel: Much Ado: The Tempest Sequel: Much Ado: Twelve Knights Complete 36pp Series Incomplete --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Much Ado: The Tempest File: Much-Ado-About-Ranma/ranma.the-tempest Author: HKMiller (hkmiller@geocities.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/5058/ Note: Part 8 of the Much Ado about Ranma series. Ranma, Akane , Ukyou and Nabiki head off to China to find out what's going on in the Joketsuzoku area. Seems things are going crazy, the province may secede, and if it does REAL trouble will start. Shampoo has gone missing too. Prequel: Much Ado: A Spring Tale Sequel: Much Ado: The Taming of Kodachi Complete 36pp Series Incomplete --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Much Ado: Twelve Knights File: ranma.twelve-knights Author: HKMiller (hkmiller@geocities.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/5058/ Note: Part 10 of the Much Ado about Ranma series. Created: 04-09-2000 An evil cult called the Twelve Knights (or is that the Eleven Knights) is planning to release a deadly virus which will kill 95% of the population Meanwhile 3 of Ranma's children visit from the future, to check things out and Kasumi is convinced that she's going to become a magical girl... Prequel: Much Ado: The Taming of Kodachi Sequel: Much Ado: Merchants of Vengeance Complete 33pp Series Incomplete --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Multiplication File: ranma.multiplication Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Awards: TASS One Shots;2000 Mar 2nd Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 04-09-2000 A freak weather condition causes a small cloud to form from one of the springs at Jusenkyo. The cloud immediately heads off to Nerima. Just about any spring could cause chaos, but this one could be more confusing than most... Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Muppets-Tribute to Anime File: ranma.muppets.tribute-to-anime Author: Jamie Wilde , Bridget Wilde Webpage: http://www.gci-net.com/users/w/wildeman/ Crossover: The Muppets Awards: TASS One Shots; 1998 Aug 1st, 1998 Annual 7th Starring Ryoga Hibiki, who takes over from Carl Macek at the last minute. Miss Piggy takes a fancy to him, and offers to teach him Pig-Fu. This does involve him getting in touch and living in harmony with his inner pig... Complete 29pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Musabetsu Tendo-ryu, Final Technique File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Nanashi/ranma.musabetsu-tendo-ryu-final-technique Author: Nanashi (chadjill@ms3.hinet.net) Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 07-07-2001 Hiroshi and Daisuke has been studying all the strange martial arts techniques Ranma has come across, and they think they've worked out the common thread to all of them. They're crazy! And using this knowledge, they've created an Ultimate move! Time for Ranma to learn it... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Musical Sisters or Rotation with Carry File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kevin D. Hammel Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~khammel/ Note: Story is a work in progress. Created: 04-12-2000 The Tendo sisters were born in a different order here. We have Akane, the oldest sister, who had to give up her ambitions to serve her family, but who dreams of being a true martial artist again, Kasumi, the always cheerful middle sister and Nabiki, the heir to the school and the one favoured by Soun to marry Ranma... Incomplete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mustard Girl File: mb.ranma.mustard-girl RAAC File: Marmalade-Boy/mboy.ranma.mustard-girl Author: Urac 'Ratbat' Sigma (ratbat@rocketmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/1778 Note: Stored in the Marmalade-Boy directory in the R.A.A.C Archives Crossover: Marmalade Boy Crossover with Marmalade Boy. Rumi and Jin announce to a stunned Miki that they are getting divorced. Apparently they met this couple and they've decided to swap partners! The couple is Genma and Nodoka Saotome and all 6 of them move into a house together... Sidestory: Mustard Girl Sidestory: Urusei Matsuura Incomplete 38pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mustard Girl Sidestory: Urusei Matsuura File: mb.ranma.mustard-girl.side-story RAAC File: Marmalade-Boy/mboy.ranma.mustard-girl.side-story Author: Urac 'Ratbat' Sigma (ratbat@rocketmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/1778 Note: Stored in the Marmalade-Boy directory in the R.A.A.C Archives Crossover: Marmalade Boy With the Saotomes and the Koishikawas getting together, what about the original Marmalade Boy, Yuu Matsuura? Well, when he arrived home one day, there was this horned guy in a tiger striped jumpsuit there. He's challenging Yuu to a game of tag with Lum Redet for the fate of the earth... Main Story: Mustard Girl Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mutant Martial Artists (prologue) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Thrythlind Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/thrythlind/title.htm OFFNET Id: 329754 Flags: Continuation ,Comedy, Quality Good Created: 10-01-2002 Crime is stalking the streets of New York City. Feels like home to Nabiki Tendo, reporter. However there is a force for good as well, if a slightly unusual force, who live in sewers and eat far too many pizzas... Incomplete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Muteki Corp File: ranma.muteki-corp Author: alex-feterman Created: 04-09-2000 Someone comes to see the powerful head of the Muteki Corp, which runs one of the most prominent chains of dojos. Maybe she can get the story behind the man... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: My BAKA Gaidin (8 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kuku Webpage: http://www.reikaifiles.com/xovers/fics6.html (archive> Crossover: Wheel of Time Flags: Drama, Adventure, Quality Good Created: 21-11-2001 Siuan Sanche, the former Amrylin Seat is in a desperate battle. Ranma too is in a desperate battle with a supernatural creature, and losing as well, until he grabs onto a tendril of power and is pulled right into the Wheel of Time world. Not only that, but it seems that Siuan has inadvertently bonded him! Ranma always seems to have woman problems, but Siuan is going to have her work cut out for her if she's going to make Ranma into an acceptable Warder... Incomplete 125pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: My Dying Wish File: ranma.my-dying-wish Author: Ukyou Kuonji (ukyoukwnji@aol.com) Webpage: http://hometown.aol.com/ukyoukwnji/index.htm Ukyo visits a doctor and is diagnosed with terminal breast cancer. With less than a year to live, she asks Akane if she can 'borrow' Ranma for a while... Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: My Enemies, My Friends File: ranma.my-enemies-my-friends Author: SuperSaiyajin *Akane* (Lea Alcantara) Akane, Ukyo, Shampoo and Kodachi meet at Ucchans for a sleep-over. They talk about Ranma, about why each of them love him, and who would be the best for him. Complete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: My Gift File: ranma.my-gift Author: Juuichiketajin <11@onna.com> Webpage: http://www.geocities.co.jp/AnimeComic/9973 Flags: Quality Good Created: 06-07-2001 A fic comprised entirely of words of 1 syllable. A fight between Ranma and Ryoga ends when Ranma uses her assets to stun Ryoga. Then she carries Ryoga upstairs and makes him an offer... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: My Name is File: ranma.my-name-is... Author: Paul Gallegos (ranma@dkcomm.net) Webpage: http://www.dkcomm.net/~ranma/ Taro falls through a roof while on the way to the Tendo Dojo. Upon landing he hears a voice from under the rubble. It's a talking knife... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: My Only Love File: ranma.my-only-love Author: Reid Carson (rcarson@rcarson.com) Webpage: http://www.rcarson.com/rcarson/index.htm Someone watches as Ranma fights Ryoga, Mousse and Happosai and worships him from afar. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: My So-Called Half-Life File: ranma.my-so-called-half-life Author: Geoff Tebbetts (gtebbett@vt.edu) Kariko is a green haired girl, who is very nervous of hot water. The life of an ordinary person with the Nyannichuan curse trying to live with it at school. Complete 58pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Mythos (10 parts) File: ranma.mythos (parts 1-6) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (parts 7-10) Author: Joshua Trujillo (gargoyle@glasscity.net) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/mythos_9 Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 06-09-2000 Two years ago, something hurled Ranma into another world shortly after his marriage to Akane. Trapped in female form, she devotes her life to finding Akane again. Along the way she meets a group of adventurers that travel with her. And in a room in a castle somewhere a girl with short dark hair floats in a pool of burning liquid... Incomplete 279pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===============================> N <================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nabiki and Kuno File: ranma.nabiki-and-kunou Author: C.Jones (guilty@furinkan.net) Webpage: http://www.furinkan.net Nabiki feels a bit left out. Both her sisters have boyfriends, but she's left alone. Checking out the local options, she decides on Kuno.. Complete 27pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nabiki Dear Diary File: ranma.nabiki.dear-diary Author: New Najar (newnajar@aol.com) Nabiki writes in her diary about the events of one day in the Tendo Dojo, and an unbelievable photographic opportunity. Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nabiki Having Fun File: ranma.nabiki-having-fun Author: Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong (jeff.oneshot.wong@juno.com) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~jeffwong Ranma needles Nabiki a bit one day. He really should know better. Nabiki is far better with words than he is. Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nabiki New Horizons (28 parts) File: Nabiki-New-Horizons/* (27 files) Author: G.L. Sandborn (sandborn@burnsmcd.com) Webpage: http://home.kc.rr.com/sandborn/ Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 10th (part 1- tie), TASS Continuing Series;1998 Aug 3rd (part 13), 1999 Aug 1st (part 18), 1999 Nov 3rd (part 20), 2002 Jan 3rd Rakhal Likes: 1 Updated: 20-01-2003 A rich American romances Nabiki (pretending to be poor while he does so). He has shinobi connections, and so, it seems does Nabiki A long continuing history of the series, focusing on Nabiki, but dealing with all the cast members. Much ninja stuff. Incomplete 1573pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nabiki Owned *lemon* File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: S'taumkinar Silverbreeze Webpage: http://cyberlife.gq.nu Matchup: Ranma+Nabiki Flags: Drama,Lemon,Alterverse,Quality Fair Created: 09-05-2001 When Ranma arrives at the Dojo, he looks at the girls with a rather different eye. In particular he's looking for a girl he can dominate and not too easily. Nabiki looks good... Incomplete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nabiki Screws Up File: ranma.nabiki-screws-up Author: Gregg Sharp (kestral@mindspring.com) Nabiki needs some money to pay the bills this month. A little nudge here and there and Akane mallets Ranma into unconsciousness. Ready for Nabiki to sell him to Kodachi for 50,000 yen. Kodachi has some experiments she wants to try... Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nabiki's Heartache (2 parts, 4 omakes) File: ranma.nabikis-heartache (part 1 only) Author: Ryo-Oki Webpage: http://nighthawk.anifics.com/hosted/ryo_oki.htm Matchup: Ranma+Nabiki Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 21-01-2003 Created: 04-10-2002 Nabiki is lonely and to help with that she writes her feelings down in a journal. She regrets it a moment later, rips out the page, and then it blows out of the window, and into the hand of the last person she'd want to see it, Ranma. It is a confession of love for him, but this is not out of the blue. It's been building for 10 months, ever since Kuno decided to go with Mariko to the Prom, leaving Nabiki out in the cold. At least until Ranma steps in to volunteer to go with Nabiki... Complete 270pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nabiki's Honor File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Cloud Dreamer Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/cloud_dreamer2000/ Note: The first part of this story is based on the fic 'For You' by Ronny Hedin. Matchup: Ranma+Nabiki+Ukyo Flags: Drama, Continuation Created: 16-03-2001 Ranma's offhand comment about not needed to go to college causes Akane to lay into him about not wanting to marry the lazy and ignorant bum that he's going to become. Just like his father. Stung, Ranma applies himself, with Nabiki an unexpected helper. And surprisingly, he succeeds. But success has an unexpected and calamitous price. Many years on, Nabiki gets a chance to do something about the tragedy that occurred so long ago. Hopefully this time, things can turn out better. Incomplete 131pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nabiki's Scheme *lemon* File: ranma.nabikis-scheme Author: "Python" Awards: TASS One Shots;2002 Jan 3rd Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Created: 22-03-2002 Ranma and Shampoo indulge in a torrid sex scene. It's all for a production for Saotome Productions, a company specialising in porn. It's all a scheme that Nabiki came up with to help launder money. And it's fun too! There's nothing the Tendo sisters enjoy more than a piece of Ranma... Complete 19pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nabiki Tendo Must Die File: ranma.nabiki-tendo-must-die Author: Matthew Lewis (maybeso@ican.net) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/9345/index.html Created: 07-09-2000 Ranma has an epiphany one morning. He's finally realised who it is that is really making his life hell. It's Nabiki!, and there's only one conclusion possible, Nabiki Tendo must die! But how to do it without annoying people? Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: NagaNo! File: ranma.nagano Author: Ukyou Kuonji (ukyoukwnji@aol.com) Webpage: http://hometown.aol.com/ukyoukwnji/index.htm Japan needs a hero to represent it in the Nagano winter olympics. And it looks like Ranma fits the bill! Except for one small detail. He's not interested. Complete 26pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nameless Face (6 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: NiteSkyStar (NiteSkyStar@hotmail.com) OFFNET Id: 1175701 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 02-04-2004 Nabiki is troubled. Akane's abuse of Ranma is getting worse and something must be done about it. Accordingly she's off to the police to get them to investigate. Not easy to do that either, but eventually she gets Officer Mara Takano on the case. She's not your usual police officer either. She's a genius and has made it into the force at only 17... Incomplete 68pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Namida no Kokoro File: ranma.namida-no-kokoro Author: Michelle "Mi-chan" Mista (citizenal@aol.com) A fight between Ranma and Akane goes a bit farther than either intend and harsh words are exchanged. Akane runs off crying to her room, and Ranma runs off into the night. Time for both to search their hearts. Complete 31pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Namida no Okonomiyaki File: ranma.namida-no-okonomiyaki Author: Webdragon Webpage: http://members.tripod.com/~WebDragon/index.html Ranma comes into the Ucchans late one night with an angry red handprint on his face. No prizes for guessing where that came from. Ranma and Ukyo talk. Complete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nannichuan File: ranma.nannichuan Author: S. JAMES (Condor1556@aol.com) Ranma has a dream about a tournament in the Chogan mountains. First prize, a wish for whatever you want. Of course you have to FIND the Chogan mountains first... Complete 34pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Narrabundah 1/2 (24 parts in 3 volumes, 2 lemon sidestories, 'movie',character profiles, faq, 3 theme lyrics) File: Narrabundah/ranma.narrabundah.vol1 (parts 1-10) Narrabundah/ranma.narrabundah.vol2 (parts 11-20) Narrabundah/ranma.narrabundah.vol3 (parts 21-22) Narrabundah/ranma.narrabundah.3x3-kunou (movie) Narrabundah/ranma.narrabundah.cast (character profiles) Narrabundah/ranma.narrabundah.faq (faq) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (parts 23-24, sidestories 1,2, theme lyrics) Author: Urac 'Ratbat' Sigma (ratbat@rocketmail.com), Suzy Styles (No Email) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/1778 An alternate look at Ranma. Meet Ratbat Sigmatome, a chiropteran (batlike) male who turns into a chiropteran (four breasts) female. He and his father Lenma arrive at the Tendo Dojo, where Ratbat is to be engaged to one of the Tendo Daughters, Suzy (16, tomboy otaku), Niki (financier), or Fiona (homemaker) Offbeat version of the Ranma story Reading order: Volume 1 (parts 1-10), Volume 2 (parts 11-20), sidestory 1, sidestory 2, movie, Volume 3 (parts 21-24) Incomplete 531pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Narthoron File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: F22wannabe Webpage: http://www.flamingwreckage.com/ Crossover: Men In Black, X-Com Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 21-02-2002 The MIB is worried. They think they have an Ethereal to deal with, one of the most dangerous creatures in the universe. It's visiting Dr Diggers... Meanwhile a sergeant turns up at the Tendo Dojo with a delivery for Nabiki, a strange ring. What is the meaning of that. Who is the strange boy in the cloak and the girl that accompanies him? And why do they need to go to Nerima? Complete 103pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Natsumi, The Magical Girl File: ranma.sm.natsumi Author: Richard Beaubien(beaubird@anime.sobhrach.com), Mike Koos (makoto@cal.net) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~beaubird/ Before Mrs Tendo died, she arranged for a package to be delivered to her daughters when they came of age. One day the package arrives, containing, amongst other things, a brooch for Kasumi. A very special brooch, this one lets Kasumi transform into Natsumi, the Magical Girl. Can Kasumi defend Ranma, Akane and others from the evil machinations of the BFC corp (run by Youma). Can Kasumi survive the marketing plans of Nabiki? Incomplete 143pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Neko File: ranma.neko Author: Mark Doherty (mdoherty@uq.net.au) Webpage: http://www.thetop.net/mdoherty/ranma/ranma.html Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Alterverse, Comedy, Drama, Quality Good Things happened a bit differently at Jusenkyo. In particular Ranma fell in the spring of drowned cat. And him with that fear of cats as well! Of course he's not the only Jusenkyo victim. Both Ukyo and Akane fell in the Nannichuan and 100+ lemmings fell in pools there as well... Incomplete 137pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Neko Can't (9 parts) File: ranma.neko-cant Author: James Lee (jlee100441@aol.com) Webpage: http://jlee.anifics.com/index.htm Crossover: Gold Digger Updated: 06-02-2004 Created: 08-09-2000 The police intercept Genma during the Neko-ken training and rescue Ranma from the pit. After he recovers, the doctor who helped him, Dr Diggers, adopts him and they move to Atlanta. How will Ranma fit into life with Gina and Britanny? And what interest does Julia have in him? Incomplete 89pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nekohanten File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Angus MacSpon (macspon@ihug.co.nz) Webpage: http://shell.ihug.co.nz/~macspon/ Flags: Songfic Created: 22-03-2001 A songfic about the goings on at the Nekohanten based on 'Copacabana' Complete 1pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Neko Love *lemon* (10 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Mz D Webpage: http://www.differentkindalove.bravehost.com/ OFFNET Id: 1527562 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Lemon, Quality Good Updated: 05-12-2003 Created: 13-10-2003 A date between Ranma and Akane ends disastrously as usual when Shampoo busted in. Walking home afterwards though carrying a doggy bag full of raw fish from the sushi restaurant, Ranma runs into some insistent cats... and soon Ranma thinks he's a cat himself. Ranma is so much more affectionate towards Akane in this state, the problem is that right now Akane is fertile, which to Ranma's feline mind equates to in-heat. And cats know what to do then... Incomplete 68pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nekophilia File: ranma.neko-philia Author: Scott K. Jamison (majks@cyberx.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/5990/ Shampoo needs to find a way to get Ranma. If only he weren't afraid of cats! Fortunately there's a potion that can help with that. Here goes. Complete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nekophilia *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.nekophilia Author: G.L. Sandborn (sandborn@burnsmcd.com) Webpage: http://home.kc.rr.com/sandborn/ Ranma's marriage is falling apart, Akane is refusing to have sex with Ranma after a disastrous marriage night. Into this situation comes Shampoo, with a desperate plan to finally get Ranma for her own... Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nekophobia File: ranma.nekophobia Author: David Eddy Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/DEddy/ Awards: TASS Mini Series; 1998 Jan 2nd Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama. Quality Good After another argument about cooking, Akane goes off shopping, still fuming. Unfortunately she fails to return, and a worried Ranma goes off to look for her. She's been knocked out it seems, and when she comes round it seems that she's now acquired a Jusenkyo curse from somewhere. She turns into a cat! Isn't it curious that Shampoo just happens to be cured at the same time. Sidestory: Nekophobia-Talking with Nabiki Sidestory: Nekophobia-sidestory Nabiki, Ranma and Akane *lemon* Complete 237pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nekophobia-sidestory Nabiki, Ranma and Akane *lemon* File: Not stored in the Ranma archives Author: David Eddy Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/DEddy/ Sidestory set after part 6 of Nekophobia. Akane asks to stay in Ranma's room after he has a nightmare about that koi rod. Nabiki goes back to her room, but she's more than a little excited after a quick hug she gave Ranma. Fantasies ensue... Main Story: Nekophobia Complete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nekophobia-Talking with Nabiki File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: David Eddy Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/DEddy/ Sidestory/Revengefic set after part 4 of Nekophobia. Nabiki turns up in the author's hotel room and asks him some pointed questions. Main Story: Nekophobia Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nemesis File: ranma.nemesis Author: Oscar Archer ( The Reb ) A force beyond the world called Nemesis has decided that Ranma must die It might need a bit of help though. Complete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Neo Genus Jusenkyo (8 parts) File: ranma.eva.neo-genus-jusenkyo (part 1) Not stored in the Ranma Archives (parts 2-8) Author: Kevin D. Hammel (khammel@pacbell.net) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~khammel/ Crossover: Neon Genesis Evangelion Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 27-11-2000 Akane and Nabiki come to Joketsuzoku 3, the centre of the fight against the attacking Zoomorphs, large alien wormlike creatures that want to destroy the planet. They are to pilot JAVA's, huge creatures that can only be piloted by someone with a Jusenkyo curse. There they mean Ranma, who is already a pilot, and who is incidentally engaged to one of them There they will also be reunited with their sister Kasumi, who is very quiet, rarely talking. And there they will come under the control of Ranma's father, Genma and their own father, Soun Tendovski... Incomplete 87pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nerima Blues File: ranma.nerima-blues Author: Rod M (rpm39788@bayou.uh.edu) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~rpm/fanfic/fics.htm After an important event several people congregate in the Ucchans. None in a very good mood. Ryoga, Kuno, Kodachi, Ukyo and Shampoo. Some others are having a wild party elsewhere, Mousse, Konatsu and Tsubasa. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nerima Chronicles File: ranma.sru.nerima-chronicles Author: Gregg Sharp (kestral@mindspring.com) Webpage: http://www.asynjor.com/fanfic/sharp.html Crossover: Spells R Us Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 27-09-2001 A cat tries to sneak into the Tendo household, and runs into Kasumi. This is Akane, cursed to be a cat now after eating some cursed candy at a local sweetshop. The curse did more than that though, it seems to have altered the universe. There never was an Akane Tendo here, Nabiki is the youngest and is happily engaged to Ranma. Can Akane get everything back they way it should be? Complete 31pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nerima Home Companion: Kouchou no Fukushuu File: ranma.nerima-home-companion.kouchou-no-fukushuu Author: Ukyou Kuonji (ukyoukwnji@aol.com) Webpage: http://hometown.aol.com/ukyoukwnji/index.htm Created: 08-09-2000 What is it with that palm tree growing on the Principals head. Is it growing? What does it feed on? Who knows, but that and what happens as a result is not the point of this story, rather it's the events surrounding Ranma's surprise 40th birthday party. In the Keillor style Complete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nerima Home Companion: Paying Respects File: ranma.nerima-home-companion Author: Ukyou Kuonji (ukyoukwnji@aol.com) Webpage: http://hometown.aol.com/ukyoukwnji/index.htm Awards: TASS One Shots;1999 Dec 1st Created: 08-09-2000 Gosunkugi brings us a tale of Nerima. This story is about Soun's funeral and the gathering that that entailed. And about the changes that have gone on in everyone's lives in the intervening 20 years. In the Keillor style. Complete 17pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nerimas Other Passion File: The-More-Things-Change/ranma.the-more-things-change Author: Grayson Towler (Thunderstruck_comic@comcast.ne) Ryoga is determined to defeat Ranma in the upcoming King of Nerima tournament. He remembers how powerful he was when he'd just done the Bakusai Tenketsu training and decides to hurl himself into as many hard objects as he can in the way of training. Hidden watchers follow his every move... Main Story: The Pursuit of Happiness Complete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Never Again File: ranma.never-again Author: Zachary Laurence Ryoga is trapped under a laundry basket as P-Chan. He's forced to hear Ranma and Akane do what newlyweds usually do on their wedding night. Finally he comes to a decision. Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Never Forever File: ranma.never-forever Author: Florencio B. de la Merced Jr. (fmerced@pworld.net.ph) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/3641/index.html Someone turns up at the Tendo Dojo, calling himself Misaki Tendo and claiming Nabiki as his wife! Seems like some arrangements were made 10 years ago. Kasumi rather fancies him as well. Complete 52pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Never Give Up File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Pilgrim (stickney@scican.net) OFFNET Id: 1067054 Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 14-11-2002 Ranma has returned to the Musk. Years after the defeat on Mt Horaisan, Ranma has come to meet Herb once more. Both have lost much, and much is different. What will be the outcome this time. Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Never on a Sunday File: ranma.never-on-a-sunday Author: Nikholas "Switch" F. Toledo Zu Webpage: http://www.mydestiny.net/~nftzu/MainPage.htm Nabiki sends out the invitations to Ranma and Akane's wedding 3 months early to make sure that if anyone is going to object they do so early Unfortunately Ryoga gets the invitation just a week before the wedding and it takes him that week to get there. But someone or something may intervene. Complete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Never say Goodbye File: ranma.never-say-goodbye Author: Steven Scougall(s_scougall@mailandnews.com) Webpage: http://www.crosswinds.net/~sscougall/ Akane mourns Ranma's death in a duel with Ryoga. She visits his grave and Ryoga visits too. Prequel: Time to say Goodbye Sequel: Goodbye Ranma Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Never Too Many File: ranma.never-too-many Author: David Johnston Happosai and Genma got caught by a Mrs Yamazaki while Genma was still training, and in return for his freedom he promised his firstborn daughter to her. Of course Genma had a son, but when Mrs Yamazaki spots Ranma in a magazine as the winner of the Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics competition, looking decidedly female, she sends her sons to drag back this girl. She will be married to one of them... Complete 27pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: New Adventure, New Chaos (2 parts) File: ranma.amg.new-adventure-new-chaos Author: Eric Oh Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/anime2/ericheeohfic/ Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Poor Created: 21-05-2001 3 months after the failed wedding, things start going wrong for Ranma again. Shampoo and Ukyo have decided that Ranma is fair game again, and whatever he does, he seems to hurt Akane. Time to get away. But wandering a new area of Tokyo, Ranma runs across a girl being assaulted by 4 men. She's quite grateful after being rescued and quite interested in her rescuer. She's Morisato Megumi, and she has some interesting friends... Incomplete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: New Beginnings (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: DarkPhoenix/ranma.New-Beginnings Author: Jonathan Ford Webpage: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/60506/ Note: Fics can also be found at: http://florestica.com/dphoneix/index.htm Crossover: Sailor Moon Flags: Drama,Alterverse,Quality Fair Created: 20-04-2001 After a hard battle with Happosai, Ranma wakes up at a campfire with Genma. Due to some unknown reason, he seems to have slipped 2 years into the past and he's about to arrive at Jusenkyo. This time he can make sure not to get cursed!. As well as fixing some other problems. The marriage with the Tendos is easily avoided, but the one that Nodoka has made with the Kinos isn't. Looks like Ranma is engaged to Makoto now... Incomplete 25pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: New Beginnings, Old Memories (prologue, 3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Savola/ranma-starwars.new-beginnings-old-memories Author: P Savola Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/psavola/ Crossover: Star Wars Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Quality Fair Updated: 17-05-2002 Created: 05-10-2001 A ship drifts in space, a hulk really, with a frozen form inside a stasis pod within it. It is rescued by the Destroyer Rumiko of the Imperial forces and within the pod is found a short red-headed girl... When Ranma finally awakes she is held within a prison cell within the ship. Where is she?, and where can she get a hot bath! Something odd has happened though, 3 inch thick steel doors shouldn't shatter with one kick! Something has made her far more powerful than she used to be... Incomplete 70pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: New Challenges: All that we have known File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kaiphantom Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/kaiphantom2000/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, Drama, Adventure, Quality Good Created: 29-03-2002 Ranma and Akane only just survived the latest battle. If something isn't done about the engagement now, it will be annulled. Both of them know that they love each other, but can they bring themselves to admit it too each other before it's too late? It is also time to sort out the other relationships, and while Ukyo isn't too hard, Shampoo is harder. She holds the key to restoring Kenji's memories but Akane must fight Shampoo for Ranma... Prequel: New Challenges: Winds Calling Sequel: New Challenges: Trouble with a capital A Complete 164pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: New Challenges: Bonds and Connections File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kaiphantom Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/kaiphantom2000/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Nabiki+Tatewaki, Ryoga+Akari, Konatsu+Orig Flags: Continuation, Drama, Adventure, Quality Good Created: 05-05-2002 It's time for another wedding. Hopefully this time Ranma and Akane will be wed successfully. This isn't the end of theirs and others troubles, Kenji is still out there, possessed and captive. Zhao Len is bent on revenge and the Dark Shogun's plans move closer to fruition. Miyo is still having those visions of the past too... Prequel: New Challenges: Trials Sequel: New Challenges: The Phoenix and the Dragon Incomplete 172pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: New Challenges: Minor Disturbances File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kaiphantom Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/kaiphantom2000/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Nabiki+Tatewaki, Ryoga+Akari Flags: Continuation, Drama, Adventure, Quality Good Created: 19-04-2002 The Amazons have been dealt with, but life is rarely quiet for the Nerima crew. For instance a disagreement over a repayment between Nabiki and Kenji is hotting up into a major feud with each trying to get revenge on the other for the last trick. Meanwhile Ryoga's parents turn up with a new fiancee for him! Much to Akari's displeasure. And there's always new people turning up... Prequel: New Challenges: Trouble with a capital A Sequel: New Challenges: Trials Complete 162pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: New Challenges: The Phoenix and the Dragon (2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kaiphantom Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/kaiphantom2000/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Nabiki+Tatewaki, Ryoga+Akari, Konatsu+Orig Flags: Continuation, Drama, Adventure, Quality Good Created: 29-03-2002 What is the meaning of the Phoenix and Dragon taps that Ranma and co found at Jusendo. Why those two? Herb has a problem. The Mage clans have been driven from their Tibetan strongholds and are refugeeing with the Musk. This isn't so bad, there is plenty of room, but powerful enemies of them are tracking them. Meanwhile in Nerima, it's finally time to see if Ranma has really surpassed Genma. If he has, he may even be ready for the challenge ahead. Prequel: New Challenges: Bonds and Connections Incomplete 30pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: New Challenges: Transitions File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kaiphantom Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/kaiphantom2000/ Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 07-03-2002 Ukyo sits in her restaurant and drinks sake. She's lost in depression, and has been since that day. The day when she lost her chance at Ranma by bombing his wedding. Should she commit suicide? But a few things that Akane said to her suggest another way forward... Sequel: New Challenges: Winds of Change Complete 31pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: New Challenges: Trials File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kaiphantom Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/kaiphantom2000/ Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Nabiki+Tatewaki, Ryoga+Akari Flags: Continuation, Drama, Adventure, Quality Good Created: 03-05-2002 The quiet interlude is over and trouble is brewing again. Akane has been targeted as an extreme danger by a shadowy group, and Ukyo has been summoned to her father. The Joketsuzoku are returning. Meanswhile, Shampoo and Mousse are attacked by a dark organisation bent on death and destruction. And in the past all this has happened before. Prequel: New Challenges: Minor Disturbances Sequel: New Challenges: Bonds and Connections Complete 209pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: New Challenges: Trouble with a capital A File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kaiphantom Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/kaiphantom2000/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Nabiki+Tatewaki Flags: Continuation, Drama, Adventure, Quality Good Created: 09-04-2002 With the demon defeated it's time for things to get back to normal a bit maybe, but when a strange old man appears and splashes Ranma, he tells of a curse that the Saotome line lives under. One gained when fighting a great evil, and one that persists to this day. Time to talk to Genma to find out what this is all about. And who is this old man anyway? Prequel: New Challenges: All that we have known Sequel: New Challenges: Minor Disturbances Complete 137pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: New Challenges: Winds Calling File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kaiphantom Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/kaiphantom2000/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, Drama, Adventure, Quality Good Created: 28-03-2002 Someone is kidnapping people. People with the power to do magic. Is this the return of the Elemental Wizard sects? Ukyo is still in her coma, but she's dreaming. Strange dreams that feel real, and tempt her to stay in her ideal world in her mind. Kenji is off looking for his house and his life, when first he meets up with Ryoga, and later with a pair of ninjas who have a very special connection to him... Prequel: New Challenges: Winds of Change Sequel: New Challenges: All that we have known Complete 136pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: New Challenges: Winds of Change File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kaiphantom Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/kaiphantom2000/ Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Continuation, Drama, Adventure, Quality Good Created: 20-03-2002 In a lonely farmhouse a boy awakens. His house is on fire, all his family are dead and it looks like he is soon to follow. A man dressed in a blue robe saves him though, and sends him somewhere safe, to keep him safe from another master mage, the Fire Lord. As it happens, the boy was sent to the Tendo Dojo, without most of his memories. This is Kenji. What happened to him? Who is the Fire Lord? and why is he after him? Prequel: New Challenges: Transitions Sequel: New Challenges: Winds Calling Complete 149pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: New Fanfic Drinking Game 2.0 File: ranma.new-fanfic-drinking-game-2.0 Author: Sean Gaffney (gaffney@iconn.net) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~sean/index.html How to get drunk while reading Ranma fanfics Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: New Horizons File: ranma.new-horizons Author: Robert Adam Morrison (alpha_cent@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://members.attcanada.ca/~alphac/frames.htm Created: 08-09-2000 Ranma and Akane would like the madness to stop and the world to let them be together in peace. But it's not going to happen in Nerima. Time to look for new horizons. Can they stop their old troubles from following them? Incomplete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: New Life File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Shaggy/ranma.new-life Author: Shaggy Flags: Divergence, Drama, Quality Poor Created: 27-06-2001 Ranma is stuck as a child. While fighting Ryoga, all the mushrooms that could have restored him to his proper age have been destroyed. Well, except for one that Ryoga got. And venting at Akane was a bad idea too as Akane hospitalises the much weaker Ranma. In his dreams though, Ranma meets a lady. A dragon that drowned in a pool 2900 years ago as a girl after being cursed. And when Ranma agrees to help the lady, she changes him... Incomplete 14pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: New Life [White Fox] File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: White Fox 612 OFFNET Id: 1766995 Crossover: Sailor Moon Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Poor Created: 19-03-2004 Ranma is sent flying again one day and winds up in Juuban. Here he meets a mysterious green-haired lady called Setsuna. She seems to know something. On Ranma's return he decides that it's time to leave. He'll need Nabiki's help, which she'll give as long as she can come with him... Incomplete 25pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: newRanma (20 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNet ID: 611320 Author: C.Jones (guilty@furinkan.net) Awards: TASS Mini Series;2002 Mar 1st Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane, Nabiki+Orig Flags: Drama, Continuation, Lemon, Quality Good Updated: 08-02-2002 Created: 04-06-2001 A failed attempt to get out of eating Akane's cooking results in a fight in the kitchen. Unfortunately Ranma slips while dodging and falls badly, hitting his head against the table, knocking himself out momentarily. He does wake up though fast enough and seems OK, if with a headache. Later on though the headache gets worse, eventually resulting in him passing out again and thinking he's a girl when he comes to! Fortunately, Kuno didn't get too far before even he realised something was wrong. Turns out that the fall aggravated an old injury that created a bloodclot in the brain. And that clot is causing pressure on the brain, which results in Ranma having an impaired sexual awareness. Well, the clot can be removed, but when Ranma finally gets a chance to mature in sexual matters, he's bound to change... Complete 455pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: New Thoughts *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.new.thoughts Author: James Stone(stoner@elycion.geology.ualberta.ca) Part 5 of a lemon series P-chan is heading home for a night with Akane. However when he gets there he's in for a shock. Akane masturbating on the bed! Poor P-Chan, now he's going to have to achieve a bit of release himself. Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: New Viruses based on Ranma 1/2 File: Not stored on the Ranma Archives Author: Lawrence Chu (lawrence@sandwich.net) Webpage: http://pomi.sandwich.net/fanfics Flags: Spamfic Created: 21-03-2001 Definitions of viruses based on the Ranma 1/2 characters Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Next File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: John-Martin Lotz Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/jmlotz/index.htm Created: 26-01-2001 Someone waits in line for a new role, and offers some advice. Complete 1pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Next door Neighbors File: ranma.next-door-neighbors Author: Josh Ritter Samuel Hatcher, a fugitive from America, running from his family moves into the house next to the Tendo Dojo, under the name Kosumai Hotaru. He's a genius and very good at martial arts. He's also Jusenkyo cursed with a partial spider form. Other refugees from America turn up, chased by assassins. Incomplete 20pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nibun-no-Ichi (10 parts) *lemon* File: Lemon/Nibun-No-Ichi/* (10 files) Author: Caroline Ann Seawright (kunoichi@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~kunoichi/kunoichi/fanfics.html Awards: TASS Awards; 1995 Annual 15th (University- tie), 1996 Annual 15th (part 6 part 7- tie) Updated: 19-02-2004 Continuation series. Soun and Genma have decided (along with Nodoka) that enough is enough, and the wedding date for Ranma and Akane is set. Nabiki helps with the distraction of the rivals. Afterwards, that night, Ranma and Akane discover that they really do love each other. Later events. University, a child and lots more. Incomplete 331pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nibun No Senshi Sailormoon File: ranma.sm.nibun-no-senshi Author: The Eternal Lost Lurker (lurkerdrome@megami.net) Crossover: Sailor Moon Awards: TASS Continuing Series; 1998 Feb 2nd (part 6) Rakhal Likes: 1 The Sailor Senshi are fighting a large ugly monster when things go horribly wrong. They are beaten, and Sailor Moon is critically injured. The monster goes on a rampage. Ranma and Ryoga head off to see if they can deal with the critter. On the way there, Ranma finds a strange brooch, and during the fight, the ghostly apparition of Princess Serenity appears to Ranma. She's out of action for a while, and she asks Ranma to be a stand-in Sailor Moon until she recovers... Incomplete 54pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Night Alone File: ranma.night-alone Author: David Myers Genma and Ranma are returning from a 3 week training trip. Ranma is not best pleased to discover that the main reason for this was to try to teach Ranma some manners. He's even more worried when on arrival home, everyone goes out and leaves him alone to face Akane's cooking... Complete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nightmare File: ranma.xover.nightmare Author: Kachie Webpage: http://kachiekodachi.tripod.com/index.html Awards: TASS One Shots;2000 Jun 3rd Created: 12-01-2001 The Angels were attacking. And it's up to Ranma to fight them in his EVA, Akane's is too damaged. That's bad enough, but these are no ordinary angels, they're Fiancees! Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nightmare Neko File: ranma.nightmare-neko Author: Majin Z (majinz@aol.com) Someone has a grudge with Ranma and sends a cat demon to terrorise him. Unfortunately the cat meets Kasumi first, who loves cute little kittens. Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nightshadow File: ranma.nightshadow Author: Shannon M. Richmeyer (windlily@aol.com) Awards: TASS Awards; 1995 Annual 9th (tie) Rakhal Likes: 2 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Dark, Quality Good David is a vampire, and he's visiting Japan when he spots a beautiful red-headed girl. Immediately he takes her and feeds on her, but not too much, she's strong and he'll feed on her many times. Ranma wakes up later feeling strangely weak... Complete 71pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ninja Ways (5 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jingoro OFFNET Id: 1112417 Crossover: Naruto Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 07-08-2003 Ranma is running from some girls when all of a sudden he collapses in pain! Half of his soul is being ripped away to save another. That other person is in another world. Called Naruto, Ranma's soul is fused with his, while Naruto's body changes to match Ranma's. Initially Ranma is asleep, but eventually he wakes up, to Naruto's startlement. What changes will Ranma make, with is fighting prowess and knowledge? And what of Ranma. How will he fare in this new world? Incomplete 62pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: No Control *lemon* File: Overwritten in the Ranma Archives (accidentally?) Local File: Krause/ranma-lemon.no-control Author: Kurt Krause (ranmasolo1@aol.com) Ranma wakes up to find herself in girl form, chained and wearing just a leather bra and panties! It gets worse when another Ranma comes into the room and rapes her. What's going on? Complete 22pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nocturne (6 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Aondehafka Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/aondehafka/index.htm Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Ukyo Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 16-07-2004 Created: 23-11-2002 Ranma gets an unexpected bit of good news from Nabiki. Kodachi has been committed. That's one less problem. Unfortunately Kaori, the Martial Arts Takeout girl is back, and this time she seems more determined. Add to that a break up with Ukyo and the addition of another superpowered Martial Artist girl to the race, and Ranma has more stress than he'd like. How is he going to get out of this mess? Complete 685pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: No Cure for the Untruthful File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Breezbox Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/usako94344 OFFNET Id: 877718 Updated: 14-11-2002 Created: 07-08-2002 Ranma and Akane are arguing again when a strange man arrives. This is Hirumu Hiroshi, and Akane knows him. He used to train at the Tendo Dojo apparently, and to Ranma's mind they are acting too close for comfort. He's got to get out, and he eats at the Nekohanten. Bad idea, since Shampoo put a truth potion in his food. Now he can't lie at all... Complete 37pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nodoka's Daughter File: ranma.nodokas-daughter Author: James Lee (jlee100441@aol.com) Webpage: http://jlee.anifics.com/index.htm Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Divergence, Drama, Quality Good Updated: 23-08-2002 Ranma is out in the rain one day when he spots a woman about to be hit by a car. Quickly running, she pushes the woman out of the way, but as a result is hit herself, and is badly injured. The woman is Nodoka, who at this time Ranma has never met. Unfortunately the accident has left Ranma with amnesia. Complete 59pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: No Dominion File: ranma.no-dominion Author: Nicholas Leifker(nightelf@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~nightelf/fanfic/index.html Awards: TASS One Shots;2002 May 1st Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 28-06-2002 Akane looks at the plain black dress she wore to say goodbye to Ranma and remembers their life together, from the first time she met a redhaired girl, to their last moments together... Complete 29pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nokomo High File: ranma.nokomo-high Author: Lou Barnes (parella@middletown.ny.frontiercomm.net) Yumoa and Ono have wandered the world learning many styles of martial arts with their father. Now it's time for school. Rather incomprehensible Incomplete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: No More Miss Nice Girl File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Compman44 OFFNET Id: 1763243 Flags: Spamfic, Dark,Quality Good Created: 09-03-2004 Akane has been getting more violent, and one day that violence exacts a high price... Incomplete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: No more wandering File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: June "KaraOhki" Geraci (karaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 03-05-2002 Ryoga is happy. He thinks back on the day past... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Non-Canonical Matchups File: ranma.non-canonical-matchups Author: Ross TenEyck (teneyck@u.washington.edu) A resolve the relationships story with an unusual set of pairings. Starting with Kasumi finding P-Chan one day and deciding to give him a nice warm bath. Complete 27pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: No Need for 30 Ranmas File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Lara Bartram (lara@thekeep.org) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~lara Created: 22-02-2001 Ranma falls in the spring of drowned twins! Then Genma boots both of them back in again, and again and again. When all's said and done, there's about 30 of them. Choosing names for that lot is going to be a pain... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: No Need for a New Start (prologue, 6 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 196556 Author: Bean Bandit Crossover: Tenchi Muyo Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Washuu Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 07-03-2002 Ranma is in trouble. Things have got much worse after the failed wedding and he's actually had to fight Ukyo and Shampoo for real. He's been getting along worse with Akane as well, and things have generally been going to hell. Only Nabiki is being at all nice. It's time for a new start, and Nodoka is going to make sure he has it. Ranma is off to stay with his mothers father, one Katsuhito Masaki, at a shrine in the mountains... Incomplete 125pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: No Need for Ranma [Ginrai] File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Ginrai [alternate email: ukyou@anifics.com] Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/ginrai/index.htm Note: Rewrite of Ammadeau's fic of the same name. Crossover: Tenchi Muyo Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 16-11-2001 Katsuhito Masaki had two daughters, Nodoka and Achika. But whereas Achika was his favourite, Nodoka tended to be ignored, and as a result she drifts away, eventually meeting a boy called Genma. Unfortunately Katushito knows of Genma and his master and hates his guts, which could cause a problem. In due course, Tenchi and Ranma, cousins, are born. As life goes on, and tragedy and joy strike the families, the cousins remain close... Incomplete 54pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: None of the Above File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFML File: FFML-4/2001-01/17244 Author: Ginrai [alternate email: ukyou@anifics.com] Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/ginrai/index.htm Matchup: Ranma+Mystery Created: 12-01-2001 Ranma has got something to tell his fiancees. He's in love with someone else! Disbelieving, the fiancees run through the possible people it could be, listing each choice with reasons why Ranma might have chosen them... Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: None of the Above [Saotome Ranchan] File: ranma.none-of-the-above Author: Saotome Ranchan Webpage: http://www.allaboutranma.com/fanfics/ Awards: TASS One Shots;2001 Aug 3rd Flags: Spamfic Created: 21-09-2001 Ranma and Akane are visiting an attorney to consider their options. Charges of assault have been filed against her... Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Non-reality 1/2 File: ranma.non-reality-one-half Author: Tom Geraci (pikaohki@snet.net) Webpage: http://karaohki.anifics.com/ McGwire (a baseball player) hits his 62nd home run out of the field and straight into P-Chans mouth Complete 1pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Normal File: ranma.normal Author: Roy Rim (rrrgeen@tendo-dojo.ranma.net) Saicho is a normal boy who is more than slightly in awe of Ranma's skills and physical prowess. Slowly he starts to try an emulate his hero, working out e.t.c Incomplete 7pp (probably never to be completed --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Normal Day File: ranma.normal-day Author: Ryoucilo (bogue@oak.negia.net) A typical normal day in the Tendo Dojo. Starting off with Mousse turning up and offering to take Ranma away from all this. And then there's Nabiki and P-Chan and... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Not a Clue (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 2585704 Author: Ozzallos Webpage: http://www.dreamops.com/Fiction/omr.htm Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 14-11-2005 A fight in the Tendo house gets out of control. The usual suspects are there but this time, a wildly thrown bandana smashes through the kitchen door and injures Kasumi! However when Ranma goes to check on the injured girl he gets quite a shock. Seems that Kasumi isn't your normal girl... Incomplete 22pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Not a Dirty Word (7 parts) File: ranma.not-a-dirty-word Author: Michael Fetter Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/jehtek/ Awards: TASS Mini Series;2002 Apr 2nd,2002 Jun 2nd Created: 31-05-2002 Jesus has got fed up with Michael's abuse of the Ranma-verse and has wiped him from existence in this universe. Which means that he's been shunted to another one. In this case, quite appropriately it's the Ranmaverse. He's going to take over one of the characters. But not Ranma like you might thing, it's Kasumi. And to make it worse, Kasumi's body is not going to let Michael behave in an inappropriate way. Well, better make the best of it... Incomplete 88pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Not Again (prologue, 5 chapters) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Vegetaslovergirl Webpage: http://users.animanga.com/vlg Matchup: Ranma+Ryoga Flags: WAFF, Drama, Divergence, Quality Fair Created: 24-01-2003 Ranma is having disturbing dreams about Ryoga. Ones where he fights an enraged Ryoga and while he is fighting he realises something quite disturbing. What ARE Ranma's feelings to Ryoga, what are Ryoga's to him? With the lost boy turning up one day, maybe they can find out... Incomplete 23pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Not Another Kidnap File: ranma.not-another-kidnap Author: Martin Bennett Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 15th (tie) A cloaked villain escapes from the Marvel universe, but falls into the Ranmaverse before managing to get out to invade the real world. Oh well, lets try to take over the Ranmaverse instead. Hmm, seems you have to kidnap Akane and beat Ranma to do that. Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Notes from Juillard (4 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Deborah Goldsmith , Webpage: http://homepage.mac.com/dgoldsmith/writing.html Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 02-06-2005 It's 5 years on and a 21 year old Ranko has been sent to study at Juillard in New York. This is a huge opportunity for her, but also a very scary one. Will she be able to cope being so far away from her friends and family? Will she be able to cope in this strange new world she's entered? Prequel: Equal Halves Incomplete 155pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nothing says File: ranma.nothing-says Author: Saotome-sama Akane's cooking again and everyone is scared. Ranma knows that he will have to eat it, but at least he's built up a resistance. Finally the hour comes, and the food appears. It looks horrible, but amazingly it tastes good! Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nothing Wrong with this Picture *lemon* File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kanomi Webpage: http://dhp.com/~yotsuya/kanomi/myfanfics.html Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Kasumi Flags: Lemon, WAFF, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 03-12-2001 Ranma and Kasumi are caught in flagrante delicto by Akane one night at the Tendo Dojo. Understandably she's shocked, but how did this come to be? Incomplete 36pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Not Interested File: ranma.mi.not-interested Author: David A. Tatum Webpage: http://davecon.anifics.com/ Crossover: Maison Ikokku Awards: TASS One Shots; 1998 Apr 2nd Things are not going well after the failed wedding for Ranma. Akane is barely talking to him. And then another fiancee turns up! One Akemi Roppongi. She thinks he's ugly. Complete 21pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: No Title File: ranma.no-title Author: Zenki (michael.h.chen@yale.edu) Webpage: http://pantheon.yale.edu/~mhc8/anime/ Nabiki starts to realise that maybe there's more to Ranma than she first thought. Indeed, after a while she realises that she loves him and regrets having palmed him off on Akane when he first arrived. Is there anything she can do? Incomplete 92pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Not Quite Love at First Sight File: ranma.not-quite-love-at-first-sight Author: Emily Siazon (mmefleiss@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Keep/3956/Ranma.html Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 08-09-2000 How did Akane realise she loved Ranma. In her own words, she describes the moment she did. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Not Quite What You Were Expecting File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Sinom Bre(sinom_bre@yahoo.com) Webpage: http://home.houston.rr.com/onnaranma/index.html Crossover: Tenchi Muyo Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Ryoko Flags: Drama,Continuation Created: 09-03-2001 Ryoko walks into a bar and immediately notices a man sitting in there. It's Ranma, and the two get to talking, finding shared pain and shared interests... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Not Ranma 1/2 *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.not-ranma-1-2.v1 Author: Andy Wennersten (mrnuke999@aol.com) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/DEddy/fanfic/andy_wenn/index.html A couple of strange people turn up at the Tendo Dojo, one of which is the spitting image of Ranma! Turns out that this is his sister Ranko, who got cursed by the Nannichuan. And that girl with her is Yoiko, Ryoga's sister. Ranko is a goddess in training as well. A goddess of love... Incomplete 109pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Not so Fatal Fury (5 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kelvin Lee (lynch@surfshop.net.ph) Webpage: http://go.to/LeeKing Crossover: Fatal Fury Created: 19-07-2000 Terry Bogard (from Fatal Fury) comes to Nerima to relax a bit after defeating Geese Howard. Just in time to save Nabiki from being squashed by a pile of girders. Nabiki is quite taken with him. Unfortunately he's been injured a bit in saving Nabiki, and challengers are not going to give him time to recover... Original Version: Ranma 1/2 and the Lone Wolf Incomplete 56pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Not what you were expecting (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 2575555 Author: Ozzallos w Webpage: http://www.dreamops.com/Fiction/omr.htm Crossover: Tenchi Muyo Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 14-11-2005 Being sent arcing over Nerima is getting to be old hat to Ranma. Always into water too. Returning home to more mallettings is a bit much too. Time to go to his special spot to think... Incomplete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: November Rain File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jadet Webpage: http://www.forefront-nw.com/brokenglass/ Note: Fic is in the Misc section Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, WAFF, Quality Good Created: 04-10-2002 Ranma and Akane are on the way home from a night at a play when, as often happens, Ranma sticks his foot in his mouth, hurting Akane and causing her to run off. Only then does Ranma realise what damage he's done. How will he find her on this rainy evening? How will he repair the damage that he's done? Complete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: November Rain [E2K] File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: E2K OFFNET Id: 714785 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Fair Created: 20-01-2003 Ranma and Genma have been training and have come home wet, as usual. It's a cold day though, and Ranma seems to have picked up something. He doesn't seem to be shaking it off fast either... Complete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nox et Solitudo File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Devil Dan (MartinD@inMail.sk) Webpage: http://devildan.szm.sk/fan.html Flags: Drama, Quality Good Created: 04-04-2003 In the moments after a battle is lost and before death, the loser marvels at the peace that is now his. Complete 1pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nuchezu No Senshi Ranma File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: St Suika Roberts Webpage: http://members.spinn.net/~sfr/stories/ Flags: Alterverse,Drama, Quality Good Created: 11-12-2001 In the battle with Shampoo for the grand prize in the village, Ranma wins, but ducks her head as Shampoo kisses her, thus making it a kiss on the. This means that Shampoo acknowledged her as one of her family. Some time later, Shampoo is showing Ranma a technique, and accidentally splashes Ranma with hot water. Ranma turns into a man? Shampoo can fix that, and she does too! Pity Ranma didn't really want to be a girl... Incomplete 22pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nullification File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: St Suika Roberts Webpage: http://members.spinn.net/~sfr/stories/ Matchup: Ranma+Kodachi Flags: Divergence, Quality Good Created: 11-12-2001 Ranma buys a potion from a Chinese peddler. Called a Nullifier, it might just cure his curse. Unfortunately it does so by splitting Ranma into uncursed male and female versions. Now she's stuck as a girl. More than that, apparently this version of the nullifier will kill the split halves if they don't have close attachments to people... Incomplete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nullifier 122 *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.nullifier Author: Webdragon Webpage: http://members.tripod.com/~WebDragon/index.html Ranma gets a bottle of strange liquid from Gosunkugi, labeled Nullifier, blend 122. Apparently it can cure curses. Well, it does in a way. In this case by splitting Ranma into separate (uncursed) male and female versions.. Incomplete 249pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nuranma File: ranma.nuranma Author: Chris Schumacher (kensu@madison.tdsnet.com) Awards: TASS Awards; 1996 Annual 13th (tie) A series of 'episodes' chronicling future episodes of Ranma. Gosunkugi hatches a plan to get Akane, Shampoo works on some love cookies, Nabiki turns over a new leaf, and the Tendo Dojo gets some new students. Complete 166pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nyanniichuan Very Tragic Story (9 parts) File: ranma.nyanniichuan.very-tragic-story Author: Chris Collins Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Island/4852 Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Updated: 01-09-2001 After a hard day where Akane got her revenge after a fight by siccing Kuno on Ranma, Ranma comes home dead tired and goes to bed. The last thing he wonders before he goes to sleep is why he had to be cursed with the girl curse. A marble hears and Ranma is sent 1500 years into the past. See Also: Hellcats Sequel: P.S. I Love You Complete 270pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===============================> O <================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Oath Sister File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Akuma-sama OFFNET Id: 1395385 Flags: Alterverse, Drama, Quality Good Created: 23-06-2003 6 years ago Genma arrived at the Tendo Dojo. He's lost Ranma when he ran away leaving Genma to fight a tiger (at least this is Genma's story). With no Ranma in the future, things turn out differently for the daughters, especially Akane who winds up engaged to Tatewaki. Now however, two purple haired girls have turned up in Nerima. One called Shampoo and one called Ranma... Incomplete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Obsession File: ranma.obsession Author: Jang Choe (Yinyang@altered.com) Mousse tries to give Shampoo a present, but she spits on it and throws it away. Ranma and Ryoga beat him in fights. It's time to get some serious training. Time to go on a journey. Complete 38pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Obsession-2 File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Dreiser (Dreiser1@ix.netcom.com) Webpage: http://www.dreiser.net Created: 19-07-2000 A battered duck falls to the street unable to go on. There's only one person that can save him now, and she never saved anyone. But this time she does. Why, and what does she want with him? Prev in Series: Shy Next in Series: Desire Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Obsessions (21 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Elidibus Webpage: www.freewebs.com/groupsixmanga OFFNET Id: 1699779 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 20-06-2004 Created: 05-02-2004 The failed wedding has passed and now Ranma and Akane are trying to understand what happened and how they feel. In particular Akane decides that it's time to treat it more as an official relationship. Not because she loves him of course! Revenge against the other fiancess, that must be it! Whatever the reason, it's not long before Ranma, and others, notice the new, nicer Akane... Incomplete 434pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Odd Outcome File: ranma.odd-outcome Author: Wade Tritschler Webpage: http://derekloffin.anifics.com/ Matchup: Akane+Shampoo Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Ranma goes off looking for another cure. Akane gets into a contest with Shampoo, who can give the other an orgasm first. The contest goes for several rounds, and evolves slowly into something else. Incomplete 71pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Of All the Things File: ranma.of-all-the-things Author: Kiwi Noriega Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9371/ It's Akane's birthday and Ranma doesn't seem to have got her a present. They go for a walk in the park when Ranma stops her for a bit. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Of Cats and Kittens File: ranma.amg.of-cats-and-kittens Author: Frank O Wustner(niteshade@mindspring.com) Webpage: http://frankwustner.myrmid.com/ranma.html Crossover: Oh My Goddess Ranma runs away from a cat, who turns out to be Bast (a demoness) She's the mistress of the Cat-Fist (NekoKen), and offers to teach it to Ranma. This is the true Nekoken, not that halfassed version Genma taught him... Complete 69pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Of Cats and Men File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kit'ari Webpage: http://jeruind.i8.com Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Dark, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 27-06-2003 Ranma is being plagued with memories of his past. When he met a young girl called Hiromi who changed the young Ranma with her pacifistic ways. In the present day though something has happened to make Ranma start to lose grip with reality, seeing Hiromi everywhere. And all this has to do with the Neko-ken, recently revealed... Complete 47pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Of Choices and Chances (3 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: GT Ranma-Chan OFFNET Id: 44849 Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 23-01-2003 Ranma is off on a training trip again. Ostensibly he's off to Jusenkyo to look for his cure, but he has a little side-detour planned. One that should last maybe 3 months and one which might let him find out about that other side of himself. So, after he leaves, he becomes a she, she changes her clothes, and as a young woman, Ranko sets out to find out about herself... Incomplete 35pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Of curses and odd hair colours (20 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Mordain Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/elizabeth_q1029/ OFFNET Id: 446189 Flags: Divergence, Drama, Quality Good Created: 19-03-2004 Ryouga has returned! Or has he? The battle cry and attack are familiar, but they come from a pink-haired girl! Seems that Ryouga has been back to Jusenkyo. A bit more than that though, he seems to be stuck that way... Incomplete 113pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Of Fatherhood File: ranma.of-fatherhood Author: Kahlil Noriega Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9371/ Ranma wakes up, or does he? He's 5 years in the future, married to Akane and playing with his son Ryu in a meadow. Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Offerings *lemon* File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Ranma's Girl Webpage: http://www.shigatsuc.com/ Note: This story is available at http://stfan.free.fr/ (archive site) Reviewer: Ginrai Reviewer Likes: -1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Lemon, Continuation, Quality Poor Created: 11-07-2003 Ranma found out that he's going to fail all his classes this year because he spent too much time away from school; and the only one who could fix this problem is Principal Kunou! Luckily, Shampoo, Akane, Ukyou, Ranma and Kodachi have their own, separate plans to convince him to help out -- each of which involves some free time with the Big Kahuna and a great deal of stamina on the part of the Principal. Complete 12pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Officer Saotome (5 parts) File: Not stored at the Ranma Archives Author: SgtRanma Webpage: http://sgtranma.anifics.com/ Crossover: Tenchi Muyo Awards: TASS Continuing Series;2001 Jul 3rd,2001 Aug 3rd,2001 Annual 9th, 2002 Feb 1st,2002 Mar 3rd Matchup: Ranma+Kiyone Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Updated: 22-02-2002 Created: 28-06-2001 It is several years on, and after studying hard at college, Ranma has gone to the US to become a cop. And he does become one, a very good one. He also has to become a killer as well, being a cop for the LAPD, especially the unit that he is in, it's an occupational hazard. Now comes a chance for him to return home, to a job that seems made for him and a big promotion. But it also means returning to Nerima and facing the people he knew there. That part of his life may be past, but new chances are always around the corner... Sidestory: Daily Report Incomplete 213pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Of Gods and Men File: ranma.lost-swords.of-gods-and-men Author: Brian (brian_kun@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Shrine/6648/ Crossover: Lost Swords Crossover with the Saberhagen Lost Swords series. 18 inhabitants of the Ranmaverse find themselves in the Swords world. One even gets a sword! Incomplete 15pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Of Myths and Legends (prologue, 2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Iceman19 OFFNET Id: 1747445 Crossover: Street Fighter Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Fair Created: 22-04-2004 Ryouga has returned after a year away. While he's been away Ranma's life has been good, but the lack of challenges this last year shows when he fights Ryoga again. Meanwhile dark forces are stirring. The Shadaloo are still out there... Incomplete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ogres Blood File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Edward Simons Webpage: http://www.concentric.net/~Easimons/index.htm Crossover: Ogre Slayer Rakhal Likes: 1 Flags: Dark, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 28-10-2001 Akane is having nightmares, of someone strangling her, while they are crying. Ranma is worried about her as well, she seems to be fighting in her sleep, but against who? There's this strange boy with a sword who looks like Kuno hanging around. Matters get worse when Akane comes home covered in blood. She was being chased by Kodachi when something happened. Something that reduced Kodachi to a torn and mutilated corpse... Complete 36pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Oh Brother File: ranma.oh-brother Author: Andrew (ampersand@my-dejanews.com) Created: 08-09-2000 Happosai turns up with a jockstrap at a card game with Ranma and the Tendo Sisters. But why was Akane wearing a jockstrap? Turns out that they were taken from a boy that looks very like Akane and can even manifest his own mallets... Incomplete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Oh My! *lemon* File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Jim Bader (Shadowmane@ridgenet.net) Webpage: http://home.hostultra.com/~AngCobraFics/jimbader.html Nabiki has just finished taking a few more risque pictures of Ranma in male and female form, taking advantage of an unconscious Ranma, courtesy of Akane. As she leaves, Kasumi goes in to check on Ranma. He's got wet trousers. Better get them off to be cleaned. And the boxer shorts. What's that springing to attention? Maybe it needs carefully cleaning. And attending to properly. Oh my... Complete 31pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Oh my...Ranma? File: ranma.amg.oh-my...ranma Author: Sining Webpage: http://welcome.to/Sining/ Crossover: Oh My Goddess Ranma is feeling a bit lonely one day, everyone's gone out. He phones Ucchans for a chat, but gets the Goddess Relief agency instead. Belldandy turns up and grants him a wish. After pouring out his lifestory to Belldandy's sympathetic ear, as usual, he says something he doesn't mean to. In this case 'I wish I had a fiancee like you...'. Needless to say Akane is NOT pleased... Incomplete 102pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Oh! My Goddess! Oh! My Demon! Oh! My Ranma! File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Dancing Imp Webpage: http://fubarfics.fubarinc.com/ Crossover: Oh My Goddess Matchup: Ranma+Peorth+Mara Flags: Spamfic, Quality Good Created: 01-02-2003 Genma is out training with Happosai when Happosai summons a real life demon! Mara to be precise and with a bit of double crossing he even gets her to grant him a wish! Meanwhile a lonely Nodoka recieves an unusual visitor of her own, and her own wish. Even Ranma has a run in with the supernatural. What effect is all this going to have? Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Oh No File: ranma.oh-no Author: Jack Staik (jstaik1043@earthlink.net) Webpage: http://home.earthlink.net/~jstaik1043/otaku.htm Rakhal Likes: 1 Created: 08-09-2000 At a typical mealtime in the Tendo Dojo, Dr Tofu arrives. He's got some rather startling news! Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Okonomiyaki Summer File: ranma.okonomiyaki-summer Author: Mike Rhea (michaelrhea@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://rei.animenetwork.com/ranchan/ Created: 08-09-2000 Ranma and Ukyo cook okonomiyaki by the seaside for the first time. People they know come up and talk to them and they discuss their lives, and the lives of those they knew. Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Older (prologue, 31 chapters) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: WFRose OFFNET Id: 1333210 Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Updated: 22-04-2004 Created: 19-12-2003 Nabiki is working at a debt consolidation firm when the call comes from her father to return home. Apparently he wants to say something. When she gets home, she finds out what too. He's engaged one of his daughters to his friends son, one Ranma. There's a problem though, Ranma is 16, whereas all the Tendo daughters are in their 30's... Complete 611pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Old Friends File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Angus MacSpon (macspon@ihug.co.nz) Webpage: http://shell.ihug.co.nz/~macspon/ Crossover: Mystery Flags: Spamfic Created: 22-03-2001 Kasumi wasn't always the Tendo homemaker. She has quite a surprising past... Complete 1pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Old Life, New Beginnings (2 parts, 1 interlude File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 2452119 Author: Senshi of Valis Crossover: Sailor Moon Flags: Drama, Divergence, Quality Good Created: 30-06-2005 Ranma has had enough at the Tendo Dojo. He's moving out to live with some friends he has met. Unfortunately these friends turned out to be less than true friends, when they drugged him, turned him into a girl and raped her. Wandering the streets after that, she is at a loss until a youma tries to drain her power... Incomplete 10pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Omake Theatre: A Bunnier Alternative File: ranma.xover.omake-theatre.a-bunnier-alternative Author: Gregg Sharp (kestral@mindspring.com) Crossover: Bugs Bunny Awards: TASS One Shots;2002 Jun 1st Flags: Comedy, Alterverse,Quality Good Created: 04-10-2002 Ranma is challenged to make a timeline of his own. Of course things don't quite go as planned... Now, what if Bugs Bunny HAD raised Ranma... Complete 35pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Omake Theatre: Ultimate Technique File: ranma.omake-theatre.ultimate-technique Author: Gregg Sharp (kestral@mindspring.com) Webpage: http://www.asynjor.com/fanfic/sharp.html Awards: TASS One Shots;2002 Apr 3rd Flags: Spamfic, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 31-05-2002 Genma looked long and hard for an ultimate technique for Ranma to learn. So what did he eventually find... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Omiai File: ranma.omiai Author: Jan Story Webpage: http://www.storyanime.com Created: 09-09-2000 At the funeral of Mrs Tendo, Souns oldest friend turns up with his young son. Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Omoide ga Ippai (6 parts) File: ranma.omoide-ga-ippai ranma.omoide-ga-ippai.drifting (extra copy of parts 5 and 6) Author: Nibun Yuri (nibunyuri@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://members.xoom.com/nibunyuri Awards: TASS Mini Series;2001 Aug 3rd Updated: 20-09-2001 Created: 09-09-2000 A fight between Ranma and Ryoga ends in tragedy when Ryoga accidentally hits Akane, knocking her out, and causing her to lose her memory. Ranma tries to help her to remember, while Ryoga gets involved with a moon girl. Incomplete 44pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Once in a Lifetime File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Bambi_Star9 Webpage: http://bambistar.anifics.com Crossover: Sailor Moon Matchup: Ranma+Usagi Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Poor Created: 09-08-2001 Usagi's parents are dead, and Mamoru has dumped her. But it turns out that Usagi is a Tendo really, and upon finding that out, Akane jumps at the chance to foist Ranma off on her. Can these two find something in common? Incomplete 23pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Once more from the Top (14 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Brian Drozd (Brian_Drozd@msn.com) Webpage: http://briandrozd.anifics.com/chouko.htm Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Created: 04-01-2002 It was to have been the happiest day of Ranma and Akane's life, their wedding. Instead it was their last, as an enraged Taro crashed the wedding and killed Nabiki, Akane and Ranma. But it isn't the end. All 3 of them wake up on that fateful day 2 years ago when Ranma first came to the Tendo Dojo. They've all got a chance to start again, can things be better this time around? Sidestory: A Fresh Start Incomplete 124pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Once More Into the Breach File: Ranma-Goes-To-War/ranma.goes-to-war.2 Author: J. Austin Wilde K.B.C.S (wildeman@gci-net.com) Webpage: http://www.gci-net.com/users/w/wildeman/ Ranma and Ryoga are back at base when missiles are fired at them. This is an unusual strike, and military intelligence experts think that maybe the North Koreans are winding up to throw a few nukes at Japan. Ranma and Ryoga are tapped to form part of a special strike team to neutralize this threat. Prequel: Ranma Goes to War Sequel: Chasing the Wind Complete 69pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Once Upon a Curse File: db.ranma.once-upon-a-curse RAAC File: Dragon-Ball/db.ranma.once-upon-a-curse Author: Dot Warner (dot_warner17@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://dotwarner.topcities.com/ Note: Stored in the Dragon-Ball directory in the R.A.A.C Archives Crossover: Dragon Ball Z Goku, Gohan, Trunks and Vegita are off to do some training at what is supposed to be the worlds greatest training ground. Doesn't look like much, just some pools with bamboo poles in them. Pity Goku can't read chinese. One fight later and we have a small boy, a dragon, a lion and a girl. Now how are they going to fight Cell! Complete 14pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: One Bad Day File: ranma.one-bad-day Author: Mike Noakes (noakes_m@hotmail.com) Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Subway/9701/ It's been a bad day for Ranma, and finally, during dinner with the visiting Nodoka, she finally flips, and leaves. Akane finds her under a bridge and they have a long talk. Sequel: A Good Day Complete 28pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: One Candle File: ranma.one-candle Author: Big Bore Ukyo is living in Seattle with Konatsu, when one day Konatsu gets into an accident and dies. A man in his mid twenties, carrying an umbrella visits her as she mourns. Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: One Day File: ranma.one-day Author: Nicholas Stone (bnstone@ix.netcom.com) Webpage: http://sites.netscape.net/nickolaswrite/homepage An ordinary day in Nerima. Tonight is Ranma and Akane's planning party, preparation for the wedding. Shampoo plans to challenge her. And then there's that pet that Mrs Ubono asked Kasumi to take care of. A cricket. As big as a bulldog. And what about that pignapping. Can Katsunishiki and her litter be saved? Complete 172pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: One Flew Over File: ranma.one-flew-over Author: Rhonda Schell 3 new amazons turn up in Nerima. Seems that they fancy Mousse something rotten and are determined to get him. How to wean him away from Shampoo though? Complete 21pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: One Hour File: ranma.one-hour Author: Megane 6.7 (megane67@rogers.com) Webpage: http://www.nabiki.com/mst/ Ranma sits on the roof at New Years Eve. Kasumi joins him, and they talk. This is also a part of 'Kasumi's Wish' Complete 9pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: One Hour, Lemon version *lemon* File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFML File: FFML-2/30000-39999/31000-31999/31744 Author: Megane 6.7 (megane67@rogers.com) Ranma sits on the roof at New Years Eve. Kasumi joins him, and they talk. Things get rather frisky after a bit. Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: One Last Breath File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Local File: Akane/ranma.one-last-breath Author: Akane Tendo Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, Dark, WAFF, Continuation, Quality Fair Created: 19-09-2003 Akane and Ranma are married, but still not getting on that well, until Kasumi intervenes, finally breaking the block and letting the two truly be married. But life is never easy for that couple, and the others who claim Ranma won't go away quietly... Complete 16pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: One Last Chance (19 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Rhuobhe26 OFFNET Id: 1071768 Matchup: Ranma+Akane Flags: Drama, WAFF, Quality Good Updated: 16-07-2004 Created: 07-02-2003 Ranma and Akane are dying. They've been fatally wounded in a fight with a demon, but they die in each others arms. This isn't the end though, it seems that for various reasons, they're going to get a second chance! They both wake up on the day that Ranma first arrived. Things are going to be better this time around... Incomplete 262pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: One Little Kiss File: Altered-Destiny/ranma.one-little-kiss.01 Author: Dreiser (Dreiser1@ix.netcom.com) Webpage: http://www.dreiser.net Matchup: Ranma+Shampoo Flags: Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 09-09-2000 When Ranma and Genma arrive at the Joketsuzoku village and Ranma fights Shampoo, the ending of the fight is a bit different from what we are used to. Shampoo gives Onna-Ranma the kiss of Marriage instead, and now she is accompanying the party. What will the Tendo's make of an already engaged Ranma, what will everyone else make of it? And of Shampoo Incomplete 39pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: One Mistake after Another (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFML File: FFML-R/2001-03/03-10-01-11-34 Author: Ginrai [alternate email: ukyou@anifics.com] Webpage: http://www.florestica.com/ginrai/index.htm Updated: 23-03-2001 Created: 27-12-2000 Ranma-chan is having a hard day and when Kuno decides that he's solved the mystery of why the pigtailed girl has never returned his affections, namely that they've never consummated their relationship, Ranma shouts that he'd rather have sex as a girl! Good thing no-one heard that, well except Akane and Ukyo, and they didn't see Kuno, or hear what he said. Well, now they know what Ranma wants, what to do now... Incomplete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: One Month File: ranma.one-month Author: Donny Cheng Webpage: http://members.shaw.ca/chengdo Awards: TASS One Shots;2001 Jun 1st Rakhal Likes: 2 Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 27-07-2001 Miss Hinako is really becoming a problem, she's bothering Ukyo, Shampoo and Akane. Shampoo thinks an arrow may be the solution, but if Ranma can just administer that shiatsu treatment 30 times, the problem will be solved! Unfortunately it seems that those pressure points have to be held a little longer every day... Complete 13pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: One Morning in Spring File: ranma.one-morning-in-spring Author: Andrew Carey Ranma's wife has died, and he thinks it's about time for him to join her. Their children are grown and can live without him now. He dresses, but when he goes to fetch his heirloom tanto, there is a note addressed to him on it Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: One Special Day File: ranma.one-special-day Author: Donny Cheng Webpage: http://members.shaw.ca/chengdo It's nearly Christmas and things are going OK for Ranma. At least that is until he collides with Nabiki and crushes a lot of presents that she's carrying. Uh oh, there's bound to be trouble. Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: One Starry Night File: ranma.one-starry-night Author: Martin Ranma sits outside watching the stars. Akane sits besides him. Ranma is struck by an almost overwhelming urge to kiss her. But dare he? Complete 7pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: One War, Three Sisters (9 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Adam Brown Webpage: http://members.shaw.ca/a.brown10/OneWarThreeSisters.html Crossover: Starcraft, X-Com Rakhal Likes: 1 Matchup: Ranma+Nabiki Created: 04-12-2000 The aliens attack one day, hordes of Zerg swarming down and laying waste to the world. In the initial attack, Akane is killed and Kasumi lost. 5 years later, Ranma and Nabiki are 'Ghosts' in the employ of X-Com, the organisation charged with protecting the rest of humanity. On Japan are three competing forces, X-Com, the Zerg, and the Protoss, more aliens that are bent on killing Zerg and Human alike. And on one day. Ranma and Nabiki are sent on a mission to help destroy a Zerg base. What happens that day, and who they meet, will have profound effects on them and everyone. Reading order: 1-8, Voice of the Phoenix, 9 Sidestory: Voice of the Phoenix Incomplete 98pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: One Winter Night File: ranma.one-winter-night Author: Yapyiupi Created: 10-09-2000 One new year, Mousse finally decides that it's time for him to make a new life for himself. In a final talk with Shampoo, she realises too late what he is going to do. Three years later, Shampoo walks the streets of Nerima, looking at the people around her and wondering where Mousse went. Complete 5pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: One Word Vocabulary File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFML File: FFML-4/2000-09/14415 Author: Stormy (stormwalker628@usa.net) Crossover: Sailor Moon Flags: Spamfic Created: 06-04-2001 Ranma has died. By falling off Tokyo Tower. But he doesn't get to go to his eternal rest, the horse spirit that appeared when he died has another fate in store for him. Involving the Senshi... Complete 2pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: On Her Own (6 1/2 parts) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Kevin D. Hammel (khammel@pacbell.net) Webpage: http://www.anime.sobhrach.com/~khammel/ Created: 27-11-2000 After being cursed at Jusenkyo, Ranma was captured by the Musk. Eventually she escaped to the Joketsuzoku, but not before being splashed by the Chiisuiton and locked in girl form. Now she must try to rebuild her life and in time recover and go back home, a long journey fraught with danger. She must also travel another long and hard path, at the end of which is a new Ranma who is a woman. Incomplete 80pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Onion Tears File: ranma.onion-tears Author: Ukyou Kuonji (ukyoukwnji@aol.com) Webpage: http://hometown.aol.com/ukyoukwnji/index.htm A delivery of really strong onions from China is made to the Ucchans. A new ingredient for the okonomiyaki. And it really tastes good too! It's odd though, everyone that eats one starts crying. And when Nabiki eats one she suddenly sees Ukyo's point of view on things. Complete 71pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Only a Moment File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Tabyk Webpage: http://www.tabyk.net Crossover: Hack/Sign Flags: Drama, Quality Good Created: 20-09-2002 A girl sneaks into a her room to take a brief break. Firing up her computer she's swiftly into another world... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Only Half a Wish File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Tailkinker [Timothy Groves] Webpage: http://tailkinker.contrabandent.com/ Crossover: Oh My Goddess Flags: Comedy, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 10-03-2003 Ranma is to be granted a wish! Well normally he wouldn't have got one but it seems that there is to be some cross-duty training and although not really worthy of a wish normally he IS the most worthy candidate in Nerima. So he gets a full wish! Kasumi and Soun as runners up get not quite so powerful wishes, and there are a number of other people in Nerima that are scheduled to get some pretty half-baked wishes, delivered by some quite inexperienced wish-givers... Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Only Two Thousand Yen *lemon* File: Lemon/ranma.lemon.two.thousand Author: Kristin Laura Huntsman (ranmafan@cats.ucsc.edu) Awards: TASS Awards; 1995 Annual 15th (tie) It's the end of a hot day and Ranma-chan can't even face the thought of the hot water needed to turn back into a guy. She lies down on her futon and cools herself off with a wet rag. Then she starts playing with herself. Until she hears the door close and realises that Akane is in the room with her. Eep! Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Only You (1 part) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: SgtRanma Webpage: http://sgtranma.anifics.com/ Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 08-05-2002 In a bar in Okayama, Mihoshi sits, getting slowly drunk. Her partner, Kiyone, is critically ill, and is for all intents and purposes dead. This was the result of a run in with a smuggler in Earth Orbit, and Mihoshi could have prevented it, if she'd not frozen at the wrong moment. All she can think of is Kiyone now and she sinks further and further into despair. Incomplete 23pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Only You (Tsunami-Saotome) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives FFNET Id: 2270225 Author: Tsunami-Saotome Matchup: Ranma+Kasumi Flags: Continuation, Drama, Quality Good Created: 30-06-2005 Ranma talks to his mother one evening. Ranma has found a little message from Mrs Tendo about the things you need for love. Trust, Friendship and Hope. Unfortunately none of his fiancees past that test. There is one that does though, but she will never abandon her family and her sisters to have a relationship with Ranma... Incomplete 99pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Onnabe File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Mark Doherty (mdoherty@uq.net.au) Webpage: http://www.thetop.net/mdoherty/ranma/ranma.html Created: 11-10-2000 After the marriage of Ranma and Akane (which Ukyo only found out about after the event, by spotting the ring on Ranma's hand), Ukyo's life goes to hell. A series of bad happenings, some her fault, some not, ends up when Ukyo gives up Okonomiyaki, to become an Onnabe, a woman who pretends to be a man and acts as a up-class 'male' prostitute. The shy customers take the most work... Complete 11pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Onna Ken File: ranma.onna-ken Author: Anand Rao , Ed Becerra Genma tried to do something about Ranma's fear of women. It involves wrapping him up in items and tossing him into a room filled with 100 husband crazed women... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Onna Red Side (Onna) (23 parts in 4 acts, 1 sidestory) File: Onna-Red-Side/* (5 files) Author: The Eternal Lost Lurker (lurkerdrome@megami.net) Ranma's having dreams of a strange girl being raped by someone who looks very like himself. The next day he starts zoning out and casting fire magic! Seems as if the soul of the girl who drowned in the Nyannichuan is in him and that soul is that of Shidou Hikaru, the Fire Knight of the Magic Knights of Cephiro. Incomplete 206pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Onslaught of the Red Haze (6 parts) File: ranma.onslaught-of-the-red-haze (parts 1,5,6) ranma.happousais-revenge (part 2) ranma.ranma-vs-tsubasa (part 3) ranma.her-heart-be-false (part 4) Author: Carolyn Brickhouse Webpage: http://www.anime.usacomputers.net/~dragon/hosted.html#haze (archive) Ranma is having problems with 'that time of the month'. More than the usual, it seems that now, during that time, she develops an enormously powerful ki attack called the 'Red Haze'. Of course it only works when she's being molested... Complete 84pp (parts 1,5,6) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: On That Winters Day File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Prospero Hibiki Webpage: http://prospero.anifics.com Crossover: Gold Diggers Flags: Drama, Continuation, Quality Good Created: 18-04-2003 Ranma is lost in Siberia and slowly succumbing to hypothermia. Before he collapses altogether he makes a snow hole to hide in. Pity he didn't make it very well and the ceiling collapsed! When he wakes up, he's somewhere else. Somewhere hot and in a forest with many dead trees in. Where on earth is he, and how did he get here... Incomplete 83pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: On the Edge File: ranma.on-the-edge Author: Rod M (rpm39788@bayou.uh.edu) Webpage: http://www.thekeep.org/~rpm/fanfic/fics.htm Ryoga stands on the edge of the roof of Furinkan High, looking down. Ukyo spots him, races up there and tries to talk him down. Complete 6pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: On the Laundry Porch File: ranma.on-the-laundry-porch Author: CBear Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/4978/myfanfics.htm Ranma and Akane are up on the roof, Genma and Soun want to go up there to make sure something happens. Nabiki wants to go up there to take a few photographs. Kasumi has been studying the Katana with Nodoka and is making sure that no-one actually makes it to the roof... Main Story: Starlight Complete 8pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: On Wings of Black (prologue, 9 chapters) File: Not stored in the Ranma Archives Author: Redaeth OFFNET Id: 545218 Flags: Drama, Alterverse, Quality Good Created: 22-06-2004 Akane was 14 and being trained as the heir to the dojo when she starts getting excruciating pains in her back. The pains come faster and faster until all of a sudden she sprouts wings! She's turned into a demon and Soun immediately drives her out of the house. 2 years later, Ranma arrives and a chance meeting brings him into contact with Akane. Quickly a friendship blossoms, but can a mortal really be friends with a demon. And can it ever be accepted... Incomplete 119pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: On Your Knees File: ranma.on-your-knees Author: Orrin "Mordaxy" Smith Created: 10-09-2000 Ranma is trapped in a cage by a demented author who has been possessed by an evil alter ego. Things don't look good for poor old Ranma, even with the rest of the Nerima crew mounting a rescue. After all, the evil author is writing the fic, so how are they going to beat him! Complete 18pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: OOC File: ranma.ooc Author: Lucres Annuiteas Created: 10-09-2000 After one mallet hit too many, Ranma has had enough, he's going to dump Akane and marry one of the others! Unfortunately Kasumi has got something to say about this, and she's acting rather oddly... Complete 3pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Operation: Nabiki File: ranma.operation.nabiki Author: Christopher "God-boy" Angel (c_j_angel@hotmail) Soun and Genma are getting desperate. Desperate enough for them to hire Nabiki to sort out the fiancee problems. Which she does in her inimitable (and rather ruthless) way. Complete 4pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Orange File: Colors/ranma.orange Author: Joseph Palmer (jpalmer@josephpalmer.com) Webpage: http://www.josephpalmer.com Ranma gets his clothes soaked while shopping, and they're taking some time to dry. He'll have to stay at the Tendo dojo for a night. Ranma and Akane watch horror films late at night and get close. Prequel: Red Sequel: Black Complete 14pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ordinary File: ranma.ordinary Author: Donny Cheng Webpage: http://members.shaw.ca/chengdo Yuka has dreams about being with Ranma, but never thought they'd amount to anything until the day when she was assigned to be with him in a class activity. Some misunderstandings there ended with them becoming friends. And later at a party where they both got drunk something more happened. Complete 39pp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Origins F